His Bahamas Affair (The Albury Affairs) (28 page)

BOOK: His Bahamas Affair (The Albury Affairs)
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Susan’s lips lifted in
a faint smile, her eyes dancing with tears. “This is truly my little Rain and I
am grateful to you for bringing her out of her cowering shell.”

Reno turned to her, a
little confused. “What do you mean?”

She looped her arm
through his, hugging it to her. “She told me she hasn’t had a nightmare since
the moment she began sleeping in your arms.”

Reno stood up
straighter, feeling like a teenager caught naked in his girlfriend’s bed by her
mother. He’d never felt so uncomfortable and shy in his life!

Susan laughed. “Oh
please, I’m no prude. I know my daughter isn’t a virgin bride and the two of
you have been having sex. You are sex on two legs and Rain is very attractive
any man would want to sleep with her and I’m not saying so just because I’m her

Most mothers would be
complimenting something other than their daughter’s sexuality but there was
nothing standard about Susan Larson. Loraine must get her craziness from

“She looks so much like
you and you are a very attractive woman. You were beautiful as a blonde but as
yourself, you are gorgeous.”

She slapped his
shoulder playfully before they lapsed into silence, watching the object of
their affection dance to a slow song with Tyler cuddled in her arms.

“When I saw her walk
down that aisle, I felt like my heart would explode with joy,” she choked, not
at all caring that tears were running down her cheeks.

Reno understood the
emotion. When he’d laid eyes on her the first time that day, coming down the
aisle to him, bliss flooded his entire body. She looked like an angel, his gift
from God. Watching her as she came to him, ready to pledge her life to him as
his wife, he knew his life was finally taking a turn for the better. He was
finally getting his chance to be happy.

Ruiz walked swiftly to
him, his stride telling him all he needed to know. Reno had counted his chicks
too soon.

“What is it?” he
demanded, once his brother stopped before him.

Ruiz turned an
unsettled gaze to Susan.

“Just spit it out. I’m
going to find out either way,” Susan ordered.

Ruiz smiled shaking his
head. “I see where Loraine gets her spunk. Your ex-wife is here, brother.”

Reno felt his entire
body go rigid, his eyes quickly settling on his wife and son. They were happy
still dancing in each other’s arms.

“Where is she?”

“Outside. Allan’s mob
squad made sure she didn’t get in. Someone gave them a photo of her it seems.”
Ruiz chuckled. “Don’t you think Allan’s gone a little over the top with
protecting Riana?”

Reno shook his head.
“You heard the story, what would you do?”

Ruiz sighed. “Probably
keep her locked up in a bunker. Which begs the question, what do you plan on

Reno turned to his
brother stunned. Did everyone know about Pierre? Did Loraine know that everyone
knew about her haunting past?

“Nothing except keep
our daughter safe while she’s at home—in her new home. Robert and I will be
taking care of that French pest,” Susan answered before he could.

The hidden threat in
her words made Reno grateful he had her on his side. He smiled at the
resemblance between mother and daughter. With every word Susan spoke, he saw
how much alike she was to Loraine.

“Come along,
son-in-law, we have a little problem to take care of before my daughter notices
something is amiss.”

Gone was the hippie
he’d found meditating at the ocean shore in her underwear that morning and
present was the regal socialite married to one of the richest men in America
who could get her way with a snap of her fingers. That was exactly what she
did. As she sauntered away with her head held high and her shoulders back, she
raised her hand and snapped her fingers and out of the nowhere came a man who
resembled a Titan a step behind her.

She stopped turning
around to face them. “Are you coming or are you just going to stand there
staring after me like I grew a head out of my ass?”

Reno was so shocked by that last statement he wasn’t exactly sure what to do

“Did she just…” Ruiz
laughed shaking her head. “I feel sorry for you bro, but I’m not sure for what

Following behind his
mother-in-law he asked, “What do you mean?”

“Well, one she’s your
mother-in-law, two Loraine is exactly like her—mouthy. I pity you when you do
something that pisses her off. Three, your mother-in-law is a clue to what your
wife will be in the future.”

Reno snorted. “That
mouth of hers is what I love most about Loraine. You never know what will come
out of it.”

Ruiz chuckled shaking
his head. But all the amusement faded when he heard his ex-wife’s shrieks once
they stepped outside. She was yelling as Susan stared at her like an annoying
pest she couldn’t wait to do away with.

“Georgia, what are you
doing here and where is what’s-his-name? That guy you married just weeks after
our wedding. Does he know you are here?” Reno demanded, moving to stand next to

On cue, like the
actress she was she began to cry, with tears and everything. “Reno, my love, they
won’t let me in. She says it’s your wedding to her daughter. Why would you do
this to me after I gave you a son, especially since we are still married?”

Susan gasped, turning
to look at him. It took everything in him to keep his cool especially when Georgia
gave him a sardonic smile, quickly covering it with more wailing when Susan
turned to her.

“Reno, would you please
explain yourself,” Susan spoke with a frightening patient voice.

“This woman and I were
married, but as of four months ago, I became a free man.”

Georgia quit her
wailing and looked up at him with rounded eyes. Reno took pleasure in her
surprise. “What do you mean you’re a free man?”

“Actually, I’m a
married man, just not to you. Today I married the love of my life and the new
mother to my son.”

“I didn’t sign any
divorce papers,” she gnashed out.

Of course, that was all
she cared about. Reno had just said he’d replaced her as Tyler’s mother and it
was like he hadn’t even mentioned it, considering she was trying to use their
son as ammunition against him.

“I filed for absolution
of marriage under abandonment. It took a year for it to be complete but the
paperwork did come through. If you’d come back four months ago, you might have
had a real chance to claim half of the resort.”

