Highlander's Kiss (3 page)

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Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

BOOK: Highlander's Kiss
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“Plastic, a manmade substance. Pop one of those pills on your tongue then scrape it to the back with your teeth. As soon as you’ve done that, take a sip of water and gulp the pill down, then repeat again with the second pill.” Her questions and delight at seeing so many new things touched his heart. He’d love to show her around his home, take her to some of his favorite places and watch her excitement continue to grow and bloom.

She swallowed the pills.

“Would you like to bathe and wash the blood from your hair before I organize a place for you to sleep?”

“Am I allowed to bathe? Whenever I’ve had stitches in the past, my sister hasn’t allowed me to get them wet.”

“Just this once you may bathe, then you’re to ensure your stitches remain dry for the next few days. I’ve actually used dissolving stitches, so there’s no need for me to even physically remove them once your wound has healed.”

“Then a chance to bathe would be most appreciated.”

“Good. Come with me. I’ll show you to my bathroom and get you sorted.” He set his hands on her waist and lifted her off the bed then slowly set her down in front of him.

Wobbling, she grasped his shirtfront and leaned her forehead against his chest. “I still feel so woozy.”

“Lean on me as often as you need to.” He tucked a lock of her wind tangled blond hair behind her ear then once she appeared steady on her feet, offered her his arm once more and guided her out the door and into his bedroom down the hallway. His four-poster bed took up half the large space, the remainder holding a blue swede settee and an armchair angled in front of a wide screen TV. His bathroom sat off to one side and he steered her across his room and through the door. Sandy colored tiles led to an open shower in the tiled corner, one without any glass sides. The shower curtain though could be pulled across if needed, although he rarely used it. The bathroom flooring was designed to funnel the water away into the sink hole.

Julia ogled the room and gasped as she sighted the massive mirror over top of the white marble vanity. “I can almost see my entire self in that looking glass. That is the largest one I’ve ever beheld.”

“We call them mirrors in this time, and it is a beauty.” He picked up the metal shower chair, set it in the center of the showering area then flicked the overhead fan on. It whirred and fluttered the white towels on the side rail. “Come here, Julia. Take a seat.” She did and he lowered to a crouch, bringing them eye to eye. “I don’t actually have a bath as such for you to bathe in, but instead I’ve got a shower in which you’ll sit underneath. That is how you’ll be able to bathe and wash up.”

“I see.” With one finger, she touched the button on his shirt then glanced at the ceiling above and each wall surrounding her. An intriguing look crossed her face. “And how does one shower inside a bathroom when there is no way for a shower of water to reach me?”

“Showers are a modern invention and it’s best if I show you, rather than try to explain how they work.” He removed her slippers and lobbed them toward the heated towel rail. There, they’d remain dry and out of the spray’s reach. From the shower caddy, he handed her shampoo and a bar of soap. “Feel free to use anything in this room you might need. What’s mine is now yours.”

“Are you certain I need to be sitting right here to have this…ah…shower?”

“Very sure.” He chuckled and popped a kiss on her forehead. “I’ve never met such a woman as you, and it feels like forever since I’ve had such an enjoyable conversation. Seeing your delight in all these new things reminds me of how lucky we are to live in this time with all our modern conveniences.”

“I’ve never had such an interesting and enjoyable conversation either.” She touched her forehead where he’d kissed her. “What do I do next?”

“You’ll need to take your gown off to shower.” She had a full-length shift on underneath, the top lacy edge of it showing along her neckline. “Will your shift cover you adequately? You can borrow a towel if not, but it’s best I remain with you while you shower since you’re not yet steady enough on your feet. The last thing I want you to do is fall and hit your head on these hard tiles.”

“Aye, I usually swim in my shift when needed so it will cover me adequately, although I cannae reach the stays in the back of my gown. Could you aid me?” She set the shampoo and soap on the floor next to her chair, rose to her feet and gave him her back.

