High (10 page)

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Authors: Zara Cox

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: High
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“Sex god.”

“Excuse me?”

“Sex god. That’s what I thought you
were the moment I saw you.”

He felt his grin widen. “And I thought
you were going to leave before I got the chance to get my mouth on that juicy
cunt of yours.”

Her husky laugh made him harder. “You
thought I would leave?”

“You stood in that goddamn doorway for
so long, I thought you’d turned into a statue. Then you walked in and Johnny
Boy Band got his horn-dog eyes on you, I wanted to smash his teeth in.”

“Jason is a sweet guy.”

An unpleasant feeling threatened to
ruin his mood. “He wanted to fuck you. I wanted to smash his face in.”

Her smile dimmed a little and he realized
he’d nearly growled his response. But he didn’t take it back. The parts of
himself he could reveal to Bethany needed to be revealed up close and immediately.
He didn’t want there to be any misapprehension when it came to what he wanted.

“Does that worry you?” he asked,
holding his breath for her answer.

“I don’t know. No one’s felt that way
about me before.” Again pain shadowed her eyes.

Again he fought back his curse. “I feel
that way about you now. I’m insanely possessive about you. The thought of any
other guy getting close to this,” he pulled back to gaze over the perfection of
her body, “makes me insane.”

“We’ve known each other barely two
days, Zach.”

“I knew how I felt before I even saw
your face.”

Her breath fractured. “What…what are
you saying?”

“That I don’t know what the hell this
is. But no other guy is going to come near you while we figure it out.”

“And how exactly are we going to figure
it out? I don’t even know where you live or if I’ll see you again once this
trip is over.”

“You’ll see me. That I can promise

Questions filled her eyes. Questions he
wasn’t quite ready to answer yet because he hadn’t figured out the answers yet.
And especially when his cock was fired up strongly enough to hammer nails.
Tugging her after him, he resumed his journey to the bathroom.

Her fingers jerked in his when they
entered the bathroom. He glanced at her to find her eyes riveted on the wide
bath, her features pale.

“What is it?”

“I don’t do bath tubs…”

Zach tugged her close and drifted his
mouth over her jaw and neck. “For what I have in mind, the shower is better.”

He felt her relief and pulled back.
“What exactly do you have against bath tubs?”

She shook her head, her hands sliding
up his chest as she leaned in closer. “I don’t want to talk about it right now,
if you don’t mind?”

“I do mind. But I’ll let you distract
me with those delicious nipples you’re rubbing against my chest.”

He walked backward with her into the
immense shower, programmed the temperature settings on the electronic panel and
turned on the large, square showerhead. Six jets spewed warm water into the
space where he directed them. He glanced over to the wide bench on the far side
of the shower enclosure and dismissed it.

That would come later. For now, he had
a more urgent wish.

“I’ve frisked that tight, plump ass of
yours. I’ve held it as I fucked you just now on the sofa. But I haven’t
actually seen it naked yet. So, Bethany Green, what say you turn around and show
me that hot little ass of yours, huh?”


“There’s nothing little about it,”
Bethany replied, the old insecurity about her ass rising to the fore despite
the hungry heat in Zach’s eyes. “It’s ridiculously large.”

“Show me.” His hand drifted to his cock
and grasped it. Bethany watched, mesmerized as he caressed it lazily, his
tongue darting out to touch his lower lip.

The motion of him stroking his cock was
so hypnotizing, she locked her knees to keep from sliding into a stupid puddle
of need. When he made his demand again, she shook her head. He was so gorgeous
and she…she couldn’t turn around.


“Turn the fuck around. Now.” The demand
was rough. Urgent.

Steam rose in the room, unfortunately
not enough to provide any camouflage. But it was enough to raise her already
soaring temperature.

“You make me come over there and you’ll
regret it,” he warned.

She squeezed her eyes shut for several
seconds. Then, slowly she turned, presenting her back and her worst feature to
the probing gaze of the most beautiful man in the world.


