His Bahamas Affair (The Albury Affairs) (11 page)

BOOK: His Bahamas Affair (The Albury Affairs)
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Loraine moved to sit
closer to him until she was right under his shoulder of his raised arm. “You
renamed the resort?”

He wrapped his arm
around her shoulders, pulling her into his side then he lifted her legs onto
his lap and slide off her heels. Loraine just watched him, waiting patiently
for him to answer, her legs tingling from his touch as he moved his fingers
lazily up and down their lengths, from toe to mid-thigh. If he was trying to
distract her so that they could stop having this discussion, he was doing a
great job of it.

His hand stilled
between her thighs and she fought the urge to press them tightly together,
trapping it there as her mind conjured up images that were not appropriate at
the moment. She looked at his face, wondering if he knew what he was doing to
her but he was somber, his eyes reflecting his sadness. Hell! He didn’t even
know he was turning her on which made her feel like a lousy friend. A horny,
lousy friend.

“Instead of selling, I
changed its name. He wanted to pass on a legacy and I wanted a new start. I was
grateful for the resort and it came at a time when I really needed it. And
considering what he caused, it was the least he could do.”

Loraine played with the
buttons of his shirt, opened to right below his pectoral muscles. “Why? Is it
because of your mom?”

His face dropped for
just a moment before he forced a smile. He pulled her closer and kissed her
forehead. “That’s a story for another day. Come on let’s go to bed.”

Loraine got a little
nervous when he said that, but judging by his sad mood he wasn’t interested in
any hanky
. “Okay, I’ll just go get ready.”

She pulled away from
him and walked around the couch to the bedroom. She stopped by the door and
watched him for a minute.

His head was bowed and
shoulders hunched over like he was suddenly extremely exhausted. That’s when
she realized Reno was always there to help carry everyone else’s burden when
they needed him. But who helped him carry his burden? Who does he have to lean
on when everything gets too much for him to handle, too heavy to carry or even
contemplate carrying?

“Me. I’ll help him,”
she whispered determinedly to herself before she moved into the room.


* * * *


Loraine was startled
awake by a sharp pain in her lower back. She was having one of her very few
peaceful nights and it came to an abrupt end when Reno kicked her in the back.
She turned around to face him, wincing at the pain.

“Jerk ass, you kicked
me!” her voice heavy with sleep.

“No…mama…” the words
came out in a whisper but she could hear the pain in his voice loud and clear.
She never thought the tables would turn and she would be on the receiving end
of a bad nightmare.

She reached out for him
in the dark and her hand landed on his shoulder. “Reno, wake up.”

He thrashed harder, his
cries growing louder. Loraine quickly sat up in bed and turned on the bed side
lamp, flooding the room with low light. She looked down at Reno and sucked in a
startled breath.

His body was wet with
perspiration; even the light sheets were plastered to his belly. It was a hot
night and she’d opted to sleep in the t-shirt he’d loaned her the night before
and he slept with only his boxers after teasing her about wanting to sleep nude
but being afraid she would take advantage of him while he slept. It was
difficult to believe that the teasing man from a few hours ago was the same one
thrashing next to her, his face contoured in agony as he cried for his mother.
It frightened her.

This was the man who
was to give her strength to fight her demons. It was difficult watching him
suffer his own. The irony, a case of the blind leading the blind…

Unable to stand it
anymore, she shook him harder and yelled, “Reno wake up!”

“No, mama!” he
screamed, vaulting up to a sitting position. Loraine jumped back against the
headboard and quietly watched his trembling wet back, his breathes coming harsh
and heavy. He looked around the room, his eyes moving over her like she was
invisible, and then he got out of bed and rushed out of the room.

Loraine wasn’t sure
what she was to do. Should she let him deal with it alone or should she go to

never leaves me alone when I have a nightmare.

She remembered waking
up in his arms as he rocked her, whispering soothingly to her until the
nightmare faded away and she felt safe again. Loraine felt like an ass. The
shoe was finally on the other foot and here she was just sitting there like a
scared little girl. Wasn’t it just a few hours ago she proclaimed she would be
his shoulder to lean on?


She got out of bed and
hesitantly walked out of the room. She leaned against the door frame and
watched him. He was leaning against the back of the couch, his breathes still
harsh the muscles on his back taunt as they flexed. She moved closer to him and
pressed her hand to his back. He went rigid and Loraine fought the urge to pull
her hand away.

“What do you need from
me?” she silently asked, relieved her voice was as strong as his was when he
said the same words to her.

Reno just stood there,
he didn’t turn around nor did he speak. She wasn’t sure if he heard her.


He suddenly turned,
placed his hands on her waist and lifted her like she weighed nothing. Loraine
let out a startled cry, her hands grabbing hold of his shoulders and her legs
instinctively wrapping around his waist as he moved. Her back hit the wall
hard. Her mouth fell open from the blunt pain and Reno’s mouth was suddenly
over hers, his tongue pushing inside. His kiss was hard, bruising her lips but
Loraine didn’t push him away instead matched his intensity stroke for stroke.
This was what he needed. She knew that. She just hoped she didn’t freeze up
like last time.

She felt her panties
snap free of her hips and just as fast, the shirt was pulled over her head.
Loraine entertained a moment of fear before she pushed it away. Reno wouldn’t
hurt her and she wanted this…she truly did.

His lips left hers and
he pushed her up higher against the wall before he pulled her nipple into his
warm mouth. He sucked hard, the heady mixture of pleasure and pain left her
breathless. Each time he pulled on her nipple she felt it in her pussy as if
there was a string connecting the two. Her body bucked against his, needing

Then she felt it, the
nudge at her entrance right before the sharp pain of his intrusion. He was big,
really big. She screamed and Reno’s mouth bore down against hers, muffling it.
He pressed his body against hers, squeezing her soft breasts against his hard
chest and trapping her against the wall as he rotated his pelvis.

