His by Right (5 page)

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Authors: Linda Mooney

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #space ships, #Science Fiction, #aliens, #Romance, #sensuous, #erotic, #controversial, #outer space, #kidnapped

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            The hands released her knees and gently lifted away the sheer panels of her shift until she was bare. Fingers touched her breasts, rubbing over her nipples until they were stiff with anticipation.

            Meredith could feel the dry warmth in the other person's skin, and she breathed a mental sigh of relief that this client wasn't icy cold or slimy.

            The hands roamed over her body, lightly brushing her skin until they raised goose bumps in their wake. A finger,
not a claw,
found her belly button, and played with it for a few seconds. The sensation sent a jolt of lust straight to her lower abdomen, making Meredith shiver.

            The hands moved down to her buttocks where they cupped the round flesh. Squeezed them. Manipulated them. Spread them slightly, then released them. Was the clientele evoking foreplay, or examining her? She opened her eyes, but all she saw was the darkened room on her side of the wall, with its mahogany-colored walls and ceiling.

            The hands released her butt, and one hand closed over her mons. The action made her gasp. Fingers raked over the thin strip of hair running down to her lower lips. Slowly, she felt herself being spread, and something warm pressed against her entrance.

            Meredith squeezed her hands into fists and waited. For what seemed like several minutes, nothing touched her except the object that soon began to move slightly, as if covering itself with her wetness.

            And then it pressed inside.

            It was a smooth lunge, pushing as far into her as possible before coming to a halt, and then it paused. Was the clientele waiting for her to react? Was it needing a signal of some kind to let it know she was okay? That it wasn't hurting her?

            That she wanted to get on with it?

            A quick kegel squeeze made the clientele react. He started moving inside her, in and out, in and out. The hands returned. Placed on her inner thighs, they kept her legs spread as far apart as possible.

            The clientele's movements increased speed, then suddenly switched to a peculiar pump-pause action. Invariably, this type of fucking also became faster, and Meredith reared back her head, waiting for the aftermath. Despite the unusual method, it felt good. The hard dick felt wonderful as it continued to plunge within her.

            This had to be the best sex she'd ever gotten. No bad breath huffing into her face. No heavy weight squashing her into the mattress. And best of all, no uncomfortable conversation when it was all over with. No uneasy goodbye. No avoiding future phone calls. Just a slam, bam, thank you, ma'am that was all to her benefit.

            The first tingle of her orgasmic roller coaster ride sparked deep inside her. She moaned and tried to meet every slam inside her with her hips, but the clientele wouldn't have it, and pressed more forcefully down on her thighs. She relented and stopped.

All right. Have it your way. But it'll only make it harder for me to come.

The pumping-pausing method stuttered, then jerked. There was one more push into her, and the softened erection slid out.

            Meredith blinked. He was finished? So soon?

            A wash of air struck her body, then the panel molded around her rose up as the pallet pulled back into the first room. The leg extensions came together in time to fit through the narrow opening. Once the table was all the way past the wall, the panel closed again, and this time her eyes were adjusted enough to the dim light where she could see how another panel rose from the floor to meet it. When the table came to a halt, the cuffs around her ankles and arms automatically clicked open.

            Meredith swung her legs over the side and sat up. It was done. She was officially a prostitute. "Congratulations, girl. You can now add
to your list of accomplishments."

            A movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. Gleeth slithered into the room, tentacles waving.

            "I know you are physically well, but how do your feel?"

            The creature meant mentally. For all their technology, they still couldn't fathom the mind. And at this moment, if Gleeth was trying to read her, she would only get confusion and irritation.

            "I feel cheated. I didn't come."

            "We know."

            She hopped off the table to follow the alien out the door. "I was starting to, but he petered out on me before I had the chance."

            "We know."

            "Fuck. I guess all men are alike, no matter what the species."

            "It happens."

            "But I'm still horny." It was a familiar gnawing in her inner depths, the kind she would get whenever she'd come close to an orgasm but didn't. It would remain persistent until she did something about it.

            "Have patience."

            She groaned as she was led back to her room where she headed directly for the cleaning stall.

            "When you are done, and you still wish to visit the lounge, notify us, and someone will come to show you the way." Gleeth pointed to a tiny area on the wall near the door. Meredith judged it to be about nose high and memorized the location. There was probably a switch or some sort of sensor there.

            "What if I just leave the room and go search for it by myself?"

            "Until you become more accustomed to the ship, it would be advisable you use a guide."

            She nodded and pulled off her filmy shift before stepping into the stall. By the time she was finished, Gleeth was gone. Good. She was needing a quiet moment to relieve herself, and she dropped down on the pallet, face first, to masturbate. She managed to come, but it wasn't as satisfying as it would have been if she'd had a vibrator. Still, it was better than nothing.

            While she was still alone, she pulled out the bowl she'd saved from one of her meals. On the inside, she made a tally mark with her thumbnail. For some reason, she wanted to keep track of how many clients she serviced by the time her two years was up. Too bad she couldn't also keep track of the days. According to Gleeth, the whoreship was available at all hours, which meant there was never any distinction between night and day. She could understand, since she knew from her high school science classes that all planets used different clocks and calendars to mark days and years. It made her wonder what source these creatures used to determine the passing of time. Fortunately for her, if she needed to sleep, she had the option of dimming the light in her room to where it simulated night.

            Once she was done, she returned the bowl to its hiding place and dialed up a fresh shift, this time in yellow. Going over to the door, she found the little panel and pressed it. The door immediately slid open, surprising her, and she saw a figure standing on the other side. At a little over a yard tall, there was nothing on Earth she could compare it to, as it didn't resemble any sort of plant or animal she was familiar with. Shrugging, she gave it a smile.

