Hidden Depths (16 page)

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Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Hidden Depths
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Anso thought a tour of those anatomical differences was better left for another night. He covered James’s hands with his own, lightly stroking their backs and at the same time guiding them away.

“My pubic thatch is fur,” he said. “Wereseals don’t have the same body hair as humans.”

James ruffled it backwards, making him shiver. “Does our hair seem coarse to you?”

Anso shook his head. Strengthening tingles ran up his cock as James continued to stroke his sexual pelt the wrong way. “Some wereseals wouldn’t like it, but it appeals to me.”

“It’s exotic,” James said.

“Yes,” Anso agreed. His cock had begun to well with excitement, so he stilled James’s hands. If he got too wound up, he’d start zeroing in on Olivia again. That might be less confusing but not ideal. He was hoping to keep both of this pair happy. “Why don’t I concentrate on you for now?”

“You don’t have to,” James said. “I mean, I’ve already experienced getting head from a guy.”

“And having experienced it, you’re not interested anymore?” Olivia laughed at his drollery, smiling at him even as her hands squeezed her husband’s shoulders affectionately. A warmth spread through Anso that he couldn’t put a name to. He only knew it felt good to be on the same page with her.

She gave her husband’s dark bangs a tug. “Let the king show off, James. I have a feeling you won’t be bored.”

She stretched down her husband to untie his robe. Her dangling breasts were gorgeous: flushed, full, with pretty dark pink nipples. Their current pointy state distracted the men from the otherwise simple process of getting James naked. She laughed when she noticed what had flummoxed them.

“Men,” she teased, kneeling back and gathering up James’s hands. “Go on then, Your Majesty. Show us what you can do.”

Anso wasn’t intimidated. With a grin for them both, he backed up on his knees, planted his hands on James’s thighs to control them, and bent forward for his prize.

Odd chills tingled through his spine at his first taste of Olivia’s husband.

James’s cock was different from a wereseal’s, very smooth but with an underlying impression of toughness. Could Anso play with him harder? Would he perhaps last longer? Those possibilities made his own cock tighten. But better not to experiment too much. Tried and true was likely his best approach.

,” James hummed at the gentle pressure he began with. His hips rolled from side to side, maybe over of the pleasurable stimulation and maybe because Anso wasn’t letting him move freely. When Anso looked up James’s body, he saw Olivia manacling his wrists. If James got off on restraint the way it appeared he did, this could get interesting.

“Oh God,” James said as Anso swallowed him deeper.

The key to giving good head was relaxation and attention to detail. Nice wet tongue work was a plus, along with controlling your partner. Strength was helpful but not necessary, because one could always add one’s hands. Patience, stamina, and a fondness for driving other people to painful states of desire definitely didn’t hurt. Anso used all those assets on James.

Then he brought out his ability to deep throat.

“Jeez,” James moaned, his spine arching off the bed as Anso swallowed gently against his tip.

Pleased by this reaction, he drew up and swirled his tongue around the head, giving James and himself a moment to recover. The saltiness of near ejaculation flavored his mouth, and he wondered if James could take much more play. He seemed to want to. His thigh muscles were knotted like steel cables.

James panted hard before he spoke. “Can you do that again?” he asked, his cock trembling on Anso’s lips. “Maybe after ... Olivia helps me sit up so I can watch.”

Olivia laughed as Anso backed off. He guessed she was used to men and their fondness for visuals. With James’s rugged body propped back on hers, her hands slid soothingly up and down his chest, taking care to cross his sharp red nipples with every pass. Evidently, James liked her closeness as much as he’d liked Anso sucking him. By the time he was situated, the little slit in his penis was seeping more quickly. Anso looked at it, then up at the man it belonged to.

“You’re going to come in my mouth,” he said. “I’m going to suck you and suck you until you can’t hold back. My queen is going to watch, and you’re going to feel her heart pounding in her breasts. You’re going to know how excited she is by your pleasure.”

“Jeez,” James breathed, and Anso smiled at him.

This time when he lowered his head, he knew his work would soon be over.

* * *

Ty walked in on quite a scene. Everything considered, it wasn’t surprising that no one looked up at him.

