His First Lady (16 page)

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Authors: Kym Davis Boyles

BOOK: His First Lady
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Aaron was good looking with a kind smile. He was not only neatly dressed with a crisp blue button down and creased khaki slacks but the faint hint of facial hair on his light skin was neatly edged on his chin and his nails nicely manicured. She could clearly see why Mimi liked him though; he was charming and well-spoken and came off as a manly man on the polished side.

Evan hadn’t seen Mimi blush so many times in one setting as she did as the three of them sat and talked. They were even finishing each other’s sentences which was a bit early Evan thought. Mimi was head over heels and Evan knew she had fallen hard. Hearing Leon placing his key in the front door lock, she stood to her feet with a large smile.

“Good, Leon’s home. I’m starved.” Evan walked out of the living room and into the foyer.

“Hey baby,” Leon said sitting his briefcase on the stand by the door.

“Hey,” Evan smiled. “We were sitting in the living room waiting on you.”

Things were so nice between them lately; it was like Leon was a different person. She loved how affectionate he’d been lately, even calling her baby which she couldn’t remember the last time he had done that; it felt good. Leon walked in to the living room with a gigantic smile across his face as he greeted Mimi and extended his hand to Aaron who stood when he walked in.

“Leon, this is Aaron Middleton. Aaron, this is Pastor Leon Ladson,” Mimi said grinning ear to ear as if anxious to introduce them.

Aaron eagerly shook Leon’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Pastor.”

“It’s nice to meet you Aaron. I apologize that I’m late, I had a late meeting.”

“No problem, I’m just glad to be here. I was just getting to know your wife. You two are very important to Mimi so I couldn’t wait to meet the two of you.”

Evan watched Leon size Aaron up and from the smile on his face, he seemed to approve.

“Any friend of Mimi’s is a friend of ours. I hope that my wife is making you feel at home,” Leon said looking at Evan.

“Yes sir. She’s just as wonderful as Mimi told me she would be.”

“Great. Let’s head to the dining room.” Leon clapped. “I’m going to go wash my hands so we can eat because my wife always insists that I wash my hands when I come from the outside.” Leon joked sarcastically causing them all to chuckle a bit.

Evan beamed as she led the way to the dining room. She was proud that although this dinner had cut into Leon’s plans, he remained the perfect host; grinning and joking. No matter how he felt about a person or the situation he could make them feel like a million bucks.

“Your house is beautiful, Evan,” Aaron said entering the dining area.

“It’s huge,” Mimi chimed in adjusting her red A- line dress as Aaron pulled out her chair.

“Thank you Aaron,” Evan said, “but it’s not that big; I’ll be happy to show you around after dinner,” Evan said. “Let me go get dinner.”

Mimi motioned to get up from her chair. “Can I help?” Mimi asked after her.

“No, just relax and enjoy,” Evan told her friend walking off.

Leon walked in and sat at the head of the table. “So, Aaron, what do you do for a living?”

Aaron who was whispering in Mimi’s ear looked up. “I’m a photographer.”

Evan returned and placed grilled burgers and homemade fries on the table. After placing the coffee pot, hot tea, and dinner additions on the table, she sat down.

“Smells so good,” Aaron said.

“Let’s bless the food,” Leon said before bowing his head.

Evan saw Aaron grab Mimi’s hand. She tried not to watch the two but he seemed to make Mimi so happy which in turn made her extremely happy and relieved. Leon said the blessing then began passing the platters of food around the table.

“So, how does a photography career work? Are you like a freelance photographer or salaried with an organization?” Leon asked as he placed pickles and lettuce on his burger.

“Both actually. I’d like to eventually be on my own full time but it’s one step at a time.”

“He graduated from the New York institute of photography,” Mimi bragged.

“You should see the beautiful pictures I took of her,” Aaron said causing Mimi to blush. “But I’d love to take some pictures of the church maybe the new addition that you’re building; maybe shop a piece to give you some exposure.”

Leon’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, I’d love to see what you can do. We’re growing so much right now.”

