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Authors: Sky Robinson

BOOK: HighonYou
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High on You



Revisit the dangerous
drug-smuggling world from Caribbean Heat


Blake Sierzan knows better than
getting involved with an informant but Crystal’s tempting curves are just too
much to resist. The feisty woman from the streets turns out to be a natural sub
in the bedroom and it doesn’t take long for Blake to have her tied up beneath
him. But can he keep her safe from the cartel that wants their drugs back and
Crystal dead? Running from danger shouldn’t feel this good.


A Romantica®
contemporary erotic romance
Ellora’s Cave


High on You
Sky Robinson


Chapter One


Crystal walked up the docks hesitantly. Engine noises
rumbled and voices echoed in the air as she worked at trying not to let her
nervousness show. Blake Sierzan wrapped his strong fingers around hers and gave
her a little comfort but she barely knew the man. She sure as hell shouldn’t be
letting her guard down just because he was tall, dark and sexy. Her mother had
proven time and time again that being attractive was no guarantee a man was any
good. In fact, she pretty much proved the opposite.

But Crystal didn’t have much of an option other than to
trust Blake. It was either that or go straight to prison, do not pass go, do
not collect two hundred dollars, and all because she had been transporting drugs
she didn’t want to have anything to do with in the first place. She was forced
into it, had no other option, but she knew the law wouldn’t likely see it that

Prison is where they threw people like her, even when they
were semi-innocent. She was well aware that the justice system favored the
rich. She wasn’t rich. Not by any stretch of the imagination. She worked as a
cocktail waitress, not very far off the bottom rung of society.

Blake stopped walking suddenly, grabbed her by the shoulders
and pressed Crystal up against the solid brick wall of a building. He buried
her beneath his strong, solid body and forced his lips against hers. Not some
nice-to-meet-you or a glad-we’ll-be working together kiss, but I-want-you-now
as his mouth pressed hard to hers, hot, making her lips part for more of him
without the consensus of her mind. She shouldn’t be so accepting of his brash
move but the way his tongue tangled with hers felt too good to even try to stop

One of his hands wrapped around the back of her neck and the
other grabbed her ass, pulling her tighter against him. Her heart pounded and
her pussy started to tingle. Kissing him felt so good, so right, but it
right. Not at all.

This shouldn’t be happening, couldn’t be happening, and her
pussy sure as hell shouldn’t be pulsing like it was, wanting more from this man
who had no right to even touch her.

Maybe he was like all the cops in her mom’s life. Thought
because she had played a short stint as a drug mule and since she worked as a
cocktail waitress, that he could have whatever he wanted from her, he thought
she was easy.

Blake was no better than the guys who brought her mother
confiscated drugs in exchange for sex when she was a little girl, no better
than the men who had her transporting drugs now. And Crystal sure as hell
wasn’t going to fall into that way of life with anyone. Prison would be better
than getting sucked into
dark and out of control place.

Her body protested as Crystal put her hands up to Blake’s
chest and tried to push him away.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Crystal hissed,
but even the hiss had more need behind it than she intended to let him see. She
couldn’t want this, it was wrong.

“You know you want it, baby.” Blake growled and pulled her
against him tighter.

Crystal could barely breathe, didn’t know what the hell to
do. Struggling wouldn’t do a damn bit of good. He was as solid as the brick
wall her back was pressed against. She had no chance of escaping his grasp. And
then there was that stupid part of her that didn’t want to escape, that wanted
him to keep touching her body until she screamed his name.

Blake moved his mouth down to her ear and whispered.
“They’re watching us. Play along.”

The words shot a shiver of fear straight to her core.
Crystal sucked in a breath and glanced around the parking lot.

She didn’t know if it was true but it wasn’t as if he was
going to get some ass right there. He was a cop, sort of. DEA to be exact and
he made it this far in life in a good career so he had to be smarter than to
force himself on a woman in broad daylight where he could be caught by any
person walking by and their cell phone camera. That would put him on every news
outlet and end his career. He was definitely smarter than that. All the dirty
cops were. That’s how they kept their jobs and got away with all the evil
things they did.

