![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 29. Alvin M. Josephy, Jr., 500 Nations: An Illustrated History of North American Indians (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994), p. 50.
![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 30. Teresa Julian and Patrick C. McKenry, "Relationship of Testosterone to Men's Family Functioning at Mid-Life: A Research Note," Aggressive Behavior , Vol. 15 (1989), pp. 281289.
![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 31. Stacy J. Rogers, "The Nexus of Job Satisfaction, Marital Satisfaction and Individual Well-Being: Does Marriage Order Matter?" Research in the Sociology of Work , Vol. 5 (1999), pp. 141167.
![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 32. Alan Booth and James M. Dabbs, Jr., "Testosterone and Men's Marriages," Social Forces , Vol. 72 (1993), pp. 463477.
![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 33. Roland J. Erwin, Ruben C. Gur, Raquel E.Gur, Brett Skolnick, Maureen Mawhinney-Hee, and Joseph Smailis, "Facial Emotion Discrimination: I. Task Construction and Behavioral Findings in Normal Subjects," Psychiatry Research , Vol. 42 (1992), pp. 231240.
![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 34. David M. Buss, The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating (New York: Basic Books, 1994).
![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 35. Cynthia Gimbel and Alan Booth, "Who Fought in Vietnam?" Social Forces , Vol. 74 (1996), pp. 11371157.
![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 36. Barbara Kantrowitz and Pat Wingert, "The Science of a Good Marriage," Newsweek , 19 April 1999, p. 54.
![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 37. David M. Buss, "The Strategies of Human Mating," American Scientist , Vol. 82 (1994), pp. 238249.
![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 38. Shakespeare, Othello , Act I, Scene iii.
![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 39. David D. Gilmore, Manhood in the Making (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990), pp 138139.
![](/files/03/73/87/f037387/public/a174427bdf448e53ce20e149b0ddeee1.gif) | 40. David Attenborough, The Life of Birds (Princeton: Princeton University, 1998). See also The Life of Birds [video], narr. David Attenborough (Washington, D.C.: Public Broadcasting System).