Hidden Desires (29 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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"I thought I pretty much left her no doubts tonight, but I was wrong."

"Maybe you were too subtle?" he offered

"Subtle?" Brooke snorted. "I was about as subtle as a Mack truck!"

Wade snickered. "Maybe she wasn't thinking clearly, she had a few beers..."

"That's the thing Wade, she knew exactly what she wanted. My bra nearly burst into flames." Brooke said waving at her chest.

He laughed. "Then you got me." Wade shrugged, not knowing what else to say. "Those tits even enticed me."

"Yeah, she's fighting it. I don't know what she's running away from, but I'll find out. I'll haunt her if I have to. I've never felt like this about anyone before and I'm under the impression that she's just a wee bit attracted to me too." Cayden's sultry groan rang in her ears. "Oh yeah." she said with a hard swallow.

"She sure rocked your world, didn't she?" Wade smirked.

Brooke fanned herself. "I didn't expect it at all. She just kissed me out of the blue... it was like nothing I ever experienced, not in my wildest dreams, and believe me, my dreams are pretty wild." She said, then blushed.

Wade smiled. "Oh, do tell." he urged.

"I felt it everywhere. God, it was incredible, her neck smells so good." She said recalling the musky scent.

"Oh wow! You're in big trouble Brooke." Wade warned.

"What on earth gave you that idea?" Brooke replied sarcastically.

"No I mean it. You're in love... with possible the most hard-headed, obnoxious, impossible, temperamental..."

"Enough, I get the picture." Brooke frowned. "What do you suggest I do?"

"I really don't know." he said sadly. "But, you just give me time. I'll think of something." He added deviously. "So, tell me all about these dreams..."

*  *  *


Cayden was so confused that she had to stop walking and just think. She leaned against the traffic light and finished her beer, then threw it in the trash can. She took a deep breath and looked around.
The train station is right up that block,
she pointed out to herself.
I can be in bed in half an hour.
She started walking with a purpose towards the train station and groaned out loud, she could practically feel Brooke's tits smashed up against her.
No... don't think. Just walk.
A few steps later, Cayden's lips recalled what it felt like to be engulfed by Brooke's and she immediately started to breathe heavily, her heart pounding furiously.
Oh no... go away.
She ordered the sensation.
Not tonight, I want nothing for tonight. In fact...
She took a detour into an all night deli and bought a six pack.
I don't want to think at all tonight.

*  *  *


Brooke walked home slowly, cradling Fred in the crook of her arm, and absently fingering the business card she took on her way out. She wore a devious expression, already thinking up ways to corner the tall sexy woman again. This night took her completely by surprise, she hadn't expected it at all. Of all the scenarios she imagined, sucking on Cayden's neck certainly wasn't in any of them. She hummed happily at the memory, her lips recalling the sensation of Cayden's soft skin.
Oh, she wants me alright. I just have to convince her that I'm not playing games. This is not an experiment. I want her
. She closed her eyes to savor the feeling of Cayden's tongue sliding against her own. She groaned, shuddered and licked her lips with the memory. "Oh yes, Cayden Riley, I want you. I don't know what demons you are fighting, but I'll find out."

*  *  *


Mr. Hewitt muted the television when he heard Brooke close the front door. He shared a concerned expression with his wife.

"Hi." Brooke said as she headed for her bedroom.

Harriet looked surprised. "Brooke?"


"Honey, is everything ok? You've only been gone an hour."

"Yeah," she said from her room.

The older woman shrugged at her husband and got up to follow Brooke. She stood by the closed bedroom door as she spoke. "Sweetheart, what happened?"

"Oh mom!" the door flew open and Brooke stood there in her pajamas looking as if she may explode.

Harriet instantly shared the excitement as she ran over to Brooke's bed. "Tell me!" she insisted "What did you say? What did she say? What happened when she saw you? Was she surprised?"


"I knew that would work!"

"No, you see, she didn't invite me." Brooke said with a wry grin.

"What?" Harriet was confused.

"Let me get a drink and I'll explain."

*  *  *


Bert watched with a great deal of curiosity as his daughter passed back and forth through the room with his wife an inch behind her.

*  *  *


"So?" Harriet asked impatiently.

Brooke drank some water. "You see, according to Cayden, she wouldn't invite me to her party if I was the last woman on earth."

"Oh my! Honey!"

"She's full of hot air, ma, she wants me." Brooke said with a chuckle.

"Well if you ask me, she sounds pretty rude!"

"You know, that'll happen when my mother plays Bond right after my boyfriend threatens her. She's a little skittish. I can work around it." Brooke smiled slyly.

"Sorry. I just had to see her for myself." Harriet confessed with a guilty pout.

"Never mind that. It got me in a bit of trouble, but somehow, trouble seems to work for me."

"What does that mean?"

