He's the One (26 page)

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Authors: Katie Price

BOOK: He's the One
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She shook her head. ‘I doubt he’ll want to see me again. If he really wanted to, he would have found me. I just hope that if we did see each other, we could be friends.’ She sounded so grown up and sensible … Sounded it, didn’t feel it.

‘God, Libs, I don’t know how you can say that! I know what he meant to you. I know he was the love of your life.’

Liberty twisted her mouth into a smile. ‘Yeah,
well, I’ve had a lot of practice at dealing with it. And if someone left you waiting at the airport when you thought you were supposed to be starting a new life together … well, it’s not something you really get over, or forget.’ No, definitely not. Standing there in Departures, surrounded by her suitcases, looking hopefully towards the door and then realising as the minutes passed that Cory wasn’t coming. Then calling him, only to hear his voicemail. And yet maybe the letter from him had explained why.

Em reached out and rubbed Liberty’s shoulder. ‘I know, but I just can’t make that image fit the Cory I remember. I still think something must have happened.’

‘Nothing happened, Em, just that he changed his mind.’ She wasn’t ready to tell her friend about the letter yet. She needed to work out what she wanted to do first.

‘Oh, look, there’s Nina.’ Em waved at Liberty’s mum as she walked into the bar.

Nina had said she would pop in for a quick one, on her way to meet up with a group of her friends who were planning to walk the Inca Trail next year. Liberty loved the fact that her mum was still so intrepid, and always seizing hold of life. She wouldn’t approve of obsessing over someone, the way Liberty did.

While Em went off to the bar to get her a glass of red wine, Nina took out a large envelope and handed it to Liberty.

‘What’s this?’ she asked.

‘I was having a clear out and I found all these photographs. There are lots of Brooke and …’ she hesitated ‘… Cory.’

There seemed to be no getting away from him tonight. Liberty reached inside and pulled out a pile of
pictures. And as if to hammer home the point, the first she saw was one of her and Cory. They were standing on the beach together, arms round each other. Liberty vividly remembered being there with him – the feel of the sun on her face, the sea sparkling in the August sunshine, and thinking that she wanted to be with him always.

‘Oh,’ was all she could say. She shoved the pictures back in the envelope.

‘Someone’s in denial then,’ Nina said dryly. ‘You have got to see him, Libs. Find out once and for all where you stand. Otherwise you’ll be stuck. Never moving on. You know I’m right, and you would say the same if it was Em in your position.’

Liberty put her head in her hands. ‘I know I’ve got to do something, Mum, it’s just that I don’t know if I’m strong enough.’

‘Listen, you were married to a very controlling man, it’s bound to have left its mark on you. But you are a strong woman. You’ve left Zac behind now. You can do this. Don’t live a life of regrets and what ifs.’

Liberty managed a smile. ‘Are you going to print that on a t-shirt?’

‘I might do.’ Nina reached out and hugged her daughter. ‘I know I’m sounding tough, but I only want the best for you.’

And just as Liberty was thinking that was it, Nina said, ‘You know I’m right, Libs. Not knowing where you stand or why he didn’t show up means you’ll never be able to move on. And if you can’t move on, you’ll never be happy.’

Chapter 28


‘Are you still up for the kiss?’ Brooke asked Harry the following morning. They had got to college deliberately early so that they could be in position outside the drama studio well before Flynn and Mila arrived.

‘Darling! I am an actor, of course I’m ready! Ready to throw myself into any role. I can be as hetero as the next man. I’m channelling Tom Hardy and Jason Statham – can’t you tell?’ Harry clenched his jaw and squared his shoulders, then ruined the effect by checking that his hair was still sweeping across his forehead.

She had to smile. Now she knew Harry was gay, he seemed camper than ever and she could swear that he’d had his eyelashes tinted black and was wearing lip-gloss. Not exactly a look that she’d seen on Jason Statham …

‘Okay, full concentration now!’ Brooke whispered. ‘I can see them coming along the corridor.’ This was payback time for Flynn and Mila. She was going to mess with their minds. It would serve them, specifically Flynn, right.

‘I’m going in!’ Harry exclaimed, moving closer and locking lips with her.

Brooke deployed all her acting ability and was pretty sure that Harry was doing the same as she thrust her tongue into his mouth and ran her fingers through his perfectly styled hair. She couldn’t resist sneaking a peek at Flynn and Mila as they walked by. They looked gratifyingly gob-smacked. Job done!