More silence.

Then… “Jesus, Bethany…how can you
think…? Fuck!”

Her head whipped back, damp hair
clinging to her cheeks as her gaze sought his. But he wasn’t staring into her
face. His gaze was riveted on her ass, a look so reverent, so intensely awed, that
it weakened her knees.

He couldn’t possibly love her ass…could

One step was all it took to bring him
within touching distance of her. Instead he reached up to one side of the
showerhead and plucked a bottle off the shelf. Bethany didn’t know what it
contained because she couldn’t look away from the stark hunger stamped on his

He flicked open the top with his thumb
and tilted the bottle.

Cool liquid landed on her lower back,
making her gasp at the contrasting sensations.

Still without taking his eyes from her
ass, he caressed his hand over his cock one more time,
began spreading the liquid all over her wet globes.

Sensation shot through her that had
nothing to do with his heated touch, although that in and of itself threatened
to blow her mind.

“What…what is that?”

“Shhh, don’t speak right now, baby. I’m
in ass heaven.”

“Seriously? Ass heaven?”

He slapped her ass hard enough to
sting, then groaned. “God, I just made your ass pink.” He slapped it again for
good measure then reverently rubbed the lotion in, squeezing and caressing her
flesh over and over.

With each caress, she felt her sex
dampen, liquid heat oozing to join the cream of her earlier orgasm, making her
slicker than she’d ever been in her life.

When Zachary gave an animalistic growl,
she groaned with the eroticism of it. That finally drew his attention. Whatever
he saw on her face made his silver eyes darken. He jerked forward and pressed
his chest into her back. His growing stubble grazed her cheek as his sharp
teeth caught her earlobe.

“Remember what I said about putting my
cock between these sweet globes?”


“Brace your hands on the wall, Peaches.
I’m about to make good on my promise.”

She braced. He stepped forward.

The feeling of his hot, velvety, stiff
cock sliding between her ass cheeks was the most sensational feeling in the
world. Bethany’s mouth dropped open as her thighs trembled with the strength of
her feelings.


Zach gave a broken half laugh, half
groan. “You feel it, too. It’s insane how good it feels, isn’t it?”

He pressed himself more deeply between
her globes, slid his cock up and down. She’d never guessed how sensitive she
was until she felt his cock head caress the space between her pussy and anus.
At the first pass of his crown against her tight opening, she jerked as a
different sensation spilled over her.

“You like that?”

“It feels…different.”

He slid over the entrance again,
pressing the ridged and veined underside of his cock against her. Again,
sensation weakened her knees.

The thought that she could like anal
play had never even occurred to her.
Despite her close relationship with her vibrator, she’d never been bold enough
to venture past her pussy.

Now insanely erotic, and God, yes, frightening
thoughts tumbled through her head.

Could she…?

She shook her head to dispel the
thought. Zach laughed as if he’d read her mind.

“What are you thinking of, naughty

“Umm…nothing,” she gasped as he
increased his pace.

“Keep thinking those thoughts. Watching
you blush all over makes me harder.”

She glanced around wildly, looking for
something solid to hold on to.

“God, I love your ass. The way it
cradles my cock. Look over your shoulder, baby, watch how great your ass

She glanced down over her shoulder and
nearly lost her mind at the sight of Zach’s cock cradled between her butt
cheeks. Her nipples tightened harder and her sex grew wetter, plumper with

His large hands gripped her hips,
holding her steady as he pumped harder. The rough passes over her tight anus
made her cry out. Unbelievably she felt an orgasm creep closer.


He pressed her forward until her
nipples grazed over the cool tiles with each thrust.
Cold at
her front, hot at her back.
The contrasting sensation pulled her closer
to the edge.

Zach’s ragged breathing told her he was
close too. “Fuck, Peaches. This feels even better than I imagined.”

“Hmmm.” She couldn’t form coherent
sentences anymore than she could stop the climax that encroached.

