Heritage (40 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Walton

BOOK: Heritage
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“No! Come on!” I exclaimed, slapping his face. He didn’t open his eyes. I knew he was dead, but I didn’t want to believe it. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I closed my eyes and placed both hands on Dwayne’s head. With a flash of white light, his body disappeared. Leaving a blood splattered stain on the gravelled floor.

My knees buckled as I struggled to stand. Someone had just died protecting me. The feeling of guilt washed over me as I walked back towards the house. The sound of footsteps behind me made me tense up and freeze. Turning around abruptly I saw a gang of demons heading my way.

“That’s a lot of demons.” My voice sounded mute
as I slowly stepped away from the ten demons that were walking my way. They hissed and laughed as they sped walk closer towards me. Spinning around, I stopped in my tracks as over ten more demons were stalking up behind me.

“Ok this isn’t good,” I sighed.  Throwing a fire ball at one demon in front of me, he burned to the ground. Alarmed at my sudden outburst, the rest of them began to run at me.

“SHIT!” I yelled. Jumping up in the air and kneeling on ones shoulder, I broke her neck and threw her body towards the rest.

Where an earth are the other three guards, that are meant to be protecting me from this kind of thing. I need some help.

“LEO!” I screamed, throwing a bolt of light at two demons, who were attempting to grab me from my front.

So that’s three down and seventeen to go. That’s just grand. How can I fight all of these demons on my own.


Three demons grabbed hold of my shoulders, as I threw a fireball in the direction of another. The tight grips on my shoulders made me crumble to the ground. As the pressure made my knees buckle.

“Elle? Elle? Where are you?” Poppy called. I saw her face freeze as she saw me on the ground.

“Poppy,” I whispered. Seeing a demon run towards her, my heart raced. No one was going to hurt my best friend. Using all my energy, I kicked the face of one demons knocking him to the ground. Breaking the neck of another between my feet, I jumped up from the ground. Throwing a light beam at the other two demons that were surrounding me, I orbed behind Poppy. She stood frozen as a dark haired demon held out his arms to grab her. Touching her shoulders, I orbed her into the back garden where Leo was standing.

“Did you not hear me shouting!” I yelled at him as Poppy stood frozen beside me, unable to move let alone talk.

“No, what’s happened!” He exclaimed looking from Poppy to me.  Not having time to answer him, the remaining demons came crashing over the fence in the back garden. At this point,  I am so glad Beth had closed the curtains when I left.  Whistling with his fingers, Leo called for two more soldiers. Orbing in beside us, they looked tougher and stronger than any of these demons.

“Adabelle Take your friend inside,” Leo commanded.

“And miss this? No way,” I exclaimed. He glanced at me disapprovingly, and I knew what he was thinking, was right. Taking a look at Poppy, she stood petrified as demons began crowd around us.

“Your right, but I can’t take her back in there,” I whispered.

“Take her home. She will be save there,” He replied in a hushed tone, so that no one else would hear him. Nodding at him I grabbed Poppy and orbed as the others began to fight.


Letting go of Poppy, we landed in the middle of Emeralds kitchen. She stumbled and knocked some plates off the side. The noise confused her more, as she stood like a deer in headlights.

“Poppy,” I whispered, stepping towards her. She stepped back, away from me, bashing into more pots.

“Is she ok?” Emerald asked as she stood still behind me.

“I don’t know. How do humans usually react to being in a demon fight scene?” I asked, watching Poppy’s face as she took in her surroundings.

“Now dear take a seat,” Emerald pleaded. I’m not sure if she was more worried about Poppy, or the number of plates she was breaking.

“Stay away from me!” She yelled as she ran out of room to back into.

“Poppy. I’m sorry, you weren’t supposed to walk out and see that. Please calm down. I’m still Elle your best friend since you were thirteen. Please sit down, I’ll explain everything. I promise,” I smiled at her reassuringly.

She seemed to calm down and ponder on what I had said, before taking the seat at the table in front of her.

“Can someone please explain where I am and what is going on?” She exclaimed breathing unevenly.

