Highland Hope (Wild Thistle Triology Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Highland Hope (Wild Thistle Triology Book 1)
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Damn her.
Damn her

A horn blew in the distance.

Hope untangled her arms from his neck and starred at him with a confused look on her face. A flush rushed up her face. “Aye, we best return to the keep.”

Aidan swiped the back of his neck.
, what the hell had he just done? He was speechless. They’d try to forget what had just happened, to be sure. But it would prove to be for naught. His body still sang from the embrace and he wished they were wed and were on their way to consummate their union.

The thought of their wedding night nearly had Aidan reaching for Hope once again. But he knew he must tread lightly with this newfound compliance. Aye, ’twas the word, she’d been compliant. But more so, she’d been passionate.

He leaned against the palisade wall and watched her walk through the bailey, her sister Honor rushed to her side and smiled. They talked and Aidan saw the love in their conversation. Hope patted her sister’s arm and nodded to a group of young lasses. Honor kissed her sister’s cheek who then joined the group.

The tenderness touched him more than he initially wanted to admit. Aye, she was a woman after all. She loved her family and that was not only Faith, Honor, and Nora, but also the entire clan.

While Hope tried to be strong, be the leader, she had a heart, one she was willing to allow others to see.

He smiled as he watched her. Chuckled as she danced a few steps with one of the elder men, his comrades cheering and clapping. Even some of the women stopped their chores and laughed.

The mood was festive; he was pleased to see. Pleased to focus on the clan’s mood instead of the kiss that may lead to disastrous consequences. A lightening of mood since the first day he had arrived nearly a fortnight ago. Of course Hope’s mother had just been laid to rest a few days before he landed on Hope’s feet. Yet, now it appeared as if the clan wanted, nay, needed some levity, something to be happy about.

He spoke to a few clansmen, threw a few jibs at their attempt to train. Some of the elder men joked with him about the upcoming nuptials. The banter felt good. It was as if he’d been a member of the clan since the day he was born. Odd, he had been, but hadn’t been. He pinched the bridge of his nose, tired of the subterfuge plaguing his existence.

He headed toward the main hall, ready to quench his thirst with ale.

As his gaze inspected the main hall, pride filled him. Soon he’d make his claim and be in the rightful place as laird. His father would be watching him, of that he was certain. He’d redeem the family name and honor.

A group of men clustered around the large fireplace. A boar roasted on a spit as a young lad cranked the handle to help it turn. The men gave him encouragement as well as some gentle chiding to the strength of the lad. Aidan chuckled as the boy worked harder.

The tables had been pulled away from the stone walls and readied for the evening meal. Succulent aromas came from the boar and he knew a grand feast was upon them. A few lasses set trenchers on the tables and poured ale into tankards.

For the first time in years he felt his yearning for a home almost vanish. Home. One that was his. A clan who would respect him.

And a woman in his bed.

And luckily for him, Hope would be that woman. The thought sent a surge of lust through his veins. Powerful, potent lust.

Hope. In his bed. In naked glory.

He’d already beheld a glimpse of her creamy skin and full, luscious breasts. Ripe, rosy nipples that he longed to lathe with his tongue until she writhed in desperate pleasure.

Would she be as commanding in bed as she was leading the clan? Or would a shy, timid lass as he tried to pleasure her?

Aidan was confident Hope was never a shy lass. No, her passion in and out of bed would be exciting.

. He was aching with need as his cock hardened close to bursting.

“MacKerry? Ye look a mite peaked.”

Aidan glanced at Nora and shook his head. “I’m fine, Nora.”

She rested her hand on his arm. “’Tis glad I am that you are, lad. You’re what she needs.” The older woman rasped a chuckle and said over her shoulder as she walked away, “Whether she admits it or not.”

Bemused, Aidan watched the maid make her way from the main hall.

Still, his pulse beat rapidly. His blood raged through his veins.

Aidan needed to rid his body and mind of the image of Hope’s naked body in his bed. He left the hall and walked toward the creek that ran behind the keep.

In a thrice, he rid his body of the tartan and shirt. He struggled out of his
brogues, the laces nearly thwarting his efforts.

