High Seduction (21 page)

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Authors: Vivian Arend

BOOK: High Seduction
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Erin stretched, pleasure rippling through her veins. “I need to finish waking up.”

“For a massage? Don't bother.” He kissed her nose, then rolled away. “Have a quick shower, pull on a robe—that's all you need.”

She wasn't sure if his expression was one of satisfaction for what they'd just experienced, or if he was already anticipating the next thing. Either way, she liked what she saw, and this time she was willing to admit it.

Things were about to get real interesting.


Tim paced down the hall to Matt's room. Logistics for the massages plus a few other things were on his mind. If he was going to take full advantage of this holiday, now was the time to set some things in motion.

Matt was the perfect person for what he had in mind, as long as his friend was willing. And chances of him not being willing?


He put his knuckles to the door and got an instant response.

“Come in.”

Tim eased the door open to discover that Matt had obviously been prepping for his massage as well. Fresh out of the shower, his blond hair was still disarrayed in ragged spikes as he tightened a robe belt around his waist. “What's up?”

“Massages. Are they here yet?”

“No, but I was headed to the living room. I'll let them in.” His eyes darkened. “You want a private room for you and Erin to go at the same time?”

“Couples massage?”

Matt shrugged. “I don't know how much interaction you'll have, but you may as well be in the same place.”

“Sounds great to me.” Tim walked beside Matt silently for a moment, considering the wisdom of what he was about to do. It really wasn't that tough a decision. “Personal favour to ask. You willing to help give Erin a fantasy or two over the coming days?”

There was no doubt of Matt's response. His eyes lit up, and his body language all but shouted
. “Tell me the lines, and I'll stay behind them.”

“The lines are going pretty damn far.” Tim examined Matt closely. “I'm trusting you with someone very precious to me. It's taken months for her to step to the point of giving me control.”

“You're a lucky man.” His friend nodded slowly. “I'll follow your lead.”

“Which means you might take the lead at times. Other than that, I don't know what we'll end up doing.” Tim waited until Matt had stilled. “You're a good friend, and I trust you. I know Erin well enough I won't let you do anything that takes it further than she's ready for. I won't let you do anything that would hurt her. So if she calls it off, we stop. No matter what point we're at.”

“I understand the rules.” The touch of excitement in his voice was apparent as they entered the living room. “Is it gauche to say thanks for including me? And I'm serious, I didn't offer the rental in the hopes of something like this happening.”

Tim laid a hand on Matt's arm. “I know your offer was made with only our best interests in mind.”

Matt nodded. “I'm glad. Your friendship means a lot to me, and I don't want to do anything to get in the way of that.”

“This won't. Not if we keep it all about Erin—making what she needs happen.”

“Of course.”

* * *

Erin had gone boneless. Gentle music played in the background while soothing hands worked her over and teased out all the sore places she didn't even know she had.

On the table next to her Tim let out a long, low moan of satisfaction.

His masseur chuckled. “You want me to massage anything else?” Charlie asked.

“Sounds like you're already getting into obscene territory,” Monique, the woman doing Erin's massage, teased.

“I'd be moaning, too, if I had the strength.” Erin stretched slowly, careful to not shift away from where Monique was using her thumbs and doing repeats down the tired muscles in the back of Erin's thighs. “I'd offer to marry you if it would do me any good.”

“Sorry, don't swing that direction. But thanks for the compliment.”

Another near obscene noise escaped Tim, and Erin pushed up on her elbows to take a closer look. “What are you doing to him?” she asked Charlie.

“He's pushing his thumbs into my ass cheeks like he's digging for diamonds. I don't know if I should moan or scream.”

“Nearly done. You've got a ton of knots back here. I'd suggest whatever you've been doing, take a break from it for a while,” Charlie said.

“I'll pass that on to my boss. He'll be thrilled.”

Charlie and Monique finished up and left, music still playing in the background.

Erin lay still, utterly content. “I'm never moving again,” she sighed happily.

“That will make flying the next rescue difficult,” Tim noted.

She pulled to a sitting position, legs dangling from the massage table as Tim rolled to his back.

She stared at him, at all his firm muscles flexing as he moved. His lean torso had a light dusting of hair on his chest, a trail leading down to his semi-erect cock. He reclined like a Greek statue, and she soaked in the sight, enjoying herself immensely.

Tim smiled. “What?”

“I'm taking stock of my blessings. Today has been one incredible thing after another. Not to mention that we recently got out of a scary situation unscathed.” She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. “Thank you for taking such good care of me.”

“It's been my pleasure.” His gaze drifted as the robe she'd marginally draped around her for privacy slipped off one shoulder, revealing her breasts. “Anything for you.”

She artfully shrugged so the other side would slide away as well. There was a low level of pleasure riding in her veins. It didn't matter that it had been someone else who'd been touching her; her skin had grown more sensitive from knowing Tim was all but naked, two feet away.

Erin tilted her head. “Did it turn you on to get the massage?”

“Charlie?” Tim considered. “It felt good no matter who was touching me, but the sheer-out pain he caused there at the end—I wasn't kidding when I said it hurt like hell.”

She examined him closer because she could. “I'm turned on. I'm a little surprised—I didn't think girls did it for me, but that's twice in the past couple days that the idea of being with a woman hasn't frightened me.”

Tim shook his head, pulling his robe back on and sadly covering up her lovely view. “It should never frighten you to find someone attractive. It's not only physical beauty that makes us look twice, either. Sometimes it's an attitude, or a skill set. Both can lead to good old honest lust.”