“I will. I promise. I just need to sort something out first. Just sit here with Emerald for just a few minutes and I’ll be back,” I smiled, she nodded at me unsure what she was supposed to say.  Emerald began bustling around the small room, putting on the kettle.

Smiling reassuringly at Poppy again, I turned and ran out of the kitchen and down the corridor, past my grandfathers head statue and up the stairs to my father’s office.  Storming into his office, he looked at me as I raced to his desk.

“Dwayne has been killed. There were twenty demons.  I killed a few but Leo, and I think Marco and Mitchell are still there.” I exclaimed crashing into his desk.  Coming out behind it, he gave me a gentle squeeze on the shoulder, making me wince.  Pulling the corner of my dress over my shoulder, I saw the dark blue finger prints left by one demon.  I winced further as my father inspected it with his hand. Reaching for the phone on his desk, he yelled down the line for someone to go back to the Bales house, to see what was going on.

He listened for a while before hanging up and turning back to me.

“Leo is fine, and they received Dwayne’s body,” He frowned before carrying on.

“Marco and Mitchell are staying near the Bales. To keep an eye on them,” He finished and checked my other shoulder. It too was imprinted with fingerprints.

“Its fine dad,” I muttered pulling up the dress back over my shoulders. Looking worried, he circled me. Inspecting if he could see any damage to my face, he didn’t.

“I said I’m fine, but we have a problem...”

“What kind of problem?”

“Poppy walked out and saw it all. She’s downstairs with Emerald,” I muttered.  The realisation hit me as I said it out loud. My best friend, my human best friend, was sat downstairs in Emeralds small kitchen.  Waiting for me to get back and tell her what the hell was going on.

“Ah,” He sighed.

“Yes Ah. So what do I do? This has never happened to me before...”

“I suppose you could erase it from her memory? But is that what you want?” He asked analysing me with his eyes.

“I don’t...Well.” What kind of question was that. Sure it would be ten times easier for her to know about me but then again. What if she didn’t want to know me anymore. It was a lot for a human to take in and especially as we are really close. What if she feels betrayed. Well that’s a lot of negativity for one thought train to go through.

“Well, go down stairs and explain it to her and then see how you feel, ok.” 

“Fine” I sighed. Kissing me on the forehead, he led me towards the door.

“Wait, where did you get this?” He asked picking up my mother pendant. That hung below the heart pendant he gave me, on my neck.

“I found it,” I lied taking it from his hands. “I’ll speak to you soon,” I smiled. Escaping from the office and shutting the door abruptly behind me. That was defiantly a close one, I really shouldn’t wear this around my father. If he found out I had been in my mother’s room. I’m pretty sure he would freak. I didn’t need to give him more reason to be disappointed in me.


“Hey Poppy. Feeling any better?” I asked, walking back into the kitchen to see Poppy looking like her normal self again.

“I suppose but you have some explaining to do because I’m so very confused,” She sighed, taking a sip from the mug she was warming her hands on.

“Yeah I guess I do owe you an explanation,” I sighed, taking a seat on the table to face her properly. Bowing towards me, Emerald walked out of the kitchen. To leave me to explain my life in a nutshell to a human.

“Elle what you doing back?” Alex asked entering the kitchen. She stopped in shock, as she saw Poppy sitting in front of me.

“Am I missing something?” She asked.

“Crazy demon attack one man died. Poppy walked out, now she’s here,” I babbled, pointing to a seat for her to take.  Having Alex for support may make what I’m about to do, a little bit easier.

“O.K!” She mumbled, sitting down next to me. So how am I going to start this. Should I tiptoe around the facts or just dive right it.


Glancing at Poppy I took in a deep breath and exhaled loudly. I have no idea what I’m going to say, this is hard.

“So yeah, Ok...Well...Man this is hard.”

“What Elle is trying to say is. That she’s a witch and an angel and well sort of a demon... Ok yeah this is hard,” Alex interrupted me, which she regretted when she couldn’t finish her sentence. Sighing I turned back to a confused looking Poppy.