Loraine felt the pain
diminish and something else stir inside her as his hips moved. She hooked her
hands under his shoulders, her forehead pressed against his, their parted lips
an inch away from each other. He stretched her as he rotated his pelvis. He was
so thick and long she felt him right in her womb. She tightened her hold on him
as the feeling built into a desperate need. He pulled one of her legs from his
waist, placed his arm under it and lifted it high resting the crook of her knee
on the inside of his elbow.

Loraine wrapped one arm
around his neck and held on as he began to move. Slow at first, building her
pleasure at the same time as he quickened his rhythm. His hot breathe puffed in
her face with each stroke inside her.

Needing more, she
titled her hips forward and cried out when he sank deeper inside her. He
growled and slammed into her making her cry out again. Her mind was filled with
a white haze as he kept slamming into her like he wanted to go deeper, her ass
knocking on the wall. Her head dropped against his shoulder, her nails digging
into his back.

The pleasure gathered
deep inside her like a raging storm. She tried to hold it back, unwilling to
let go and put an end to their coupling. She may not be experienced but she
knew the moment she gave into her orgasm, Reno would leave her body and she
didn’t want that. But that choice was taken out of her hands when she felt his
fingers pinch her clit hard.

She threw her head back
as the storm crushed in an explosion of color in her mind, ripping her body
apart and her cries from her throat, her back arching upwards. She felt her
body spasm in her release including the muscles around his shaft. Her limp body
fell against him, bouncing as he kept on driving into her in jerky short
strokes until his entire body went rigid. His final stroke was so hard and deep
it pushed her up against the wall making her whimper. His taunt body held her
up there as he poured inside her with a shout.

His legs trembled
beneath them and she held onto him with the little strength she had left as
they fell to the floor.

He wrapped his arms
around her and held her tight against him his face hidden in her shoulder, not
bothering to withdraw from her. Loraine stroked his head and wet back until his
trembling subsided. She had no idea what to say after that, so she said

“I’m sorry,” he

She kissed his temple.
“It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.”


* * * *


Reno sat on the bed and
watched Loraine as she slept, the guilt of what he did ripping him apart. He
didn’t even know why he did what he did; he hadn’t been thinking. He needed a
distraction from the guilt his nightmare had brought on and Loraine was right

He’d taken her, fucking
her hard without a care for her until the last moment when she cried out his
name. He’d realized then what he was doing and with whom and brought it to a
quick end, bringing her to release before he found his own. His orgasm had been
better than all his encounters before put together. He knew sex with Loraine
would be incredible but he never expected

He’d held her
afterwards, and once his ass started to go numb from the cold floor, he carried
her to bed and held her as they both slept. And when morning came and he went
to take a shower, he realized two things. He hadn’t used a condom and there was
blood on his dick.

When he saw the blood,
there was a moment of apprehension, then relief. If she was a virgin it meant
that Loraine hadn’t been raped, as he’d feared. Which begged the question, what
did that monster do to her to give her such horrific nightmares. And how is it
that Crazy Lori was still a virgin? It didn’t fit with her eccentric character
or the stories Riana told him about the best friend who majored in partying in

She began to stir,
moving closer to him. He smiled, loving that she sought him out in her sleep.
He stroked her hair, reliving the wild sex they had the night before. Her blue
eyes had shone violet when she’d come. It was beautiful and made him wish that
was her natural eye color.

Reno leaned down and
kissed her temple. “Wake up Lori.”

“Hmm,” she responded,
moving her head onto his thigh.

Reno chuckled. “I ran a
bath for you. I’ll go buy us some breakfast, then we’ll finally start our

“Hmm,” she answered
nodding her head.

Reno shook his head as
he watched her slip back into sleep a contented smile on her face. He hated
doing this to her, but. “Lori! Lori wake up!” he half yelled.

Her face scrunched up
with displeasure as she shifted her head to the pillow. “I’m up. Leave me
alone…grouch,” she grumbled.

He slapped her ass hard
as he rose from the bed.

“Ouch!” she yelled,
throwing a pillow at him.

He dodged it laughing.
“I’ll be back in fifteen minutes Lori. You’d better be up.”

She stuck her tongue
out at him and sat up, her hair falling on her face exposing just her frown as
she grumbled unintelligibly. Reno laughed as he walked out, thinking that it
was one more thing he had wrong about her. Most women would have been running
for the bathroom to put their faces on and freshen their breaths. Hell, some of
his one night stands made sure they woke up before he did to freshen up then
pretend to wake up the same time as he did. As if he wouldn’t notice the difference—nobody
woke up fresh faced and beautiful especially after a full night of partying.
Being married to Georgia had taught him that.

But Loraine didn’t give
a shit; what you see is what you get and he liked that about her.

Reno bought a simple
meal of boiled grouper fish, grits and wedges of Johnny cakes. He’d been
tempted to go for something she was used to—eggs and bacon—but there was
nothing adventurous about that and that was what he wanted for his two weeks of
vacation. It wasn’t likely he would be taking another vacation for a couple of
years so why not live to the fullest. And the best part is he had someone to be
adventurous with—his Crazy Lori.

Just thinking about her
and the night before made his body flush with heat. He had needed release and
comfort, just for once to put his own needs first and she’d given that to him.
Another thing to disabuse him of the person who he thought Loraine was. She
wasn’t an uppity rich princess, for sure. She was caring, selfless, and a
friend to be counted on. He was going to enjoy getting to know more about her.

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