Georgia’s lips twisted
in a sneer, making Reno laugh. “I have you pegged, Georgia. I know you only
came back because
is finally doing well and you thought you’d cash in didn’t you.”

She straightened, her
eyes gleaming with sinister intent. Reno could see she still had a card to
play. He braced himself, waiting for the bomb to drop.

“Then I’ll be taking my
son and leaving.”

“The hell you will!”
Ruiz said harshly placing himself between Georgia and the double doors leading
to the wedding reception. Reno smiled, grateful for his loyalty.

“Relax, bro. She can’t
take Tyler. A week ago I tracked down your nanny and we talked. It didn’t take
much to get her to sign an affidavit testifying to your lack of maternal love
and the legal document signing custody of Tyler over to me did help some. Tyler
is mine and Loraine’s, and you can’t hurt him ever again.”

In a spark of rage he
grabbed her arm and dragged her to him. She stopped, hitting against his chest.
“Tyler told us what you did to him. You’re lucky his mother isn’t out here,
otherwise we’d be throwing your corpse in the middle of the ocean for the
sharks to feast on. The only thing keeping me from strangling you is the fact
that I’d like to spend my wedding night with my wife and not in a jail cell. I
want you gone, Georgia, and I don’t want you anywhere near my resort or my
family or I swear you will go missing, do you understand?”

He released her and she
stumbled back into the arms of the Titan Susan had summoned.

“You can’t do this to
me Reno,” she yelled, fighting to come out of the Titan’s hold. “Half of this
is rightfully mine.”

Reno chuckled shaking
his head. “When you left you lost everything, and either way none of this is
mine anymore. I signed it over to my in-laws yesterday. Late yet again,

“You idiot! Why would
you do such a dumb ass move like that?”

“That’s none of your
concern. Escort her off the premises before
is drawn out by this commotion.” He stressed on ‘my wife’ for
Georgia’s benefit and he wasn’t disappointed. She was seething, her face
turning red and her eyes livid, thirsting for blood.

Georgia was quickly
carried away, still yelling at the top of her lungs until she was nothing but a
whispered echo.

Susan turned to him
with a smile on her face. “Suddenly, I’m not so anxious about living thousands
of miles away from my daughter. Good job, son. Jeb, make sure that woman
doesn’t go anywhere near the house; I wouldn’t put it past her to do so. I
wonder why her husband turned her out.”

Ruiz snorted. “I’m just
wondering what took him so long to kick her out. She practically has conniving
bitch written across her forehead.”

Reno caught Jeb’s eye
as he moved past him, walking in the direction the other bodyguards had carried
Georgia off to. There was something in them that gave Reno a sickening feeling
before he turned away. He didn’t trust him in fact he’d feel more comfortable
if he was far away from Loraine.

Susan took his arm,
pulling his attention away from Jeb’s retreating back. “Come, son of mine,
let’s go back to the party.”

Reno caught a knowing
look in Ruiz’s eyes as they passed by him. He turned to watch Jeb for a moment
then looked back to him with a nod. “I’ll speak to Allan,” he whispered.

“Thank you,” Reno
whispered back. He put a smile on his face as he entered the ballroom walking toward
Loraine, who stood in the middle of the room, watching him with a radiant
smile, determined to enjoy his wedding reception.

Riana came from nowhere
stopping him in his tracks. “Hey you, everything okay? I saw you and Ruiz go
outside and the doors closed behind you.”

He gave his sister a
big hug then released her after kissing her temple. “There’s nothing to worry
about. Everything is great.”

She nodded then smiled
proudly up at him. “I told you your day would come.”

Reno laughed. Trust Riana
to gloat. She’d told him he would meet the love of his life and he would get
his happily ever after. He was more than happy to admit he was wrong and she
was right. “Thanks sis, for having faith in love when I didn’t. Thank you for
introducing me to your best friend and thank you for coming. I know it’s not
easy traveling when you’re pregnant.”

“You’re welcome, now go
dance with your wife.” She waved, walking away toward her husband.

Reno was more than
happy to comply and he headed straight for Loraine. He stopped in front of her
and she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. “Enjoying your evening, Mrs.

She closed her eyes
with a sigh. “I love that…but I can’t wait to get naked with my husband.” She
opened her eyes. They were full of desire and mischief. “You think you can
arrange that Mr. Albury?”


* * * *


Loraine stood by her
bed, bathed not only by the moonlight but also by the desire and love shining
from her husband’s eyes. Her body shivered with anticipation of the night to
come, her lower belly heavy with lust. She wanted nothing more than to tear his
clothes and her own off, tumble him to the bed and ride him to oblivion, both
their desire’s fueling their body as the chased a common goal. But that quick
fulfillment just wouldn’t do. She wanted Reno to take his time with her,
worship her body until her soul left her body in complete ecstasy. She wanted
him inside her all night long until he was practically imprinted in her.

Reno caressed her cheek
with his knuckles and she leaned into his touch, longing for more. “Have I told
you how much I love you in the past hour?”

She smiled, pressing
herself into him. “You did five minutes ago, but I wouldn’t mind hearing it

“I love you, Lori, more
than I ever imagined possible.”

“And I love you too,
Reno. More than I ever thought it possible to love another human being.” She
looked earnestly into his eyes and said, “You’ve given me not only your love
but also your strength, your courage, your son and your home. For the first
time in a long time, I feel like I’m finally home, where I’m meant to be doing
what I was born to do.”

“And what would that

“Loving you and loving
Tyler. Building a home with you and filling it with more children.”

His hand at her waist
pulled her tighter into him. She saw the looked in his eyes, that of love and
relief, but also of doubt. “And what about your catering business?”

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