Hidden Truths (64 page)

BOOK: Hidden Truths
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Rika dropped her arms.

Amy stared at her, drinking in every curve, every inch of
the pale skin. "You're beautiful."

"You don't need to say that," Rika said. "I
know I'm rather plain and nothing special."

With one finger, Amy directed Rika's chin up so they were
looking in each other's eyes. "You're special to me."

Rika's chest heaved. Her eyelashes trembled against flushed
cheeks. "You're special to me too." She slid her fingers beneath the
edge of Amy's undershirt and lifted up the fabric. When the undershirt
fluttered to the floor, Rika threw her arms around Amy and pulled her close.

Their breasts pressed against each other.

Every inch of Amy's body came alive. Almost dizzy with
pleasure, she clutched the small of Rika's back, pulling her even closer, and
felt Rika's hands on her bare sides.

They sank back onto the bed.

"I can feel your heart beating," Amy whispered
against Rika's ear.

"It's racing."

Amy's heart was pounding too. She wanted to touch Rika
everywhere, bring her every possible pleasure, but she had no idea where to
begin. "Do you know what to do?"

"I have a few ideas." Smiling, Rika kissed Amy's
collarbone. She pressed her lips to the tiny measles scars on Amy's upper

With every kiss, the urge to touch Rika increased until Amy
slid out from under Rika and leaned over her. Her lips were drawn to a smooth
shoulder, while her hands explored the gentle curve of Rika's stomach. She
admired the pale skin that appeared like rich cream beneath her hands.
"You're so soft," she whispered against Rika's collarbone. "I'm
sorry my hands are so rough. I hope my calluses don't —"

Rika captured Amy's wrists and pressed kisses against Amy's
palms. "I like your calluses." Rika's breath on her palms made heat
shoot up Amy's arms and down her body. "They make me tingle all

"Yeah?" Amy trailed one fingertip from Rika's
navel to her breastbone. Her gaze followed her finger and admired the rise of
Rika's breasts and the nipples that were darker than her own. She hesitated,
then carefully circled Rika's left breast. She wanted to watch Rika's face, searching
for any sign that she was doing the wrong thing, but her gaze was drawn down,
following the circles her finger drew around Rika's breast, closer and closer
to the hardened nipple.

Rika moaned and arched into the touch.

Emboldened by Rika's reaction, Amy cupped her breast. She
swooned at the warm weight. "Is this all right?"

"Wonderful." As if to prove it, Rika slid her hand
between them and caressed Amy's breast.

Amy's eyes fluttered shut. She moaned as flashes of
sensation flared through her body. She felt hungry for Rika's touch and wanted
to press so close to Rika that she disappeared inside of her. The feeling grew
and grew until she felt as if she'd explode. She groaned, helpless how to
express the feeling. "I never imagined it could be like this," she
said, her voice hoarse.

When she buried her face against Rika's neck, Rika turned
her head and kissed Amy's ear. "That's not all there is to making
love." Rika slid a hand down Amy's body.

A thrill raced through Amy, and she held her breath as the hand
paused on the sensitive skin of her lower belly. Gentle nails teased her navel,
sending a flash of heat to that spot between Amy's legs.

Rika pulled at the drawstring of Amy's drawers. "Is
this all right?" she asked, her lips brushing against Amy's cheek. "I
want to feel you."

No longer able to speak, Amy nodded. Her body trembled, in a
hurry for something, but not sure what it was that she craved.

They struggled out of their drawers, the last barrier
between them now gone. Amy sucked in a breath when they came together in an
intimate embrace.

Rika's thigh pressed between Amy's legs, skin against skin.

"Rika." She panted against the damp skin of Rika's
neck. A feeling of pressure and heat swirled through her belly.
Oh, yes.
Lord, Rika. This is...

She gritted her teeth against the spreading sensations,
trying not to get swept away by the maelstrom of feelings. She wanted Rika to
feel this good too.

A drop of sweat trailed down Rika's chest, and Amy chased it
down with her lips. She pressed kisses to Rika's breast, reveling in the
pleasant fullness, the softness, and in the scent of Rika's skin.

Rika's nipple hardened beneath her touch.

Curious, Amy wrapped her lips around it and tasted it with
her tongue.

