He's No Angel (Heaven Can Wait Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: He's No Angel (Heaven Can Wait Book 1)
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“Figured I would since this one seems to be going okay.” He leaned forward and lightly entwined their fingers. “And just so you know, ‘okay’ is code for ‘best first date of my life.’”

“Well, I can’t deny that this is going much better than my last first date.”

“Oh? What happened?”

“He was a herpetologist-- ”

“What’s that? Someone who studies herpes?”

She laughed. “Actually, that would have been preferable. A herpetologist studies reptiles and amphibians. He kept glancing pointedly at his crotch and making sly references to his ‘big snake.’ I ended the date before the appetizers arrived.”

“Can’t blame you. That would have put me off my feed. And gives me hope since we’re up to dessert and you’re still here.”

“You bribed me with chocolate molten cake.”

“Note to self: the librarian can be bought with cake.”

“Hey, not just

“Correction. The librarian can be bought with chocolate molten cake. So where’d you meet the herpes guy?”

“He was a guest lecturer at the library in New York.”

“No wonder you moved.”

They both laughed and Liam experienced a sensation that felt like a direct wallop to the heart. The waiter arrived with their dessert, forcing Liam to again release her hand and sit back. After the waiter left, Emma dipped her spoon into the center of the dessert, releasing a flow of glossy chocolate. Liam scooped up a spoonful and tasted it. He was about to comment that it was delicious, but the words died in his throat as he watched Emily slip her chocolate-laden spoon between her lips.

Her eyes slid closed and the low, throaty moans she made brought to mind rumpled sheets and naked entwined bodies. God. She was smart, sexy as hell, blushed like a lady, ate like a dude, enjoyed the outdoors, and wasn’t afraid to indulge in dessert--
made orgasmic sounds when she did. He was truly, seriously halfway in love and they hadn’t even made it out of the restaurant.
Oh, come on. You were halfway in love thirty seconds after you clapped your eyeballs on her.


Damn. He couldn’t wait to see what the rest of the evening would bring.

Chapter Eight


Alessandra stood perfectly still under the onslaught of Lord Ryland’s kiss, pinned between the bookcase and his hard body. Terrified that the slightest movement would remind him of what he was doing. And who he was doing it with.

And that he’d stop.

Stop making her feel… like
. So incredibly
. More alive than she ever had, including the twenty-three years she’d actually lived.

She’d known…
his kiss would feel like this. Had known it for centuries. Had wanted this, wanted him for so long. Dear God, for so very, very long. All those years, watching, waiting, hoping. Wanting. Yearning.

She heard him groan, low and deep, felt a tremor ripple through his large frame. His arms came around her, steely bands that crushed her to him and his kiss changed from thrilling, hard and demanding to an impossible-to-resist soft and coaxing. He tangled his tongue with hers, an intimate, erotic friction that melted her knees. His delicious taste, his intoxicating scent, his masculine strength all inundated her senses, drowning her in sensation. A moan escaped her and she lifted her arms to wrap them around his neck.

And just as quickly as he’d started their kiss he ended it. Muttering a curse, he abruptly pushed away from her and stepped back.

A cry of protest rose in Alessandra’s throat, one she managed to contain only with the greatest of effort.  Breathless and trembling, she locked her unsteady knees and remained leaning against the bookcase, eyes tightly shut as she fought to catch her breath, to compose herself.  To school her expression into the blank mask she always wore in his presence.

Control. She had to gain control of herself. Of her emotions. Couldn’t let him see how profoundly he’d affected her. For he couldn’t ever know, must
know how much she wanted him. Had always wanted him. From the first moment she’d seen him. Which was so much longer ago than he knew…

Just as he could never know the lengths she’d gone to keep him in Pre-Pearly Gate. What she’d done so he wouldn’t be lost to her forever.

But soon he would be.

She couldn’t delay his departure any longer.  In a matter of weeks he’d successfully complete his assignment and become Full-Fledged.  And she’d never see him again.

After several deep breaths her insides remained jittery, but as she was confident she appeared outwardly calm, she opened her eyes.

And found Lord Ryland staring at her with a laser-sharp intensity that seemed to sear straight through to her soul. His skin was flushed, his hands were fisted at his sides, and his every muscle appeared tensed.

“What the
bloody hell
was that?” The question, spoken in a low, throbbing growl, pulsed in the air between them.