“Don’t stop,” James Forster was moaning, his tight hips straining upward as the king sank on him. “Oh my God. Your tongue ...” His wife was hugging his lean torso, her forearms providing an anchor for his gripping hands. Her legs hugged him too, and they were amazing: long, smooth, their muscles taut with tension over her husband’s struggle not to come. The dark red waves of her hair spilled across her husband’s shoulder, adding to the visual drama. Ty envied her the front row seat for watching Anso in action.

To judge by the way James’s cock was disappearing, Anso was deep-throating him.

James moaned as if this killed him. He began reaching for Anso’s head.

“Don’t,” his wife said firmly. “Leave your hands where they are.”

“Fuck,” he moaned, her order seeming not to help him back off from orgasm.

Anso was bearing down on him with his weight, but the tightening of James’s buttocks pushed him higher into his mouth. Clearly overcome with pleasure, he arched his neck back over his wife’s shoulder. “Oh God, that feels
.” Anso cupped his ball sac and sucked him harder. Then all that came from the Outsider’s throat was sound.

Groans of climax were different in air than water. James’s rang loud and clear, its roughness scraping every one of Ty’s sexual nerves. He knew how it felt to come like that for Anso, to have your brain swallowed up in bliss as Anso swallowed you. Swallow Anso did. James’s hips shook with pulses of ejaculation, his groans interspersed with gasps. This went on for a while.

Once he judged the peak was ebbing, Ty stepped through the guest room door.

His tone was as dry as he could make it. “I guess no one missed me while I was gone.”

Anso jerked back from his final suck, pulling a mournful sound from James.

The king of all the wereseals dragged his forearm across his talented mouth.

“Ty,” he said, his voice understandably hoarse. He had just taken a load of semen against his vocal chords. Ty took a certain small-minded satisfaction in how dismayed he looked.

Telling himself he wasn’t sorry, he crossed his arms and smirked. “I see I was wrong to worry the husband would be fobbed off on me.”

“Ty.” James speaking up took Ty by surprise. His eyes weren’t insulted by his talk of fobbing. His expression held something more dangerous: it held compassion.

That was more than a proud man like Ty could stand.

“No,” Anso said as Ty spun on his heel to leave. He was at Ty’s side in three strides, his hand gentle on Ty’s arm. His kindness was bitter comfort, a cruel reminder of what Ty seemed destined to lose.

“What do you even need me for?” he asked.

The hand on his arm tightened. “You can’t believe I could bear to lose your friendship.”

“I’m more than your friend.” Ty looked into his king’s concerned deep blue eyes.
I love you
, he thought, letting himself admit it for the first time.
I’ve loved
you from the start

“I know we’re more than friends,” Anso said. Ty heard the words ... and the fact that this conversation was catching Anso flat-footed. That told him pretty clearly Anso didn’t feel the same. Ty tried to tug away, but Anso held on. “

“I should go,” he said.

“No, you shouldn’t. Damn it.” Anso ran one hand through his sex-tousled hair. He’d come himself at some point. Wereseals had a sharp sense of smell. The scent of his semen was as familiar as Ty’s own. “I can’t do this without you.”

“You looked like you were doing fine a minute ago.”

“I don’t mean the sex. I mean being king. If you aren’t with me ...” That brought Ty’s eyes back to him. “I’m always with you for that.”

“Then don’t storm off. Stay.”

His eyes were pleading. Uncomfortable with that, because he didn’t know what it signified, Ty looked at the couple sitting hand-in-hand on the guest room bed. They weren’t pretending not to listen, but they were quiet. Ty knew they had the kind of partnership Anso had hoped to find someday: true compatibility, support as well as love.

Ty lowered his voice. “You could make them both fall for you. People lust after me, but you earn their devotion. All you need is time, and they can be everything you want.”

Anso was the same height as Ty, and his eyes met his steadily. “They can’t be everything I want if part of what I want is you.” Ty’s heart leaped inside him. He wished he could pry a window into Anso’s mind and know exactly what he meant by this. Did Anso love him? Did he plan to save a place for Ty in his bed? The intensity with which he hoped for that both alarmed and embarrassed him. Loving people rarely ended well for Ty.

Another hand touched his arm, the last one he’d expected. Olivia Forster had moved quietly to join them. Anso’s mate was petite. Ty lowered his head to look into her face. Her expression struggled as she tried to compose her thoughts.

