Highlander's Touch

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Authors: Eliza Knight

BOOK: Highlander's Touch
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Highlander’s Touch

An Erotic Novel

Sequel to the Highland Bound Trilogy





Eliza Knight


Copyright 2015 © Eliza Knight



Moon Magic

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen


More Books by Eliza





March 2015

Copyright 2015 © Eliza Knight


HIGHLANDER’S TOUCH © 2015 Eliza Knight. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part or the whole of this book may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted or utilized (other than for reading by the intended reader) in ANY form (now known or hereafter invented) without prior written permission by the author. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal, and punishable by law. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional and or are used fictitiously and solely the product of the author’s imagination. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, places, businesses, events or locales is purely coincidental.


Cover Design by Kimberly Killion @ The Killion Group, Inc


Published by Knight Media, LLC

PO Box 324

Mount Airy, MD 21771





For all of my wonderful readers. Every day I write is a joy because of you.






As always, a book cannot be completed without the assistance of many individuals. I would like to thank the following people for their help in making this book a reality: Angie Hillman, Jennifer Bray-Weber, Tara Kingston, Lizzie Walker, Andrea Snider, The Killion Group, my awesome and supportive family, my readers, and last but never least,  my amazing street team. Thank you!



Moon Magic


Eliza Knight



When thunder crashes

And lightning illuminates

Magic comes to pass.


Thistles sway, dancing

Purple petals and green stems

So very lovely.


Rain falls in crystal torrents

Sparkling drops on fingertips

Liquid Sustenance.


Black clouds shield the sun

Blankets the world in darkness

Takes away our sight.


The castle climbs high

Battlements touching the sky

Striking fear below.


Warriors come now

Their weapons shined and sharpened

Prepared for vengeance.


We will survive this

Surge of ruthless cruelty

For we are strong, wise.


Loneliness touches

Us all and can break hearts

Leaving us wretched.


Massaging the soul

Flexing your capacity

To accept love’s hold.


Flames burst destroying

Everything in its path

Leaving all tainted.


The evils of men

Devastate the innocent

Leaving destruction.


Do not surrender

To one who strips you, attempts

To watch you bleed dry.


Fear paralyzes

Only those who allow it

Be strong, be steady.


Afraid of being

Broken leaves one hopeless and

The future stark, bleak.


When hope does soar high

So too does joy and pleasure

Fostering courage.


Brave and courageous

Forge ahead leaving the past

And tumbling forward.


Beneath moon magic

Lovers gentle strokes bring bliss

And sweet surrender.


A precious ending

A love that shan’t be broken

By the bonds of time.


Chapter One


Inverness, Scotland



“WHAT will ye be having today, master of the sword?” Hildie slipped her hand beneath Ewan’s plaid and wrapped her fingers around his waiting cock.

Sir Ewan Fraser—second-in-command to Laird Logan Grant of Castle Gealach—grinned at the willing wench. Aye, the room was not exactly fresh, nor the sheets he lay on, but what more could he expect from a local tavern? He wasn’t here for honorable reasons by any stretch of the imagination.

“I’ll be having the usual, love—ye and three of your bonny lasses.” He wiggled his brows at the tittering females who stood expectantly behind Hildie.

She stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. “For once I didna want to share ye,” she muttered, but it was too late, as Ewan had already beckoned the three of them forward.

“Since when do ye not like to share?” he teased, plucking her on the chin. His laird had given him express orders that he visit and enjoy himself at Hildie’s establishment on his way back from his duties.

Logan—his laird and closest friend—had sent him out on a scouting mission. Ewan and the dozen Grant warriors traveling with him had not spotted any of the MacDonalds who’d attacked Castle Gealach once more, tormenting the villagers just outside the walls and setting flames to the newly planted fields before running off like cowards.

If the bastards thought they could starve them out or frighten them into handing over their lands, they were even more foolish than Ewan and Logan had thought. They’d been battling the blasted MacDonalds for years now, and it would seem all was for naught, since the animals would never win. Laird MacDonald had tried hard to expose Laird Grant’s secrets, and the secrets of the castle, to usurp the Scottish king, even.
God rest his soul
. MacDonald and his clan had ballocks of iron, and one of these days, Ewan and Logan would see those bastards burn.

Ewan was always ready to put his sword to any MacDonald who crossed paths with him. His life had nearly been taken by one of the enemy clan members several months back. A brutal, savage attack it had been when he attempted to protect his laird. He was well enough now to exact his revenge on every damn one of them.

“Why do ye frown so, warrior? Have we not made ye smile?”

Ewan grunted and grinned at the saucy wench.

Hildie climbed up onto the bed and knelt between his thighs, taking his cock into her luscious mouth—causing all thoughts of the MacDonalds to quickly disappear.

A delectable blonde pressed her naked breasts to his face, and another ran her hands over his chest—while yet another knelt beside Hildie to stroke her tongue over his sac. Ewan groaned, licking and suckling at the nipples dangling in his face, while stroking a round arse with each hand. What a life he’d created for himself. As Captain of the Guard, he had more wenches vying for his attention than he could handle. Especially now that his once lascivious laird had married. That left more for Ewan.  And he was
than happy to take Logan’s place.

And Hildie’s tongue… Blast, but it felt so good.

“Och, lassies…” he said through gritted teeth. “Ye know how to make a man smile.”

Hildie stopped abruptly, motioning for her companion to straddle Ewan, then helped to guide his cock inside. He could hardly suppress a groan as the newest wench slowly slid down the length of his arousal. They were killing him with such sweet, succulent torture.

“I suppose I can share,” Hildie murmured, winking at him.
God’s teeth.

The wench was a tease, for certain, but he could barely think with the other one bouncing on top of him. What would he do without these bawdy lassies?

“One of ye straddle my face,” he commanded, gripping the randy lass’s hips to slow her movements.

Hildie and her two friends giggled, shoving at each other until one of them tickled the other two enough that she won.

“Not every man likes this,” she said with an excited grin.

Ewan chuckled. “I love it more than most.” He gripped her thighs and guided her until she had a knee on either side of his head, her cunt ready for his tongue. While he fucked one and licked the other, the remaining two lay on the bed beside him and entertained themselves. Och, but this was the life. He knew Logan was happy with his beautiful wife, but did he really know what he was missing? Not that Ewan had any intention of reminding him. He’d be more than happy to service the ladies at Hildie’s for years to come.

A crash sounded from below stairs. Two of his lovers cried out in surprise. The lass riding him, didn’t seem to notice, she tightened over him, riding him faster and harder. Her sex clenched and spasmed. A moan escaped her lips as stomping sounded on the stairs. His fun was about to be over, no use holding back.

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