A shiver of dread trickled down Alessandra’s spine at the fury in his voice. But did she also detect a hint of confusion as well? Shoving aside her trepidation, she straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin to meet his gaze. “Given your self-proclaimed vast experience, I’d think you know it was a kiss.”

He erased the distance he’d put between them in a single step. She could see the tension and hostility vibrating through him. When he wrapped his hand around her upper arm in a fierce grip she could feel them as well.

“That’s not what I meant and you damn well know it,” he ground out, his gaze harsh, relentless. “What did you do to me?”

“What did
do to
?” Alessandra raked him with her most scathing glare. “It has apparently escaped your notice that
. And I shall thank you to unhand me.” She tried to jerk her arm away, but his grip tightened, thwarting her effort.

“Not until you tell you me what you did.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I did nothing.”

“Then why the hell did I feel-- ”

His words chopped off and he released a shuddering breath.

“Feel what?” she asked. Aside from his obvious anger, he appeared genuinely undone. There was no missing the fact that the hand gripping her arm was shaking.  His question echoed through her mind.
Why the hell did I feel--

She stilled as a thought occurred to her, one that made her heart thump in hard, rapid beats. Was it possible… had he felt what she’d felt? Had he experienced…

Her mind instantly rejected the notion. Angels, occupants of Pre-Pearly Gate, indeed all After-life Beings were immune to desire and temptations of the flesh. They could experience happiness and pleasure, but only in non-sexual ways. As far as she knew, she was the only After-lifer whose libido remained cursedly intact. She wasn’t certain why, but she suspected it was somehow the result of the dark arts she’d dabbled in during her brief life on earth.

So no, he couldn’t have felt desire. Yet clearly he’d felt something.

“What did you feel?” she whispered.

He released her as if she’d burned him. After backing up several quick paces, he turned. Staring at his broad back, Alessandra watched him drag his hands through his hair. “Nothing,” he said in a tight voice.  “I didn’t feel anything. If you’ll excuse me, I need to see to my humans.”

Without another word or a backward glance, he passed through the wall and was lost to her view.

He was lying. She knew it. What had he felt?

She attempted to read his mind, but her highly emotional state interfered with her abilities and nothing came through. Unfortunately mind reading was only possible when she was calm, and right now she was the exact opposite of that. Certainly whatever Lord Ryland had felt couldn’t compare to the earth-shattering emotions torturing her. She pressed her hands to her quaking midsection and released an unsteady breath. Closed her eyes. And relived the magical moment she’d spent in his arms.

A moment that she could never allow to happen again.  Even if Lord Ryland proved willing, which based on his reaction he most emphatically would not be.

A moment she’d cherish for all eternity. Because she had no other choice.

Because soon he would be lost to her forever.


Liam smiled at her across the restaurant’s table. “If you don’t need to get home right away, there’s something I’d like to show you.”

Emma’s heart somersaulted and her mind raced at the various possibilities of what he might want to show her. A stamp collection? Family photos? His kayak?

His naked body?

She barely suppressed the urge to fan herself with her napkin. “What is it?” she asked, searching for a nonchalance she was nowhere near feeling.

“A surprise.  One I think you’ll really like.”

Up until this instant she’d never much cared for surprises, but he’d piqued her curiosity. And after spending the last three hours in his company, common sense dictated that the odds were definitely in her favor that she’d like whatever this man wanted to show her.

hadn’t wanted to like Liam Gallagher, but darn it, he was just so… likeable. They’d lingered after dessert, finishing off their wine, then ordering coffee, sharing stories about their lives, travels, families, and jobs. Turned out they shared many common interests including a love of the outdoors, actions movies, Thai food, jigsaw puzzles and road trips.  To Emma’s surprise he also enjoyed poking around flea markets, and rising early just to watch the sunrise. She discovered they both wanted to someday learn to surf in Hawaii, visit Australia, and they’d each volunteered time over the years at Habitat for Humanity.

He had a great sense of humor, was attentive, intelligent, a good talker (God, she hated going on dates with men who just sat there and didn’t speak)
a good listener (God, she hated going on dates with men who thought conversation was a competitive sport). All traits she found very attractive.

And then there was the fact that he was just so incredibly, ridiculously, physically attractive.