“Aaron,” Evan said pouring coffee into her cup. “Mimi mentioned that you met Leon previously which drew you to the church,”

Aaron nodded as he chewed then swallowed. He wiped his mouth. “I did. At the city’s mentor’s luncheon a few months back.” He looked over at Leon. “You probably don’t remember me but you shook my hand,” He said. “I’m glad I visited because it allowed me to meet this beautiful lady right here.”

“Stop it, you’re embarrassing me.” Mimi said.

Aaron nodded. “You don’t meet many young pastors with such huge congregations. Big churches used to scare me but Leon seemed so down to earth.”

“He must have made a good impression on you,” Evan said as if Leon wasn’t in the room.

“He did.” Aaron nodded then looked over at Leon. “How long have you been a pastor?”

Leon grinned. “Seems like forever. I started when I was in college as a youth pastor.”

“That’s great,” Aaron said.

“So Aaron, have you been born again?” Evan asked interrupting his flattery before putting a fry in her mouth.

Aaron’s eyes widened as if unprepared for the question. “Excuse me?”

“Have you accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior?”

“That’s rude Ev,” Leon said looking annoyed at her.

Evan smiled pretending not to be bothered by Leon’s rebuke. It was always weird with her that he never liked to talk about salvation when he was a pastor. “That’s not rude. That’s our whole purpose in life.”

Mimi looked at Evan then at Aaron as if waiting for his reply.

Leon’s face showed his disdain. He wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Well, we certainly don’t invite guests to our home to embarrass them.”

Aaron shook his head. “I’m not embarrassed. Actually, that’s why I came to the church. You get tired of searching for a meaning to life so I’m really trying to find my way around religion, I guess. Mimi makes it look so good.”

Mimi grinned.

“That’s why she’s on the welcoming committee,” Evan said causing everyone to laugh. “Seriously though, please know that we are not about religion. That’s never been Jesus’ thing.” She then looked over at Leon. “We’d love to talk to you about it.”

“I’d like that,” Aaron responded.

Evan looked at Mimi who smiled at her. But when she looked over at Leon, he turned his head clearly making sure she knew that he did not approve.

“Where are you from?” Leon asked picking fries up with his fork from his plate changing the subject.

Aaron stared at Leon’s fork. “Military brat. I was born in Fort Leonard Wood; Missouri.”

“I love traveling.” Mimi leaned close to Aaron. “He’s been so many places.”

Leon seemed to notice Aaron staring at his fork. Aaron smiled. “You remind me of my dad. The only other man I’ve ever seen that eats French fries with a fork.”

“Smart man; my dad taught me that you only eat fries with your fingers if you’re eating alone,” Leon said before placing the fork in his mouth.

“We both obviously have smart dads.” Aaron placed his napkin on the table. “May I use your restroom?”

Evan stood up. “Of course, it’s down the hall, second door on the right. I can show you.”

Leon wiped his mouth with his napkin and stood up. “Relax, I’ll do it baby. Sit down and eat.”




Chapter 28



Aaron followed behind Leon down the hall toward the bathroom admiring the beautiful artwork on the walls.

“Beautiful paintings; your house is amazing: I love it,” Aaron said seemingly mesmerized at the pieces.

Leon nodded and looked back. “Photography? That’s an interesting profession,” Leon said walking slightly in front of him.

“It is. I enjoy it,” Aaron said as they approached the bathroom. “And if you don’t give me the rest of my money, I’ll show the pictures of Sam’s dead body to every police officer and FBI agent in the state.”

Leon turned around and pushed him against the wall causing the artwork to shake that hung on it. “Thug punk! You must have lost your mind coming into my home!” Leon yelled as low as his anger would allow without alarming the women.

Aaron pushed Leon’s shoulder hard causing Leon to almost lose his balance. They both looked back toward the dining room to make sure that the ladies didn’t budge. “You don’t run nothing here, Pastor. I want my money and I’ll be your worst nightmare until I get it.”