Erin took his hand and let him help her off the bench. She leaned against him as he guided them back to their rooms. Between the conversation and her utter relaxation, she found it tough to concentrate. She pulled on the simple wraparound dress he laid out for her without making a comment about the lack of underwear he provided.

Tim had an attitude that she'd always admired, but now he'd matured, and there was so much more to him. More layers, more depth.

Had she changed as much in the years they'd been apart? She wanted to ask him that, but part of her was afraid that she'd been slacking off. Hiding from the things that she should have faced head-on.

Every step of their time together had her closer to the point of acknowledging that she
run so many years ago, and that maybe her reaction had been wrong.

They stepped into the dining room and she jerked to a stop. The room had been transformed into a glittering spectacle of lights and shiny baubles.

All of it only two feet off the floor.

Matt rose from where he'd been seated on the floor and greeted them, kissing her knuckles and leading her to a large, low cushion.

Tim looked extraordinarily pleased. “Wow. Food
ambience. Did I pick the right catering company, or what?”

“There was a group of four that rushed in here to make things over. Who was I to argue?” Matt said.

“Japanese?” Erin asked. “Oh, wow, this looks fantastic.” She leaned forward to examine the offerings on the tabletop. “I love sushi, and I love sake and—”

“Then let's start there,” Tim said.

He settled on one side of her, Matt on the other. Erin stilled as their warmth surrounded her.

Matt ignored her pause, pouring from the teeny heated carafe. “Body temperature,” he explained. “I got the lecture before they left.”

Tim lifted his glass for Matt to fill, then waited until they all had their glasses in the air. “May there always be mountains in our lives to leap from.”

“And soft objects to cushion the landings,” Matt added.

Three glasses clinked together. Erin allowed the first touch of liquor to rest on her palate for a moment before swallowing. The slightly sweet sting made her mouth water, and she turned eagerly to see what Tim thought.

He was staring again, eyes fixed on her. Then he took another sip and leaned closer, his kiss filled with the taste and scent of the alcohol.

Temptation trickled up her spine.

Matt cleared his throat. “Try this first.”

He held a small piece of sashimi in his fingers, lifting it to her lips, and Erin opened her mouth automatically to accept it.

The salty tips of his fingers registered even more than the dainty morsel of food. Erin lowered her eyes for a moment so she could concentrate on chewing and swallowing without choking.

There was something going on, and she liked it very much. Her senses that had begun to buzz during the massage were now trembling on the edge of breathlessness.

Tim laid one hand on her thigh and ate with his other, using his chopsticks expertly. He and Matt continued to talk, reminiscing about their past trip down the St. Lawrence River, or something.

Erin lost track of everything outside her immediate sight and touch. The food was delicious, but all she could focus on was the constant circling of Tim's fingers on her thigh. Higher now, then lower.

She debated changing position to make it easier for him to reach more, when Matt bumped her shoulder.

“You're quiet tonight.”

She turned her smile on him. “Just lazy. Getting back into the holiday mood.”

“I think we all are.”

An edgy anticipation hovered around them. Unwilling to break the spell, Erin obediently nibbled on food as it was offered to her, but she found it difficult to concentrate. When would the touch on her thigh change from light and teasing to something more intimate? Was Matt going to watch again? This time from right in the room?

Or was even more on the line?

“You're distracted,” Tim noted. “Not hungry?”

She'd eaten enough to take the edge off, but she doubted that any more food was going down tonight. “It's all delicious, but . . .”

He slipped his hand around her waist and tugged her closer, fingers magically slipping under the edge of her dress. His warm palm met her skin and skimmed lightly to her back.

Erin waited, her heart pulsing in her throat.

Tim put his nails to her skin and scratched lightly as he pulled forward. A heavy sigh escaped her as pleasure wrapped her in its embrace.

“Rest.” He shifted position. “Come, lean on me if you're tired. Matt and I will finish our meal while you relax.”

She turned slightly and reclined against him, easing as close as possible. Her hips were nestled tight to his groin. He was hard, the thick length of his cock pressing her.

The men continued to eat. Matt offered her tiny tidbits that she couldn't refuse, not when each was offered with such heated devotion. The crossed front of her dress opened slightly, and his gaze dipped lower, stroking the curves of her breasts.

Tim nuzzled her neck. “You warm enough?”

“Yes.” Because there was no other answer. Announcing she was on fire didn't seem appropriate.

Then his hands were at the front of her dress, pulling the fabric apart and slipping it from her shoulders, and
went out the window.

If Matt had stared before, he was now mesmerized, fixated as her chest moved with her rapidly increasing breaths. She was naked from the waist up. Tim eased a hand around her waist and settled her against him again, only now the stakes were that much higher.

Light touches of his fingers over her stomach increased the ache between her legs. Her nipples had pulled tight, and Matt hesitated. He took a long drink, then interrupted the discussion between him and Tim.

“May I?”

Tim tilted her head back, smiling down on her. “If you've had enough to eat, we can move to the next portion of the evening.”

“Yes,” she whispered.

He touched his lips to hers. A tender kiss. Light and barely there, but the forceful hand he slipped into her hair meant she was instantly trapped. She didn't mind, just enjoyed his kiss as he increased the pressure and took possession, hungrily tasting her mouth as she grew dizzy with passion.

Heated moisture wrapped around her nipple, and she gasped. Tim tightened his grasp, stopping her from jerking away.

Only a second later she understood what was going on. Matt had leaned over and was licking her nipples. Gentle brushes at first, then bolder. Tim continued to kiss her, but now there was a distracting tug threading through her body as Matt closed his lips around one aching tip and sucked.

“Oh God,
.” She spoke against Tim's lips, staying as still as possible as Matt switched sides and gave the same tender attention to her other breast.

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