‘Hmm, very nice, and completely unarousing,’ Harry commented as they disengaged. ‘Though, I beg you, never mess with the hair again.’ He put his hand up to check it was still okay. ‘Did they see?’

‘Yep! I wish I could have taken a picture of their faces hashtag whatthefuck!’ She high-fived him and they went into the studio hand in hand.

Brooke was delighted when Flynn and Mila could hardly keep their eyes off them throughout the workshop, watching their every move. Brooke made sure that she gazed at Harry whenever she could and he did the same to her, both acting the part of starry-eyed lovers. It was a challenge not to laugh, but they pulled it off.

After class the four of them headed to the college café for a coffee. Harry and Brooke had their arms round each other as if they couldn’t bear to be parted. When they found a table, Brooke actually sat on his lap, ignoring his whispered protest that he didn’t think his thighs could hold out. Cheek! It wasn’t as if she was carrying Mila’s weight.

‘So are you two seeing each other? Like, going out together?’ Mila finally asked, when they were halfway through their coffees. Naturally Flynn was too cool to ask outright.

‘Oh, yeah, absolutely. Brooke is my soulmate and girlfriend, my lover and my best friend,’ Harry replied,
typically overdoing it. ‘There’s so much chemistry between us. I mean, you can feel it as well, can’t you? It’s, like, electric. I never thought that I’d get that with a girl. My dad is going to be
thrilled when he meets her. I think my mum will start planning the wedding.’

‘So you do know Harry’s gay?’ Flynn asked Brooke.

‘Like, der! How could I not? But like he says, you can’t ignore chemistry like ours. And who needs these boundaries … gay, straight? I think sexuality is more fluid than that.’ She bit her lip to stop herself from grinning and held out her hand for Harry to kiss. A gesture which was only slightly ruined when he groaned and said, ‘You’ll have to get off me now, sweetie, I’ve got terrible cramp.’

Brooke could have sworn that they had convinced Mila and almost convinced Flynn with their performance, but then Harry spectacularly blew it by blatantly ogling a workman who was outside the café, repairing one of the windows.

‘Hang on a minute, are you two taking the piss?’ Flynn demanded. ‘You’re not going out together at all, are you?’

The game was up. Brooke and Harry looked at each other regretfully, ‘If I could ever consider going out with a girl, then it would be Brooke. She is gorgeous, and she has lovely lips and the sweetest breath, and her tongue can really work it! I’m sure the gentlemen must love her technique. It’s first-rate. Top notch. The business.’

Okay, that was probably too much information there …

‘But I’m simply not wired that way.’ And with that, Harry blew them all a kiss and rushed outside to get a closer look at the workman. He was convinced that the
guy had been giving him the eye, even though Mila had told him that he was obviously looking at Brooke.

‘I can’t believe you did that!’ Flynn exclaimed. ‘What a pair of wind-up merchants!’

‘You totally deserved it. When I asked you if Harry had a girlfriend, you said no!’ She shot an accusing glance at Mila. ‘And you as well. I expected more from you, sister. Ever heard of female solidarity?’

‘Sorry, Brooke,’ Mila replied, ‘Flynn made me.’

‘Yeah, I bet he did.’

‘Come on, it was too funny to resist,’ he said. ‘And we weren’t exactly lying, as he really doesn’t have a girlfriend. But it looks like you had a great time together. And you’re some actress – you actually had me fooled in the corridor with that performance.’

‘I’m kinda pissed off that I couldn’t convert him. I used tongues and everything … and he didn’t get so much as a hard on. What a spoilsport!’

Mila burst out laughing. ‘Well, why don’t you go and try your luck on the hot workman? You’ll probably have more success.’

Brooke pretended to consider the young guy in the baggy black trackies, which in fact she hated as they reminded her too much of what Christian wore, and the chunky Timberland boots. Then she caught Flynn looking at her, and grinned.

‘Seriously? He’s not in my league. His clothes aren’t designer, and where could
afford to take me for dinner? Burger King? KFC? Subway? I mean,

Flynn raised his eyebrows.

‘She’s taking the piss, can’t you see, Flynn?’ Mila put in.

‘Yep, I’m not such a ditzy airhead. You’ll have to revise your opinion of me. Except I bet you’ve made your mind up and won’t change it. Whereas I, at least,
have shown that I am open to new experiences – even though I am so far out of my comfort zone here, and anyone, except you apparently, would be sympathetic to that,’ Brooke replied.

