Hers to Choose (Cannon Cousins) (20 page)

BOOK: Hers to Choose (Cannon Cousins)
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For an eternity, he
focused his attention entirely on her crotch. His fingers slid back and forth
through her wetness, grasping the quivering nub and stroking it nearly to
orgasm, then sliding back inside her and forcing her body into a slow pulsing
response. His mouth pulled at the nub, sucking and nibbling. His tongue drove
against the slick folds while his hands pulled her apart even wider.

Her hips moved in
response. He fucked her with two fingers while his tongue stroked her clit,
dragging and licking until it burned like a coal. He drove his tongue between
her legs, sliding inside and probing with insistent force until she writhed and
cried. His wet finger traced her crack, dragging some of her flooding moisture
to lubricate his tickling penetration of her anus. His fingertip played with
the tight opening, pressing in and out in shallow probes while his tongue dove
into her cleft then lapped at her clit, alternating between them.

Sweat flashed over her
body as her orgasm began to burn and throb. His mouth captured her clit,
sucking the pulsing nub while his fingers drove up her cunt and his other
finger pushed deeper into her ass. 
She screamed, fresh
pyres of heat igniting in her belly and ass.

god, Alex, oh

He stroked gently,
continuing to lick and suck as she shook through waves of intense pleasure.

Slowly, her pulse slowed.
In moments, she felt his hands releasing her ties and turning her, pulling her
up so he crouched behind her hips, her legs bent and spread as his cock nudged
for entry.

“I want you to get
enough,” he groaned. His cock raged into her wetness, driving through her
swollen folds.

He towered behind her,
his thighs pressed against her buttocks where his hands kneaded the soft
mounds. He grabbed her waist, anchoring her so that his thrusts prodded deep
into her belly. He leaned over her, his cock still pumping through her squishy
vagina as his hands came around to torment her engorged clit.

Each manipulation of her
clit forced a shuddering contraction throughout her belly until her convulsive
response matched each fiery slamming smash of his loins. They struggled
together, crying out, climbing and agonizing until she had hit a plateau of
constant burning chaos, her hair flying as she lifted her torso to rest on all
fours so she could drive herself backwards to meet him.

His thickness grew,
filling her, spreading her hips. His knotted testicles crammed against her
clitoris. His heat rose, burned her already scorched center as semen began


Groans wrenched from his
chest as fire exploded into her. He pulled her ass against him as he wriggled
side to side, spreading his seed into her hungry center. 

After a few moments with
his body poised over her, he slowly withdrew. He eased down beside her, his
forehead resting on her shoulder as he nuzzled her neck and fingered her
tangled hair.  After a few moments, he dragged covers over them.

Aftershocks radiated
across her belly bringing quiet little spasms over her body. His skin emitted
heat against her fingertips. For a long time, their breath was the only sound
in the room.

“That was…amazing,” he
said in a raspy voice, looking at her intently. “I don’t know what to think.”

“I can’t think. My brain
is gone.”

They chuckled quietly. He
squeezed her into a tight hug.

“Bryn…I hope you don’t
have regrets.”

“No,” she mused, nestling
more closely into his warm arms. “Are you kidding?”

He kissed her then
trailed his lips down the side of her face and neck.

“You know, we didn’t come
here expecting, well, that anything like this...” He cleared his throat. “Our
intention was to hunt, let me put it that way. And there was another agenda,
this thing about submitting to Dan. It seems that changed into something else,

Was he trying to explain
all this away? “I never intended...”

“Yes, yes, I know, that’s
not what I’m saying.” He turned facing her, sliding his knee against her thigh
and his hand over her belly. “The point is
there’s no
going back to how it started.”


“I don’t want you to feel
Or regretful.
I hope you know how amazing you’ve
been—with everything.”

“No…” Where was he taking
this? If he didn’t really want her, maybe had just been trying to do what he thought
she wanted, trying to thank her somehow...she couldn’t let that thought fully

“Listen,” he said,
leaning up on his elbow and stroking her bottom lip with his thumb, “I have to
know that you understand how important this has been, how much you’ve done for
us, how much that means. Do you?”

Her forehead suddenly
burned. She didn’t want to think right now. She wanted to curl up in Alex’s
strong arms and drift off to sleep, maybe wake up in a few hours to see him
still beside her, make sure this wasn’t a dream.

“Yes, I think so.”

“Dan will be here in the
morning.” He paused, looking out the dark window into the night. “If that’s
what you want.”

Her eyes flew open at the
chorus of emotion in his voice. It seemed his thoughts ran farther than what he
was saying. Maybe he was struggling with what she had asked of him. No matter
what, she couldn’t tell him that her fantasy of two men at once came second
after what she had started feeling for him. She could hardly acknowledge that
idea herself.

“Yes, well, I... the
...about both of you…” She flushed. “I know it
seems...well, it was too much to ask.”

“No, listen, I think the
script got thrown out a long time ago.” His jaw pulsed and he glanced away.
“Hell, I don’t see how we’re in any position to make judgments about you.”

He sat up and went to the
bathroom, then pulled on his clothes and boots. Her body’s connection to him,
unlike anything she had ever known, stretched and frayed as he moved away. She
wanted to beg him to stay.

She grabbed her robe and
followed him to the door. He paused at the threshold before leaning back to
kiss her. Cold air swept his scent into her nostrils. Heat blazed over her. She
could have had him again in an instant. He pulled back with a wondering
expression, curled his delicious lips into a half smile, and said goodnight
before pacing off into the dark.


