Hers (8 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Hers
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Clicking his door locks he opened the door for Sammy
and shut it once she was in. He then walked around to his own side, got in and
started the car and drove in the direction to Sammy’s house.

After a couple of minutes’ silence he sighed.
“You’re my mate. I want you more than I’ve wanted anything in my life. I look
forward to spending time with you, and I’m enjoying working on our bond and
getting to know each other. But I can’t walk on eggshells around you all the
time. It’s no way to live.”

He stopped at a traffic light and grabbed her hand
and brought it to his mouth and kissed her knuckles before letting it go and
taking off at the green light. “I’m not Greg. I would never hurt you in a
physical way. I love to say I would never do anything that would hurt you
because as much as I’d like to say that, I won’t. I don’t know what stupid
thing that could come out of my mouth and offend you, or I can’t guarantee I
won’t embarrass you, or something that I think is right might upset you. I
think differently from you. If you don’t tell me what I do wrong I can’t fix anything
or explain.”

Slater growled because he felt like he was saying it
all wrong. Scrubbing his hand over his face he turned towards Sammy’s street.
“Look, what I’m trying to say is that Brock and I will make mistakes. I’m sure
you’ll make mistakes. I can’t never be angry again and never yell. Sometimes I
need to let off steam. I should be more mindful of what you went through and
that. Crap! I’m stuffing this up. What I’m trying to say is you have to have
faith in me, in Brock, in us and not give up on us over everything. I’m in it,
I mean Brock and I are in it, for the forever kind of relationship.”

Sammy sat quiet in the seat for the last bit of the
drive. When he parked out the front of her house she turned to him. “You’re
right. I really am sorry for overreacting over your yelling when you tried to
teach me to drive and running from you earlier at work. I don’t want you to
feel you have to walk on eggshells around me. I’ve lived through a relationship
like that and don’t want to put anyone else through it. I said I would give
this relationship a real try. I want a loving forever like what Susie and Sandy
have. I deserve that. If you’re willing to talk and communicate then I’m
willing to really try. After Sandy’s wedding we’ll go out together on real
nighttime dates, to the movies and out to restaurants. No running when
something I don’t like happens. I want to get back to being more the old me,
the one before Greg. I know I will never be all the old me because I’ve learned
and grown up and what happened has affected everything I do, but I need to move

Slater stared at Sammy, proud of her. He hadn’t
wanted everything she’d just said. All he’d really wanted was a commitment that
she would give them a proper chance and stop running at anything that didn’t go
her way.

“Thank you. I don’t need all that at once or ever.
I’m happy with just you. Not the old you but
the you
that you want to be.” He leaned over and brushed his lips over hers. “Go get
some sleep. I’ll see you at the wedding tomorrow.”

He watched her as she opened her car door and walked
up to her front door and got inside. Slater sat in the car hoping that this
would all work because after tonight his bear was totally in love with her. He
didn’t even have to ask Brock to know that he was already falling for her. The
way he talked about her this week had confirmed it.
He knew when Sammy gave him the chance to get
to know her, he would fall, too.



The park was packed full of people sitting and
standing as they watched the strange ceremony. Sandy looked gorgeous in a white
flowing gown. Her large bouquet hid her enormous baby belly. Susie stood beside
Sammy. Jane stood on Sammy’s other side, and Gwen stood next to Jane.

Poor Susie looked massive. She’d waddled down the
aisle on Sandy’s brother
. Susie looked like all you had to
do was touch her and one of her babies would pop out. Brian and Blake sat in
the front row on the edge of their seats like they were ready to catch Susie if
she fell or run to her if she started to go into labor, which could happen.

The celebrant now sat at a table with the marriage
certificate. Jake was to become her husband in the eyes of most humans and the
government, and Zack was to be Sandy’s secret husband, the one of the heart.

Sandy hadn’t really been keen on the whole wedding
thing until her father had found out she was pregnant and he’d wanted her
married. Sammy remembered that night because she’d been called around to help
drink as Sandy couldn’t. Sandy had moaned and groaned about what she would do,
and she had no idea how it would be done without hurting one of her men’s
Zack had come in and
interrupted their girls’ night by saying he would be the husband of the heart.
Plus he said it would be fun to piss his mother off. Sammy had thought Zack was
a bit nasty to do stuff like that to his mother, but after meeting Adele and
watching her now as she sat rigid in her seat looking like a child who didn’t
get her way as Sandy signed her name next to Jake’s, Sammy didn’t feel bad for
her at all.

The music started, and everyone stood as Sandy got
up with the help of Zack and Jake. The celebrant announced everything done, and
the bride, grooms, and bridal party would go off for photos now, and the
reception hall would be open and they could all start making their way over to
the venue now.

John came and took her hand, and they followed Susie
as she waddled after the bride. When they were in the cars Susie turned to her.
“I really wish Sandy had organized this wedding earlier. I know I must look
like a whale.”

“You look like a woman who is pregnant with twins.”

Sammy waited for a smart-aleck remark from Sandy’s
brothers, but they seemed distracted. Now she thought about it they’d been quiet
the whole day. She looked at Susie to see she was staring at Phillip and John.

What’s wrong, guys
? You’ve
been quiet all day. You upset your sister married two guys?”

Philip shook his head. “No. We couldn’t care less
about Sandy marrying two men. If they’re willing to put up with her and keep
her safe I take my hat off to them.”

“Personally I don’t think two men are enough to
control our sister,” John added from beside her.

Sammy smiled because this was more like the brothers
she knew, always ready with a smart-aleck response but filled with love for
their sister.

“So why are you two so quiet?” Susie asked.