“You’re a what now?” She asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

“I’m an angel and witch. You don’t need to know the confusing demon part. My father. My real father is a king. King of all good magic actually, making me a princess...”

“Right and I’m a fricking mermaid. Either you’re joking or you’re completely insane, and I’m sincerely hoping it’s the first one,” she exclaimed, standing up from her seat and flailing her arms around.

“I’m serious. Look watch,” I sighed.  Holding out my palm, I created a ball of light in my hand and threw it into the air. It floated slowly towards Poppy as she stared in awe. Springing into life, it turned into a dancing ballerina and danced lightly in the air.

“Ok that’s amazing,” She whispered, as the dancing ballerina floated down and danced along the table in front of her.

“That’s child’s play compared to what Elle can do,” Alex boasted. 

Closing my hand, the ballerina turned back into a ball of light and slowly disappeared.

“Hannah Montana eat your heart out ...So let me get this right you’re a what now?”

“Angel and witch,” I replied.

“Who were those guys with the black clothing fetish?” She asked.

“They were demons and the buff guys I was talking to, they are angels, solider angels.”

“Right,” She replied.  Pursing her lips together, she crinkled her forehead. She was making the face that she pulled when she was thinking really hard. I knew that look well. Glancing at Alex, she shrugged at me as I looked to her for answers. Tapping my fingers impatiently, I stared intently at her for answers.


“Ok please say something!” I exclaimed, as the silence was becoming unbearable.

“Well I suppose I always thought there was something not right with you. Well not, not right but you know what I mean.” She babbled sitting back down slowly.

“So is Chris an angel? Or witch or whatever,” She asked.

“Chris? Oh Logan, no he’s a demon and by the way not my cousin,” I mumbled biting my lip. The thought of Logan just made my stomach flip. I had ignored him for over three weeks and tried my hardest not to think about him. Just saying his name, made me want to reply to the texts he had been sending me.

“Oh he’s a demon? I’m confused, why do you see him so often,” She asked. She was seriously asking all the right questions. Fresh eyes on this whole situation saw the stupidity of it all.

“Yeah it’s kind of a Romeo and Juliet type of thing. You will get used to the confusing situation.” Alex chuckled, taking a muffin from the middle of the table and tearing out the blueberries.

“What?”  Exclaimed Poppy, following Alex’s lead and chewing on a muffin.

“Yeah, well let’s just say they are both totally into each other, but as he’s the prince of evil...”

“The prince? Evil? Shit!” Poppy interrupted Alex. She stared attentively at Alex, like she was telling a detailed love story. Oh my days this was completely unreal. Poppy and Alex talking about me and Logan and the fact that he’s a demon. I will wake up in a minute, and this will be a completely random dream.

“Yeah so they shouldn’t like each other, but they do...”

“I knew you weren’t family. You looked at each other differently to what family members do. It’s more intense.” Poppy interrupted Alex again, smiling at me with her matter of fact look.

“I don’t think you guys understand the fact that he’s a demon, and he kills people,” I mumbled.

“That didn’t stop you sleeping with him.”

“ALEX!” I yelled, hitting her over the head.

“You slept with him!” Poppy gasped, her mouth so wide open, she could catch flies.

“Wow. This conversation is officially ending now. Come on Poppy, I should get you home.”

“I don’t think so. I have just found out my best friend is a magical being, and she is in love with a guy she shouldn’t be. This is so much better than watching the soaps,” she babbled with a huge grin on her face.

“Poppy my life isn’t all fun and games. It doesn’t run off a script. It's real life and people get hurt. I watched an angel die in my arms less than twenty minutes ago. I’m in deep shit here. My life is in danger,that’s what brought those demons to the Bales house tonight. They were looking for me, and now they know who you are.  They can hurt you, Poppy...They could kill you. Not looking much like as soap now ay,” I sighed.  I didn’t want to scare her, but I didn’t want her to be naive about the situation either. Her life wasn’t exactly in danger as none of the demons had a chance to get away, but that wasn’t the point.  My life was an abysmal mess, and I don’t think she should be involved in this side of it. Maybe I should erase her memory.

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