"She was so pissed off! Wow, she was yelling at me, I was trying to confess and she kept yelling. Suddenly she got all sexy and droopy and I could hardly breathe. Then she kissed me."

"She did? She kissed you? In the middle of yelling?" Harriet smiled to herself, she knew they had passion, but she wasn't sure she liked how Cayden was treating her daughter.

"She stopped yelling as soon as I confessed. Then, she got all syrupy and kept getting closer and closer. By that time, I was babbling like an idiot and she kissed me."

"Was it good?" She just had to know.

"Spectacular. I made her do it again."

"Brooke! I thought you'd be the woman."

Brooke laughed. "Its not like that ma. Not all female couples are stereotypical." Brooke smiled proudly at her knowledge of lesbians, thanks to her long talks with Bev. "She's a bit butch, I'll give you that, but not masculine. In fact, aside form the initial kiss, I was pretty much the aggressor."

"You were?" Harriet was shocked. Brooke had been so submissive with Grant, that she forgot all about her daughter's stubborn streak. She chuckled at her daughter's admission of aggression.
Wait a minute, just what did she instigate?
"There was more than a kiss?" Harriet wondered what Brooke meant.

"No, not really." The blonde blushed.

"I don't want to know that anyway." Mrs. Hewitt picked at her dress nervously. "So, what happens now? Do you date? Does she call you?"

"Well, there's a little problem. She's confused about what happened. She insists that I'm straight, she freaked out a bit over everything." Brooke said with her brows furrowed.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I know how much you like her." Mrs. Hewitt said sweetly, rubbing her daughters back for comfort, but secretly relieved that Brooke wouldn't be chasing after this problematic woman.

"No, it's okay. I can work around that. She had a few beers, she was a little tipsy, She may not have been thinking clearly."

Harriet frowned. "It sounds to me like your making excuses for her."

"That's because I am. I know she probably thinks this is some sort of straight girl conquest, an experiment. Bev said it may happen and I half expected it, but not so soon. I figured all I was going to do tonight was see if she was attracted to me, if she was, I would take it from there. I certainly didn't expect what happened. I'm guessing she didn't either."

Like it or not, Brooke was going to do this and Harriet promised her support. "Well, you got your answer, she is attracted to you." The older woman thought a second before voicing her concern. "Brooke, are you sure pursuing this is wise?"

"Absolutely not. I'm not sure of anything right now except I have to kiss her again. I don't care what I have to do."

"Think about it sweetheart. I don't want you getting hurt and there's great potential for that here. Can we at least meet her first?"

"Oh no. I'm not letting daddy anywhere near her."

"You'll never be able to pull that off. He'll go and find her himself."

"NO! Please! I'm in enough trouble already. Let me work on her a little. I'll get her here eventually."

*  *  *


By the time Wade and Jodie cleaned, closed up the shop and parted ways it was pretty late. Wade got home, fully expecting a Cayden-sized tantrum, instead, he was surprised to find her asleep on the couch. Squinting in the dark, he noticed she was fully clothed. Shaking his head in disbelief, he decided to take off her boots and when he neared the couch, tripped over empty beer bottles. "Fucking Cayden, you're gonna feel that in the morning," he said, puling off her boot,. While working on the second one, Cayden squirmed and groaned loudly. Fearing a puke, he quickly turned her onto her side, where she groaned again and reached out for something.


Wade chuckled. "You are so fucked my big, stupid, friend."

*  *  *


Jodie was happily ensconced in her role as shopkeeper. She arranged everything on the shelves perfectly, windexed the hell out of the windows and shelves and even faced all the money in the register the same way. It was pushing noon and she was getting hungry, and wondered where Cayden was. The last she heard from her, the tall woman was getting into the shower. Recalling the quiet, hoarse voice Cayden used made her wince. Her usually cranky friend was hung over, and probably felt miserable. Cayden was going to be a world of fun. However, the brunette never let anyone know when she was sick, she hated to appear weak. Jodie figured she'd tiptoe lightly into the shop and pretend everything was okay, even if she was dying. Wade told her how he found Cayden passed out on the couch with visions of Brooke dancing in her head. If memory served her right, the last time Jodie fell asleep on that couch, her neck hurt her for a week.
Yep, she's gonna be a pit bull, a very quiet pit bull
. Jodie snickered to herself, thinking about maybe taking advantage of the situation.

*  *  *


Cayden was absolutely certain that her eyeballs were throbbing, she could feel it clearly when she closed her eyes. The subway ride was longer than it ever was. She kept both hands on the strap, positive that the engineer was taunting her personally with his jerkier than usual braking. At her stop, she stumbled off of the train and forewent the urge to lay on the bench and nap. She'd wind up without her shoes, or worse, when she woke up and that would make her angry, and then for sure, her eyeballs would explode. It would be embarrassing at the very least.

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