Read Highway to Heaven Online

Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #new adult, #menage romance, #menage mfm, #mc romance, #biker mc romance, #biker mc, #biker mc menage

Highway to Heaven (7 page)

BOOK: Highway to Heaven
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“Raven! Fuck! Oh God! Yes!” Raven bent down
and kissed her to swallow her sweet screams. He kept her on an
endless roll of orgasm until his body tensed and he filled the
condom with his seed. With both of them panting and gasping for
air, he let his body fall down on hers and he buried his face in
her neck. Her sweet smell soaked in his senses and his dick
twitched again, threatening to get hard before it’d even went limp.
One sweet little moan from an exhausted Heaven had him moving
inside her again.

All night, he’d stayed buried inside her,
stopping only to catch his breath or doze off for a few minutes.
He’d fucked her until she passed out, then fucked her until she
woke up, using her sweet little body as a fix for an addiction he’d
acquired the moment he’d walked into that bar. Even after the sun
rose and cast an amber glow through the mucky window, Raven
couldn’t help but feel her effect on him and slid into her swollen
folds, one last time.

Chapter Seven



Heaven woke up feeling like ran over dog
shit. The lingering taste of Tequila was still marinated in her
mouth, feeling bitter and putrid on her tongue. Her head pounded.
Her body ached and cramped. If death was possible in a living,
breathing form, this would be it. Something brushed her ratted hair
out of her face and a hand came to view through her squinted eyes.
“Here, take this.” She turned to look and saw Raven, holding a
bottle of Gatorade and pain relievers with an intense look. She
tried to sit up but the room spun and someone began playing the
Congo drums in her head. Both of her hands went to her temples,
squeezing in hopes to stop the pain. “Aaah,” she gasped.

“Open,” he said, touching his fingers to her
lips. She did, unable to open her eyes. The bottle followed and she
tilted to drink, chugging a few swallows to coat the dehydration
that had dried out her mouth and throat. A small trickle ran down
her chin and chest but she didn’t care. It was a bitter sweet
retreat, given that it made her mouth feel better but the moment it
hit her stomach it mixed with the fumes from the Jose and made her
nauseous. She whined. “Oh God,” she whispered.

“Lay back down. Keep drinking even if it
makes you puke. I’ll be back with something for you to eat.” His
generosity was almost overwhelming if not for the pissed off look
etched in his features.

Seeing the Gatorade run down the same path
the Tequila had last night was almost too much for Raven to bear.
His dick went from hiding to rock solid and throbbing. He was sore
from fucking her so much but it just made him want her again.
Normally, he would have told her to roll over and he’d have plowed
her once more to suffice his need, but she was in no state. Not to
mention the fact her having this effect on him was nothing but bad
news. The best thing he could do was get the fuck away from her,
put some distance between him and the little hell cat wrapped in a
Girl Scout wrapper.

“Thanks,” she whispered, covering her eyes
with her arm. He stared a few moments and shook his head to clear
the thoughts that arose. Before shit got real, he got the fuck out
of there.


A couple hours later, give or take since
she’d dozed back off, she woke to Gage holding a bag of food and a
scowl. “Here, you need to eat.” She blinked a few hundred times in
attempts to unstick her eyes from her contacts that she’d evidently
slept in and saw he held the same glare Raven had.

“I’m not hungry,” she mumbled and tossed her
arm back over her eyes. If everyone wanted to be a dickhole just
because she had a fuckin’ hangover, fuck them. Hell, every day
these assholes practically nursed a hellacious hangover, then would
drink it away only to start the cycle the next day. So what the
fuck? Right now, her brain hurt too damn bad to care. All she
wanted was to sleep the pain in her head away.

A tight hand came around her arm and jerked
her to a sitting position, rattling her brain against her skull.
“What the fuck!” she yelled, regretting it immediately after. She
should have said it out loud when she’d thought it. Maybe it would
have saved the pain and anger that coursed through her…or the
adrenaline that made her feel even worse. Asshole.

“Eat,” he growled, shoving the bag of food in
her lap. Well, for someone bringing her something, he sure seemed
resentful over it. “It’s a bag of food, not the damn Holy Grail,”
she snapped. “You shouldn’t have troubled yourself so much if you
were going to get your fuckin’ panties in a wad over it.” She
opened the bag and the scent of breakfast burritos made her hungry
after all. As she reached in the bag, he grabbed her again.
“Seriously! What the fuck!” He pulled her hand away and bent down
inches from her face.

