High Stakes Gamble (12 page)

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Authors: Mimi Barbour

Tags: #The Vegas Series

BOOK: High Stakes Gamble
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Aurora stood ready as Sally escorted a chained Min Chang into the interview room. Sally caught Aurora’s gaze, a warning glint in her knowing eyes. “There’ll be no funny business, got it? You two talk, nothing else.”

It took every bit of control Aurora had not to go for the throat of the person hooked up with the gang who’d stolen Lily. Instead she uttered words—soft and low. “Fine. We talk. So she doesn’t need to be chained like a dog, does she?”

For the first time Min raised her head to stare directly at Aurora. Cold hatred blazed from the slanted, narrowed orbs. Daringly, she held out her arms to the assisting guard who hesitated before complying after a nod from Sally.

Aurora took a second to wink at Ham and Kai. Knowing that Min would see her actions and it would piss her off, she’d purposefully acknowledged them. She’d asked them to stay behind the mirrored wall and it pleased her when they hadn’t argued.

This was her fight, one that had been fated. Aurora sat down on the edge of the table and motioned the chair to Min. Then she gave the signal for Sally and her girl to leave. Since this had been discussed rather heatedly before they’d even brought Min Chang to the room, Sally shot the inmate a warning look, let the guard precede her and then exited.

Now Aurora concentrated on the woman before her. Although she had no doubt the Chinese girl was in her mid to late twenties, she looked like a teenager. Flat-chested, she had the wiry build of a male but a face feminine and even strangely beautiful.

Haunting dark eyes full of distrust vying with temper and hate, Min’s lip curled and she spoke. Her voice completely destroyed the picture she presented of a fierce warrior. She sounded like a spoiled little girl. “What do you want?”


“What possible information can I have that you’d want so much you’d take the chance to be here, with me—alone?”

Aurora’s phony chuckle didn’t come close to sounding real. “Oh, you’re not so scary, Min.” Aurora leaned closer, letting Min see the rage burning her insides. “Seriously? My baby has been kidnapped and I believe a trucker working for the Chang-Lee brothers is hauling her and other captives across the California state line to a ship leaving from L.A. Only thing is, he can’t leave this area. Beside every bus station, train and airport, we’ve secured, we’re also keeping strict surveillance on every border, highway, outlying road and known trails.”

Min Chang pursed her mouth as if to hold in a smile. Instead she sneered. “So?”

“So I want to know where or by what other means they might have of getting the merchandise across the border and into California or where they might hold up in the meantime.”

“And what makes you think I’d know this?”

“Because you’re a half-sister, aren’t you? A nothing to them. Hell, less than nothing. You’re not a man; therefore they have no use for you.”

Min’s chair scraped slowly back, the sound blasting through the silence.

Aurora ignored her and kept battering. “That must have pissed you off? Although your chance came in here. Right? They contacted you to do something for them. Get to Mother Ling, kill her. You had to prove yourself, didn’t you? I might have done the same.” She hesitated then, watching Min’s anger flourish. Seconds later she plunged back in deeper. “Nah! I’d have cut off their balls if they’d treated me like they did you, forcing me to pick pockets for a living. Bah!” Shaking her head and smirking, Aurora showing her disrespect not only in her words but by her actions.

Min jumped to her feet. “What the fuck do you know?”

Got her!
“I know I’d pay them back. Right now the only way you can bring them down is in the courts by testifying against them. For all their arrogance, they deserve to be brought to justice. And they will be caught, don’t you doubt it. There’s a huge task force working to do that right now. It’s just a matter of time.” Aurora couldn’t help but see a flare of satisfaction in Min’s narrowed gaze. “Maybe, we can make a deal of sorts for your co-operation.”

Min tried to hide her interest behind her normal disdain, but didn’t succeed. “Before I give you anything, there’s one thing I need to know.”

Here it comes. Aurora had expected this would happen. Her heart beat faster, adrenalin pumping through her like a blown out water main.


“I want to fight you, here—now. I have to know. I’m better, I know am I.”

“If I do as you want, will you promise to answer our questions?”

“You might not like the answers.”