Releasing her hips, he cupped her jaw
with one hand, and with the other he slid his fingers down her stomach to tease
her clit.

The pressure on her jaw increased until
her mouth opened. Still fucking her butt cheeks, he slowly slid two fingers
inside her sweet heat and two in her mouth.

“Suck,” he instructed.

Too much.
Much too much sensation tumbled her over the edge. As her cheeks hollowed from
sucking his fingers, Bethany clamped her eyes shut and moaned her fiery hot

Several seconds later, Zach buried his
face in her shoulder and shouted his own release as he spurted his hot semen
all over her ass.

Strong arms banded around her as the
showerheads jetted over them. When they could move without the aid of the
shower wall, he grabbed another bottle, this time a shower gel. He washed her
from head to toe, then washed himself before turning off the shower. She turned
to grab a towel, presenting him with her back once more.

His groaned hiss made her freeze.

“Ah, Peaches, I can’t wait to show you
my toy room in Marrakech.”

Chapter Nine


He was the most gorgeous man in the
world. And he loved her ass.

Bethany suppressed an insanely elated
giggle and looked up to find him watching her over the candle lit dinner table.
They were out on their own private terrace high enough up to provide the utmost
privacy. Paris twinkled below them on a carpet of lights and moving cars. Over
Zach’s shoulder, the brilliantly lit iconic tower looked almost close enough to

But it was the man who captivated her.

He wore black jeans and an indigo
T-shirt that did amazing things to his eyes. His hair, still slightly damp from
the shower, gleamed in the low light and she had to stop herself from reaching
out to smooth back the thick swathe that caressed his forehead.

She’d learned very quickly that
touching Zach hampered clear thinking. She’d barely made it into one of the
short white off-the-sleeve sundresses she’d packed after casually caressing his
chest as he’d walked past her in the bedroom.

The only thing that had saved her from
another marathon sex session after he’d imprisoned her against the bedpost and
proceeded to devour her
had been the loud
growling of her ravenous stomach.

Zach had ordered an oyster starter for
them, followed by steaks with fries and salad for
and a pasta carbonara for her. The accompanying Chardonnay had been heavenly,
but it was the man sitting across from her who continued to make her insides
zing every time she looked at him.

“What are you thinking?” she blurted,
then kicked
. She’d read in a magazine once that
asking a man what he was thinking was asking to be hurt. She’d known him barely
two days, but she already knew Zachary Savage had the power to hurt her. Even more
than Chris had managed to hurt her with his gender-preference bullshit.

“I’m thinking about a lot of things,
but mostly, I’m thinking…thirty minutes.”

“Thirty minutes?”

“Yep. That’s all that could’ve
prevented this from happening.” He gestured between them, his gaze never
leaving her face. “I don’t believe in coincidence or karma or any of that crap.
But I can’t help but think I was there in New York for a reason. Because now
this has happened, I can’t imagine how the rest of my life would been without
this experience.”

Just like that, he’d floored her. Tears
sprang to her eyes and she hurriedly blinked them away.

She swallowed. Then swallowed again but
the lump in her throat refused to move.

She spoke around it. “For a guy who
doesn’t believe in karma, that’s a lot of responsibility to lay at the feet of

“I have a feeling I’d have met you
again at some point. Sooner or later.”

“And how do you figure that?”

He shrugged. “You work in events
organizing. I have several companies that use New York organizers.”

“That’s still a stretch.”

“So you think this was destiny?”

What had happened between
was happening, felt too powerful to be anything
casual. And to be honest, it scared the hell out of her. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

“Whatever it is, I’m glad it happened


“You prefer that we would’ve met when I
was ninety and couldn’t fuck more than once a week?”

She laughed. “I guess not.” She took
another bite of her food and chewed, supremely conscious that he was still
staring at her. Bethany wondered if she’d ever get used to Zach’s unashamedly
invasive stare whenever they were in the same room. It was almost as if he
wanted to burrow under her skin and
her every

The weird thing was that a part of her
wanted to hand him that freedom.

