High Risk (9 page)

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Authors: Vivian Arend

BOOK: High Risk
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Becki fled, hoping there would be a power shortage and the pool would be icy cold.

She was in so much trouble.


Marcus passed the pile of paperwork across the table to David. “Thanks for bringing
all that over.”

“No problem. No use both of us fussing with a trip to the accountant.” David slipped
the files back into his briefcase and tossed it aside before staring out the window.
“Slow spring. Weather reports are calling for more snow later this week.”

“Trails are going to be a mess for a long time still.” Marcus looked his brother over
with amusement. “And now that you’ve done me a favour and made some prerequisite small
talk, what do you want?”

“What? I can’t drop in for a visit? I’m crushed.”

“Right. When you stop in for a visit you head to the fridge and drink my beer.” Marcus
leaned on the glass of the French doors leading onto the deck. “Spit it out.”

David’s mouth twisted into a wry grin. “Fine. Fund-raiser for the school.”

“What about it?” Marcus eyed the calendar on the wall. “It’s in two weeks. You have
troubles with the booking?”

“Of course not. Everything’s been organized since last year. Ballroom at the Banff
Springs, cocktails, dancing. A little motivation speech or two from some local celebrities . . .”
David trailed off. “You know, staring at a person with that expression doesn’t encourage

“I figure my expression should match what I’m thinking. Explain why you looked at
me when you said
local celebrities

His brother shrugged. “I’m listed as the MC as usual. But having you and the Lifeline
team show up—”

“Oh, no. Asking the team is one thing—most of them love doing the dog-and-pony routine
for you. But you promised you’d never again suggest I put on a monkey suit and parade
around for people to throw peanuts at. I won’t do it, David. It’s not worth it.”

“Yeah, well, last year Lifeline hadn’t recently gained any major acclaim, and having
the team there in their monkey suits still brought in enough to help put a couple
of kids through on a scholarship and equip the weight room.”

Marcus sighed. “You had to mention that damn article again.”

“They’ll be running snippets all week leading up to the event.” David raised his hands
in defense as Marcus stepped toward him. “Not my idea, by the way. Paper told me what
they had planned. Face facts—you’re big news.”

“Because there’s nothing happening—that’s the only reason it’s still news.” He had
good reasons for his animosity toward gala events, but David was right. The fund-raiser
brought in the money and made a great evening for locals and tourists alike. “I’ll
mention it to the team. You’ll probably get at least half of them. Alisha and Devon
for sure. They’d be great reps as alumni and all that crap.”

“That’s what the board wants—they want to play up having the team around as a draw
for the event.”

“Just to be clear, I’m not speaking,” Marcus growled. “I’m not crawling behind any
microphone and waxing poetic about how saving lives saved my life.”

“Got it. I know that. Wouldn’t dream of pushing you into anything you’re not comfortable

All of Marcus’s bullshit monitors went off at the same time. He glanced over at David,
who squirmed under his scrutiny. “Who do they really want to speak? Because I can
tell from the way you’re twitching you think I won’t like it.”

David cleared his throat. “The board wants me to ask Becki.”

“Goddamn, no.” Marcus shook his head.

“She’d be great,” David insisted. “If she’s anywhere near as good a public speaker
as she was during her school days, it’ll be a huge success. Man, she could talk her
way out of anything back then—she’ll charm the money from their pockets.”

“You’d really put her into that position now? I told you what happened when she climbed.
Give her time, idiot.”

David rolled his eyes. “I don’t expect her to scale the interior of the hotel and
belay to the podium, Marcus. She’ll say a few words about the school and how great
it is to be back. That’s it.”

“If that’s it, why are you looking at me for permission before seeing if she’s interested?”

David smiled sheepishly. “If you ask her, she’ll do it.”


“Oh hell, you think I haven’t already spotted you’ve marked territory on her? You
as good as pissed on the corner of the dorm house when you were talking about her

Marcus shook his head and went for the fridge. “You’re fucking nuts.”

His brother leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Don’t even try the innocent
act. I know you too well, and you’ve got her labeled as yours already. Or are you
saying I can ask her to come with me to the food and wine festival next week? I haven’t
got a date, and it would be good for her to get out. Meet a few more people than just
the team. Or I could take her dancing.”

“She’ll be working for you. You don’t date employees.” Marcus kept his expression
as blank as possible.

David hummed. “Well, this is a different situation, don’t you think? She’s more like
my equal than a direct employee. I doubt it’s a problem. And with her being around
all the time now?” He stood and considered. “You know, I was pulling your leg, but
if you’re serious about not being interested, then damn, maybe I
give her a little more attention.”

Marcus deliberately unclenched his fingers and spread them casually on the island
countertop. “Whatever. Just don’t think you should ask her to speak yet.”

