Hidden Depths (24 page)

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Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Hidden Depths
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“Don’t touch my cock,” he said, though she hadn’t made a move to do so.

“It’s going in your pussy and nowhere else. Don’t touch the seed he spattered on you either. I’m going to rub it in with my chest.” She blinked at him, her blush growing pinker as her lips parted.

He held out his hands to her. She placed hers in them delicately, her skin hot and slightly damp. Ty pulled her to her feet. He loved how little she was, how he could lift her with no effort. “This is my turn with you,” he said.

Her eyes were huge. “You’re the boss,” she agreed breathlessly.

She was fidgeting on her feet. The knowledge hit him that she was so ready to be taken she was having trouble standing still. The scent of her sex reached him a second later, powerful enough to trigger hormonal receptors he hadn’t known he had. His entire body broke into a sweat.

“Oh yes,” he said. His tone was feral, his grip tightening on hers. “I’m the boss, and I’m going to give you what you need.”

She leaped at him and kissed him. His surprise didn’t stop him from catching her, from boosting her bare sweet bottom up with his hands. He’d meant to fuck her on the blanket, but the tree was right behind them.

Ty wasn’t the sort of lover to ignore a convenience.

He propelled her into it, slanting his head to kiss her deeper, rubbing his chest over her luscious breasts just as he’d threatened.

She made him gasp when she nipped his lower lip. The tiny pain shot like a cannon ball up the nerves of his erection.

“Someday,” she whispered. “I’ll spank you just like he does.” He gawked at her, panting with increased excitement, scarcely able to believe Anso had told her
. She seemed titillated rather than shocked.

She smiled like a siren at his reaction. “Not today though,” she said. “Today I know you want something more basic.”

Both her hands had been twined behind his neck. One released its hold to slid down the center line of his heaving chest. On the way, she rubbed Anso’s smeared semen into him. When
nostrils flared, he thought he’d go insane.

“Olivia,” he burst out, his arousal so intense his skin should have caught fire where she touched it.

Her thumb rubbed a circle around his navel, her smile going even more cat-in-the-creamery. She lowered her head to lick a short trail across his shoulder.

“Mm,” she said. “Your leopard spots are tasty
pretty.” Some other day he might have laughed in simple joy at her silliness, but her fingers cradled his cock just then. They were gentler than they had to be. They bounced his weight, testing it a little, which could have amused him too. Olivia seemed to enjoy men’s cocks as much as he and her husband did. Given how little bounce her fingers got out of him, amusement didn’t have much of a chance to rise. Ty suspected he was unusually erect. If she found him so, she liked it. Her thumb rubbed pleasure through the steady seep of his arousal. She closed her eyes and shuddered.

“Are you ready?” she asked when she opened them. “I don’t want to rush your first time.”

James had been right to warn him about falling for her. His stomach dropped, and his heart clenched in a seemingly solid ache. He knew heat was driving her, but her question expressed more than lust. Why was she worried that he was ready? Who was he that she should care for him?

“I’m ready,” he said gruffly. “Go ahead and put me where you want me.” He knew this would spare him going astray in unfamiliar territory. She didn’t seem to mind. She bit her lip and looked down between them, her fingers adjusting his hardness. Sleek hot flesh closed around his crest, slippery-sweet with wetness. Olivia’s hips rocked and she let out a little sound, but she didn’t push over him.

That honor she was leaving for him.

“Go slow for the first stroke,” she said. “Until you get a feel for how I’m made inside.”

Her voice was throaty. He was trembling from head to toe. He got a firmer grip on her bottom and let his brow rest on hers. Then he pressed into his first woman.

He moaned with bliss before he’d gone an inch. The clasp of her walls felt thick, stronger than he’d expected. The flickering movements of her pussy were like a secret she’d reserved for his cock alone. No one else could feel it. The message was his to read or not. Deciphering the code could certainly become rewarding. She drew her breath in sharply as he forged inward, a new gush of cream painting him. He couldn’t help but smile at that.

Her big eyes came up to his as he reached her last limit. He was in her all the way, their quickened pulses seeming to speak to each other.