Alex stumbled down the rough track in
some kind of shock. He admitted it. He would have had her again, fucked her all
left her bed. She filled him like an
invading sickness, taking over his life. Everything he had done, pouring
himself into her pleasure, into every possible way of satisfying her, had
accomplished exactly nothing.

She still wanted Dan.

That knowledge crushed
him to his very bones. He nearly howled in pain.

High above, the black sky
sparkled with stars. The cold air hurt now, sucking out the heat her body had
brought him, so different from before when he had hope, when his energy waited
to spring and his passion hadn’t been drained away. He didn’t want to tell Dan
that she expected him in the morning.

Dan had always been
dominant, the rightful son of the household where Alex ended up when his own
parents died. For a long time, the memories of their death hurt too much. But
then, time passed, and the eight years of life with his own mom and dad became
overshadowed by the increasing number of years with Dan’s. And their fathers
were brothers, carrying many of the same looks and behaviors, so that sometimes
when Alex tried to remember his own dad, his mind would slide over to the man
he now called father.

He had never felt
anything more than thankful that he had Dan’s
family, that
he had the two-years-older Dan to grow up with like a brother. They did
everything together—camping, fishing, hunting, swimming in rivers, all the
outdoor things Dan’s father wanted his son to know. Alex had been brought into
the business, equal shares with Dan. He knew they loved him, and he loved them.
He never felt like anything but part of their family.

But Dan always went
drove first, accomplished and
excelled and attracted females. Mostly it never bothered him. Cathleen had
bothered him, but that was old stuff.
A decade and more, and
lots of water under the bridge.
But this, whatever it was about Bryn
that seized him from the inside and tore at him like a claw, this was fresh.

Maybe she didn’t care any
more about Dan than she did him. Maybe her strange taste for kinky stuff set an
impossible barrier against anything more, any other real kind of enjoyment.
Maybe she wanted it that way.

There was so much more he
wanted to know about her, he could spend days asking questions and watching her
mouth move with the answers. Maybe some of it would actually penetrate his
brain, if he could get past the sheer joy of looking at her. She had seemed
happy with his lovemaking, orgasmic three times that he knew for sure, and yet…

He shook his head,
refusing the brush of tears that suddenly scorched his eyelids. This was a lost
cause. The sooner he faced that fact, the better off he would be.

Chapter 13


Bryn stood at the bathroom mirror
dabbing mascara on her eyelashes. An array of discarded clothes littered the
bedroom. She wore a long black silk dress with a neckline that slashed to her waist,
but that could change in a moment. Several other outfits littered the bed. Her
second cup of coffee had gone cold on the bureau, she realized as she rushed to
her jewelry box for the dangling black earrings.

What she was doing made
absolutely no sense. She had no reason to dress up for Dan and initially had no
intention of doing so. She didn’t really want him. She had made coffee and
munched her granola wearing only her pajamas and robe and for a while thought
she would stay that way and turn him away at the door. Or, if she dared, ask
for Alex again.

But then after a while,
when the terror of what she was feeling for Alex kept stabbing her, she decided
she wanted to be dressed up. It would be another chapter of the game they’d
been playing, make her a different person, someone savvy enough to match Dan’s
Someone who didn’t have emotion about sex, who
could fuck one man at night and a different man the next morning.
Someone who could manage her life and come out on top.

The more she thought
about it, the more she wanted to break things. A nasty little voice in her head
kept spitting out things she didn’t want to hear. Alex had finally been in her
bed, finally made love to her, took her over the cliff. Only he didn’t fall
with her. He simply did as she asked, a favor given for a favor asked. He was
too nice not to be that considerate.

Everything she had hoped
for—and more—had been delivered in glorious detail. His smooth shoulder where
his muscles bunched, the line of his neck where his hair curled slightly behind
his ear, every inch of his body had become clearly and permanently etched in
her memory. And not just how he looked. His mouth on her, his tongue sliding
past her lips and stroking her, his hands finding all her secrets and coaxing her
body limp—how could she live past this?  And—Jesus Christ—his cock, more
incredible than she had guessed from her brief contact that day in the shower,
more than what she had enjoyed orally, its veined length thick and long, and
most shockingly, its instinctive attention to every nuance of her need, finding
places inside her she hardly knew existed, places he could tempt and torture
until she dissolved in ecstasy.

Everything she had hoped
for—except him. He had pleased himself, she knew.
comfort that what she so desperately needed had at least provided a moment of
satiety for him.
She kept trying to remember all he had said,
afterwards, about how the agenda changed, as if she had changed it. How he
worried she might feel used, like he carried around some kind of guilt from
setting her up with Dan in the first place. She felt confused and depressed and
what he said was one hundred percent right—she had let things go far beyond
what was planned, beyond anything she had ever imagined. Yes, she felt hurt,
she felt used, and if anyone could be blamed, that person was staring at her in
the mirror.

He had tried to warn her
that day when they loaded wood, worrying she might be hurt, when she hit back
at his keen observance. She had been vulnerable as hell.
year alone.
A shattering breakup from a man and marriage she had thought
would last forever. A desperate financial situation she might never climb out
of, a point where she could literally lose every last thing in the world. Into
that situation she had willfully and stupidly inserted two men who rode
straight out of her fantasies and swept her off into never-never land. If it
wasn’t so pathetic, so excruciating, she might laugh about it.

She looked at her upswept
hair and dark lipstick and the bias neckline that allowed no brassiere. This
hardly fit her mood, but then, maybe it fit her reality. Slutty, desperate, out
of place—this was, after all, a rundown farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. A
random morning visit by the postman or a neighbor would embarrass her for the
rest of her life.
If Thompson caught her like this…

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