            "Hi! I'm Meredith. You can call me Merry."

"I am Oble. Follow me."

            They headed in the opposite direction than she'd gone earlier. Better yet, there was less convolution to the large, brightly-lit room where a half dozen creatures lounged or walked about. Thanking the little alien, Meredith headed straight for the back wall where she saw another alien getting something in a cup. The creature made her think of a giant sunflower, but without the leaves. Instead, its roots appeared to serve as both hands and feet.

            "You are new," the sunflower commented. "I am Veleetee."

            "Meredith. You can call me Merry."

            "Where are you from, Merry?" someone called from the room.


            "Oh, yes. Hominid. We had heard they were looking for a representative of that species."

            "Since we have not seen you before, you must have just had your first experience," Veleetee remarked, and stuck a root into the cup. Meredith quickly amended her last thought.
Make that hands, feet, and mouth.

"That's right. I take it all of you are more experienced."

            "Did you climax?"



            "Maybe next time," Veleetee offered. "Once they learn how to correctly pollinate you, it is not too bad."

            "I can only hope."

            She spent what she guessed was a good hour, if not more, talking with the other creatures. Getting to know them, and know about them. With little differentiation, their stories on how they got aboard the whoreship was much like hers. Another thing she liked was being able to ask questions, no matter how delicate. At this point, she still didn't feel comfortable enough with Gleeth to quiz the alien.

            But what she enjoyed the most was sitting back and listening to them trade stories about their past lives, and more recently, the troubles their clientele had with bringing them to completion. It wasn't until Gleeth called to her from the doorway that she realized how long she'd been there.

            "Am I in trouble?"

            "No," the alien told her as everyone listened. "You have another client."



Chapter Eight



            Client number two didn't bring her. Neither did client number three, four, or five. After number six brought himself and patted her thigh, as if complimenting her like a puppy, Meredith gave Gleeth a dirty look when the alien came to fetch her.

            "If it weren't for the others in the lounge, I would swear you'd lied to me."

            "Lied to you about what?"

            "About the clientele working to bring me. About the bonus points they'd get if they managed to make me have an orgasm."

            Gleeth tilted its head at her. It was a while before the alien replied. "Next time, you will go by yourself to the pleasuring rooms when you are called. Are you confident you can find your own way?"

            "Yeah. I'm good."

            "As for the bonus points, please remember that the clientele who have used you are not Earth humans. They are compatible to you, yes, but they still have a lot to learn about your sexual makeup. I do not see the problem. They all have said you were a good lay. None of them had any regrets or complaints about the match."

            This bit of information was new to her. "They said I was a good lay?" she repeated, smiling. "How did you find out? What did you do? Have them fill out an evaluation form afterwards?"

            "All clientele are allowed to let us know if they had a pleasurable time with the product. Some even request another copulation upon their next visit if the product pleases them enough."

            They stopped in front of the door to Meredith's room.

            "Do not worry, Merry. In time, you will orgasm. We know you are capable."

            That surprised her. "Capable? How do— Oh. My pallet."

            Shit. She should have realized they would have that monitored, too.

            They parted company, and Meredith went inside to clean up before heading for the lounge. She was surprised by the comment that greeted her.

            "You are getting quite the reputation," Avalanth laughed.

            "What kind of reputation?"

            "The product that will not orgasm," F'Orlo rumbled. "A few of us are wondering if you are able to shut them off, like Krarrrasta over there."

            "I do not shut them off!" the creature with the head of a horn bleated. "It is that I cannot have an orgasm unless I am in season."

            Meredith raised an eyebrow. "In season? Is that like in heat?"

            "You should see the place when she is ready," F'Orlo remarked, adjusting her large pyramid-shaped body against the corner of the room until she was comfortable. "She orgasms with a mere touch. The line of clientele outside the airlock extends for parsecs!"

            "They do not!" Krarrrasta hotly defended herself, but Meredith could tell the ammonia-breathing creature with her head encased in a bubble was proud of herself.

            "Well, to be honest, I'm not shutting them off. In fact, there are times I'm still so horny after the client leaves, I have to go take care of the problem in my room."

            "Give it time, Merry," Krarrrasta assured her. "You will come eventually."

            "That's what Gleeth says."

            "What does Gleeth say?" asked a tone Meredith recognized. She turned to see the alien standing in the doorway.

            "That, given time, I'll eventually have an orgasm with one of the customers."

            The millipede almost smiled. "The clientele are intrigued. They are requesting you in order to test their prowess."

            "Oh, great," Meredith muttered. "I can just smell the rise in testosterone. Which male can make the female peak? Step right up and place your bets! So, Gleeth, let's say one of them finally manages to bring me? It'll mean a sudden drop-off in takers, right?"

            "On the contrary. More will request you, knowing you are capable. You have become, umm..."

            "A challenge?" she suggested.

            "Exactly. A challenge." The creature shuffled over to a wall dispenser and got a cup of something. Without making another comment, Gleeth left the lounge.

            There were times when Meredith was so comfortable, spread out on the multitude of pillows that littered the floor, she would sometimes fall asleep and not wake up until someone came to get her. Or to wake her and tell her to go back to her own room. As far as she could tell, and as anyone knew, there were approximately thirty represented species on the ship. Not counting the crew, which no one could specifically say they had seen, Meredith guessed there had to be about fifty people on board, not counting the clientele.

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