High Stakes Seduction - Book 4

BOOK: High Stakes Seduction - Book 4
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High Stakes



- Book 4 -


Ami LeCoeur


Career Life Press
Copyright © 2014
Ami LeCoeur



All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior written consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events, is entirely coincidental. All names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and situations are either the product of the author's imagination, or used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real.


Release Schedule:

Book 1 -

Book 2 -

Book 3 -

Book 4 - November 7, 2014

Book 5 - due out November 21, 2014


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High Stakes Seduction
Book 4 - Summary



Angela is angry and upset at having to travel home by herself after a two week luxury cruise with her boss, the highly influential and utterly gorgeous Antonio Mancini. But once onboard the plane, she meets Ryan Burton, cute, funny, AND the Assistant DA.


While Angela is not looking forward to running into her boss during the day-to-day business at the store, she's not ready to walk away, either. She's fulfilled her end of the bargain. Will Antonio be a man of his word and fulfill his end?


As she waits for him to honor his promise, Angela discovers yet another connection tying Antonio to the politicians and intrigue onboard the cruise ship. Tired of trying to figure it out on her own she wonders if it might be time to contact her new friend Ryan for a little help. 

* * *


I was seething. Positively seething! So angry, I felt as though I'd been punched in the stomach—I almost couldn't catch my breath. Maybe that was good, otherwise I'd have dissolved into a puddle of tears.

I looked out the window as the taxi traveled to the airport, but nothing registered. I just couldn’t get my thoughts to settle down into anything coherent.

Numb …

A pretty good description. Even my heart felt like it was stuffed into a freezer. Just another indication of the unmerciful shock that had seized my body.

I'd just finished a two week Caribbean vacation that had changed my life in more ways than one.
God, you could say that again!
Especially after what had just happened to me!

It had been pretty wonderful. Well, the past week had been, anyway. At least until it came time to disembark

I couldn't stop the tear from spilling down my cheek. I sniffled as I rummaged through my purse, desperate to blow my nose and wipe away the evidence of having been such a fool.

"You okay, miss?" came the voice from the front seat.

"Do you have a Kleenex?" I asked, keeping my eyes down.

"Sure," the driver handed me a box from the front seat. "Goodbyes can be painful."

"And unexpected." I turned my head away from the kind eyes in the mirror, blowing my nose and forcing myself to gasp air into my unwilling lungs.
Pull yourself together, Angela, you knew the score before you agreed to this trip. Get a grip. You can fall apart on the flight home.


Chapter One


The drone of the plane in flight buzzed in my ears like a really loud, really annoying mosquito. Everything was irritating me right now. I shifted uncomfortably against my seatbelt, glaring daggers at the seatbelt sign glowing above me. Just my luck to be on a flight that bounced around so much it wasn't "safe" for us not to be securely strapped in.

I stared out the window, watching the clouds drift over cities and fields. Trying to lose myself in the scenery miles below.

But none of it could erase the thoughts in my head, the ones that won’t fade away. Or the pictures that kept repeating themselves… one horrible frame at a time.

Naomi, with a smug, arrogant smile on that perfectly-featured face.

Antonio, leaning in to kiss her alabaster cheek.

His arm around her waist.

Walking away.

Leaving together in the limousine.

And worse of all… he didn’t even take a second to look back.

I still couldn’t believe it. After our wonderful, passion-filled week, he just abandoned me to be with a woman who he said was in his past.

"Flying alone?" asked a deep, masculine voice on my left.

I blinked, turning towards the voice automatically. Given the circumstances, I was glad to be sitting alone, with a vacant seat next to me.
Antonio's vacant seat
, I reminded myself. I'd hoped to avoid talking to anyone on the flight, burying myself in my thoughts instead. That was an advantage to traveling first class—no one was likely to usurp a confirmed seat.

Now, I looked over at the young man who had just asked me a question.

"I beg your pardon?” I couldn't remember what he had said.

He leaned forward across the aisle, and a wisp of sandy brown hair fell across his bright green eyes. He brushed it back casually and smiled. “Are you traveling alone?”

"It appears so," I said and turned away, tears welling again.

For a moment, everything around me disappeared and I was back, lying in Antonio’s arms, in Antonio's bed. Soft, warm, sleepy after an astonishing night of making love under the stars as the
Twilight PhantaSea
drifted through the waves.

I closed my eyes, remembering the tenderness. The closeness, the completeness of just lying in his arms. I'd been so nervous when the trip started, not quite knowing what to expect after I'd accepted his rather bold offer. He knew I’d do anything for my sister, and while it had been a bit unorthodox, the exchange had seemed fair enough at the time. It still was, I suppose; at least now my sister would get the operation she needed.

I'd been afraid his proposal would mean little more than being his escort, his plaything, his …
. But he'd been surprisingly gentle and polite with me. And, as seemed usual with him, remote and secretive. I sighed. I still can’t believe how aggressive I became, my actions with that man were so different than my normal ways. But he is so attractive, so magnetic, that I am drawn to him, body and soul. My memories brought a flush to my cheeks.

But he wanted me, too!
I reminded myself. That had certainly been more than obvious, and not just to me.

“Nice necklace,” the guy across the aisle said, nodding towards my chest.

“Oh,” I said, glancing down at the pendant in my hand. I hadn’t realized I’d been toying with it.

A gift from Antonio.

