His Beautiful Wench (14 page)

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Authors: Nathalie Dae

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: His Beautiful Wench
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Amelia blushed and stood, walking to the tub hanging on the wall to hide her face. She unhooked it and dragged it across the floor amid Emmett’s protests. “What do you think I do when you’re not here?” she asked, placing the tub in front of the stove.

Madam steered him to a seat and began cleaning the gash on his forehead. “Hmm. Looks are deceiving. Yours isn’t too bad either.”

Emmett gazed at Amelia and the distance between them suddenly seemed too far. She wanted to hold him and be held, let his hands rove her body and make her forget everything but each other and their passion. Her face heated further and Emmett’s lips formed a knowing smile. She turned to check the water on the stove, aware of Emmett’s gaze on her backside. Flustered, she eyed the tub. Images of what she desired entered her mind and she cursed her body for wanting him.

“Now,” Madam said. “That’s nice and clean. If you don’t mind,” she dropped the rag into the bowl, “I’m going to bed.”

Without turning, Amelia said, “Thank you, Madam.”

A warm hand covered her shoulder. “Please, call me Matilda. Good night.”

Tears stung her eyes that Madam now entrusted her with familiarity. She waited for Matilda’s footsteps to quiet then spun around, clearing things off the table and placing them in the sink. Emmett stood beside the tub, his arms held wide, and she stepped into them. A rush of love filled her. His scent and the aroma of outdoors clung to his shirt and she smiled that finally the salt stench of the ocean had left him. He rubbed her back with one hand, the other in her hair, and rested his chin on top of her head.

“God forgive me, but I want you,” he whispered. “Is that wrong when so much has happened?”

She answered him by lifting her head and brushing her lips over his. The brief touch set her bud to throbbing and she pressed her mouth closer, kissing him hard, as though doing so would erase all the terrible things that had happened since Emmett’s return. He hugged her closer, his scent swirling around her, and she breathed it in, safe in his arms. His hard cock pressed into her lower belly and she reached down to stroke it through his breeches. He groaned and lifted his hips, pushing himself into her hand, trailing his fingers through her hair. Their kiss deepened, each swirl of their tongues fast and frantic. Unable to wait for him to take this to the next level, she hiked up her dress, loving the feel of the soft velvet brushing across her nipples as she lifted it over her head. She dropped it to the floor and it pooled there, as it had so many times when Emmett had removed it. He stared at her and she cupped one breast then snaked her other hand down to her slit.

His eyes widened and his mouth lifted in a smile. “My God, wench, but you’re a tease.” He moved to step toward her but she stilled him with her stare. “Ah, playing a game, are we?” He laughed, low and throaty. “Come on then. Show me the rules.”

She lowered her head a little and looked up at him through her lashes. Leaning against the wall beside the fireplace, arms over his chest, one leg crossing the other, he regarded her intently. Amelia backed to the table and perched on top, scooting so she sat in the center. She spread her legs, draping them over the edges of the narrow surface, then placed one hand on the table behind her and leaned back. With the other hand she trailed a path from her collarbone and over one breast, lingering there to circle her nipple for a moment. It tightened and she inhaled slowly, not wanting him to see just yet how much she wanted release. She eyed Emmett, her gaze roaming down his body to his cock. He strained against his breeches and lowered his hands, playing a game of his own as he hid his arousal.

“You can hide it with your hands, Emmett, but you can’t hide it in your eyes.” She smiled then licked her lips, continuing to circle her nipple.

I want him inside me now, but this game is so…naughty. Matilda could return. We could get caught.

Those thoughts should have made her blush and climb off the table but they didn’t. She remained in place, fondling her breast, her chest tight as her heart ticked quickly and her pulse throbbed. Being exposed like this, open to his perusal, gave her a sense of freedom. She shook her head at how naughty she became when alone with Emmett, and her hair shifted across her breasts, tickling her skin.

Emmett drew his hands to his waistband. “Ah, but who says I want to hide it?” He undid his breeches and his cock sprang free. Grasping it in a firm hand, he began to massage his length, his gaze locked on hers.