Her intuition said Blake wasn’t one of them though. She
could sense things, read peoples’ body language, voice tone, see things most
people couldn’t. It was the only defense she had against the world for her
first fifteen years of life, the only way she survived. Those signs said Blake
could be trusted.

Crystal forced herself to relax and it didn’t take much
before she was playing along wholeheartedly, kissing Blake with the same intensity
he kissed her, tongues tangling and her pussy humming. Playing along shouldn’t
feel this damn good.

Crystal opened one eye to look around, to search for someone
suspicious, but mostly because she needed a distraction from the sensations
surging through her body, the ones that wanted her to try to jump Blake right
there. She couldn’t see anyone familiar, anyone who looked as if they were
watching her, but there were people walking around all over, men standing and
talking near cars. Any one of them could be there to watch her. After the way
her afternoon was going, she knew she had to play it safe.

The sun was going down, casting an orange glow across the
sky and making the air above the asphalt of the parking lot bearable. Any other
time the orange and pink streaks over the ocean would give her a sense of
peace, but not today. Not after she had narrowly escaped an attack on the beach
by four men who wanted to steal the contents of her backpack. They were willing
to kill anyone who stood in their way. Then she got caught by a DEA agent with
a backpack full of cocaine to top off her day. Relaxation wasn’t even a remote

A cold chill ran down her spine and mingled with the warm
tingling that shot to her fingertips from Blake’s touch.

“I think that was a good enough show.”

His words were strained, as was the fabric at the fly of his
jeans. Good. At least she wasn’t the only one affected by the kiss. It felt
wrong and oh so right at the same time to be completely turned on by this man.

Blake set her down, released Crystal from his grip, and she
instantly missed his touch. It was crazy that the thing she wanted most right
now was
strength. But she couldn’t deny it, his touch setting her
body on fire was a pleasant distraction. Crystal didn’t need it, shouldn’t want
him. He was a DEA agent and she was a drug mule. There was no way a
relationship could have any chance.

She was actually studying to be a social worker, but that
wouldn’t matter now. This situation would probably end any chances of that
dream coming true.

Hell, she’d be lucky if she didn’t spend some serious time
in jail after this was all over, even though she was forced into it, didn’t
have any option but to carry drugs for the men who threatened to kill her
mother. They beat the crap out of the woman who gave birth to her and threw her
mom in jail to prove just how serious they were about forcing Crystal into this
job, but none of that could be proven. It would be her word against theirs.
They were men of the law and had an automatic trust that went with the title
whether it was deserved or not.

“Yeah. Good show.” Crystal didn’t know why she said those
stupid words. Her body still
good from the show but she didn’t need
to speak like a parrot, a woman who didn’t have a sensible thought of her own.
But her head was still spinning a little from his kiss and all blood flow was
still concentrated in the lower half of her body.

Blake took Crystal’s hand, held it solidly while he walked
to his car and then opened the door chivalrously. He waited while she climbed
in and she wondered if it was because he was a gentleman or so she didn’t
consider running. Either way, she liked it.

Just because she couldn’t have a relationship with Blake
didn’t stop the surging attraction for the six-foot-tall, solid-as-a-rock man.
Not even a little.

“To your house?” He said the words as a question, but his
tone told Crystal she didn’t have much choice but to take him straight there.

“Just head toward the airport and I’ll give you directions
when we get closer.” Crystal wiped her hands on her shorts nervously. This
wasn’t going to be easy. Setting up men on the bottom rungs of an organization
was risky. The ones at the top of the organization, the cops, the ones who had
a lot to lose, would pose extreme danger. Could she trust Blake to get her
through it in one piece?

“Do you live alone or have roommates?” His voice was all
business and he definitely looked like a man who could take care of business.

“Alone.” Luckily he didn’t ask anything too difficult because
she was an emotional basket case right now.

Blake seemed satisfied with her answer and she studied him
as he drove. Strong fingers wrapped around the steering wheel, his driving
confident as he easily maneuvered through the traffic.