Leon got close to Aaron’s face. “Your mind playing tricks on you if you think you can shake me down. I already gave you $7500. You’ll get the rest. Stick to the deal,” Leon fumed.

“The deal is I get all of my money when it’s done. It’s done.” An indignant Aaron replied pushing Leon’s chest back from him.

Leon grabbed Aaron’s shirt. “Look, I’ll give you the $2500. What are you stupid? Showing up at my home with my wife?” Leon asked, so angry that it was almost as if he could feel his blood boil within his veins as he held on to Aaron’s shirt.

“I’ve played nice with you but you don’t return calls so I showed up to collect.” A slight smile came over Aaron’s face.

“I got your money.” Leon snapped back. “You don’t think it’d look suspicious me meeting you after all that happened? Use your head, boy.”

“Man, don’t play me.” Aaron sneered.

Leon closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down. His heart thumped loudly and his head pounded. He lowered his voice. “Nobody’s playing you. I’m going upstairs to get your money right now. Then I want you out of my house and I don’t want to ever see your face around here again.”

“I don’t know about that,” Aaron said cockily. “I’m going to get my money from you and I just might continue going to your church. You’re a decent enough preacher and Mimi and I are getting pretty cozy.” Aaron smiled.

Leon wanted to wipe the stupid grin right off of Aaron’s face. “You get your money and don’t ever come back here or step foot in my church again.”

Aaron smiled and popped his collar. “Oooh, I don’t know; I’m thinking about giving this Jesus thing a try,” Aaron said before opening the bathroom door, walking in, and closing it behind him.

Leon stared at the closed bathroom door fighting every ache in his body that told him to kick the door down and drag that boy out and destroy him. Instead he closed his eyes and hit the wall softly with his fist trying not to make too much noise. He took a deep breath not knowing how he would get through the night with this thug in his home. He leaned forward bending down trying to catch his breath as his head throbbed.

“Hey baby, you okay?” Evan asked peeking around the corner down the hall at him.

Leon jumped up. “Yeah, it must have been the burger. I had a sudden pain in my stomach.”

“Can I get you something?” She asked walking toward him.

He put his hand up. “No, I’m fine. Go back in there. I’m okay.”

Evan stood for a moment looking at him with a worried look on her face.

“I’m going to get a tums from upstairs. Go back in there with Mimi,” Leon said.

“Oh, okay,” Evan said looking concerned as she walked back into the dining room.

Leon straightened up the painting on the wall that was shaken crooked. He was glad that Ev had paid no attention to it. He looked at the bathroom door again wanting to just kick it in and drag Aaron out of it and bash his head in. Instead, he walked upstairs to get a tums.



Leon didn’t know how he had even endured the evening. As he lay in bed; he thought about Aaron and how he immediately needed to take care of that. The money was no problem but after he had initially given him the majority of it; he assumed that Aaron would understand that time had to pass between the event and their transactions. There was just too much heat and there was no way he could have met with him to give him the rest. This dude was reckless and could potentially become a problem.

He heard Evan come out of the bathroom and immediately turned over facing away from her side of the bed before closing his eyes. She began humming and lying with his eyes closed, he figured that she was probably about to sit at her vanity and apply moisturizer as she usually did.

“I like Aaron,” she said as if knowing he was awake.

As much as Leon didn’t want to be awake to have the conversation with her; he did. He turned over. “I don’t; seems sneaky to me.”

Evan removed her robe as she finished up rubbing in moisturizer on her elbows. She slid in bed beside him and scooted behind him with her arm around his waist. He lay stiff not returning the affection.

“He seems to really like Mimi and she feels the same way.”

“Is he a man?” Leon asked sarcastically.

“Yes,” Evan replied.

“Then there you go,” Leon said.

“I think we should have an open mind. Maybe it’s just because you’re like an overprotective older brother to Mimi.” Evan chuckled.

That last line almost made him laugh but he didn’t. He wasn’t like an overprotective older brother to Mimi. To tell the truth; he didn’t care too much for her either but there was no need to waste time on that.

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