“I like this,” he whispered, nudging a touch deeper. “The way my cock stretches you, the way only I know how wet you are.” His words aroused them both. Her tongue snuck over her upper lip. Ty pushed her harder into the tree. A sound tore from her throat that he was pretty sure was pleasure.

Her hands clutched his shoulders from behind. “Please,” she said, her head arching back. “Don’t leave me hanging.”

Ty rubbed his tip on the end of her and groaned. “I don’t want this to race by too fast.”

“No,” she agreed, squirming back at him the same way. “But please make it fast enough.”

Her pleading made him shake, but he drew back to fuck her all the same.

Being perfect didn’t matter. She needed this as much as he did. Any sort of motion was going to be good.

He was right about that. They both cried out when he drove in again.

He couldn’t keep it slow, though he tried. She was too hot, too tight, and she rocked herself back at him with an eagerness no man with his killer hard-on could have discouraged.

“Down,” she begged, five fervid minutes into it. “Lay me down on the blanket.”

He’d lay her all right, and lay her and lay her until they both flew apart. He cursed as he turned her, trying to keep up his thick deep pumping while he lowered both their weight. He couldn’t do it. He had to hug her tight against him to get her down safely. She writhed crazily while he did, her pussy squeezing him as strongly as her thighs.

“God,” he breathed in thanks the instant he had her down.

With her braced on the ground, they went at each other twice as hard as before. It was madness: the sensations, the noises, the fact that James and Anso weren’t doing anything but watching. The other men were leaving this all to him, leaving
all to him. He gloried in it, thrilled at giving them a show, yet also enjoying the stupendous selfishness of it.

He couldn’t mind when her fingernails dug into the skin of his back.

“Ty,” she cried. “

She was crying
name, and that just plain drove him nuts. He shifted angles, trying to make each inward drive a mallet’s rap on her clitoris. He must have done well enough. In a dozen more strokes she came, her passage fisting him with eye-widening strength. The friction on every inch of him heightened. He’d been close to coming for a while now, but that really cranked up the pressure on his gonads. His balls screamed for him to let what they had inside explode.

A little more
, he thought, loving the pain of it.
Just a little

She shoved two fingers between his cheeks into his asshole.

Too many nerves suddenly joined forces to bombard him with bliss signals.

Ty’s vertebrae seemed to lock, his hips snapping forward to sling him into her. He ejaculated like it was his last chance on earth, the heat rushing from him in hard hot bursts.

“Yes,” she groaned, coming around him again.

His vision flashed bright with pleasure, his sensory perceptions narrowing down to just his penis. No thought. No limbs. Just that part of him staking a very copious claim to the matching part of her. In that moment, he was glad Anso thought he couldn’t get her pregnant. No prophylactic sheath stretched between them. His seed shot straight to her womb. As it did, their energy zinged together, rays penetrating deeper than flesh to join them. He heard himself gasping with delight, and then - like a pair of fingers snapping - they were separate beings again.

His skin tingled intensely all over him.

“Wow,” she said shakily.

He remained jammed in her, supporting himself on straight arms he couldn’t recall locking. His chest was dripping sweat on her, his diaphragm lurching in and out with his bid for air. Olivia petted him as if savoring the feel of both.

“You okay?” he asked. He had to swallow after he did. His throat felt as rough as if he’d been screaming.

“Yes,” she said, then flashed an eyebrow wagging grin at him. “You?” He laughed at her humor, liking her - if warily - more by the second. “Your Majesty, I believe you know exactly how incredible I feel.” Though Olivia rolled to sprawl bonelessly on her stomach, Ty wasn’t worn out by what they’d done. How could he be when one of their tastiest members remained unsatisfied? James hadn’t beat off while he was watching like he had before with Ty.

The possibility that he wasn’t as interested in masturbating if Ty didn’t join him closed Ty’s throat on itself.

“Come here,” he said roughly.

James and Anso had sat cross-legged on the grass for the show. Now James looked at Ty with eyes almost as wide as his wife’s could get.

“I want you,” Ty said, gesturing him closer.

“You can’t.”

