Hide and Seek (7 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lapthorne

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Adult, #Paranormal, #Werewolves

BOOK: Hide and Seek
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Hearing him utter a hoarse, strangled shout, she felt the colors and vibrations of her own climax rock through her, surrounding her with a safety and bliss she had missed desperately during the last six months. Feeling William’s cock thrum and vibrate, and then the feel of his hot seed shoot deep inside her body, Josephine wallowed in their mutual climax.

Over and over William shot into her; deep, hot shots of his cum. He filled her totally with his seed, and she felt the excess slide down her thigh to wash away with the spray of the shower.

Gasping, still feeling the residual tingling and bright colors surrounding her vision, Josephine held on tightly to the only solid thing she knew at this time—the large man in front of her.

As she slowly started floating back to earth, her breaths began to slow from the hurried pants to her more normal deep breaths. Just as her breath returned to normal and got under control, William uttered a bellowing cry as she felt him fumble at the wall.

“Damned hot water service.”

Wondering what the hell was wrong, Josephine was about to ask, when she felt the chilling spray of cold water against her rosy, heated flesh.

The hot water had evidently run out. Josephine ducked out of the shower in record time. Picking up one of the fluffy towels she had deliberately left in easy reach, she had to grin at the grumpy, dripping man who followed her out.

Handing him a towel, her smile spread even wider at his disgruntled face. She still felt blissfully sated, despite the water turning cold.

“It lasted a hell of a lot longer than anything else I’ve had over the last few months.”

Blushing as she realized her double entendre, she buried her face quickly in the towel. Glancing up quickly, she had to grin at the smug, utterly male, self-satisfied grin William was shining down on her.


Chapter Five


Snugly wrapped up in one of William’s flannel shirts, Josephine watched her lover pull on a pair of cotton briefs for bed. She smiled as she contentedly thought of how sexy but silly he looked in them. The white cotton merely highlighted the lovely deep tan his skin held. The briefs clung almost lovingly to his slim hips, and showed the fine line of his ass to perfection. As she stared at him, his cock began to grow. The tight cotton merely enhanced the perfect bulk of his cock.

William jumped into the bed, snuggled under the covers and dragged her large body closer to his.

“If you don’t stop looking at me like that we’ll have a repeat of the shower.”

“I liked what we did in the shower.”

“I know, but I don’t want to utterly wear you out. Pregnant women need their rest and sleep. And that’s what I’m going to let you do.”

Josephine grinned.

“If you want me to sleep the deep sleep of an innocent it’s a little late for that, buddy. I’m already fully corrupted by your wicked hands and tongue. And your cock has certainly branded me. But I’m more than happy to share the bed and this lovely large bedspread with you.”

William raised an eyebrow.

“Such generosity! I am most humbled, my lady.”

He gently, almost hesitantly laid a hand on her huge belly. The reverence and awe with which he moved his hands over their children showed her more clearly than words his love for their babies, his devotion and protectiveness towards them. He closed his eyes for a few moments. Josephine enjoyed the chance she had to study his features. She kept silent, letting him think, or concentrate, or do whatever it was he seemed to want to do.

When she noticed a slight frown puckered his forehead she couldn’t keep silent.

“What is it? William, what’s wrong?”

* * * * *

William frowned and tried to concentrate. He didn’t really know how he did what he did. Usually he merely concentrated and tried to focus on something outside his body. It was something he had always been able to do, so he never needed to question it. When he first met his sister-in-law, Sophie, he was able to scent her and his brother mingled in their baby, and some instinct told him that the child might very well be female.

All the Rutledge children were male, and had been for generations. While he never directly argued the gender of the child with Sophie, he had laughed and joked with his brothers over the strange delusions of a pregnant woman who’d insisted her child was a girl.

He alone had not been totally shocked at the arrival of little Christiana.

Yet this was slightly different. He could definitely feel the two tiny babies living inside his woman, could almost see them. Yet every time he concentrated too deeply on them, he started drowning in Josephine’s scent—in their joint scent—surrounding their babies.

There was just something…different.

“…what’s wrong?” Josephine’s voice finally penetrated his fogged mind.

Removing his hand reluctantly from his little sons, William wrapped himself around Josephine’s loving warmth.

“Nothing…I was merely communing with our little boys. As you share a bloodstream with them and can mentally chat to them at any time of the day or night, I have to wait until I have you gloriously naked and under me to do my chatting with them. We’ll have to buy some Tchaikovsky and Bach for you to listen to. Apparently sons grow bigger and stronger when their moms listen to those tunes when the fetus is growing.”

When Josephine rolled her eyes and turned her back to him, he merely spooned her closer and pressed his half-hard shaft against her delightful ass.

“So how did you know the babies were twins?”

Caught daydreaming about making slow love to Josephine as she fell asleep, William was surprised by the question.

“Ah…sweetheart, this mightn’t be the best—”

“Oh please!” she interrupted, “now is the best time. I’m all warm and fuzzy from our passion. Trust me when I say now would be the very best time for you to explain your power to me.”

“Power?” William thought for a moment. Josephine didn’t appear concerned in the least. Maybe this would be easier than he thought.

“Yes, I presume you have some sort of power. I believe in magic and a lot of that new age crap. Not magic like in the fairy tales, but some psychics are real. I just assumed you had some sort of male version of psychic power.”

William nodded against Josephine’s back.

“Well, I’m not really sure about that or how it works. Sometimes I can just concentrate and…
…things, see things. It often works a little differently, so I can never predict it. Sometimes when I expect to get something I don’t get anything at all. It’s rather hard to describe. But there is something I want to tell you…”

Pausing to try and gather his foggy, lust-riddled thoughts, William inhaled Josephine’s scent. She wriggled adorably, grinding her soft ass against his hardening cock.