“So thirty minutes, and you would have
been headed where exactly?” she asked.

He sipped his wine before answering
“San Francisco. That’s where I’m based. I have a house in the Palisades. We
stopped in Newark to refuel.”

“Why San Francisco? Is that where you
grew up?”

“No.” His eyelids descended, veiling
the look in his eyes. When he raised them again, his expression was carefully
neutral. “I grew up in Louisiana.”

His voice cautioned her not to probe
any further. Despite the keen curiosity that assailed her, she heeded the
voice. There was a reason Zachary Savage guarded his privacy so rabidly. Out of
this world sex didn’t give her the right to know his every secret or vice versa.
Although there was one thing she was curious about.

“Why indigo?” she asked. “Is that your
favorite color or something?”

One corner of his mouth lifted in a
smile that was off-the-scale sexy. Her insides clenched harder. “Partly. Indigo
is my middle name.”

Her mouth dropped open. “No way. Your
name is Zachary Indigo Savage? Were your parents hippies or something?”

The smile disappeared. “Yeah…something.
Can we change the subject?” Dark grey eyes speared her, one brow raised in a
way that said the question mark tagged at the end of the sentence was only a
formality. A spurt of anger swirled through her.

“We can, but you need to know upfront.
I don’t like secrets. My ex kept a huge secret from me and made me believe we
were solid when we weren’t—”

“I told you he was a fool.”

“Be that as it may, I’d rather not have
another bombshell dropped at my feet when I least expect it. If you don’t want
me to get you know you better, that’s fine. I like to think my instincts are
savvy enough that I’m not sleeping with an axe murderer or a puppy-kicking
sadist. But I want some reassurances that nothing we’re doing right now will
have any repercussions for my future.”

“I can guarantee you that I’ve never
kicked a puppy in my life and I don’t own an axe, none that I’ve personally
wielded anyway. As for the rest, nobody can guarantee that, Peaches. But I can
give you certain reassurances.”

“Like what?” she pressed.

“Like exclusivity. And the knowledge
that nothing in my past will directly affect you in any harmful way.”

“And indirectly?”

He shrugged. “I try to keep my private
life private, but I don’t always succeed. Not with modern technology as
pervasive as it is. The media might find out you’re connected to me. Would that
bother you?”

“That depends. Do you want me to remain
your dirty little secret?”

He took another sip and licked a drop
of wine from his lips in a way that made her want to leap over the table and
devour every inch of his mouth, then work the rest of his body over well and
good until he was as needy as she was.

“Peaches, I want you as dirty as I can
get you, soaking wet and often.”

A blush crawled over her face. “That’s
not what I meant and you know it.”

He shrugged. “The tabloids make up
stories that can sometimes be hurtful. I’ve grown immune to it to some extent,
but you need to be prepared.”

“What exactly do I need to be prepared

“They may try and dig into your
background, find out who you are, and use that to define your position in my

“So if they find out I’m just an
ordinary girl who grew up in Upstate New York, they might conclude I’m some
sort of gold digger trying to sink my claws into you?”

“It may not be that bad. It may be that
they conclude that I’m taken by a completely extraordinary girl whose body
makes my head spin and my cock harder than ever.”

Heat engulfed her but the anxiety
rushing through her stomach didn’t go away. “But most likely it’ll be the

He gave a single serious nod, his eyes
narrowing on her face. “Can you handle that?”

She licked her lips and tried to shrug
it away. “Maybe I won’t need to. I only agreed to go to Marrakech with you. If
we end things off after that—”

“We won’t,” he inserted calmly as he topped
up her wine.

Her heart did that stupid bouncy thing
in her chest that left her breathless. “What makes you so sure?”