“I do. In fact ...” Ty paused to let inspiration gather. “I’d like to take you with your chest laid across her back. I’d like you to hold onto her while I bugger you nice and hard, just like you deserve. I expect she’ll enjoy the pleasure noises I wring from you if you’re making them an inch away from her ear.”

“Oh God,” James said, which pleased Ty as much as Olivia chuckling into the folded arms she was resting her cheek on.

“I would like it,” she assured her husband. “What Ty described is my idea of triple X.”

As stiff as James was from watching Ty’s performance, he didn’t take much urging. Ty arranged him half on Olivia’s back and half on the blanket with a pillow roll shoved under his hips. Then he proceeded to give him what was assuredly the best ass fucking of his life, given that it was only his second. Ty’s own energy surprised him, but there was no fighting it. He adored taking James over top of Olivia, her female flesh jiggling and jolting with each determined thrust.

James moaned even louder than he had for Ty in the shower, something about Olivia’s presence making it impossible for him to control his responses. Well accustomed to stimulating prostates, Ty pummeled his with unrelenting accuracy.

When James came, it was with both hands shoved under Olivia’s breasts and his head flung back on a tigerish groan.

Ty discovered he had more come in him.

At this point, they all looked too disreputable to be seen by anyone. Giggling like teenagers, they crept with their clothes and supplies to wash up in the duck pond. This feature of the park wasn’t as secluded as the Ramble, so they had to be quick. Olivia couldn’t stop laughing as she dressed behind the blanket James and Anso held up for her.

“I’m a sex fiend,” she gasped between snickers. “And I can’t do these damn buttons.”

Ty wasn’t sure what one thing had to do with the other. He only knew he was smiling too.

* * *

In order to slip unnoticed out of the palace, Ty had borrowed a nondescript family van from one of his household staff. Anso wanted to warn him to take extra good care of it, but had run out of energy. Operating on the theory that violating more protocols hardly mattered, Ty was overlooking James’s lack of a learner’s permit to give him an impromptu lesson at the controls.

They were lurching around in the currents but not too dangerously. Anso and Olivia braced themselves in the separate back compartment, which Ty’s good-natured employee appeared not to have had a chance to clean up. Children’s toys, ranging from infant to reading age, were strewn across the floor, along with what he suspected was Faerie-O’s cereal. Olivia had picked up a teether and was turning it in her hands. Like him, her body language was relaxed but inward turned, as if their physical satisfaction hadn’t quite turned off their worries.

Though Anso told himself mated people didn’t magically become one person, he couldn’t like her being withdrawn from him.

He put his hand on her knee, wishing part of him didn’t feel like he needed to ask permission. Olivia turned her head.

“You’re troubled,” he said.

Her laugh was a breath of air. “I was going to say the same about you.”
You didn’t though
, he thought.
And I know there’s a reason for that, one I
likely don’t want to hear

She placed her hand on the crux of his neck and shoulder, using gentle fingers to soothe the tendon that had gone tense. Still she didn’t speak. He guessed if she didn’t, he’d have to.

“This isn’t how I pictured being mated,” he confessed, watching her expression for reactions. “I always thought I’d have my wife to myself. I hoped we’d be each other’s bulwark against the storms.”

“Husbands and wives can certainly be that.” Her eyes were soft but her voice was cautious. Threads of light danced across her face through the van’s small portholes. Her skin looked utterly velvety. Anso knew she’d become his definition of beautiful.

“I didn’t mind what we did together today,” he said. “I mean, of course you could tell I liked it. I just ... I feel off balance. I don’t know how to bond with you the way I want.”

Olivia stroked his hair back along his cheek. “You’re a wonderful man. You choosing to mate me is an honor.”

He was certain she didn’t mean to, but the way she put this increased his uneasiness. He realized he wanted her to say she loved him. They’d known each other two days, and already he craved the words. What if she never said them?

How would he feel after years and years?

Though it caused his throat to tighten, he reminded himself that her and her husband’s love had deepened for half their lives.

“I’m rushing you,” he said and looked down between his knees.

She rubbed his back and - God - just that sent sweet waves of warmth through him. “I loved today. You’ve no idea how much I’ll cherish the memory.”

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