“I’m not sure what to say,” she began. “I don’t know what, if anything, you want from me and James. I do know Anso shouldn’t lose his friends because he ...

just because we showed up. If he wants you to stay, and if you’d like to yourself, I don’t think you should let pride or anger get in the way of that.” She set her jaw as she finished, as if she thought he’d argue. Ty was too astonished. How had she understood what was inside him, and in so short a time?

Her husband had as well. James had been the first to accuse him of being in love with Anso. No one else thought him capable.

Not even Ty, to be honest.

“You want us all to stay together?” he blurted.

Her brows went up and her eyes widened. “If that’s what both of you would like.”

She’d spoken as if her wishes were a lesser priority. That’s when Ty realized she wasn’t thinking of herself as Anso’s queen. She was sharing mating heat with him, and she certainly seemed to like him, but in her mind they weren’t a bonded pair.

Maybe Anso wouldn’t wrap this situation in a bow as easily as he’d thought.

“I’ll stay,” he said, his attention half caught up in this conundrum, which led him to speak unthinkingly. “Not here, though. Anso’s bed is bigger.” Olivia’s cheeks flushed an attractive shade of rose, an interesting combination with her red hair. “I didn’t mean ... I’m not necessarily expecting
of us to have sex.”

Ty’s groin tightened and went warm. His mouth curved in his best Casanova smile. He didn’t know whether Anso wanted to share her, but he couldn’t let a blush that pretty pass unremarked.

“Don’t turn shy now,” he teased, watching the color deepen. “A man like me enjoys his fantasies.”

* * *

Olivia couldn’t help it if she had a thing for bad boys. Ty’s teasing grin would have wet her panties, if she’d been wearing them. As it was, her clit was still squirming from watching Anso give James that amazing blow job, the ache in her body not ebbing in the least. Anso took one look at her reaction and started pulling off his already disheveled clothes.

Once he did that, no way could she muster up enough politeness to refuse.

James’s jaw dropped as Anso stripped naked. The king’s physique was a cross between a football player and a competitive swimmer, with a touch of something sleeker than either of those thrown in. Even wrestling with his garments, the king was graceful. Olivia didn’t blame James for being a bit dazzled.

They both were startled by how speedily he scooped Olivia into his arms.

“Sorry,” he said over her shoulder, for James’s benefit. “I understand you want to come along, but please don’t touch her this time. My body is starting to react against all this company. I’m feeling a little ... instinctive.” He meant possessive, and Olivia totally got it. Her hands were roaming his beautiful arms and shoulders, little moans escaping her as she dragged open lips across his sweating chest. He was hers, no one else’s, and she wanted him to herself. The last time she remembered feeling this way was on her honeymoon.

She licked salt from Anso’s clavicle, then caught his descending mouth with hers.

They kissed so deeply, so hungrily, he bonked them into a doorframe.

Anso tore from the kiss, his eyes blazing blue fire at her. His arms tightened around her. “Be ready for me,” he warned.

He tossed her onto a bed she hadn’t realized they’d reached. To save her life, she couldn’t have said what else was in the room. The sight of him dropping to her - flushed, intent - was all she had eyes for. She sprawled her legs for him to come closer even as he kneed them apart.

He knew where he was going. Foreplay wasn’t an option for either of them right then. Olivia moaned as he lowered and drove straight in, her gratitude unbelievably. What followed his swift thick entry might have shocked both of them.

Anso screwed her so hard, so fast, that it should have hurt her and him.

Instead, they reacted as if neither could get off unless he was pounding her. She wailed at how good the absolute wildness felt. True to Anso’s request, James kept his distance. She was only dimly aware of Ty and him standing shoulder-to-shoulder at the foot of the mattress.

She came twice before Anso quivered and let go.

“God,” he swore, slamming all the way in to shoot. Her body strained to pull more from him, as if his seed were a medicine she needed. Maybe it was. Maybe that’s what his mating heat did to her.

Once again, she hadn’t thought of asking him to wear a rubber.

When this round’s ejaculation petered off at last, she was hugging him to her with her face buried in his neck. His pulse thudded strongly against hers, the matching rhythms causing her pussy to tighten helplessly. Forcing her arms to loosen was not easy. As she did, Anso stroked her damp hair back from her forehead.

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