Finally rid of the hindrance of clothing, Aidan dove into the deeper end of the creek shadowed by trees in what looked like the clan had forced into a pond.

The icy water quickly dampened his lustful urgings. Each lap he cleared his mind, helped him remember his quest. Finally, he slowed and caught his breath.

Sun dappled the water and glistened on the waves his activity had mustered. Aidan tipped his head back and sunk beneath the water to wet his hair.

As he rose from the water, it sluiced over his head. He glanced toward the shore and there she stood. Was she an image of his imagination? One wrought from the vestiges of his need to bed her?

No matter, he thought as his body reacted once again to her presence, she was surely a vision of beauty and grace.

The sun skimmed over her body, highlighting the richness of her mahogany hair entwined with golden and crimson strands. Skin as creamy as fresh milk glowed beneath the attention of the sun’s rays.

What captivated him the most was her gaze. Part surprise, part wonder, widened her eyes as the green reflected the water, grass, and leaves around her. Intelligence, aye. But curiosity also added to the depths of those beautiful eyes.

Aidan took a few steps toward her.

Hope didn’t know whether to stand still or flee.

Aidan MacKerry, clothed only in the water sluicing over his dark hair and incredibly broad shoulders stood before her. Shoulders so muscular, she envied the water and its intimate path across his skin. Golden skin from head to toe, even at the dark curls around his manhood. Dear God, ’twas as if his proud manhood grew beneath her inspection. She swallowed and ignored the flutters in her womb.

Her heart battered in her throat as she tried to speak, but failed as her mouth opened, then closed.

He was perfect. A perfect reflection of a man who was born to lead. One who took pride in their heritage and strength. It was obvious he’d worked hard, fought hard. Scars slashed across his chest and along his right arm. Deep battle wounds.

It wasn’t his warrior aptitude which piqued her curiosity, however. What captivated her mind was the thought of those arms, hard muscles, strong enough to cradle her, to carry her to safety and to protect those he cared for. Those arms she wanted around her, holding her, securing her in their embrace.

He continued to walk toward her, his ardent gaze not leaving hers. His mouth tipped up into a roguish grin that did something to her insides, making them jumble and quiver.

Even in the cool breeze she felt heated, as if MacKerry was touching her, his flesh pressed hard against hers.

“Hope,” was all he said before he claimed her mouth.

The only part of his body touching hers was his lips. Hard, soft, he plied his mouth against hers demanding at one moment, gentle the next. His tongued eased open her mouth, grazed her teeth, sent a rush of pleasure as she tasted him.

She gripped his shoulders as her knees weakened. God help her, she was tumbling into his arms unabashedly. The thoughts skittering through her mind were to be as close to Aidan as possible. No matter, he had not a stitch upon his magnificent form, she wanted to imprint herself upon him. Feel his arms, chest, and aye, his, his manhood against her.

The possessiveness of her actions startled her, but it gave no matter as MacKerry, nay, Aidan, nipped along her jaw, whispered endearments against the apex of her neck. Chills raced up and down her spine as she explored his back, touching, pinching, kneading the hardened muscles.

He groaned deep in his throat as she eased lower over his hips and buttocks. Excitement directed her actions as she marveled once again at the perfection of his physique and wanted him to groan again.

“Lass, tread carefully,” he warned, his breath hot against her skin.

She gripped him and jerked him forward until he was tight against her body. “Nay,” she said with a smile. Power was a heady brew.

He growled, lifted her from the ground, and laid her gently upon leaves and pine needles nestled beneath a copse of trees. Lifting from her, he brushed her hair from her face. Tender, so tender. His gaze traveled along her face and top of her chemise. Then he trailed a finger beneath the fine linen material.

Hope gasped in pleasure, her breath then quickening as she anticipated his touch.

Aidan chuckled and pulled the material lower. “Like that, do you?”

She threaded her fingers through his hair, pulled him closer, and kissed him. “Aye.” She felt him smile against her mouth just as she felt his hands exploring beneath her chemise.

His hands grazed her breasts, nipples. She arched wanting him to do more . . . she didn’t know what, but she just wanted more.

Her breath came in spurts as he slipped her chemise from her shoulders, exposed her breasts.