"Oh. Amy." Rika weaved her fingers through Amy's
hair, not pushing her away, but pulling her even closer. Her hips arched, and
Amy felt her own body echo the movement as the pressure in her belly started to

Restlessly, she moved against Rika.

Rika stroked her hand down Amy's sensitive side, making goose
bumps trail down her body. She fanned her fingers over Amy's hip and explored
its curve until her fingertips rested at the juncture of Amy's thighs.

Amy gasped for breath. Liquid heat swirled through her
belly. "Rika, I..."

"Don't be scared. I'll stop if you don't like
this." Rika trailed her fingers lower.

Overwhelmed with feelings and sensations, Amy covered Rika's
hand with her own. She moaned when she felt the dampness between her thighs.

"Amy? Do you want me to...?"

Trembling, Amy guided her lower. She surged against Rika,
wanted her closer, wanted to share this breathtaking experience with her. It
took some maneuvering, but she managed to slide her hand between Rika's thighs.

The damp warmth and Rika's moans washed over her senses,
mingling with the sensations Rika's touch created.

They groaned and moved against each other in a faster

Rika's skin glowed with a sheen of perspiration, making
every touch feel like silk.

Amy searched Rika's lips with hers, but then Rika began to
move her fingers faster and Amy gasped for breath, trying to keep up and
control her body's reaction.


Her hips surged to meet Rika's rhythmic stroking that became
faster and faster.

Spellbound by the silky wetness beneath her fingertips, the
quick rise and fall of Rika's chest, and the parted cherry-red lips, Amy
pressed closer. Her heart thumped against her ribs, keeping pace with the
pounding that was starting in her core.

Rika's breathless moans rained over her like kisses.

"Oh. Oh, yes." Amy's stomach tightened.

Rika dug her fingers into Amy's back. Her thighs locked
around Amy's hand, and she fell against Amy with a cry.

Tiny tremors started deep within Amy. Pleasure rushed
through her. She cried out as it peaked and she fell into the darkness of
Rika's eyes.

For a while, she couldn't move. Her universe was reduced to
the pulsing in her body and the feeling of Rika's skin against hers. Nothing
else existed.

Then, with weak limbs, she drew Rika against her side. Their
breathing calmed, and Amy closed her eyes. "I could stay like this
forever," she whispered and kissed Rika's cheek.

Rika laughed and cuddled closer. "I think your family
would —"

She paused and tilted her head.

"What —?" Amy asked, but Rika shushed her.

Someone was knocking on the cabin door.

Amy held her breath. She sent Rika a panicked gaze and
pressed one finger to Rika's lips. "Sssh. Maybe whoever it is will go away
if we keep quiet," she whispered.

But instead, the knocking on the door continued.
"Hendrika? Amy?" Nattie called. "Are you in there? I thought I'd
bring over a nightshirt and a hairbrush for Hendrika."

Oh, no.
A spasm of fear shot through Amy's belly when
she remembered they hadn't locked the cabin door. She tossed her chemise at
Rika and struggled into her undershirt. "Hurry." She shoved one foot,
then the other through her pant legs and hastily slipped on her shirt while
Rika fought to get on her corset.

They stumbled through the cabin, getting dressed along the
way. By the time they reached the front door, Amy was gasping for breath. She
paused, sucked in a breath, and threw a glance at Rika. "Ready?"

Rika smoothed her hands over her skirt and nodded.

When Amy opened the door, Nattie stood in front of them.

"Come in," Amy said for lack of other things to
say or do.

Nattie slipped past her and held out a nightshirt and a
hairbrush. "What was taking so long? It took you forever to —" She
tilted back her head and regarded them through narrowed eyes. "What
happened to the two of you?"

Heart pounding, Amy glanced down at herself. She'd missed a
button, and she wore neither boots nor socks. With growing trepidation, she
turned toward Rika, who was equally barefoot. The laces of her corset weren't
tightened properly, and now her bodice bunched in a few places.

"What's going on?" Nattie pointed the hairbrush at
Amy, then at Rika. "Your hair looks as if you'd just climbed out of

"Nattie..." Amy held out her hands, palms forward.
"It's not what —" She stopped herself. Did she really want to live
her life ducking her head in shame for loving a woman as wonderful as Rika? Did
she want to lie and deny her love even to her own sister?

