High-Risk Fever (13 page)

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Authors: Lea Bronsen

BOOK: High-Risk Fever
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No one replied. She walked in, removed her raincoat, and hung it on a chair before sitting to take off her soaked shoes.

Mica closed the door, stepped past her, and in a hoarse voice, called up the stairs. “Todd?” After a short silence, he turned. They exchanged a glance.

“Maybe they’ve gone shopping.” She struggled to untie her wet shoelaces.

With a shrug, he took off his raincoat and shook his long, wet hair back. Despite the lack of light, his eyes shone in the dark. Still ravaged by fever?

“How are you feeling?”

He didn’t reply. Jaw tight, he leaned against the banister and looked down. The wood creaked from his weight, but he kept his gaze fixed to the floor.


He shook his head, pushed himself from the banister with another creak, and headed to the dark kitchen.

“Are you cold?” She kicked her shoes off and removed the socks glued to her feet. Wet feet sticking to the hardwood floor, she followed him. “Do you want to drink something warm?”

The kitchen looked as clean as it had yesterday, and no particular smells lingered. Not much had happened in her absence. The power hadn’t even returned. How long since this ordeal started—two, three days?

She found matches and lit a candle on a shelf. In the next instant, a warm, yellowish glow bathed the room as if awakening it from a year-long hibernation. Mica stood in the farthest corner with his back against a cupboard, arms crossed.

He blinked and looked down, chest heaving underneath the pullover.

“I’ll put the kettle on.” She turned her back to him and filled the old brass kettle with mineral water from a bottle. “Make us some tea. Or coffee, if you want.”

Apart from a low whistle from the gas stove, heavy silence reigned in the room. Unwilling to face his bad mood, she clenched her hands and stared at her shadow on the wall while waiting for the water to boil.

His hoarse voice sounded behind her. “Anne?”


“I have a son.”

She pivoted.

Mica glanced up and uncrossed his arms. His black diamonds fixed on her, shimmering in the dancing candlelight.

She didn’t know what to say.

After a short pause, he lifted his hands. “What? You surprised?”

“Well, uh...yes.”

“Why? ’Cause I’m a freak?”

“’Cause you’re what?”

“A freak,” he spat, venomous. “A misfit. I like both girls and guys. That’s sick, right?”

Her chest tightened as much from his spite as his obvious pain. “W-why are you saying that?”

He shrugged. “That’s what she say. I’m a freak of nature, so I can’t see him. Could hurt him, you know.”

“What?” She couldn’t believe his words. “What do you mean, you can’t see him?”

“His mamá don’t let me.”

“Your ex…girlfriend?”

He nodded.


“No. She decide.”

“Fathers have rights.”

“Nooo, you wrong. I wait for court ruling. In meantime, she refuse I be with him. She do what she want.”

Her throat choked. “But that’s not fair.”


“You should have the same right to—”

He shook his head.

“I’m so sorry.” Her voice cracked. “How long has this been going on?”

“Two years, soon.”

“And how old is he?”

“Four. I miss half his life.” He bit his lip before looking sideways, eyes watering, his breath hitching.

She moved forward, reaching out. He glanced up and pushed himself from the cupboard, meeting her halfway with open arms. Their bodies collided, molding to each other. She slid her arms around his neck as he wrapped his strong ones around her waist, pressing her against him.

Filling with warmth, she snuggled into his neck and breathed in. His long, wet hair enveloped her and the scent of lavender emanating from his warm skin reminded her of Caroline’s bathroom and the precious minutes she’d bathed baby Désirée last night.

“What’s his name?”

He sucked in a breath, chest pushing against her breasts.

“Tell me.”

“Ennio.” With a gasp, he squeezed her so tight she almost winced from pain, before moving strong hands to her butt and lifting her in the air.

Heat rushed to her pussy as her legs wrapped around his hips, and she clutched his neck harder, wanting to never let go. For a second, the world spun backward as Mica carried her to the counter beside the stove and sat her on the flat surface, pressing his crotch into her inner thighs.