“Absolutely.” He swept her long blond hair to one side and exposed the creamy length of her neck then with her gown’s cream and gold ribbons in hand, he unlaced her stays. “There, all done.”

“Thank you.” She wriggled the loose fabric down over her hips and the cream velvet swished to the floor. She scooped it up and hung it on the wall hook then wavered in her step, pressed her hands to her knees and drew in a long breath. “Everything spins when I move too fast.”

“Then take a seat. I set it there for you for that very reason.” He led her back to the chair and she plopped onto it and eyes closed, slowly breathed in and out. He hunkered down, rested his hands on her knees and gently rubbed. “I promised Cherub I’d remain with you and I will. Also, with dizziness usually comes nausea. Let me know if you feel sick so I can give you some meds to ease your symptoms.”

“There is no nausea, just dizziness.” She opened her beautiful blue eyes with their glimmer of gold at the edge and covered his hands with hers. “’Tis so comforting to be near you. You make me feel quite at ease.”

“It’s comforting for me to be near you too.” More so with each minute that passed. Gently, he turned one of her hands over, picked up the shampoo bottle and squeezed a dollop of apple scented shampoo into her palm. “This is shampoo, what we use to clean our hair.”

“It smells delicious.” With one finger, she swirled through the creamy colored mix then cupped the back of his head, drew him closer and buried her nose in his black locks. “Mmm, whenever I eat an apple, I shall now think about you and this very moment.” She rubbed the shampoo in her hands and grinned as the mix bubbled up. “Show me how to shower.”

This he couldn’t wait for, to see her surprise at the sight of running water streaming from the shower head. With the nozzle unhooked from the slide rail, he flicked the lever on then with his hand under the spray, waited for it to hit just the right heat—nice and warm and not too hot.

“That is so fascinating.” Julia scraped her chair closer and grasped his hand being hit by the spray. “’Tis like a waterfall of water, a heated waterfall.”

“There are metal pipes that bring this water right through these walls into this very bathroom. When one turns the lever on, water flows, or when the lever is turned off, the water halts.” He passed her the shower head. “You’re to control where the water goes.”

She turned the nozzle on herself and the spray hit her front and flattened the thin cloth to her body. Lifting it over her head, she laughed as water sluiced through her locks and down to her feet tucked under the chair. Her big blue eyes met his, the twinkle within making him catch his breath. Comforting didn’t even begin to describe how he currently felt around her. Inspired, thrilled, at peace and bursting with happiness, did.

“Here, let me help you.” He picked up the shampoo and squirted more into his palm since she’d washed what he’d given her away. From behind her, he gently worked the bubbles through her wet hair, the silky strands sliding so sensuously through his fingers.

“I feel like I’m in heaven. Thank you for taking such wonderful care of me.” She tipped her head back farther and sighed with delight.

Transfixed, he couldn’t take his gaze from her. Tiny dimples either side of her lush lips begged for his touch and her sheer exuberance warmed the inside of his heart.

She waved the shower head up and down her body until the wet cloth was plastered against each and every inch of her. Slim legs and shapely calves, soft hips and the roundness of her full breasts. Hell, even a heavenly tease of her pink nipples showed. His mouth watered and his bear fairly purred for more. Never had the sight of a woman ever caused such a staggering need to rear to glaring life within him, not once, not ever.

He took the shower head from her and rinsed the bubbles away.

Was it possible the Fae Angel of Love had brought his chosen one right to his doorstep? Never had he imagined meeting his mate like this. He mulled the thought over, although not for long. Everything about Julia captured and enticed him. There was only one woman for him, his soul bound mate and it was her. Of that he was certain.

His chosen one sat right before him, and his soul lifted and rejoiced.

* * * *

Warm water streamed through Julia’s hair and with it eased the thumping in her head, or mayhap that was from the pills Tavish had given her. No matter which it had been, she’d never felt so relaxed and alive as she had in this moment. For so long she’d grieved for her parents, but this trip here into the future had relieved a little of the terrible burden she always carried.

