Hidden Depths (33 page)

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Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Hidden Depths
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Anso seemed to like watching Ty succumb as much as she did. If Olivia’s temperature had jumped ten degrees, his had just leaped fifteen.

“Here,” he said, urging Olivia onto her knees and over his lap.

She loved the way he handled her, strong and careful at the same time. His scent rose with his increase in heat, different from James’s but just as comforting.

Anso’s hands slid to her waist and rubbed. She bit her lip, wanting to kiss him, but then they wouldn’t be able to watch the others.

“Ride me,” Anso said gruffly, settling her indecision. “It’s been too long since I was in you.”

“Wait.” Ty’s hand fumbled out to hit Olivia’s knee. “Go in slow. James and I want to watch you take her.”

Ty didn’t just want to watch. Despite the awkward way he had to reach, he parted Olivia’s labia, pushing up the smooth wet folds and holding them open for his friend. His index finger rubbed once over Anso’s crest, then stroked her swollen clitoris. When he put his thumb there too and pinched lightly where she ached most, Olivia couldn’t contain a gush of excitement.

Naturally Ty liked that.

“I love this part of you,” he said, low and growly. “This is my idea of magic.” It would have been rude to laugh, and besides she was moaning. The dual sensations really got to her: Anso pushing slowly into her, Ty just as slowly frigging her.

“Pretty,” James panted, not taking his hands off Ty.

She didn’t want him to. Trusting Ty and James were of the same opinion, she kept her touch on Anso, combing through the dark gold silk of his hair, stroking his broad warm back. She rocked herself on his cock as if she had all the time on the world to come. Her body was telling her she was crazy, that it wanted to
, but she honestly didn’t care.

Anso shook with need, but he seemed no more inclined to rush. Each of his thrusts was deep, each long entry perfect for savoring. He pushed her breasts up, bending to suck her nipples and groan softly around them.

“Kiss them for me,” Ty said.

“Fuck him for me,” Anso returned to James.

This seemed to be the signal for Anso to push her backward, tumbling her gently under him to the bed. She couldn’t see James and Ty then, though she could still hear them. James had begun thrusting faster, if his and Ty’s sped-up grunts were anything to go by.

Anso breathed out a curse, affected by this soundtrack too. She supposed that was the challenge to making love in tandem. The other people got you excited.

Anso pushed her hands up beside her shoulders, weaving their fingers together.

To her, that union was as lovely as the other.

“Ready?” he asked, his next thrust already coming harder. It felt like paradise to her aching core.

“Oh yes,” she promised him.

He went at her like he’d been wanting to before they started, like this was the real beginning for him. He was so athletic that it was easier to let him take charge than to try to match his pace. She spread for him, arched for him, but didn’t get in his way otherwise. Growling his approval, he dug in his knees to give her his all -

full length and full throttle.

Olivia climbed so fast it was scary, the noises she was making every bit as loud as Ty’s. Her body was more than ready for this.

” Ty groaned as James evidently found a good spot. “God, you’re so fucking

Olivia certainly could have said the same.

Anso dropped his head, his quickened breathing huffing in her ear. He released his hold on one of her hands so he could cup her breast, grunting in reaction as he felt just how tight her nipple was. Thumbing it caused Olivia to let out a strangled sound, her pussy tightening helplessly on him.

She couldn’t doubt he liked that. His face went lax with pleasure a second before he set it determinedly. He changed angles and went faster, then changed them one more time.

That angle was the one. He knocked and rubbed the right spots inside and out.

Instantly overloading, Olivia cried out and came.

“God,” Anso gasped, beginning to go as well.

Energy thickened in the air. The slapping sounds James’s groin made on Ty’s buttocks turned crazy-fast. Ty groaned, then James did, and then everything Olivia was feeling got extremely intense.

It was as if she was having a four-way orgasm. In fact, it felt like all of them were. Sweet hard shocks ran through her as Anso held deep and flooded her. No one person had this many nerves, nor should they have fired this sharply all at one time. The climax was strong enough that it halfway hurt, though with a sweetness that helped explain why Ty enjoyed being spanked.

When the pleasure-pain finally released her sex, she was completely limp.