And before Flynn could say anything more, she picked up her bag, swung it over her shoulder, and she and Mila headed back to class together.

But there were no hard feelings between them when after class she invited Mila, Harry and Flynn over. Her new friends were stunned by the house, its location, the sea views, and the luxurious rooms with their expensive furniture. Harry and Mila exclaimed over every single room that she showed them and squealed with excitement when they saw the swimming pool. Flynn was quiet, but Brooke expected that was because he thought she was such a spoiled rich kid brat.

‘OMG!’ Mila declared, sinking down on the soft-as-butter brown leather sofa after the tour. ‘I’ll never be able to invite you over. My house is, like, tiny. And we’ve only got one bathroom!’

Brooke’s house had four … or was it five?

‘Don’t be silly, I’d love to come over.’ She smiled, though she did think it a little unusual that Mila only had one bathroom. Flynn stood by the huge French windows, staring out to sea and looking moody. Brooke didn’t know why he had bothered to come if he was going to be like this. What – was she supposed to go around apologising for her mom being successful and able to afford a nice house? She didn’t get him at all.

‘Hiya.’ Liberty walked into the room, fresh from a shopping trip in town judging by the number of designer carrier bags she was holding. Typical that
while she had a go at Brooke for spending so much money on clothes, she was perfectly happy to go and blow a fortune herself.

Brooke introduced her friends, all of whom seemed to be in awe of Liberty’s beauty. Even Flynn seemed to cheer up in her company, and he asked her all about her acting work and seemed genuinely interested – no sign of the cynical, judgmental side Brooke was used to seeing in him whenever he talked to her.

‘So do you guys want to stay for supper?’ Liberty asked. ‘I was going to make a chilli and there’s always plenty to go round.’

Hah! Her mom rarely cooked. They had lived off salads and grilled fish since they’d moved here. This was all part of her acting the role of perfect mom. Back in LA Rosa did all the cooking. Liberty had never had to lift a perfectly manicured finger.

‘Sure, that would be great,’ Mila replied, looking at Flynn and Harry who nodded in agreement. In fact, Harry looked as if he never wanted to leave.

‘Okay, I’ll get started, and Brooke can hand out some beers. You’re all nearly eighteen, aren’t you?’

Liberty smiled and Brooke scowled as she noticed the warm smile Flynn gave her mom in return.

‘I can help you, if you like,’ he said.

Lickarse! Her new favourite word from Harry! Flynn probably fancied her mom! It was too much for Brooke. She muttered something about checking her emails and stomped upstairs, closely followed by Ozzy – her good mood after teasing Flynn about Harry had completely evaporated.

Upstairs Brooke threw herself on her bed. She knew she was being childish but couldn’t help it. Nothing seemed to be going her way, and she felt as if it never would ever again. There was a quiet knock on the door.

‘Come in unless you’re my mom. In which case, Mom, leave me alone!’

Mila opened the door and came in. ‘Hi, are you okay?’

Brooke sat up and pushed back her hair. ‘Yeah, I just wanted to see if my friend Kelly had sent me a message.’

Mila perched on the end of the bed. ‘You must really miss her.’

Brooke nodded. ‘Yeah, we’ve been best friends for, like, ever. Every time something funny or bad happens, my first reaction is always that I can’t wait to tell her, and then I realise she’s not here. And I’ve got no one else to tell.’

Fuck! She was going to cry! She couldn’t do that, not in front of Mila. She was supposed to be cool and stylish, not some stupid crybaby. Ozzy jumped on the bed and put his head on her knee. At least someone liked her.

‘I’m your friend, and so are Harry and Flynn.’

Brooke pulled a face. ‘You and Harry, but I don’t know about Flynn. I don’t think I’m his type of person at all – he’s made that pretty obvious. Anyway it looked like he was more interested in flirting with my mom. How gross is that! I should be used to it by now, it always happens.’

Mila laughed. ‘Your mum is very beautiful, but I think Flynn’s just being polite, helping her cook. Why don’t you come back downstairs and have a beer? Harry’s being hilarious.’

It probably was a better option than staying up in her bedroom, so Brooke returned downstairs and hung out in the huge kitchen-diner, chatting with Mila and Harry while her mom and Flynn got on with cooking. She had to concede that there was no sign
that Flynn actually fancied her mom – so, great, now she was imagining things. It was official: she was going nuts.

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