Damn him!

Face hot and emotions running high, Amelia was jealous
wasn’t handling his cock. Did he feel the same about what she was doing to herself? Wishing his fingers played with her nipple? Wishing he could grip her by the waist, pull her to the edge of the table and sink his cock deep inside her wet channel? Take her hard and fast, the table shunting across the floor with every jab he made?

We’ll soon see.

Smiling wickedly, she moved her hand slowly toward her thatch, dipping her finger inside her navel along the way. She imagined it was his hand but couldn’t fool herself for long. Her smooth skin didn’t feel the same. She missed his calloused palm then, the urge to have that roughness skating across her body a force she couldn’t deny. He kept a steady pace on his length, long and drawn-out movements that spoke to her of his intent to be in control.

I’ll make him lose it.

She inched her hand closer to her cunt, brushing her fingers over the fine hairs there. The feel of them was so deliciously naughty, and she wondered if other women were as wanton as she. Did every man have a woman who wanted sex as much as she craved it?

Emmett’s speed increased, only a bit, but the slight change in tempo curved her lips. Lowering her hand a little more, she dipped two fingers between her folds and spread them, showing him what he could touch if only he’d give in and do so. His breath hitched and he covered it up by clearing his throat. Amelia smiled again, rubbing her fingers up and down her cleft, her sole intent to see his hand moving faster, proving she had won their battle of wills. Despite Amelia trying not to get too excited, lust warmed her. She focused on keeping her breathing even, not wanting to alert him to her growing desire.

“You want to touch me like this, don’t you?” she asked. “You want to feel my wet slit, slide your tongue over it, taste me…”

His eyes grew hooded and his fingers tightened on his cock. “And you want to touch
. You’d love this inside you. Filling you up. Pumping in and out until your cream seeps. Wench, you want me as much as I want you.” He gave her his lazy smile and pulled down hard and slow, positioning his erection toward her as though daring her to get off the table and take it in her mouth.

His words heightened her desire and she realized she had begun rubbing herself harder, faster. Her juices spilled and she coated her fingers, spreading her liquid throughout her cleft. Hoping to push him to a point where he would have to give in and admit defeat, she took her fingers from her slit and raised them to her mouth. She parted her lips and sucked her fingers inside, the taste of her cream coating her tongue. Emmett jerked himself faster, his free hand sliding down to fondle his sac.

“Fuck, wench!” he whispered, color staining his cheeks. “When you do that I… Tell me how it tastes.”

She pulled her fingers from her mouth and returned them to her folds. “Tangy.” She licked her lips. “Musky.”

“And how does that feel?” He nodded at the hand at her slit. “Tell me how good it is.” He pumped his cock quickly for a moment then stopped, squeezing the tip between finger and thumb.

He’s gone too far…but I’ll push him farther.

“It feels beautiful. Like silk, only so wet, so soft with my cream. Can’t you smell me, Emmett?”

“Fuck,” he whispered, clenching his teeth. He began fondling himself again, this time much slower. “I want you.”

“I know.”

She shifted across the table and stood with her back to him. Placing her palms on the table, she jutted out her ass. She spread her legs and closed her eyes, the sound of breath hissing between his teeth increasing her need. Movement sounded. He smoothed his hands up her back then down to her waist. Willing him to enter her, she inhaled deeply, waiting.

He pressed himself to her, naked cock resting against her ass. She went up on tiptoes, maneuvering so his tip butted her opening, cursing herself for showing him she needed him inside her. A low moan left her and her channel clenched in anticipation. Her juices seeped out and she longed for the length of him to penetrate her, thrusting hard and fast.

“Please…” she whispered, her desire rising several notches.

Emmett entered her quickly and her bud throbbed in ecstasy. He shunted back and forth and she tightened her sheath around him. His hands left her waist to cup her breasts and he teased them with light touches. Nipples erect, she placed one hand on the table and snaked the other between her legs, stroking her nub, fingertips grazing his wet cock each time he pulled out. Pleasure burned, uncoiling, spreading with intense quickness.