“You’re right. I’ll give the lecture as planned if I have to. That’s not an issue.”
David stared at the ceiling. “I bet she looks great in a dress. She kicks butt in
climbing gear. Your guys are working with her this afternoon? Maybe I’ll come by and
watch for a while.”

“Maybe you should find something else to do.”

“No, I think I need to roll with this. I’ll come by to make sure she’s settling in
comfortably.” David stepped forward to slap Marcus on the shoulder. “You know, this
is awesome. I haven’t felt this interested in anyone in a while. Of course, it’s partly
the way she moves, combined with knowing how strong she is. Damn, can’t you imagine
her using her climbing grip on your dick? Or her thighs—I bet she could crawl up a
guy and—”

Red-hot anger rolled through him, and Marcus blinked in surprise to find he’d grabbed
his brother by the shirtfront.

David didn’t so much as twitch. Just stood his ground and smirked.

“Fuck. You,” Marcus growled, releasing his grip and stepping away in disgust. He had
the control of a two-year-old when it came to Becki.

“Lying to me never works. You should know that by now,” David drawled. “Besides, what’s
the point? There’s nothing wrong with you being hot for her.”

Nothing and everything. “Stay out of it, David.”

“Over and out. Except . . .” David tapped the countertop. “If you won’t ask if she’d
like to be the keynote, I’m going to. She deserves a chance to make her own decision
on the matter, don’t you agree? Or does getting involved with you mean she’ll be walking
three paces behind at all times?”

Getting involved meant he’d be calling the shots, but only in bed. “I’m not that kind
of asshole.”

David snorted. “So, we have established you are
kind of asshole. Awesome. I wasn’t completely positive.”

There was no way he could stay pissed at his brother. Marcus shoved him in the shoulder
and they jostled for a moment like kids.

“Go ahead and ask her.” Marcus caved, but only partway. “But if you show up at training,
I’ll make you climb, and then everyone will know what a pansy ass you’ve become.”

“Ooh, I’m scared.”

“You should be. Devon attached a new Drop of Doom from the ceiling and set the rope
to lock less than a foot from the floor. You’d scream like a girl. Again.”

David shuddered. “Ass. Stop reminding me about that.”

Marcus poked again. “If I can’t tease my little brother, who can I tease? Now get
the hell out. I have things to do.”

Only he didn’t, not really. Watching David drive off meant Marcus had plenty of spare
time to go over more plans for the team. More plans of how to fill his day until it
wouldn’t be ridiculous to head back to the dorms and see if Becki was free.

More time to figure out how he was going to convince her she wanted him as much as
he wanted her.


“So, thank you. For helping rescue me, and for being understanding.” Becki smiled
across the short distance between them on the climbing mat.

Alisha nodded. “It’s not an issue. Really.”

She looked so sincere Becki wanted to apologize all over again. Tearing down people’s
idols was tough, but they couldn’t move forward until they’d discussed the situation.

“You’re okay working with me?” Becki asked softly.

Alisha’s head snapped up. “Don’t you want to? I mean, if you don’t feel comfortable,
I don’t want to push you or anything, but if you’re worried about me worrying . . .”
She laughed. “And now I’m blathering.”

“Seems to be a bit of that happening this afternoon,” Becki said. “I’d love to keep
working with you. Just not sure what other surprises might come our way.”

“Doesn’t change anything for me,” Alisha insisted. “You’re still you.”

Becki forced a smile. “That I am.” All the confused, memory-missing, sexually frustrated
parts of her.

The door opened behind them, and the other team members strolled in, conversation
and laughter following them. Becki had read through the files Marcus had given her
the previous day, and already the crew seemed more familiar, their individual quirks
coming forward.

Anders stopped to tap his fingers on Alisha’s head. “Hey, you. You never showed up
at the pool after this morning’s blood-and-guts session. Teacher’s pet, or what?”

Alisha scrambled to her feet, Becki following suit.

“I was checking ropes and organizing the staff room. You should thank me that you
don’t have to deal with Devon’s stinky equipment anymore.”

Tripp snorted as he stepped into his climbing harness and secured it around his hips.
“You were dealing with Devon’s tackle? Nice. How come I didn’t get offered the chance?”

“You wanted to deal with his junk?” Alisha raised a brow. “Now, Tripp, I didn’t know
you swung that way.”

Anders snorted. “Devon swings any way he wants, from what I hear.”

“Notice I said nothing, and still they attack?” Devon tugged on Becki’s sleeve. “I’m
a sweet, innocent boy. Really.”

“How did I get in the middle of this?” Becki asked.

“Impartial witness?” Devon’s baby-faced grin didn’t do anything for her, not with
images of Marcus’s mature good looks filling her mind, but she saw why the young man
was considered a bit of a heartbreaker.