“It’s a plumeria,” I said in a voice just above a whisper. “In some cultures, it’s supposed to symbolize love and loyalty.” I tried to keep the bitterness out of my voice, but suddenly I wanted to rip the necklace off and toss it out the window.

“Very pretty, and it suits you,” he said and smiled again.

I mustered a smile, but I really didn’t feel like talking at the moment. I let the pendant slip beneath my blouse and turned back to the window.

My friendly admirer remained blessedly quiet for a few minutes longer, then decided to try again. “Look, I don’t mean to pry, but I’ve been sitting here for about an hour now and I can’t help but notice how stressed out you seem to be. I know I’m a complete stranger but,” he paused, looking as though he was trying to find the right words. “Do you want to talk about it?”

I turned my head to look more closely at him. He was a handsome man, with nice eyes, a firm jaw, and… very kissable lips.

Where did that thought come from? I wondered.

“No,” I said, tilting my head and letting my hair fall over my shoulders. “I don’t want to talk about it. But you’re right. I'm definitely feeling stressed. I wonder if we can get a drink?”

He laughed. “Sounds like a great idea.”

I returned his smile, feeling a bit of the weight lift from my shoulders. “My name’s Angela,” I said, stretching out my right hand to him across the empty seat.

He leaned across the aisle to shake my hand, giving me a charming, lop-sided grin. “Ryan,” he said.


Chapter Two


Half an hour later, Ryan had moved over into Antonio's vacant seat and we were doing our best to keep our laughter to ourselves. Turns out we’d gone to rival high schools, and, while I didn’t do much by way of extracurricular sports, I'd definitely been a fan of our Wildcats basketball team.

“I don’t know a damn thing about basketball, but I made it to every single game I could,” I grinned. “I must have had a crush on one of the players.” The alcohol was definitely going to my head. And I didn’t care.

Ryan laughed with me. “You
have learned
if you watched that many games.”

The seatbelt sign had finally dimmed, so I could make myself a little more comfortable. My leg brushed against his when I shifted. I didn’t bother to move it. The alcohol was making me relax. And for the moment, I didn't really care about anything else.

But if I'd bothered to think about it, I might have admitted to myself that my semi-apathy was more the result of feeling hurt than anything else. Antonio hurt me, and some part of me wanted to get back at him. It was stupid and childish, I know, but right now, I felt like it was all I had.

“Maybe I should have been watching
games,” I said, leaning a little closer towards my new friend. I put my hand on the armrest and let my fingers dangle over on his side.

“Think so?” he asked, leaning towards me in return. “Well, I
a few years ahead of you. Besides, Lacrosse can get pretty rough.”

"Oh, I'm sure you would've been a good teacher," I smiled up at him.

He laughed again. "And I'm sure you'd be an excellent student." He took my fingers in his, raising them to his lips.

"Well, Mister Ryan. I do believe you are flirting with lil' ole me," I said as I fluttered my eyes in my best Southern-girl imitation.

“Maybe I—“

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have started our descent. In preparation for landing, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt…”

I tuned out the rest of the instructions, downed the rest of my drink and handed it to the flight attendant gathering trash.

“The weather is a pleasant seventy degrees with not a cloud in the sky. We’ll be arriving on schedule, so that should leave you lots of time to enjoy the rest of a beautiful day.”

Beautiful day. I’d had many beautiful days aboard ship. The attendant’s well wishes sank me back into my memories and broke me out of my little flirtation with Ryan. I sat back and buckled my seatbelt while Ryan did the same.

“Is someone meeting you at the airport?” he asked.

I shook my head slowly, thinking about my last chat with Maria. Thompson was supposed to have picked Antonio and me up in the limo, but now that I was on my own, I wasn't sure what to expect.

“Well um…” Ryan began. That lock of hair slipped forward again and he brushed it back absently. “Would you be interested in grabbing a coffee after we pick up our luggage?”

Was I?
The effects of the alcohol were wearing off and I suddenly found myself regretting leading Ryan on with my flirting. “Um, maybe some other time,” I said apologetically.

I was relieved when Ryan gave me a smile and a wink.

“That’s okay,” he said, fishing in his breast pocket and pulling out a business card. “But I hope you'll give me a rain-check. When you're ready, give me a call. I’m just downtown.”

Ryan Burton
was the name typed on the card in formal black letters. Italicized underneath it read, “Assistant District Attorney”.

“Oh!” I said, raising my eyebrows.

“Something wrong?” Ryan asked, his brow creasing at my tone.

“It’s nothing. District Attorney's office, hmm?” I said lamely. This was a little too coincidental.

During our cruise, it seemed that more and more of Antonio’s “business meetings” involved conversations about the District Attorney. Secret meetings. Ominous meetings. And here I was, flirting with the Assistant D.A.

For a minute, I was tempted to ask Ryan about the D.A, Brad Stephens. Memories came flooding back—snippets of conversation about his involvement in the Children’s Charity and the other things I’d overheard during the course of the cruise.

Then I shivered involuntarily as I thought better of it. Whatever Antonio was wrapped up in, it was something he'd done his best to make sure I wasn't part of.

Maybe Naomi showing up again was a sign. In fact, maybe it was an outright warning. I hated thinking this way, but,
maybe Naomi showing up was actually a good thing
. It reminded me that Antonio had a shady past. One that he was trying really hard to keep me away from.

Maybe Naomi showing up meant I should stay away from Antonio Mancini entirely.

Too bad the idea of doing so hurt so damn much.

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