There was nothing about him that screamed for her to not
trust him, no creepy glances in her direction, no body language that told her
to run, but that didn’t mean she would stop being skeptical.

“Turn off at the next exit and go north about a mile.”
Crystal was nervous about letting Blake—well, pretty much anyone—see where she
lived. It wasn’t great. Much better than the cockroach-infested apartment where
she grew up, but not nice by any standards.

“This is kind of a rough area. Do you feel safe here?” Blake
exited the freeway and turned up the road that took them by rental car places,
warehouses and run-down apartments.

“Not really, but it’s all I can afford right now. I was
planning on spending most of my time on the boat.” It would have been the
perfect solution, safe, secure, except for that whole drug-running aspect.
Crystal was no stranger to risk, no stranger to violence. She could handle
whatever life threw her way. Everything but getting caught, anyway.

It killed her that this situation was more than likely going
to ruin any chance of her getting a stable, legitimate, professional career.
She had worked hard for the past three years, struggling to work a job and
study and keep her grades up so she could earn a degree, make something of her
life. They probably didn’t hire ex-cons as social workers. She might as well
not bother going back to school after this. Her future was over, all because
she felt the need to protect her mother, the woman who didn’t do all that much
to protect her growing up.

Life sure as hell wasn’t fair.

“Turn left at the next street.” Crystal wouldn’t be able to
avoid letting Blake completely in on her living situation, not that that was
the worst of her problems, anyway.

They were getting close to her house. She normally wasn’t
ashamed of where she lived because she worked hard, overcame some pretty crazy
odds to attend college and pay for a place of her own. But when it came to
Blake, those things wouldn’t be enough and where she lived now just proved how
wrong she was to be interested in having the man kiss her again, touch her
again. And those were things she still wanted. Badly.

“This is it. The tan building on the right.” She lived in a
fourplex that was in desperate need of new paint, had garbage and kids’ bikes
and toys littering the tiny front lawn, just like every other house on the
street. It was home.

“You’re going to want to bring anything valuable inside with
you and I can’t guarantee your car will be safe here.” It wasn’t a real nice
car but she felt the need to give him fair warning, anyway.

“It’s not mine. It’s my undercover vehicle, but thanks for
the advice.” He grabbed his phone and keys and climbed out of the car and
strapped his black duffel bag and her bag over his shoulder. Blake hit the lock
button after Crystal grabbed her backpack and solidly slammed the door on her
side. The sound of the slamming door was swallowed by the roar of a jumbo jet
coming in for a landing at Miami International Airport, exactly two and a half
miles away. It was such a common noise that she barely noticed it anymore
unless one came in extremely low like the one above them right now, rattling
nerves that didn’t need any more rattling.

“Come on in.” Crystal pushed the building door open and
climbed the stairs to the second floor with the bag of cocaine hoisted onto her
back and Blake right behind, carrying her suitcase and his bag with ease. Did
he have an overnight bag? She really preferred the thought of him having to
sleep naked if he stayed.

Crystal shook her head and dug through her purse until she felt
the familiar metallic smoothness. She hesitated, then slid the key into the
lock and opened the door. Her place was clean, could even be called minimal,
but she didn’t see any reason to spend good money on decorations or
possessions. They weren’t that important and she was saving up to go back to
school when classes picked up again in the fall.

“Welcome to my humble abode.” The words weren’t said with
sarcasm. It was humble. “Can I get you anything to drink? Beer? Water? Juice?”
She didn’t have many guests, wasn’t prepared for this. “Sorry, the options are
kind of limited.”

“I’ll have a beer.” He grinned at her, seeming completely
comfortable in her apartment and putting her at ease.

She shouldn’t feel this at comfortable around a man she
didn’t know but her body kept reacting to him in very positive ways. But should
she be comforted by that fact, or scared? Crystal grabbed a beer from the
refrigerator, opened it and handed it to Blake. She poured herself a glass of
water and then sat on the chair that faced the couch where he was sitting, all
sprawled out, like he owned the place.

“You’re not going to have a beer with me?” He raised his
eyebrows and looked damn sexy sitting there, muscles bulging, legs spread.

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