She patted his cheek. “The only thing I want to witness is your skill on the wall.
I don’t care how legendary you are anywhere else, Mr. Leblanc.”

The door opened again and Marcus strode in, and suddenly all the physical reactions
she hadn’t had with Devon whipped right on through her. She nodded curtly, then turned
to the team to hide from him the flush heating her skin.

Her memory might be gone, her climbing skills broken, but her libido was just fine,
thank you.

Becki got their attention, putting the wisecracks to a stop. “Thanks for the opportunity
to train you. Hope you get something out of it. I’ll work you hard, but the goal is
to sharpen you in the areas you need it most. Any questions?”

Lots of foot shuffling, no comments, not even smart-ass ones. Becki was impressed—the
team was on their best behavior, at least so far. She looked forward to seeing how
they liked what she had in mind.

“We’re going to work on dynamics. When I watched you climb yesterday, I saw some good
moves, but not consistently. We’ll do more rope work in the coming weeks, but getting
into position takes climbing skills. And sometimes there’s nothing to be climbed.
Then what do you do? Suggestions?”

“Hope like hell Erin can lower us in,” Anders offered.

Becki nodded.

“Go from the top. Descend to the rescue.” Devon snapped out the answer, all trace
of teasing gone as he moved into position beside Alisha.

The young woman poked him. “That’s the point of the question, idiot. What if you can’t
make a vertical approach?”

“You can always go from the top,” he insisted. “If you’ve got enough rope.”

“Not always,” Alisha rejoined. “You’re going to belay from the top of Mount Rundle
to a rescue?”

“Children,” Becki snapped, stepping between the two of them. “Enough.”

“Same old, same old for us,” Tripp pointed out. “Keeps us awake on long missions,
listening to these two.”

“Great. So I know just who to partner up, then.”

“Really?” Alisha groaned. “But Anders and I climb together.”

Becki shook her head and pointed across the gym. “Not today, you don’t. Alisha and
Tripp, get in position for belaying. Everyone else is on the wall climbing. Marcus
and I set up pitch four with your workout.”

Devon flashed Alisha a smile. She spun on her heel and ignored him.

Becki stifled her amusement. The lesson was going to hit harder than she’d expected.

“Holy shit, this is a route?” Anders stared upward. “Becki? Did someone remove a few
of the holds?”

Marcus stepped beside her. “Told you they’d be pleased to meet your challenge.”

“No, you told me they’d freak out,” Becki corrected him. She turned to the group who
were now all staring her direction. “Dynamics. Explosive moves from one position to
another. You need a good starting point, a good target—”

“And a set of wings,” Anders broke in. “Again,
holy shit
that’s a reach.”

“Good thing you’ve got a spotter, then. Okay guys, figure out how to make the route
and get awarded honorary wings.”

Marcus tipped his head. “You want me to belay Xavier? You can observe the entire team,

She nodded her thanks, trying to focus harder on the task at hand and less on being
aware of

Anders and Tripp were already working together well, trying to solve the puzzle she’d
presented them. Marcus moved into position with Xavier. Becki turned her attention
down the line, making sure all the pairs were working.

Devon and Alisha seemed involved in some strange dance. He moved forward, Alisha retreated.
The ropes attached to them both hindered her from withdrawing too far.

“Alisha, you having any troubles?” Becki called.

The young woman shook her head, then poked Devon in the chest, pushing him toward
the wall.

Suddenly Marcus was there, bent in close to whisper in Becki’s ear. “Glutton for punishment,
pairing those two up. Oil and water.”

“They’re a team. Getting along is important. If they don’t trust each other, they’re
a potential for disaster. I’m surprised you let them get away with being stupid.”

“Oh, they trust each other’s skills. They just constantly try to outdo each other
as well. Keeps the entire team on their toes watching the battles.”

Becki nodded slowly. “A challenge isn’t always a bad thing.”

“That’s what I imagined you’d say.” He stepped away to rope up with Xavier, his body
brushing Becki’s as he left.

She watched him go, figuring his words and actions were a direct challenge to her.
Being ready to accept it was another matter entirely.

Instead, she concentrated on the team. Devon leapt across the wide expanse between
the lower section and where she’d placed the next set.

He caught a hold on his first attempt, grinning in delight as he clung by one hand.
“That wasn’t so bad.”

Becki folded her arms and moved beside Alisha, who held his still-slack safety rope.
“You’re not at the roof yet, Mr. Leblanc. Clip in, please—I don’t want to scrape you
off the floor more than necessary today.”

He rotated back, clinging by his fingertips. Devon passed the rope attached to his
belt through the carabiner hooked to the wall, guaranteeing he would fall only a few
feet if he slipped. He tipped his head back and looked for another hold. “Alisha?