“Maybe if your panties would have stayed in a
fuckin’ wad, you wouldn’t have been fucking Raven and Shark last
night,” he grit out through clenched teeth.

Heaven’s temper snapped. “I’m too hung over
for this shit right now!” She tried to jerk out of his grip but it
was no use. “Fine! You want to do this now, let’s fucking do it!
Coming from the fucker who had his cock buried balls deep in Sahara
last night and who didn’t even skip a fuckin’ stroke when I walked

“I ain’t claimed you! I can fuck whoever I
want, princess! If you can’t handle it, then you don’t belong in
the club, let alone out here!” he argued, unaware of how
hypocritical and totally ridiculous he sounded.

“And so can I you pompous jackass!” Getting
pissed off trumped the hangover and she saw red. “Let me remind
you, you stupid fucker, that you’re the one who came in here acting
like a clingy teenage girl because I’m in Raven’s bed after seeing
you and Colt wearing Sahara out. So don’t you dare tell me I don’t

He shook his head, his mouth hard set and
tight. Yep, she’d called him out and there wasn’t a damn thing he
could say about it. He knew she was right. What she said next was a
bullet straight to his chest.

“I thought I was more than a hole to plow,”
Heaven said in a whisper. At that, his eyes got big and something
faded over his features that she couldn’t understand. He let go of
her arm and walked out without looking back.

She watched the door shut and wondered what
the fuck had happened in the past twenty-four hours to make such a
dramatic shit storm on top of the already huge pile of shit the
Diablos had created. Everything came crashing down at once as her
adrenaline tanked and she felt the tears stinging the back of her
throat. She fought to keep them at bay, heaving the sack of food
across the room. Her head hit the pillow and she shoved another
pillow on top and willed herself back to sleep. Unfortunately, that
didn’t happen. Just when she felt the darkness start to fade in,
the door burst open and Sandman came in. “Time to get up. We’ve got
cameras and audio set up around Reyes’ hideout. You’re on

“You guys saw it? How are the girls?” she

“We got in and out as fast as we could, but
we’re hoping an informant can get the bug in place inside today. He
knows we are watching and didn’t seem to mind the idea of getting
rid of the Diablos. Seems they’ve been causing a lot of problems
here with the locals and not just on our side of the fence.”

“So, we should be going in no later than
tomorrow, right?” she asked hopefully. It was personal for her.
Sahara’s sister was in there. Shady’s daughter had been. More so,
her own sister had been taken. She’d been lucky enough to get out
with just a few bumps and bruises, but it still cut her insides
deep at the memory.

Heaven hadn’t been around her family since
she left when she was sixteen. Her father was an alcoholic druggie
who had eventually shot up one to many times and overdosed in the
front room. Her mother had found him, body cold with a needle still
sticking out of his groin and a passed out hooker on the couch.
Tami had only been seven at the time, but Heaven remembered it like
it was yesterday. She’d rushed to help her mom, but instead of
getting comfort from her parent, she was shoved away and blamed. At
thirteen years old, Heaven had the burden of her father’s
infidelity and death. She was the one who stepped up and took care
of Tami, making sure her homework was done, she was fed, and had
clean clothes on when she walked her to the bus each morning. Their
mother fell in a deep depression and began to drink, spending most
of her time in her bedroom with the door locked and the television
blaring. When Heaven turned sixteen, she stepped up once again and
tried to yank her mother out of her self-pity but that came back as
her fault also. When her mom’s vodka bottle flew across the room
and hit her in the cheek, she hauled ass. She’d tried taking Tami
but couldn’t. Not until she had a place that was better than the
one she was at. At least there, she had food and a roof over her
head. Her mom hadn’t ever directed the blame to Tami. Whether she
wanted to leave her there or not, it was the best option at the