John turned a light shade of pink. “Gwen. Philip and
I have this uncontrollable urge to pick her up and take her away and show her
that we can share real well.”

Sammy groaned, and Susie joined her.
“Gross, way too much information.
I don’t need to have those
images in my head. You and Philip are like the closest thing I have to

Seeing their discomfort, Sammy cut them a break.
“You two are the reason I’m willing to date again. I know not all guys are
. So what can I do to help?”

Philip sighed. “I don’t know. Gwen is engaged, and
we know we’re her mates. Her family won’t approve. John and I don’t know how it
would work anyway. We’re not shifters.”

Sammy narrowed her mouth as they both knew that had
nothing to do with it.

John held up his hand. “Before either of you open
your big mouths hear us out. Philip and I have talked about it. We don’t know
if we could share for the rest of our lives. We have done a night or two with
different women here or there, but a relationship is totally different.”

Philip smiled at Susie and winked at her. “We’re not
shifter men, so as much as we know about shifters and that a mating is forever
and that love the ultimate love, we don’t know if we can believe that. Today is
the fourth time we’ve seen Gwen, and our attraction grows every time. The first
time she saw us she was terrified and ran. The second she told us what she was
to us and that nothing would be done. The third time, she kissed us, and well
John and I haven’t been with a woman since. Seeing her today has put us on
edge. We need to do something. We can’t live like this.”

Susie hugged Philip, and Sammy hugged John. “I will
help you in whatever way you need.” John’s arms came around her.

“Thanks, Sammy. The same goes for you.”

Photos had been taken, and Sammy watched in wonder
at the tension in Philip and John as they stood close or touched Gwen. Sammy
could see Gwen’s eyes flash bear anytime one of the men touched her.

They were all now at the reception. Sammy knew Slater
and Brock were already unhappy that she’d been partnered with John and hadn’t
had a chance to be alone with them. Sammy hadn’t been to their table as they
were seated with Brock’s parents and Slater’s.
Sammy had avoided meeting Slater’s parents after the disastrous
introduction to Adele.

Sammy could feel eyes on her as she ate dessert.
Speeches had just finished, and she’d been grateful Susie was happy to do the
speech. Sammy turned to the table Brock’s and Slater’s families sat at to see
everyone staring at the bridal table. She noticed a brown haired man narrow his
eyes on Gwen, then look to Philip and John.

Sandy stood and started going from table to table
talking to her guests.

“Something’s going on,” John said beside her.

Philip came over to them and pulled her up. “Do you
know why we were getting death stares? I also noticed you were getting some
nasty ones, too.”

Brock came over and snarled at Philip. “You don’t
need to hold her hand now.”

Phillip dropped his hand, and Sammy turned a glare
at Brock.
“Hello to you, too.
There is no need to talk
like that.”

Slater came up beside Brock. “Brock’s a bit on edge.
His mother is on his case driving him and everyone nuts.”

Sammy felt bad for snapping at him and took both
their hands. The DJ cleared his throat and tapped on the

“Attention, ladies and gentlemen, the bride and
grooms would like to do their first dances. Fist the bride will dance with
Zack, then Jake. Her father will cut in, then her brother. If we could then
have the bridesmaids with their partners, and then everyone may dance.”

Sandy took to the dance floor, and a slow waltz came
on. She danced with Zack for half a song before Jake stepped in. Jake danced
and was tapped on the shoulder by Sandy’s father. Philip smiled and joined the
dance taking over from his father.

John winked at her. “See you on the dance floor. I
better cut in before Philip embarrasses himself.”

Susie moaned beside her now. Sandy could see she was
leaning heavily on Blake. “My feet hurt. I don’t want to dance.” She looked to
Brian. “You better come save poor Philip after a second of dancing. I can
barely hold myself up, and Philip has been pretty much holding me up all day.
For him to hold me while dancing is just cruel.”

Brian leaned down and brushed his lips over Susie’s,
and rubbed her belly. “I’ll carry you the rest of the night if you like.”

Susie deflated. “Sounds like heaven. Come on, Blake.
Let’s get this dance over and done with.”

Sammy smiled at the love between Susie and her men
as she let go of Brock’s and Slater’s hands and walked to the dance floor to
have her dance with John.

When the song had almost finished with John, Brock
pushed himself in front of her and pulled her close. “Have I told you how
exquisite you look?” Brock’s fingers stroked up and down her back.

“No, you haven’t. Thank you. You don’t look so bad
yourself.” Sammy reached up and rubbed her hand over his stubble. “One of these
days I want to see you clean shaven and not in black.”

Brock leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “You’d
have to be real good to see that.”

Sammy grinned up at Brock and wrapped her hands
around his neck.
“Something for me to look forward to.”

Brock nodded and held her close for the rest of the
song. Slater took his spot when the song ended.

“What do you think of the wedding?”

“It’s better than I thought it would be. It’s
interesting to see how it worked out. I love seeing how happy Sandy is. Susie
is happy, too, even if she’s ready to pop. She’s boasting that she’s the best
matchmaker out there. That Sandy should be in her debt always for giving her
two awesome men.”

Slater chuckled. “I’ll have to go thank Susie.”

“Oh please don’t. Her head is already huge from this

Arguing to the side of Sammy had her turning her
head to see Gwen and Mr. Brown Hair. He grabbed Gwen’s hand and walked to the

Sammy looked around to see Philip and John going
after him. Moving herself out of Slater’s hold she grimaced up at him for a
moment unsure if she should give chase or not.

“I have to go help. Make sure no one leaves the
venue through the front until I have it sorted.” Not waiting for Slater’s
response she ran after Philip and John as they went to Gwen, who was arguing
with a tall, buff brown-haired man.

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