As if on cue, they began to fondle each other. While he slid his hands beneath her shirt, stroking up to her bra and finding her sensitive breasts, she caressed the back of his neck and entwined her fingers in the long strands of his hair, pulling him toward her. His hungry groping made her squirm with lust.

Mewing, she kissed the soft skin of his throat, trailed her wet tongue to his sexy chin, and bit him. She wanted to move up to his parted lips and nibble at their flesh, seek the moistness of his mouth, and taste his tongue.

“No.” He retreated while pushing her gently, but firmly onto her back.

Lying on the cold counter, she kept her head up to gaze at Mica’s gorgeous, tanned features and shiny black eyes. A thin trail of wetness glided down his cheeks, reflecting the low candlelight beside him.

Holding her gaze, he lifted her shirt and reached behind her back to unsnap the white bra, baring her full breasts to him. Overwhelmed by the desire to be consumed, she closed her eyes and mewed as both hard nipples protruded in the air, begging to be sucked.

He met her demand, leaning forward with a moan, cock stiffening against her throbbing pussy, and placed his hot, wet tongue on the tip of a sensitive nipple before trailing around the bud. A wave of sizzling delight washed over her, numbing her deliciously. She arched her back to offer him the entire breast.

He snapped up and turned his head.

A soft bubbling noise rose next to them.

Bah, the boiling water could wait.

“What the
!” a male voice shouted from the door, sending a bolt of lightning through her limbs.

Heart jumping to her throat, she peeked behind Mica as he whirled around. In the doorframe stood Todd, a blond head with dark emerald eyes glaring in the candlelight.

Not her husband.

But the relief was short-lived. Todd barged in with a roar, charged into Mica before any of them had the time to move, and pulled him away from her. With his palms flat on Mica’s chest, he shoved him backward until his back hit the cupboard. “You son of a fucking bitch.”

Oh God. Please don’t let Todd hurt him!

Chest heaving, Mica put his hands on the sides of the cupboard, calmly holding Todd’s stare with a somber look.

Her pulse pounded as she quickly slid her bra over her breasts and pulled the shirt down. Steam gushed out of the hissing kettle and the boiling water inside gurgled. Eyes riveted on the two guys, she slipped down from the counter and turned off the stove.

Todd groped Mica’s crotch through his sweatpants with a sneer. “You were gonna

“Don’t mean I don’t love you.” Mica raised his hands as if pleading guilty, and after a short silence, frowned. “Is there universal law saying you can’t like two people at same time?”

“A general consensus, yeah.” Todd nodded. “And I trusted you, you slut.” He gave Mica’s chest a push so brutal his head bounced backward.

,”—he spun around, glaring at her—“what a perfect whore

He hurried toward her, balled fists in the air, when Mica grabbed his shoulders from behind and held him firmly. “Don’t, Todd! Is my fault.”

“Sure it is.” Todd sneered, pivoting and trying to shake Mica’s grip. “You wanted the boobs, too. A nice hard cock wasn’t enough for you. Fucking bastard.”

Grabbing her chance to slip away, she stepped sideways without a sound and snuck out of the kitchen. She was helpless, didn’t know what to do for Mica. Her heart cried for him. At the same time, it was crucial that her husband didn’t find her in the middle of this fight and demand answers.

She walked through the darkened living room, trying to block out the angry voices behind her, when the main door opened with a
, startling her.

A man stood in the frame, holding a couple of baguettes rolled in paper. She couldn’t make out his face, but Brian’s silhouette was unmistakable.

Oh no, not now




Chapter Fifteen



“Anne!” Brian hurried inside and closed the door, face lit with a giant smile like a child’s in a candy store.

Her whole body sizzled. Any second, her affair with Mica would be revealed. Her throat closed as she walked into his arms, hoping to stall him for a moment. At least long enough for the two boys in the kitchen to calm.

He smelled of fresh bread and coffee, having probably, as customary, been offered a cup at the local

“Dear God.” The big bear of a man hugged her with his free arm before planting a hard kiss on her mouth. His moustache tickled her upper lip. “I’m so glad you made it home. I worried about you. The weather’s crazy.”

Her thoughts raced. She needed to keep her cool and give him the right answers, all the while pretending to be the loving wife she definitely had
been, lately.