Since then, she’d gone over at least twice a
week to check on her and visit. She’d found a way to sneak in
Tami’s window and had used it ever since. After they’d rescued
Tami, their mother had thrown an absolute hissy fit and demanded
they bring her home against Heaven’s pleas of wanting to keep her
safe at the clubhouse. The bitch had threatened to call the cops,
and against Heaven’s judgment, she’d taken her back. It was no
surprise that their mother blamed this on Heaven too. The past few
weeks, Tami hadn’t been there. Heaven had tried to ask her mother
where she was but she refused her calls. When she knocked on the
door a few nights ago, her mother opened it long enough to scream
and shout something about their life being shit because of her and
if she didn’t leave, she’d have her arrested. How one woman could
be so selfish blew Heaven’s mind. All she wanted was Tami safe and
looked after. After what she’d just been through, Tami needed to be
guarded, not turned loose to go do as she pleased. Not until this
was over. Even after all those years, the woman still somehow
pinned her poor life choices on an innocent thirteen-year-old

“If everything goes right. We have to catch
Reyes on location and take him out so we put an end to this
bullshit once and for all. When I’m done with him, what’s left of
his fuckin’ body will be a reminder to any other power hungry sick
fuck that might want to step up and claim the throne. I’m done
playing with these bastards,” he said. His lethal tone was one they
all shared when talking on the subject, and Heaven admired his
determination to take out the bad guys. Who knew what some would
call ‘bad guys’ would turn out to be so good and go after the real

“Good. I want to watch that son-of-a-bitch
bleed out. Any word on Sadie?”

“No, but we saw movement in the windows which
is good. The place is barricaded up like fuckin’ Fort Knocks. I’ve
got Cajun and Maxi rounding up C-4 and chains for our Plan B.”
Heaven’s eyes went wide but she nodded. If she had to help blow up
the whole fucking country to save the girls and get rid of that
scum, she would light the damn fuse herself, casualties or not.

“Good. Let me hop in the shower and I’ll be
over in a few minutes. Have someone get more Gatorade,” she
grumbled. He laughed and nodded, obviously finding humor in her
feeling like hell.

“Jose is a bastard. No one’s ever kicked my
ass, but he has brought me to my knees…in front of the toilet…many
times,” he grinned.

Heaven giggled and winced from the pain but
felt a bit of relief. At least someone wasn’t a total dickhead to
her today. If the Prez wasn’t pissed, the others could go fuck
themselves. She was a damn Savage, cut from the same patch they
were. “See you in a few,” she said, trying to crawl up out of bed
to hobble to the shower. He left chuckling, locking the door behind

Heaven had done her damnedest to soak in as
much water as she could to fix her dehydration, wishing she could
just open her mouth and chug it as it came out. After looking up at
the showerhead, she realized getting the shits from drinking
Mexico’s water wouldn’t have been her only problem. The shower, and
all of its fixtures, had never been accused of being sanitary, that
was for sure. It had gunk and grime caked on so thick there’s no
way it’d been cleaned in the last decade at best.

Her body hurt from head to toe, but her
pelvic area ached and cramped. As she ran the little bar of soap
over her body and across her folds, she couldn’t help but let out a
gasp. She was so swollen and sore…yet as the night’s events flashed
through her memory at her own touch, she felt the tingles start.
How the hell had someone like Raven, all big, bad, alpha male
asshole taken the time to satisfy her totally and completely? Hell,
he’d went above and beyond that. At one point, it wasn’t hard and
feral. He’d held and caressed her, taking his time to send her
senses into a tailspin. If she had to guess what it was like to
have someone make love to her, that would’ve been it. But it was
Raven. So, slow and sensual might just be another way to change
things up. They had fucked all night long, and half the morning
How the hell does one man come that many times? Hell, how the fuck
did he keep it hard that many times?
She stuck her face under
the water to clear her thoughts and sighed. Damn, but even drunk,
it was good. Hell, he’d fucked her sober somewhere along the way
and made her sex drunk instead. Not many men could do that. None
that she’d ever been with. She’d always thought of it as a fantasy.
That shit only happened in books… Until last night.

Damn what a night. That nagging voice tugged
at her subconscious. She’d been out drinking and fucking the pain
away while Tami was enduring God knew what, again, all because of
her. Heaven should have taken the girl out of there years ago. Her
mother was unfit, and house or not, Tami wouldn’t be where she is
right now if she had. She’d be protected by the club and by an army
of men would lay their lives down to keep her safe and not reliving
a hell she’d already conquered.

BOOK: Highway to Heaven
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