“Faster,” she breathed and opened her eyes to look down.

The sight of Emmett’s hands and her rubbing fingers heightened her desire and she cried out as the oncoming release slammed into her then peaked. A powerful rush of pleasure ripped through her and she pushed back onto his cock, wanting more of him inside. His chest covered her back and he plunged harder. A stuttered groan filled her ears and she was too far gone to know whether she or Emmett had made it. It came again, most definitely male, and she rubbed harder, rapid strokes taking her toward completion. Emmett loosed a yell, pushed inside and held still. His seed sluiced her sheath then he pumped on, short sharp jerks now, emptying himself inside her.

Sweat coated Amelia’s body and she stilled her hand. Emmett thrust on, milking every last drop from his cock. Her bud throbbed with the aftereffects of her orgasm and she lowered her hand to join the other on the table. His breaths panting out of him, Emmett slowed to a stop and embraced her, crossing his arms over her breasts. Breathless, she hung her head and her lover released her breasts to massage her back and shoulders. His warm, solid touch brought on a smile and she eased away from him, turning to face him. He kissed her, a tender meeting of lips, and she wound her fingers in his hair. Soft moans lodged in her throat as his hands roved her back, coming to rest on her shoulder blades. With reluctance, she pulled her mouth from his, nestling her head in the crook of his neck until her breaths were long and even.

“Would you bathe me?” she asked, the air drying her skin taut.

“I’d do anything for you,” he whispered.

* * * * *


The sun peeked through the glass panes and warmed Amelia’s face. She stared out the window.
What time is it?
Blue sky with scant clouds met her gaze and she yawned then nestled closer to Emmett, her cheek on his chest. The warmth of his side against her belly brought on a smile and she recalled the night before. His touch had chased away the cruel turn of events, enabling her to forget them for a brief time. She skimmed her hand down his belly and brushed over his hard cock. Her lover stirred and she looked at his face.

“Morning, my beautiful wench.” He smiled and rubbed one eye.

“Morning. Or it may be afternoon.”

A clatter sounded from downstairs and Amelia stiffened. Emmett’s heartbeat picked up pace, the throb of it loud in her ear. The front door slammed and muffled women’s voices filtered to her. Relief left her weak and she blew out a breath to steady her quick-beating pulse.

“It’s only the women returning,” Emmett said, one hand playing with her hair. “Though I did think—”

“Yes. So did I. Still.” She huffed out another breath. “It wasn’t who we thought, so…” She sat up, the quilt pooling at her belly. “Shall we go for that walk I suggested? Would it be safe?”

“Yes, if we keep our wits about us.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Though I doubt we’ll have any trouble from
now that the sculpture has been taken.” Shaking his head, he went on. “The unfairness has irked me. The fact that I bought it in good faith only to have it stolen isn’t right. And there is something… Some reason why I must have it back.”

A fist of fear clenched in Amelia’s gut. “Surely you’re not thinking of taking it back. Please, just forget about it. Those men, they could come here to find it, and we might not be so lucky next time.”

He sighed. “You’re right, of course.” He sat up and stroked her cheek. “But I wouldn’t be so foolish in keeping it here again.”

Anger brewed inside her and Amelia flung the covers away and stood beside the bed. Hands on naked hips, she said, “If you are willing to put your life—and mine—in danger for a piece of metal, then you’re a fool. I want nothing to do with that sculpture. Please, let us just enjoy your days ashore. Heaven knows the time is ticking by too quickly, most of it tainted by those men and their greed. Tell me, Emmett…” She stared at him—hard. “Are you also a greedy man? I never took you for such. Perhaps I’ve been mistaken all this time.”

His eyes widened briefly and his cheeks flushed. Her words had wounded, as was her intent, and she strutted over to the sideboard, busying herself with her toilette. The cold water cooled her hot cheeks and she washed her folds, praying Emmett’s semen wouldn’t make her with child. Not yet. Not when he still had two voyages left—and they needed to be married before entertaining thoughts of starting a family. But she had failed to douche herself in time last night or after their moments in the hayloft.
Oh God…

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