“Yes.” She faked a smile and gave his lips a peck. “But a tree blocked the road on the way home from Montargis. We had to leave the car behind.”

“Shit! We’ll have to—” He frowned. “But why Montargis?”

“That’s where the doctor was.”


“Long story.”

“Uh-huh, you’ll tell me about it later. How’s our sick guy?”


Better than good, judging from the way he just treated me

Shouting from inside the kitchen interrupted her thoughts.

Brian lifted a brow. “Who’s that? What’s going on?”

Oh God

Footsteps neared.

She slipped out of his embrace and pivoted, bracing for the worst.

Todd strode into the living room, looking behind him. “I loved you, asshole! I loved you from the first time I saw you!”

She held her breath. Her pulse pounded in her ears. He couldn’t possibly be aware of Brian’s presence. Now all of their secrets would be revealed and their lives forever destroyed.

Brian raised his voice. “What the fuck is this? Anne, who is he talking to?”

Halfway into the living room, Todd froze and turned to them, features invisible in the dark. He slapped his forehead. “Fuck, just what I need.”

Behind him, Mica appeared in the doorframe.

“Jeee-sus.” Brian’s eyes widened. “Is this what I think it is?”

Her lungs emptied of air. “Brian, please.”

With a snap, the power came back, lamps in the ceiling and on the walls bathing everything in shiny white light. She gasped, her heart jumping as if lightning had struck, and looked up to the ceiling. Blinded, she closed her eyes. Dots of white danced behind her lids.

When she reopened them, Brian glared from one guy to the other. She took a moment to study him, having not seen his features so brightly in the last three days.

Face flushed, he looked incredulous, a nervous tic at the corner of his mouth making his moustache twitch. “I’ll be fucking damned.” He dropped the baguettes on the dining table. “Did you just say you

Dressed in the same sweatpants and pullover as yesterday, Todd leaned against the banister and crossed his arms, glowering green eyes fixed on the floor. Mica stood in the kitchen door, hands on the frame, studying his shoes. Neither said a word.

Brian removed his jacket in one motion, dumped it beside the baguettes, and went to stand between the guys, pointing a finger from one to the other. “I don’t approve of this. You can do what you want anywhere you want, except here under my roof.”

Todd gazed up, dark emeralds glowing. “What are you talking about?”

“I shoulda known there was something weird about two guys traveling together with that colorful spandex and all.”

“Whoa, whoa.” Todd shook his head. “We’re normal people with normal needs. We do the same things as you, live the same way you do.”

Brian grimaced. “Bah. Just look at the two of you, so fucking effeminate. I don’t wanna have to see that in my house.”

While Mica ran a hand over his face with a loud sigh, Todd pushed off the banister and stepped closer to Brian. “Fuck, man, we’re human beings.”

Glaring back, Brian pointed a finger at him. “You heard what I said.”

“No. Can you honestly look me in the eyes and say I’m worth less than you, that I don’t have the same right to love the person of my own choice?”

“I said,”—Brian leaned forward—“shut the fuck up, or you and your fuck buddy are outta here before you can take your next breath.”

Todd stood in his face, relentless. “You remember the millions of French marching in the streets last week? And the weeks before that?”

“Yes, I do, and I regret not joining to fight against the new law.”


“That law is gonna destroy the traditional family values. I mean, think about it. What kind of society are we gonna have after this?”

She gazed at Mica at the same time he sent her a glance, and they held each other’s looks. She couldn’t believe their luck. Brian was so blinded by hatred he didn’t even ask the reason why the two boys had been fighting in the first place. She let out a breath. Maybe Mica and she were off the hook.

Todd squinted. “We don’t—”

Brian seemed unstoppable. “It’s not just a law that allows you fags to marry, you know. It allows you to adopt kids, too.”

“Yeah, like everyone else.”

“Can you imagine that? Little babies”—Brian spat—“in the hands of fist-fuckers.”

Todd widened his eyes. “Oh, come on!
That’s a very special branch, a tiny minority. We got nothin’ to do with that.”

“Don’t think for a second that I don’t know what you do.” Brian snorted. “Ass eaters you are, the whole bunch.”

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