“Peaches, you’re wasting time pursuing
the wrong line of argument. We won’t be over after Marrakech. Not by a long
That I can promise you.
I can also guarantee you
privacy there. It’s what happens when we get back to the States that you need
to worry about.”

She played with the last mouthful of pasta
on her plate. “But you live in San Francisco. I live in New York. How’s that
going to work?”

“I can work from anywhere in the world.
Plus I have a very large private plane, several cars and an adequately working
cell phone. We’ll work it out.”

Her worry didn’t abate. Slowly, she set
her fork down. “Zach…This is going too fast. I don’t know if I…”

He got up and came round to where she
sat. Sinking down onto his heels he grabbed her hips and swiveled her chair to
face him.

“Do me a favor. Close your eyes and
imagine your life a week from now. Then imagine it a month from now,” he
instructed softly but with enough steel to let her know this was serious. Her
heart did another of those stupid somersaults. “Do you want me in it?”

She found herself nodding before he’d
even finished speaking. “Yes, I do.”

He kissed her mouth,
kept the pressure until she opened for him. The tip of his tongue touched hers,
flicked in erotic exploration before licking its way deeper. At her needy moan,
he pulled back.

“Then that’s all that matters.” One
hand drifted over her hip to brush against her crotch. It was the lightest of
touches, but it still sent her pulse sky high. “This is all that matters.”

“Great sex is all that matters?” A
sliver of hurt cut through her.

“Great sex is an outstanding start. That
was the reason you joined The Indigo Lounge trip, wasn’t it?”

“I… not really. I wanted to see what
the experience was all about.”

“So you weren’t looking to connect with
anyone?” He grated the words as if they soured his mouth.

“I don’t know. Maybe…”

“Whatever the circumstances, we found
each other. The only difference here is you’re having the experience with me
instead of some other guy whose face I’m trying very hard not to imagine. And
it won’t end once my plane lands back in Newark. Amongst other things, I
promised you Bora Bora, remember?”

She nodded slowly. Although she felt
somewhat appeased, Bethany couldn’t shake the roller-coaster feeling undulating
through her. But then he kissed her again. The effect of Zach Savage’s mouth on
her was a lesson in how devastating chemistry could be.

He wiped her out with just one touch of
his lips on hers. When he raised his head several minutes later, she was on the
edge of her chair, clinging to his shoulders. His body was firmly wedged
between hers, her legs curled around his hips.

They both looked down. Her dress had
ridden up to reveal her naked thighs and his visibly erect hard-on was pressed
against her damp panties. He rocked his hips and the friction electrified her
swollen clit.


He laughed. “I think my point is made,
don’t you?”

Extracting himself from her hands and
legs, he readjusted her clothing, returned to his seat, refilled her almost
empty glass and picked up his.

“Tell me about your job. Do you love
what you do?”

Right. She was supposed to conduct a
coherent conversation while she hovered on the brink of yet another orgasm?

She dragged desperate fingers through
her hair. “I… umm… I guess. I have a degree in hospitality, and events
organizing seemed the perfect choice when I graduated.”

“Why the perfect choice?” he asked.

“My grandmother owned a B&B in
Connecticut when I was young. I spent my summers there when I was a child and
loved making up games and activities for the families that came there. It
seemed a natural choice when it came to a career.”

“Is Neon your first job?”

She looked up in surprise. “How do you
know where I work?”

“You filled in your personal details
when you applied to join Indigo.”

“Oh. Yes, I joined as a junior
organizer three years ago and was promoted to an account holder last year,

“Before what?”

She thought for a moment, and shrugged.
There was no harm in letting him know she’d known about him before she joined
his trip. “My bosses wanted your business. They asked me to investigate you.
Find out if any of your business interests coincided with ours. But the
companies you use are in the mega league. When I reported back that I couldn’t
find a way in, I stymied my prospects at Neon for a while.”

“Ah, so our meeting wasn’t karmic after
all?” He sounded faintly disappointed and the look he gave her was mildly

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