Read His Love Online

Authors: Jennifer Gracen

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

His Love (3 page)

BOOK: His Love
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hen Toni came
back down the stairs, she stopped midway. The flat screen flickered with a soccer game—no, it was European soccer, so that made it football—and she could see the back of Gavin’s head above the back of the couch.

He was swoonworthy.

Yes, handsome, of course that. But she sensed strength beneath his quiet exterior, and at the same time, he was charming. In the right way—genuinely, without trying. She was used to dealing with European men who
to be charming, but were just smarmy. Or worse, plain sleazy. They came into the gallery all the time, looking at the artwork from down their noses, walking around like they owned the place, owned the world. They talked to her either like she was dirt on their shoes, or like she was for sale along with the pieces on the walls. Sometimes, they hit on her without a shred of shame. More than one had grabbed her ass when her bosses weren’t in the room. Unfortunately, with a few exceptions, the elite European men she’d been exposed to the last few years were unlikeable at best, downright vile at worst.

Staring at the back of Gavin’s head now, she realized that maybe she’d already judged him before he ever walked through the door. Yes, she’d met Anna’s other brother, Sean, who was also gorgeous and charming, genuine and open. Toni liked him; it was hard not to. But he had a rougher edge. Anna had described Gavin as being the strong and silent type, super smart, and he was a doctor. A doctor, for Pete’s sake!

So, she hadn’t expected him to be so…
. She’d figured he’d be pretentious, like the Eurotrash douchebags she often fended off at the gallery. Gavin wasn’t like those men, she knew that instinctively. She’d prejudged him unfairly.

And she’d come at him with a knife, more or less. Wonderful first impression.

She smoothed her hands over the pink cotton tank dress she’d pulled on. It was one of the most comfortable things she owned, simple, perfect for channel surfing. But now, shaking her head, she huffed out a sigh. She was a little mad at herself. She felt like she owed Gavin an apology for some reason, even though he’d done nothing.

With a bright smile, she said, “Sorry if I took too long.” She came around the couch, then stopped in her tracks. Gavin was sitting up, yes—and fast asleep.

“Poor guy,” she murmured. He’d said he was tired, and he obviously hadn’t been exaggerating. Should she leave him there, let him sleep? No, he needed a really good night’s sleep, in a bed, by himself.

Toni went up to his room, the small one at the opposite end of the hall from hers. Anna had scrubbed it before her brother’s arrival. She’d also made the bed, so it was ready for him. He hadn’t unpacked yet, it seemed; his suitcase stood by the one dresser, and none of his things were out anywhere. Well, he had a ready bed. That was what mattered.

Toni went back downstairs and sat on the couch beside him, careful not to jostle him. His lips were parted in sleep, his deep breathing slow and steady. He hadn’t even taken off his glasses; she figured he must have just passed out watching the game.

“Gavin?” She said his name softly, meant to wake him without startling him.

He didn’t move a muscle. He was really out. Her gaze floated over him. His pin straight hair was short, neatly cut, and the stubble along his strong jaw was the same shade of dark gold. But his lashes were darker, and long. Why did the men always get such fabulous lashes? It wasn’t fair. She leaned in to examine his face better, since she could. Those cheekbones… those sensual lips… very nice indeed.

From his khaki shorts, his long legs stretched out in front of him, pale and lightly dusted with dark blond hair. But his arms were smooth… there were slightly defined muscles in those biceps… Toni suddenly had an urge to peek under his red T-shirt and find out if his chest was smooth or hairy, muscled or not. Heat rose in her cheeks that she’d even had that impulse.
You just met this guy! Jeez, down, girl!
she thought. She hadn’t been with anyone in about six months… her hormones were just getting the best of her, that was all. It wasn’t hard to explain or justify; Gavin McKinnon was an extremely attractive man.

Who was staying in her house for a month.

Toni sat back and stared at him, because she could. She knew he didn’t have a girlfriend, Anna had told her so. So he was good looking, smart, and single. And temporary. He’d only be there for a month. Hmmm…

Enough of this. Get a grip
. She reached over and tried to remove his glasses as carefully as she could, without waking him.

But he stirred, groaning as his heavy lids opened halfway. “What the…?”

“Shhh,” Toni whispered. “You fell asleep on the couch. C’mon, I’ll help you up the stairs. You need to go to bed.”


“Up to bed. You. Let’s go.”

He nodded, still half asleep and out of it. “Right. ’Kay…” Slowly, he rose, weaving a bit.

She stood quickly to support him, banding her arm around his waist. His lean frame was taut, rock solid. Doctor Hottie obviously spent some time in the gym.

“C’mon, you,” she said, moving him towards the stairs.

His arm went around her shoulders. “Thank you, Toni,” he yawned. He rubbed his face. “Jaysus, I’m wrecked.”

