Read His Christmas Wish Online

Authors: Marquita Valentine

Tags: #war hero, #2nd chance, #romance adult, #small town, #Romance, #holland springs, #reunion, #holiday, #christmas

His Christmas Wish (12 page)

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Would it be too much to start clapping for Sage? He winked at her in encouragement.

“However, if you and Daddy would like to come over to our house tomorrow, y’all are more than welcome.” Then Sage hung up the phone and gave him a shaky smile.

He went to her then, arms wide open. She snuggled right up against him, her slender arms holding on tight. “Proud of you, baby.”

“That’s the first time I’ve ever fussed at my momma.”

“You did good.” Actually, she was spectacular, but didn’t think she’d want him crowing over her putting Virginia in her place. “Ready to make some of our own Christmas memories?”

“I think we’re off to a pretty good start.”

He nuzzled her hair. “You know when I was in the ‘Stan, I saw a falling star one night, then about a dozen more right after it. One of the prettiest things I’d ever seen in my life.”

“Did you make lots of wishes?”

“Only one.” He dipped his head, his lips inches from hers.

“Did it come true?”

“We’ll see in a minute.” Smiling, he fished her engagement ring out of his pocket and slipped on her finger.

“I’m never taking this off again.” She smiled at him, her lips trembling. “I love you, Joaquin, with everything inside of me.”

His heart felt near to bursting right about now. Words he’d longed to hear from her, in person, had finally been said and she meant it. He blew out a steadying breath. “Looks like my wish came true.” He captured her mouth with his and kissed her.


Christmas Day, One Year Later


“We’re under the mistletoe,” Joaquin said to his wife as she passed him in the living room. He grabbed her, rubbing a hand over her belly and bending to press a kiss to it. A swift kick had him stumbling back and laughing.

“I don’t think he’s too happy with you getting in the way of his dinner,” Sage laughed.

“A Morales though and through,” Juan said, raising his glass.

Joaquin shook his head. “I think she is happy to hear her daddy.”

After the first miracle Joaquin had received, he hadn’t expected to be blessed with more. But last year, after a bittersweet Christmas due to Sage’s parents not joining them, Charles had shown up on New Year’s Eve, with Virginia and an apology. Since then, some things had remained the same, while others had gotten better.

“While I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to know the sex,” Virginia said with a sniff. “The nursery needs to be finished and—”

“Oh I agree, Virginia,” Mariela said, placing a hand on the other woman’s. “These two want it to be a surprise. How much more surprised can you get?”

Sage’s best friend, Mandy, waddled around the room, stopping by her husband and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Try finding out you’re having twins.”

“Kevin almost fainted, you said.” Sage winked at Mandy and her husband.

Kevin grinned like a happy fool and shook his head. Joaquin recognized that smile, because he sported it himself twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

“Have y’all picked out any names?” Charles asked, grabbing a gingerbread man from the tray on the table. “My grandfather—”

“Not this again,” Juan said with a roll of his eyes. “The baby will be named after—”

“Matthew, after both great-grandfathers,” Sage said with a smile.

“It will be
when he is with me,” Juan muttered, then his eyes widened. “It’s a boy?”

Joaquin put his arms around Sage as their parents and friends rushed to them, hugging and laughing.

“Finally, this stupid feud can be put to rest,” Mariela said, wiping her eyes.

“Because joining our businesses together wasn’t enough?” Joaquin asked. It had been his idea to merge. Both companies had what the other wanted. Except his dad had room to spare while Charles’ dealership was slowly being zoned into residential and small shops, with the city’s downtown revitalization plan that it didn’t fit in.

Charles gave Joaquin a hearty clap on the back. “That’s why you’re in charge, son.”

Sage snorted. “So why do you and Juan keep going to the office?”

“Someone has to make sure he doesn’t run us into the ground,” Juan said and Charles nodded.

“Give my son-in-law some credit,” Virginia suddenly said, shocking everyone into silence. “What…a zebra can change its stripes. Besides, it’s all about tiger prints this year.”

Joaquin grabbed Sage’s hand and led her to the nursery. Soft yellows, greens and blues greeted them. A crib made of natural wood still in its box sat in the corner.

“One more month, and then it’s not just us,” Sage said, her red hair brushing his shoulder as she passed by him. She picked up a stuffed giraffe and tossed it to him.