Given his good looks and occupation, she didn’t doubt that women threw themselves at him with alarming frequency. She’d noticed several female diners giving him the once-over twice (actually, four times, but who’s counting? And really, who could blame them?). Yet Liam hadn’t appeared to notice. Indeed, his attention hadn’t wavered from Emma. That certainly hadn’t been the case with her ex who’d flirted with every female who entered his orbit. Emma had honestly expected Liam to turn out to be one of those handsome guys who thought they were “all that.” Instead he’d impressed her as being modest, humble, and completely down-to-earth. Maybe it was nothing more than first date good behavior. Maybe… but maybe not. Maybe he really was as great as he seemed.

She didn’t know. But she did know she wanted to find out.

He’d told her this was the best first date he’d ever been on, and she could definitely second that.

And yes, she definitely wanted to see whatever he wanted to show her.

“I’m not in a rush. Show me.”

He immediately stood and held out his hand. “Great. Let’s go.”

“What about the check?”

“I took care of it while you were in the ladies’ room.”

Emma looked at his hand and hesitated.  Given the number of times he’d touched her during their meal she knew how those long, strong fingers felt wrapped around hers.


And of course, based on their, um, interlude at her apartment, she knew how talented those big hands were. And how incredible they felt touching more intimate places than just her hands.

  She waited for her inner voice to warn her that touching him now might very well lead to more touching before their date was over, and that wouldn’t be a good idea. Instead her inner voice urged
go for it

Which truly startled her as she normally considered herself a cautious person. Certainly not one that acted before thinking. But something about this man made her feel as if she were emerging into the warm sunshine from a cold, dark cave. Made her feel like taking risks. Made her feel alive. And curious. And filled with anticipation. And unwilling, not to mention unable, to ignore the obvious chemistry between them. A chemistry she’d never felt before with anyone else.

She smiled and slipped her hand into his. “Let’s go.”



“Amazing,” Emma said, heaving out a long, contented sigh. She turned her head to look at Liam who was lying on his back next to her and took a second to admire his profile, noting with a ridiculous rush of relief a slight bump on the bridge of his nose. At last-- an imperfection. Thank God he wasn’t

He turned his head and their gazes met. And held. “Yeah… amazing,” he repeated softly. “And beautiful. I knew you’d like it.”

Probably she should be alarmed, or at the very least disconcerted by the fact that he’d not only figured out what turned her on but the speed with which he’d done so. But she wasn’t. She was touched. And flattered. And thrilled in a way that she’d never before experienced. Either Liam Gallagher was an excellent guesser at what made her tick or he just really

She turned her head so she was once again gazing upward. Millions of stars twinkled, glittering diamonds tossed against the inky velvet of the night sky, the glowing full moon a pearly centerpiece to the dazzling stellar display. “I have to admit, this isn’t what I expected when you said you wanted to show me something. Especially after you brought me to your place.”

No, stargazing from the deck that ran the entire length of the back of his cabin definitely hadn’t crossed her mind as a possibility. When he’d pulled in the driveway, Emma had still been internally debating the wisdom of getting naked with him. God knows from a strictly physical standpoint she wanted to. Desperately. Her libido, which had been in a Rip Van Winkle-type sleep for months, was now wide awake and ready to rock ‘n roll. Yet her better judgment kept interjecting, warning her not to give in to her raging hormones.

Be smart and wait,
whispered her better judgment.

Screw smart and waiting
, screamed her libido.
Then screw that sexy man until you’re both comatose.

Sex on a first date isn’t your style
, said Better Judgment.

Your style sucks
, argued Libido.
You need a makeover.

You’ll regret it in the morning
, warned Better Judgment.

You’ll be too busy remembering how great it was to have any regrets
, insisted Libido.
Stop overthinking everything and go get naked!

Behave yourself
, admonished Better Judgment.

Bang him like a drum
, encouraged Libido.

Libido was definitely winning the battle and Emma had exited Liam’s pick-up truck fully expecting-- and anticipating-- she’d end up flat on her back in his bedroom. She hadn’t expected that instead of heading inside, he’d lead her along a narrow cement path to the rear of the house where they’d climbed wooden steps to the spacious deck which overlooked the lake. He’d opened a storage chest and grabbed a quilt. After spreading it on the deck floor, he flopped down, patted the spot next to him, and said with a grin, “Best view of the stars in London.”

So here she was, flat on her back but nowhere near his bedroom, with him next to her. Stargazing. No, not what she’d expected. Yet it was sweet and to her mind wildly romantic, a gesture that had her insides feeling all melty, warm and gooey.