The king, on the other hand, not so much. Though it felt like he’d come oceans, his cock remained rigid inside of her. Only his face had sagged next to hers.

“Okay,” Ty panted from the other end of the bed. “Are James and I the only ones who want more of that?”

Anso groaned but not in disagreement. “I’m still hard as Hades.” The way they were talking woke fresh quivers inside of her. She squirmed around Anso’s hardness to ease her rising itch.

“Um,” she said, “if you all wouldn’t mind, could I make a request?”

“Oh God.” Anso pressed his cock deeper. “Does it involve waiting before the next round?”

“Noo,” she said, unsureness creeping into her tone. Asking for sexual things was easier when it was just James and her.

Anso went up on his elbows to look at her. His eyes caught hers in their deep blue magic, but she sensed the others turning as well.

“I recognize that wriggle,” James said. “A break isn’t what she wants.” She wrenched her gaze from Anso to James and then from him to Ty. All the men smiled at her, silently implying she could ask for anything. What she wanted seemed to come from somewhere even deeper than her desires, though certainly the longing was physical.

“Just ask,” Anso said gently.

“I want all of you,” she confessed. “I have such a craving to feel your cocks, I can’t even describe it. I want you to come in me, one after the other. Maybe it’s something to do with this heat, but I don’t think I’ll be satisfied until then.” Ty’s grin was the first and the broadest. “That sounds like a kick-ass idea.” Because Ty had spoken first, he took the lead next with her. Olivia knew his submissive streak was just that: only a part of him. What he showed her then was the mastery of a born sensualist.

He stroked her from head to toe.

Every line of her felt his sensitive fingers. Every curve. Every bend. Every muscle and digit. He kissed her nipples and her knees with almost equal interest.

He nuzzled his way up her vertebrae and smoothed his palms up her arms. He turned her into a puddle of relaxation that
wanted him to take her.

“I think I’m jealous,” Anso confessed laughingly minutes later. “He’s never touched me quite like that.”

Olivia liked that he wasn’t a hundred percent joking.

“I’ll pencil you in for next week,” Ty teased back the same way.

Done with his exploration, he draped himself along her back like a living blanket. His cock throbbed hot and thick against her, the tip resting in the cleft between her buttocks.

“Mm,” he said, one hand wedging beneath her to cup her sex. “Your and James’s skin is the best.”

“I like yours.” She was so relaxed and aroused that the words were slurred.

“Your body hair is so pettable.”

He chuckled - probably over the condition he’d reduced her to - and licked the side of her neck. “I think you know where I’m silkiest.” She knew, but just in case she didn’t, he shifted to let her feel the buttery soft crest against her very wet entrance.

“Mm,” he repeated, giving a half push in. “My memory didn’t exaggerate how nice this felt.”

His whole push made her go
. His thrusts were as luxurious as his all-over massage had been, though they massaged a more intimate place. He didn’t grow impatient as quickly as the king had. After a bit, he reared back with her still on him, taking her on his lap while she faced forward. His hands took advantage of the modified reverse cowgirl to roam up and down her front - and even then he didn’t speed up. The only sign that he was getting more excited was a greater fullness inside her and a subtle tightening of his muscles.

“Liv,” he whispered into her ear. “Would you suck off the king for me?” The shiver his request inspired was violent enough to see. “Anso,” she said throatily. “Ty wants me to suck you off.”

He came slowly to his feet, as if watching Ty fuck her the way he was had put him in a similar dreamlike state. He stood before her on the mattress, reaching out

- perhaps without thinking - to steady himself on James’s shoulder. His cock was fully erect, skin flushed, head stretched and shiny with excitement.

Now that she looked for it, she saw the tight seam in the gold fur around its base. She couldn’t dislike the evidence that he was different any more than she disliked any part of James. This was him, and because it was him, it was sexy.

“Come closer,” she said, gazing up his beautiful body into his lust-darkened face. Ty’s slow thrusts were moving her up and down, shaking her breasts and drawing Anso’s eyes to them. He stepped closer, breathed harder ...

When she lowered her head and sucked him, all of their bodies touched.

“God,” James breathed. “That looks beautiful.”