“But I need to hear them. Okay. Deal.” Aurora stood and took off her light jacket, then she slipped out of her high-heeled boots.

Min Chang rose, moved to the side of the small room and took a fighting stance. Relaxed in her utter belief she would win, she waited with small grin of arrogance.

Aurora, moving just past the chair, checked one more rule. “No holds barred?”

Min’s face finally relaxed into a full smile. “Is there any other way?”

At the last second, she might have sensed that Aurora was about to use the chair like a bludgeon, but she could do nothing to stop it. Downed and pissed, she struggled against the hold Aurora had her in—using the rung of the furniture as an instrument of torture against Min’s neck. “You are one trusting bitch, aren’t you?” Aurora whispered the words.

As more and more of her airways were cut off, Min’s struggles slowed and eventually stopped. Aurora never broke eye contact and knew when the other had finally accepted her betters. “You going to keep your word?”

“I don’t lie.” Min spit the words from between clenched teeth. Her look alone could have broken glass.

Chapter Twenty-Five

As they left the prison, Kai thought about the earlier brief time alone with Ham behind a mirrored window and about their pertinent discussion. He’d learned another lesson about the woman that made his heart beat faster every time he was in the same room with her.

Speaking from the side of his mouth, the big Irishman had first broken the silence. “Aurora’s working her.”

“I know. But is she a better fighter?”

“Oh man, you really don’t know our Rory. She’s the best I’ve ever seen. Cool and methodical, she knows all the moves and practices most days.”

“Yeah, but she just recently had a baby, for Christ sake. She can’t be at her best.”

“No matter, she’ll compensate… watch and learn.”


After the loose ends were tied up, and the three were on their way out of the modern secure facility, Kai couldn’t resist his words full of sarcasm. “What happened to—I’ll let her win just to get the information we need?”

Aurora strode beside him, ignoring his question.

“And how the hell did you know she was their half-sister?”

He moved to open the driver’s door, then stood in front of her before she could slip inside. Ham hung onto the opened passenger door, all ears.

Aurora waited in front of him impatiently. “I played a long shot. It wasn’t making sense to have this girl going from being a pickpocket to a murderer for no reason. There had to be some tie, some enticement vital enough to persuade her. Then I thought of her name, checked her heritage, got Ray working on it and he found the connections. She’d lived in Kowloon, the same part of China as Chu and she’d made numerous phone calls to Leon when she first arrived stateside a few months ago. Sooo…” She shrugged her shoulders.

That made sense. Pissed him off that she hadn’t shared any of this with him earlier, but then again, he wasn’t her partner anymore. “You knew she had nothing to help with in the investigation? How?”

Aurora seemed surprised by his remark. “You caught that did you?”

“Remember, I’ve worked with you before.”

“Yeah, don’t remind me.”

He struggled not to show the affect her cutting remark had on his raw insides. He waited, not moving.

Finally, she shrugged and answered. “Her eyes were blank when I mentioned Lily. If she’d known anything at all, satisfaction would have appeared; she wouldn’t have been able to stop herself.”

“Then why did you fight with her?”

“Hell. Because I wanted to hit something and I needed to knock some sense into the arrogant bitch. About time someone did it.”

Ham burst out laughing. “Hey cowboy, don’t say I didn’t tell you.”

A radio call interrupted their banter. “Calling Detective Morelli. White Peterbilt has been detained. Multiple shots fired—”

Within seconds, they piled into the vehicle and left the parking lot with tires squealing.

As hard as it was to relinquish command, Kai had stepped aside, leaving Aurora to take the driver’s seat. She knew the area, he didn’t. Plus her driving skills couldn’t be questioned; the woman was a maniac behind the wheel. And she’d know the shortest route to where officers had blocked the unsub. He settled into the back and slowly tried to breathe his apprehension under control.

Finding Lily had to happen. If he never gave this woman another thing in his life, returning her baby would make up some little bit towards the pain he’d already inflicted. He flexed his hands that itched to destroy the murderous snake who’d taken his beautiful child in the first place.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Arriving at an out-of-the-way junction much earlier than they should have, Aurora powered up to where two other black and whites were blocking this section of the highway.