“I told you it was a surprise.” He lifted one arm and pointed to a trio of stars directly above them. “There’s Delphinus, the dolphin. That’s my favorite constellation.”

“Interesting choice. Why is it your favorite?”

“My dad, who spent a lot of time stargazing with his father when he was growing up, pointed it out to me when I was a kid. He told me Delphinus was small but mighty. I knew he was telling me that to encourage me because I was pretty puny and shy back then.”

“You grew out of both very nicely.”

He huffed out a laugh. “Thanks. It took a while. I was definitely a late bloomer. I used to spend a lot of time by myself, especially after my mom died. I’d climb out my bedroom window and stretch out on the roof and just look at the stars.”

“I used to do the same thing,” Emma said, unable to keep a note of surprise from creeping into the tone. “The roof was relatively flat just outside my bedroom window. I’d spend hours staring at the sky, locating all the known constellations I could find then making up stories about them.”

“Yeah? Like what?”

“Instead of viewing Pegasus as flying upside down with virtually no visible wings and tiny, faint legs, I saw it as a majestic horse, soaring with a huge wingspan, rescuing Princess Andromeda from a ravenous sea creature.” She pointed to the Great Square of Pegasus. “Pegasus would then spirit her across the sky to Ursa Major, which I imagined marked the tower of an enchanted castle, one where she would rendezvous with the heroic Perseus. They’d waltz across the galaxies, visiting the Big Dipper, Hercules, and the archer Sagittarius then hurry back to the castle before dawn arrived to steal their glittery brilliance.”

“That’s quite an imagination you have.”

A laugh escaped her. “That’s what my father used to tell me. I was about five or six when I shared with him my Princess Andromeda rescue scenario. I’ll never forget how he looked at me, so very serious, and said in his most professorial, astrophysicist tone-- she lowered her voice to imitate him, ‘Now Emma, you know that stars are massive, self-gravitating spheres of plasma in hydrostatic equilibrium which generate their own energy through nuclear fusion and as such are simply incapable of waltzing.’”

Liam chuckled. “Wow. That’s a mouthful. And here I thought they were just twinkly lights in the night sky.”

“That definition works for me.”

“Sounds like imaginative play wasn’t really encouraged at your house.”

“With a scientist and a law professor for parents? Not a bit. Everything was all about facts. Proving or disproving theories. Arguing cases. Meticulous research. Mealtimes were mandatory discussion forums run by strict debate protocol.”

“Huh. My brother and I used to flick peas at each other when the folks weren’t looking.”

Emma smiled. “That sounds like a lot more fun. Didn’t your parents get suspicious when the peas began to pile up on the floor?”

“Nah. Chewie ate them.”


“Our golden Lab. Greatest, funniest pet on the planet.” He heaved a heavy sigh. “Damn, I still miss that dog.”

“Did you name him after Chewbacca of Star Wars fame?”

“Nope. Named him that because he loved to chew everything in sight.”

“Maybe you found yourselves the victim of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If he’d been named something else he might not have chewed things.”

“Hey someone with a boy cat named Fluffy is in no position to throw stones at anybody else’s pet’s name.”

“I wasn’t throwing stones. Just thinking that maybe if you’d named him something like Lottery, you might have won a million dollars.”

He laughed and lightly clasped her hand in his. “I’ll keep that in mind if I ever get another dog.”

Silence fell between them. With her hand warmly snuggled in Liam’s, Emma’s gaze drifted over the stunning celestial painting above them, mentally naming each constellation as she had countless times before. A light breeze whispered through the tree branches and the distant howl of a coyote echoed in the darkness mingling with the soft hum of crickets, the only sounds to disturb the hushed quiet surrounding them. She wasn’t certain how many minutes had past when she realized with a jolt just how comfortable and relaxing the quiet was. She often found herself babbling while on dates to fill lulls in the conversation as they tended to feel awkward to her, but she experienced no such urge with Liam.

“I never heard silence like this in Chicago,” he said quietly.

“I never did in New York either.”

He lightly squeezed her hand. “Hearing silence… you know what I mean?”

She squeezed his hand in return. “I know exactly what you mean. To quote the thirteenth century Persian mystic Rumi: in silence there is eloquence.”

“Can’t say I’ve ever heard of the guy, but I definitely agree with him.”

“This is really nice, Liam.”