“That tickles, William! And don’t try to avoid the question. What’s up?”

“My brothers and I are all…different…but I’m the only one who seems to have any particular sort of gift like this. But…um…” William’s mind wandered as Josephine wriggled in the bed again, obviously trying to find a comfortable position lying down with her expanding belly.

He lowered one of his hands under the flannel shirt. When his warm hand touched her soft, crinkly curls, without thought, his hand started playing. Tunneling through to her engorged clit, he began to stroke.

“William! Don’t! Finish what you were saying first! Oooh!”

William couldn’t help the grin that covered his face.

Rubbing his finger around and around her engorged clit, he listened to her deepening breaths. When Josephine started canting her hips, to press her clit more demandingly over his stroking fingers, he resumed his talking.

“I don’t really know what talent it is, I can simply tell things sometimes. The more I concentrate and focus on it, the hazier it gets.”

“You’ve already said that,” Josephine gasped, backing her ass into the cradle of his cock, “but you said that
of your brothers were different.”

William sighed. Slipping a finger into her wet pussy and thrusting it simultaneously with his stroking finger, he worked to free his shaft with just his free thumb.

“Well, this is going to sound a bit strange, so just trust me, okay?”

Josephine laughed. “You have a finger in my cunt and another one stroking my clit. I’m a minute away from climax, and you think you need to ask me to

William smiled. His request did seem a bit ridiculous now that he thought of it. His cock was now fully erect and desperate to be inside Josephine, even though they had made love not ten minutes ago. William slowly, carefully began to ease himself into her. Strumming her clit with both wet fingers now, he gritted his teeth in the attempt not to simply plunge inside her. He reminded himself he needed to be careful of the kids.

heavens! That feels wonderful, William!” With Josephine wriggling madly on his impaling shaft, William was finding it harder and harder to concentrate on anything except losing himself in her scent and body. Finally, he was penetrating her right to his balls, and they both gasped to catch their breaths.

Josephine wriggled her delightful ass, incredibly driving him half an inch deeper into her.

“Now talk, buddy. Tell me about this ‘difference’ you and your brothers have.”

Grinning wickedly, nipping at the curve where her neck met her shoulder, William blew gently on her bare neck.

“Well, you see, darling, we’re all werewolves. Every month on the full moon, or when the urge comes to us, we change into our wolf form, and run around the National Park howling and scenting prey. My older brother Artemais is the Alpha of the pack, and his daughter Christiana will hopefully follow in his footsteps one day.”

Noticing Josephine had stilled, mouth gaping open, trying to turn around to see if he was kidding her or not, William enjoyed this rare moment of stumping her. Easing his rock-hard cock out from her delicious pussy, and then pressing firmly back in, he started a slow, teasing pace for their lovemaking.

“You’re kidding me, aren’t you, William? That would mean my babies are half werewolf. If this is some sort of joke it’s not funny, I’m going to kill you!”

Realizing that he might be upsetting her, William kissed her nape, and kept his pace thrusting.

“I’m not kidding, love. I wouldn’t joke about our babies. Just let the thought sit a while, hmm? Relax and let me love you.”

Slowly thrusting, building the pace, William gently, reverently, loved his mate. When she peaked again, moments later, crying out and clutching his ass even closer to her body, he felt an overwhelming rush of love and affection for her. Keeping his hands on her hips, not wanting to hurt her belly if he should grab her too tightly in their passion, William continued thrusting through her orgasm, and began building her up once again without pause.

As Josephine threw her head back onto his chest, twisted to look up at his face, she seemed to search his features. He smiled gently down at her, wondering what thoughts were going through her mind.

“You weren’t kidding, were you?” she clarified.

William bent down and kissed her nose. “No, love. I wasn’t kidding.”

Josephine nodded. “You didn’t come.”

William felt a huge grin cross his face. Increasing the pace of his leisurely thrusts, he felt an insane pride in the fact he could bring Josephine to climax multiple times and barely break a sweat.

“I will this time.” He promised.

That time, like he promised, they both cried out in passion, both shuddered in ecstasy, and William felt his seed shoot hot and deep inside his mate, bathing her in his essence.

As he slowly came down from the high, gently returned to earth, he snuggled closer to his mate. She carried his babies, and he knew he would protect her from whatever had happened in Seattle, whatever it was she was running from.

Wrapped tightly around her, William tried to “see” his children, but failed. He smiled slightly as he thought that maybe Fate wanted to surprise him with his sons. As they lay entwined in his big bed together, William decided as he had now shared his secret, it was time for Josephine to share some of her own secrets.

“Josie,” he started, hesitantly, kissing her nape again. “Josie, what happened out in Seattle? Why are you running?”

When she gave him no response, he tightened his embrace slightly.

“You can tell me, love, I promise.”

When William felt the deep, even breaths puffing from her lungs, he sighed. Ordinarily, the thought of bringing a woman to climax so forcefully and completely that she fell asleep from exhaustion was a calming balm to his male ego. Tonight, however, it was a pity. He really wanted to talk to Josephine about that warrant.

Wrapping her thoroughly in his embrace, determined she would not be able to leave in the morning without a backward glance, William settled himself deeper under the bedspread.

Tomorrow would be soon enough to talk about her problems.

Chapter Six


Josephine woke up with sunlight shining down on her face. As she looked around the unfamiliar room, she felt the warm, secure presence of William’s body wrapped tightly around her. Nestling back against his warm body, she blinked and placed her hands protectively over her babies.
Their babies
. She had to keep reminding herself they were no longer merely hers. She would be sharing much of them with William.

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