“Ah,” he said. “Perfect.” He suckled her nipple, sending shards of bliss through her body. Swift heat started at her breasts and shot to her womb. Hope pressed him tighter against her. He nipped, lathed, cupped.

’Twas such a wondrous feeling. She shifted beneath him, feeling the length of his body and his hard manhood. Aye, he was an impressive man.

“Have mercy,” Aidan said as he lifted from her and covered her breasts with his large, warm hands. His brows gathered and concern flashed in his steely blue eyes. “We should stop,” he said his face grimaced as if he were a man in dire pain. Pleasurable pain she was responsible for.

Hope narrowed her gaze, her heart plummeting. He did not want her. He did not want to continue.

She rolled away from him and stood. She crossed her arms before her chest and tipped her head down.

“Hope,” he said as he came behind her, circled her waist with his arms. He rested his chin on her shoulder. She closed her eyes and inhaled, his scent, one of musk, water, and pine infused the air.

“I’ll not dishonor you,” he said with a low growl. “I want you. I want you more than any other.”

Hope leaned against him, grateful for his strength. He nuzzled against her neck, his hot breath tingled her skin.

“I want nothing to mar our union.

Hope nodded, not willing to trust her voice. Aidan had honor and she was grateful, but she was also frustrated. Her body still yearned for his touch on her bare skin and his mouth on hers. The sensations he wrought were something she’d never experienced and she wanted more.

Wanton thoughts raced through her mind, surprising her as well as shocking her.

“I appreciate your actions, MacKerry.”

He turned her to face him and he tipped up her chin with his finger. “We’re back to MacKerry, are we?”

His scowl prompted a smile. “Aye.” She allowed a lingering gaze along his face, over his shoulders, and further . . .

Aidan tipped her chin up, laughter bright in his eyes. “All in good time, lass.”

She laughed, her spirit light, lighter than it had been in ages. Och, she could gaze at him all day. She dragged her finger along his shoulder and over his arm. She spayed her hands over his chest. Downy hair covered his torso, narrowing like an arrow as it led to his impressive manhood. How she wanted to touch him, feel the length of him in her hands. Hope moved her hand lower.

“Nay,” he said with laughter as he gripped her wrist.

She settled her hand at his hip and kept her gaze upon him. “You’re naked.”

A grin, sexy and knowing tipped his mouth. “Aye, that I am.”

He released her and she felt instantly cooled. She wrapped her arms around herself, wanted Aidan back near her. Instead, he strode over to his tartan and
. Quickly, he was clothed, but not quick enough for Hope to be able to only again appreciate him from head to toe. Never had she seen a man so strong with thick muscles, a carved abdomen, and hard buttocks.

She tried to pry her gaze away, but she just couldn’t.

He approached her, the arrogant cock to his brow and a knowing glint in his eye told her he knew she’d watched his every move. He slipped her linen shirt back over her shoulders.

Men, she thought with an exasperated sigh, but a smile played on her mouth and she laughed outright.

He cupped the back of her head and kissed her soundly. “You’re lovely, Hope MacAlister, my bride-to-be.”

For a moment, her heart hitched. Hope allowed his statement, one full of sincerity, and the softening gleam in his eyes to settle around her. Happiness? Is that what she felt?

Aidan watched her with a curious tip of his head. She rubbed his arm, still perplexed at the emotions swirling around her mind, toying with her heart.

“I’ve training.”

She nodded. “Aye, that you do.”

Hope watched him run toward the keep, his long legs swiftly carrying him away from her. She waited a few moments, restless, but eager as well. Savoring the feelings, emotions, and breathtaking time she spent with Aidan.

It may work, this marriage. The attraction she felt for Aidan and his obvious attraction for her may be enough.

She shook her head. The image of her parents, their secret smiles, the coveted looks they gave each other when they thought no one was looking, the tender way her father spoke to her mother. All of the intimacy was more than lust, it was love.

Hope remembered how her mother had mourned her father. It lasted until Catronia’s final breath. In death her mother had found peace and was now with her father where their love could continue. Passionate, consuming love did not come from a forced marriage. One laden with secrets and manipulation. A marriage proposed on a desperate whim while she still mourned her mother.

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