From the corner of her eye she saw him roll onto his side. She turned her head. And found him looking at her with an intensity that curled her toes inside her shoes. He reached out and slowly sifted his fingers through her hair. “I knew you’d like it. Knew you’d like looking at the stars. Talking about them.”

“Because I grew up with an astrophysicist?”

“No. Because I knew you’d get this. You’d… understand. Looking at the sky and listening to silence. And see the same beauty in it I do.” His gaze searched hers. “I’ve never done this with another woman.”

“You’ve never looked at the sky on a date before?”

“Not like this.”

“Why not?”

“Because I never met anyone who I wanted to share this with. Until now.”

Emma’s heart careened in a maneuver that felt like a U-turn. “Well, this is a first for me, too. No one’s ever taken me stargazing before.”

“During our lives there were probably lots of nights when we were both looking up at the same star.” He ran a single fingertip over her cheek. “Looking at the same star yet never knowing each other existed.”

Not trusting her voice, Emma merely nodded. Maybe she hadn’t known his name, but in the most secret recesses of her heart, the place where she’d dreamed of romance, yearned to be the sort of woman who’d inspire it, she’d known he was out there-- the man who would make her feel like
. Make her heart pound this way. Make her forget how to breathe. Make her forget everything except him. And how much she wanted him.

Reaching up, she tangled her fingers in his thick hair then urged his head down. His mouth covered hers in a soft, slow, deep kiss that melted her spine into the blanket beneath her and left her trembling. She parted her lips wider, drawing him in deeper, tasting his tongue, reveling in the delicious heat of him.

Where their first kiss had been wild and frantic and out of control, this kiss… dear God, this kiss simply destroyed her with its gentle tenderness.  Its soft, sensual thoroughness. Its unhurried perfection. He kissed her as if he intended to do so for hours. Days. Weeks.

He shifted to lay half on top of her, fitting one leg between hers. Emma spread her thighs to accommodate him, arching her back to press more fully against his chest and the hard ridge of his erection. A deep, aching need throbbed through her, centered at her core, radiating outward with every rapid beat of her heart. She couldn’t recall ever being so aroused. Ever wanting a man this much. Yes, she’d wanted him when he’d arrived at her apartment for their date, but that interlude had exploded out of nowhere and had almost seemed like temporary insanity. While this… this was natural. And perfect. And

Yet that tiny voice in her head again cautioned that even though this felt right, it was still happening too fast. Too soon.

He lifted his head and trailed his lips down her neck. “Emma.” The rough whisper of her name blew warm against her throat. She moistened her lips to whisper his name in return, but before she could speak, he groaned and abruptly moved off her.

Panting, dazed with arousal, she opened her eyes. Watched him push himself to his knees. Run unsteady hands through his hair. Squeeze his eyes briefly shut and blow out a ragged breath. Then he looked down at her. “It’s time to take you home.”

Feeling as if she were emerging from a trance, Emma blinked several times then sat up. After scooping her disheveled hair away from her face, she cleared her throat. “Um, not what I was expecting you to say.”

He made a humorless sound. “Not what I was expecting to say, believe me.” He turned to her and cupped her face between his palms, his expression solemn, his gaze steady. “I don’t really know how to say this because it isn’t something I’ve said before. I’ve never, ever wanted a woman more than I want you. Which is why I’m going to take you home. Now. While I still can. Because I want to do this right. Because I don’t want to mess this up. Don’t want to risk you having any regrets tomorrow for moving too quickly. Because this is… important.
important.” This thumbs brushed over her cheeks. “That okay?”

His words, his thoughtfulness, his care and almost clairvoyant acknowledgment of the tiny voice in her head created a swirl of emotions she couldn’t even begin to untangle other than to know that while they rendered her physically bereft they also filled her heart with a warmth she’d never before experienced.

She placed her hands over his and nodded. “That’s okay.”

Without another word he stood and helped her to her feet. He held her hand during the five minute drive back to her apartment then walked her to her door.

“You up for some kayaking tomorrow?” he asked as she dug in her purse for her keys.

“I’m working until four.”

“How about I pick you up at five? We can head out from my dock. I’ll bring some sandwiches for a picnic. I know a nice little spot with a terrific view of the main lake.”

She smiled. “That sounds like fun. And speaking of fun, I had a great time tonight, Liam.” Actually
were pretty tepid and half-assed words to describe what had unexpectedly turned out to be the most spectacular date of her life.

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