Since they’d had to drive the shoulder for the last two miles, she could see how far the traffic had backed up. As they got closer to the incident, they pulled over beside a young beige-uniformed policewoman who had the blockade under control. Flashing her badge, Aurora stopped to question the rookie. “How many are on the scene?”

“So far, there are two officers with back-up and ambulance pending. It’s pretty crazy right now.” Excitement lit her eyes and her voice reflected her emotions. She pointed a bit further up the road to where the Peterbilt had swerved sideways, blocking both lanes. Two cop cars were obstructing its path on this side and it looked as if an overturned van had it gridlocked behind. Many of the annoyed drivers forced to stop were honking their horns and getting nowhere fast.

The hot desert air made the highway setting look like a mirage in the distance. And the cloudless blue sky seemed too intense to be real. Considering the temperature, Aurora was surprised when the shivers attacked. The violent ringing in her head annoyed her, but since it had saved her life more than a few times, she checked the situation out more carefully.

In the distance, she saw a police vehicle speeding toward the flipped van. She had no doubt they’d barricade the area so other travellers would know this procedure was legitimate and supervised by law enforcement.

Testosterone filled the vehicle to where she could literally smell it. Fierce emotions ripped through her, the strongest being anticipation. Soon, God willing, she’d be holding her precious Lily once again.

Shoving the gear into drive, she manoeuvred closer to the action and popped the trunk.

Once they all left the vehicle, everything became more real. Screaming could be heard even from this distance—a man’s voice spitting anger, crazy volatile, on the edge.

Females hysterically crying interspersed with baby’s wails added to the overall image making it even more horrific. Then from the direction of the truck’s trailer a barrage of shots rang out from an automatic rifle. Return fire from one police gun retaliated.

No time to get her vest, Aurora drew her weapon, checked the clip and then edged closer to where the driver had opened one side on the back door of the truck to use as a barricade. The sadistic creep obviously didn’t care if any of his hostages were shot by badly aimed or ricocheting bullets.

Once closer, she noticed that the illiterate scumbag had painted the side of the trailer with weird black symbols and big black letters ‘L.A. Truking.’ No wonder they hadn’t picked him up until now since everyone had been on the lookout for a white-sided trailer. She had no doubt—or at least she hoped that the misspelled wording might have been the reason he’d been stopped.

Inching her way forward, Aurora used another of the immobile cop cars to shield herself. A body in the driver’s seat slumped over the dash with blood pouring from a head wound, made her wince. The sicko had killed another cop.

The officer from the opposite car still had firepower and kept the driver pinned down as Aurora worked her way closer. Bullets, hot sun and a screaming maniac made the scene unforgettable. The heat, heightened by the stench of blood made her stomach recoil.

Heart thumping in time with the angry words spilling into her head, it was all she could do not to just run up and plug the asshole. Training and common sense kept her sane, but thinking of her baby only a hundred feet away, Aurora knew crazy was close.

Kai and Ham were steadily moving to her position. The whining screams in her head quieted somewhat when she saw Kai safe, carrying her vest and slithering his way to where she hid.

At that moment, the scumbag driver made a move to the front of his truck and Aurora ran into the open to get a clear shot to stop him. One minute she was upright, then tires squealed, close, too close, and her body flew through the air.

Wrapped in the arms of a man who’d taken the brunt of the impact, she felt the wind being knocked out of her. She hadn’t seen the approaching ambulance, and with all the chaos going on around her, she hadn’t noted the sirens. All she’d seen was her chance to kill the killer.

Kai’s grunt of pain woke her from her daze and she quickly flipped herself over to see him kneeling next to her, blood pouring out and staining his shirt.

God no! No!!!
The lights went out!

She knew nothing for the few seconds it took to fight her way back from the blackness where she’d hidden.

“Hey Darlin’, don’t go turning all mushy on me now.”

Kai’s husky voice roused her and his wonderful smile made her heart float back into place. Shaky, her voice buried under panic, she forced the words. “Y-You’re okay?”

His eyes were alight with so many emotions, but love blazed the strongest. “Stitches broke from an old wound. But it’s nice to know you care.”

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