She'd never again run or hide when something
scared her. She reached for Rika's hand and entwined their fingers. Slowly, she
lifted her head to meet Nattie's gaze. "All right," she said, trying
to keep her voice from trembling. "It's exactly what it looks like."

Nattie swallowed audibly and stared at them. "You mean
you... the two of you...?"

They exchanged a quick glance, then nodded.

Pale, Nattie turned an accusing gaze at Rika. "Is
this," she gestured at them, "why you didn't marry Phin?"

"I didn't marry Phin because I don't love him."

"Phin is a good man."

Rika tilted her head. "I know. And I thought that would
be enough. But then I met your family, and I realized that I want more. I want

The kerosene lamp in her hand threw shadows across the cabin
as Nattie shuffled her feet. "And you love Amy?"

Rika turned and looked at Amy. A smile eased the tension on
her face. She reached out and smoothed her free hand over the crooked collar of
Amy's shirt. "Yes," she said, looking just at Amy. "I love

Warmth spread through Amy. "And I love Rika." When
she looked back at Nattie, her sister was still frowning. "Are
you..." She swallowed. "...disappointed in me? Do you find this...
us... disgusting?"

"I won't lie," Nattie said, her voice trembling.
"It's confusing. After finding out about Papa..." She shook her head.
"I didn't think you were keeping secrets from me too. Nothing like this,
at least."

Amy held on tighter to Rika's hand, clung to the comforting
grip. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, Nattie."

Nattie's gaze softened. "I know. But you could have
told me. I'd never judge you."

Tentative hope began to melt the icy clump of fear in Amy's
stomach. "Then you're all right with..." She pointed at Rika and
herself. "...with us?"

"I'll need some time to get used to the thought. But
you're my sister, and I want you to find happiness. If that's with
Hendrika..." Nattie shrugged. "Although..."

Amy swallowed. "Yes?"

"I'm starting to think there's something wrong with

"Wrong?" Why would Nattie think that?

"Yeah." The hint of a smile transformed Nattie's
serious expression. "After all, I'm the only one in the family who's in
love with a man."

Amy blinked; then laughter exploded from her, chasing away
the remnants of fear and shame. When she realized what Nattie had just said,
she stopped laughing. "Wait a minute. You're in love? With whom?"

"Oh. Um." Nattie ducked her head and backed away.
"I think I better get back to the house."

"Now who's the one keeping secrets?" Amy stopped
Nattie from opening the cabin door. "Come on. Tell me."

Shyly glancing up, Nattie said, "Phin asked me to write
him while I'm away."

"Phin?" Amy shook her head from side to side, not
sure if she had heard correctly. "You're in love with Phin? What about

Nattie clutched her hands to her chest, the kerosene lantern
still in one fist, nightgown and hairbrush in the other. "I think he likes
me too. But we'll wait until I get back before we talk about any future we
might have together."

Before Amy could think of an answer, Nattie opened the door.
"Goodnight. And sorry for interrupting." She hurried away.

Amy fell into Rika's arms. "Oh, Lord. That was... Rika,
I'm so sorry. This wasn't how I wanted our first... our wedding night to end.
We'll have to be more careful in the future. If that had been one of the ranch
hands instead of Nattie..." The thought made her tremble.

"It's all right." Rika combed her fingers through
Amy's hair, putting it back into some semblance of order. "At least we
don't have to lie to your sister anymore."

"It seems she was keeping her own secret." Amy
couldn't get over it. Her little sister was in love — and with Phin, of all
people. She eyed Rika, who looked back calmly. "Did you know about

Rika shrugged. "I had my suspicions. Didn't you wonder
why Phin took my rejection so awfully well?"

"Yeah, it made me wonder. But if he has feelings for
Nattie too, why is he letting her go east?"

"Why did you almost let me go?"

The thought that she had almost lost Rika still hurt.
"I thought I couldn't offer you what you deserve."

Rika stretched out her palm as if to present evidence.
"See? That's why Phin isn't courting your sister just yet. And Nattie
wants what your parents have — a true partnership. They can't have that unless
Nattie finds her place in life first. She needs to find a way to contribute in
her own special way to a ranch. But you wait and see. Once Nattie returns as a
veterinary surgeon and Phin has built his ranch..."

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