“Umm, can you swing to the left and grab that blue pincher? Okay, I see why Anders
was swearing. Becki, that one hold is bombproof, but there’s nothing around it for

“Have fun, kids.” Becki glanced over the other team members. “Anders. More thrust
with your legs. You can’t reach the hold if you don’t use full force.”

“Got it.”

She stepped farther to the right. Marcus had his gaze firmly on the climber in front
of him. She was the one who had troubles moving her gaze to the proper person.

Man, she had it bad.

“Xavier. Nicely done,” Becki complimented as he hung in the same position Devon had
achieved. “Now what?”

“I use the jet pack we’re all going to be issued?” Even as they laughed, Xavier brought
both hands together and jerked his torso upward, snatching for the next nearest hold.
Marcus cheered loudly when Xavier managed to get a piece of it.

A second before he fell.

“Good effort. Try again.” Becki observed for another fifteen minutes, giving them
plenty of time to attempt different variations. All the while she kicked her own butt
for being far too interested in watching the one person in the room on whom she wasn’t
supposed to be fixated.

* * *

Alisha was having a hell of a time. Becki had called for a changeover of climbers,
much to Devon’s disgust, since no one had managed to complete the challenging move.

Marcus sent Xavier to work with the other pair before moving to Becki’s side to view
Alisha and Devon more closely.

“More power, Alisha. You’re nearly—”

“Shut up, Devon. I’m powering all I can,” Alisha snapped.

Devon lifted his brows at Marcus as if to say,
What can I do?

Becki shook her head as Alisha dropped to the floor and shook out her arms. “I get
that you’re frustrated, but you can do this.”

“I’m six inches shorter than Tripp and Devon, more than that for the other two guys.
My overall reach is smaller, and even with their height advantage they never succeeded
before you had us switch.” Alisha dragged her hand through her hair and readjusted
her ponytail holder, snapping it tight. “I’m not trying to be disagreeable, but it
seems the point of this exercise is to prove there are some things we can’t climb.
Is that it?”

Becki shook her head. “Success will take two things. First, you need to use more core
body—you’re holding back from hitting your full extension. Come on, I’ll show you.”
She stepped in behind Alisha. “Permission to touch you?”

“Of course. I want to do this.” The young woman’s frustration was clear.

Becki placed her hands on Alisha’s stomach. “Scrunch up a little. That’s it. Now when
you press, you’re using your legs, arms all the way out, but you’re not elongating
your abdominal muscles enough.” She curled herself over Alisha, holding on tight.
“Slow motion, extend up, yeah, that’s it. Now finish the stretch, right here.” Becki
slid her hands apart, stopping just shy of covering Alisha’s breasts and crotch.

Alisha finished in a vertical stance, still obviously confused. “Nope. I thought I
was doing that.”

“Okay, try this.”

Becki peeled off her shirt, and Marcus swallowed hard at the instant rush of chemicals
that shot through him. She wore a sports bra underneath, but damn . . .

“Put your hands on my stomach so you can feel it.” Becki pulled Alisha in behind her
and placed the other woman’s hands on her flat abdomen. She bent over, and Alisha
pressed against her back to keep her hands in position as Becki took her through the
move a couple of times.

Devon shuffled his feet uneasily, and Marcus glanced at him.

“I’m getting a fucking boner watching this,” Devon confessed quietly.

Marcus, too, but he wasn’t about to admit it.

“Okay, maybe I felt something different. I’m still going to get stuck where the guys
got hung up.” Alisha moved away from Becki to stare up the expanse of the wall. “Unless
you have a magic pill for me?”

“I have something better.” Becki shook her head, turning to take in the team one by
one. “You’ve all worked under Marcus for a while, and you still can’t figure out what
I’m looking for in this exercise?”

They blinked at each other sheepishly.

“Or do I blame Marcus?” Becki inquired.

“Me?” Marcus stepped forward. “How did I get called into this mess?”

“Just double-checking something. You still as fond of lists these days as”—Becki paused
for such a split second, he was probably the only one who caught it—“as before? You
teach these guys your four rules for surviving and thriving?”

“Of course he taught us. They’re plastered on the staff room walls,” Xavier said.
“Be patient, move decisively—”

“Oh, God . . .” Alisha dropped her head into her hands. “Rule Three. Trust your team?
Is that all you were going for?”

“All?” Becki barked out the word. “Do you have any idea how quickly you could have
gotten this task over and done with if
you’d done is worked as a team with your partner? And I don’t mean looking for pretty
holds for him to grab. I mean brainstorming and thinking outside the box.”

Marcus’s admiration grew as Becki stepped forward and pointed at individuals in turn.

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