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3. C. L. Hart and C. Ksir,
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6. C. L. Hart et al., “Alternative Reinforcers Differentially Modify Cocaine Self-Administration by Humans,”
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1. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.


1. C. L. Hart and C. Ksir,
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4. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,
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8. C. L. Hart et al., “Is Cognitive Functioning Impaired in Methamphetamine Users? A Critical Review,”
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10. Hart et al., “Is Cognitive Functioning Impaired in Methamphetamine Users?”
11. C. L. Hart et al., “Acute Physiological and Behavioral Effects of Intranasal Methamphetamine in Humans,”
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14. M. G. Kirkpatrick et al., “Comparison of Intranasal Methamphetamine and
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15. C. L. Hart et al., “Alternative Reinforcers Differentially Modify Cocaine Self-Administration by Humans,”
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16. Hart et al., “Is Cognitive Functioning Impaired in Methamphetamine Users?”
17. M. S. O’Brien and J. C. Anthony, “Extra-Medical Stimulant Dependence Among Recent Initiates,”
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18. Upton Sinclair,
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19. Hart et al., “Is Cognitive Functioning Impaired in Methamphetamine Users?”
20. G. Stix, “Meth Hype Could Undermine Good Medicine,”
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1. James Baldwin,
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1. http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.–2010/persons-arrested.
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About the Author

CARL HART is an associate professor in the departments of Psychology and Psychiatry at Columbia University. He is also a research scientist in the Division of Substance Abuse at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. Dr. Hart is a member of the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse and on the board of directors of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence and the Drug Policy Alliance. A native of Miami, Florida, Dr. Hart received his BS in psychology at the University of Maryland and his MS and PhD in experimental psychology and neuroscience at the University of Wyoming. He lives in New York City.



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