Anso made a sound like she was hurting him really good.

“Bring him off,” Ty said, his hushed voice breaking, “and I promise you’ll bring me.”

She took her time about it. She knew this was what Ty wanted, plus Anso felt really good going in and out her mouth.
didn’t cover how smooth he was.

The skin of his penis almost seemed delicate. Being protected most of the time certainly made it sensitive. A very little work on her part earned big responses from him.

In the end, watching his friend squirm and strain with pleasure was what snapped Ty’s control.

“Damn it,” he said, his subsequent thrust jolting into her. He had one arm clamped beneath her breasts, lifting them for Anso’s view. His other arm controlled her pelvis, bracing her for his thrusts with his hand cupped hard around her pussy. Despite its newness to him, he’d figured out a couple tricks to working her clit. He used them now as he went harder. “You might want to speed up there, Your Majesty.”

She’d been holding Anso by his hips. She held them harder as she caught Ty’s urgency. She wanted the king and Ty to go together; wanted to go with them herself. James’s hand was steadying Anso’s thigh, a handy support when Anso decided to fork all his fingers into her wavy hair.

This was too evocative for Ty.

“Shit,” he snarled behind her. “My balls are ... going to explode.” Olivia’s heart felt like it would do the same. She was so close to coming, and his finger had found a spot on her clit that was exquisite. Her orgasm crested between one heart-thump and another. Her neck arched back as Ty pumped and frigged her still more frenetically. The intensity of her pleasure made it impossible to continue pleasuring Anso. He grunted at her letting go, then shoved so close his cock nearly burned the side of her neck. He cupped it there, tight, and she put her hand over his. When he saw that, Ty couldn’t hold his climax in any more.

He came with a shout and a tightening of his arms, holding her prisoner for the hot flood that shot from him. Again and again he shoved into her, while Anso did the same underneath her hand, in close to the same rhythm. Ty’s chest took most of the king’s semen.

Olivia doubted he minded.

“God,” Ty said at last, sagging around her.

Anso’s cock softened on her shoulder, his hand petting slowly through her hair.
overcome with lassitude, she turned her face back and forth on his warm hipbone.

“I love you, Liv,” Anso said.

Olivia smiled. He was getting used to the words.

“Me too,” Ty mumbled in her ear.

“Me three?” James offered, amusement quavering in his voice.

All three men waited for a beat. Olivia burst out laughing. James and Anso she believed. Ty might not know his mind yet, but that he was willing to love her touched her deeply.

“All right, me four,” she surrendered, jumping in with both feet. “I love all of you. And I’m not just saying that because you said it first.”

“She’s polite,” James confirmed, “but she takes I love you seriously.”

“Good,” Ty said, sighing lengthily in her ear.

“Good,” Anso echoed after him.

let me go,” Olivia pointed out. “I do have one more man on my to-do list.”

“Really?” Ty said, hugging her like a sleepy child with a teddy bear. “You couldn’t use a rest?”

Normally she would have, but her body was oddly energized, as if her two previous climaxes were shots of espresso that whet her appetite for James.

“No rest for the greedy,” she quipped, gently peeling his octopus arms from her. “James and I haven’t made love together since we came here.”

“Really?” This came from Anso.

James smiled at her. He was as conscious of their abstinence as her.

Reluctantly, Ty let her pull free of his cock. “I suppose the other changes in your body have reduced your recovery time. Which is good, because I kind of went at you at the end.”

Olivia kissed one corner of his apologetic mouth. “I enjoyed every minute.

Maybe my queenly nature is kicking in.”

Ty snorted at the idea of her being queenly, then grinned at her. “Go on then.

Have at the tall dark hottie. I should be able to stay awake long enough to watch you and your first man do the dirty.”

Olivia shook her head at him. Ty had flopped down on his side and elbow with one ear propped his hand. She’d bet her favorite calculator he’d stay awake long enough. His twice-pleasured cock hung thick on his thigh, relaxed and shining with wetness but not retracting into its pocket the way she assumed it would if he were truly indifferent.

Ty didn’t miss the direction of her glance. “You keep ogling me like that, and your harem will get jealous.”

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