Tavish leaned in behind her, touched his cheek to her cheek and whispered, “You’re all done.”

“Thank you.” She reached back with one hand and cupped his stubbly jaw. Being near him soothed her, in a way she’d never experienced around a man before, and the red edging his pure white aura shimmered even brighter. So too the gentle purr emanating from him rose to a wickedly low rumble. She swiveled around on her chair, rested one hand on the metal back and used it to keep her balance as she stood. Goodness. Her shift was plastered to her. She plucked it away from her chest, swiped a drying cloth from the rail and wrapped it around her. Such fluffy white cotton. Never had she wrapped herself in such a decadent cloth before. She rubbed her cheek against it. Tiny loops had been woven into the weave that thickened the cloth and made it lusher. “What is this called?”

“A towel.” His shifter eyes blazed with smoldering heat as he gazed at her. “Feeling warmer?”

“Very.” Heat flushed through her and she swayed.

“Hold onto me if you feel faint.”

“I cannae halt this dizziness.” Leaning against him, she nestled her cheek against his chest, his white shirt damp and clinging to his skin from the shower water she must have accidentally sprayed him with. “I wouldnae mind that bed to rest in now.”

“I’ll grab you something to sleep in first. I don’t have any women’s clothing in my wardrobe and I’d rather not wake one of the ladies in the keep to procure what you’ll need, but I could offer you a shirt, some sweatpants as well.”

The thought of wearing his clothing sent tantalizing thoughts swirling through her mind. She probably should say no and don her gown again, but any form of refusal wouldn’t leave her mouth. “I’d like that.”

“My clothing it is then.” He disappeared out the door into his bedchamber, those dark trews he wore hugging his tight backside, a backside she truly shouldn’t be admiring quite the way she was. Knocking her head had certainly scattered her usually good thoughts.

She shuffled about within the thick cloth, shoved her arms out of her soggy shift and tugged it down. The ivory linen fell in a wet plop to the floor and she stepped out of it, the towel still well secured around her.

“Here you go.” Tavish returned with a bundle of clothing in hand, a royal blue shirt and men’s trews, or what he’d called sweatpants. He scooped up her shift from the floor, wrung the water from it then laid it over top of the rail before he slipped back out the door and closed it after himself.

Against the wall, she leaned, dropped the towel completely and pulled his shirt over her head. The soft linen flapped down to her knees. She rolled the sleeves up to her elbows then tugged her wet hair out from underneath the collar and used the towel to dry it.

“Are you almost done?” His voice floated to her through the thick paneling of wood.

“One moment.” She flapped out his gray sweatpants and stepped into them although they slithered right back down her legs and fell in a soft puddle. She stepped out of them and picked them up. “The sweatpants are too big.”

“Let me see.” He stepped inside and eyed them in her hands. “I might have a smaller pair, one that shrunk in the wash not long ago.”

“Nay, this shirt will do.” ’Twas decent enough with only her calves and feet showing. She handed the pants to him, lifted the shirt collar over her nose and breathed in his warm and fresh scent trapped within the cloth. “I like your shirt.”

“I like seeing it on you as well.” He foraged in one of the drawers under the counter with its wide basin, nabbed a brush and gently detangled her locks before dropping the brush back in the drawer. With one hand at her back, he guided her into his chamber where the covers had been pulled back on one side of the bed. “Hop in. I want you to get as much rest as possible for what remains of the night.”

“I’m to sleep in your bed?”

“I’ve used the settee before as a bed, and I’d rather you sleep right here where I know you’ll be comfortable and where I can keep a close eye on you. You took a nasty fall and I intend to wake you every hour or two to ensure all is well.”

“Our clan healer does that too with warriors who’ve lost awareness during a battle. She fears they may no’ wake in the morning, so to set her mind at ease, she stirs them often during the night.” She eased under the covers and jiggled about on the thick mattress. “This bed is so soft and so big. There’s no need for you to sleep on the settee if you wish, provided you can keep to the other side of this bed.”

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