He shrugged. “I was getting kinda of tired talking to you anyway. We need some excitement around here.”

Rolling her eyes, she moved to him and kissed his cheek. “Merry Christmas, Mr. Morales.”

“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Morales.”



Once again I have to thank my husband, Matthew, for putting up with my while writing this novella. Well, I should just thank him for putting up with me.

A special thanks to my sister, Samantha, for her help with all the Army details. Any errors made are entirely my own.

This novella also wouldn’t be possible without the invaluable help of Katherine Ashe, Andris Bear, Michelle Kenny and Kelly Williams. Your comments, critiques and support mean the world.

Discover Holland Springs~ Where Falling in Love is an Act of Magic


Seduction of the Billionaire Playboy Actor

In order to capture the attention of Hollywood's latest British import and newest bad boy, recent graduate student, Zoe Ambrose, disguises herself at a masked ball as a woman named Amber.
She has seduction on her mind and Christian is the target.

Christian Romanov, heir to a mineral and oil conglomerate, has chosen acting as his latest insult to his uptight family. Despite excelling at his new profession, it doesn't fill the void in his soul. Then he meets the mysterious Amber at a masked ball and his world is flipped upside down.

Twice Tempted


Billionaire Christian Romanov is Hollywood’s favorite bad boy with a golden touch…until the day his agent receives pictures of the movie star celebrating his birthday in a not-so-legal way. Now he’s been ordered to find a small-town girl to be seen with in order to improve his partying image. He agrees, but for an entirely different reason--to protect the reputation of an organization that helps get teens off the street and back into the school. Not only is he the anonymous donor that's been solely supporting the organization since its inception, he's slated to be their newest spokesman

What happens in Vegas,

Zoe Ambrose is a hopeless romantic masquerading as a realist. But she’s also a successful novelist, trying to fit herself into a staid life when what she craves is the adventure she found one night in the arms of a playboy who never knew her name. When her successful crime series is optioned by a major studio, she travels to Las Vegas to find that the prince of her fantasies and single night of pleasure is the main contender for the male lead. But for four years Zoe has been publicly eviscerating the man who left her stranded that night—he’s the villain in her series! Now the movie star doesn’t even recognize her, and Zoe is determined to protect her heart this time.

Doesn't stay in Vegas.

When Christian braves the small town of Holland Springs and Zoe’s overprotective family to win the girl of his dreams, he finds that his Hollywood skills might not cut it—and learns a shocking truth he never imagined. Can he tempt her again and finally give her the epic love story she has refused to write for herself?

Third Time’s a Charm

Not even Holland Springs' Most Notorious Resident can stop this Love Spell…

Customers come to Rose Holland’s apothecary shop for three things: to hear her uncanny matchmaking advice, to buy the “magical” hair and skin products she sells, and to accuse her of trying to steal their men. For years Rose has been entirely innocent and almost content with that status quo. But that was before sexy, smooth-talking Sasha Romanov came to town and made her want to use her love potions on him… until he broke her heart. Now corrupt town officials want to seize her land and sell it to an industrial giant, and her only hope for help looks like the one man she can’t trust—or stop herself from falling under his spell.

Alexander “Sasha” Romanov seems like every woman’s dream: charming, handsome and fabulously rich. But while the people of Holland Springs think he’s in town to generously invest in their economy (and possibly one of their daughters), Sasha struggles to save his sick mother from his vicious uncle’s plans by doing everything the greedy businessman wants. And Vlad Romanov wants Rose Holland’s land—at any cost.

Despite Sasha’s vow to get the job done and keep his hands (and everything else!) off Rose, the blue-eyed witch enchants him. But his mother’s life remains in the balance. Sasha must find a way to protect his mother, sabotage his uncle’s plans, and win the woman who’s captured his heart without destroying everything she loves.


 writes small town romances that are anything but small. Lisa Kleypas, Carly Phillips and Rachel Gibson are her favorite contemporary authors. Marquita met her husband aka Hot Builder at Sonic when they were in high school. She suggests this location to all of her single friends in search of a good man -- and if that doesn't work, they can console themselves with cheesy tatertots. She lives in North Carolina in a very, very small town with Hot Builder and their two children.


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