“You’re exhausted,” she replied, charmed.

He was adorable when he was sleepy. She supported him as they walked together up the stairs, then led him down the hall to his room. Lowering him to the bed, she placed his glasses on the nightstand. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow. She pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and put it next to his glasses, then covered him with the light blanket and closed the door behind her.


Sunlight sliced through
the plastic venetian blinds, warming and brightening the white walls of the room. Gavin’s eyes opened slowly. Disoriented for a few seconds, he looked around. When his eyes set on his suitcase beside the dresser, he remembered he was in New York, on Long Island, in Anna’s house, by the beach… and his eyes drifted shut again.

When he opened them next, the room seemed even brighter than before. He realized he’d fallen back to sleep and reached for his phone on the night stand. Ten minutes past eleven? Bloody hell, he never slept that late, or for that many hours. He scrubbed his hands over his face to wake up more, shocked that he’d slept like that. The travel must have caught up with him, and his body had needed the rest. He yawned, stretched his arms over his head, and sat up. He felt good. Well rested and comfortable. All he needed was a shower, a shave, and to brush his teeth, and he’d be fully human.

Getting out of bed, he went to the window to peer out. He had a decent view; the house was half a block from the beginning of the beach, and he could see a sliver of the beige sand and dark ocean past the rooftops of neighboring houses. Blue, sunny skies… he couldn’t wait to get outside. All he wanted to was to eat something and get out there to be near the ocean all day.

It was only when he threw back the covers and sat up that he realized he was still in his clothes from the night before. “How the hell…?” He glanced at his glasses on the night stand and images came back to him—Toni talking to him, walking him up the stairs to his room, helping him to his bed. He’d been like a zombie, shuffling along in a daze. He was grateful to her.

Toni. A beautiful woman. And kind, too. Lethal combination.

The corners of his mouth lifted at the thought of her. They’d spoken for only a few minutes, but by the way his morning erection throbbed as he thought about her, he couldn’t deny how attracted to her he was. That could be a problem.

He hadn’t had sex since the last time he’d been with Siobhan, and she’d dumped him eight and a half months ago. Christ, he was going to implode from need at some point. And Toni… she was a delicious temptation, but he couldn’t very well pursue her. Housemates. Sister’s friend. Off limits.

Bloody hell, he needed that shower right now, and for it to be ice cold.

He rummaged through his suitcase for his travel kit and bath towel. But at the door, he stopped to listen; there was silence. Perhaps everyone else in the house was probably either still sleeping or already up and out. Toni had said it was odd for the house to be empty, so he wondered if anyone was home or not.

He left his room, remembering that there was a half bathroom on the first floor, but the only one with a shower was located in the middle of the second floor. The door was closed. As he raised his hand to knock, the door flew open and Toni barreled into him. Her hands splayed on his chest to keep them both from swaying; his hands lifted to steady her shoulders, even full with a towel in one and travel kit in the other.

“Sorry,” he said. “I was just—”

“You’re up! Good morning.” Her face was only inches away from his, makeup free and naturally beautiful. Her long, curly hair was wet as it tumbled down her back, and all she wore was a huge purple and blue towel, wrapped tightly around her.

She’s naked under that towel
. That one thought made his mouth go dry and his heart skip a beat before firing up and taking speed. Her warm hazel eyes, fringed by dark lashes, held him as if under a spell… her skin was soft and smooth, and he wanted to let his hands roam over her, to explore her… Christ, she was pure beauty. His whole body tensed with desire.

For a long beat, their eyes locked, and heat rushed through his veins. Inexplicable but undeniable need. An actual pull. It was almost a tangible thing…

She blinked and stepped back, but slowly. “Sleep well?” she asked.

His hands dropped from her shoulders. “Aye, I did, thanks.”

“Oh, good. You obviously needed it.”

“True. I haven’t slept this late in a long time.” He cleared his throat, composing himself. “You helped me upstairs, right? I vaguely remember it…”

“You were like the walking dead,” she said, her mouth quirking up in a grin. “But I managed to get your glasses off and your phone out of your pocket.”

“Thank you for that. Very kind of ya.”

“Pffft, don’t be silly.” She waved her hand dismissively. “I’m going to get dressed, then make some breakfast. Want an omelet? Might be done by the time you get downstairs.”

“That sounds fantastic,” he said, his stomach rumbling suddenly at the mention of food.

“You got it.”

As he watched her go, eyes glued to her figure wrapped in that towel, his heart slammed around in his chest. Wet curls, bare shoulders, toned legs, perfectly round bottom… “Bloody hell,” he whispered to himself, then went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him and leaning against it. “Right. Cold shower, comin’ right up.”


Toni dressed quickly,
pulling a turquoise tank dress over her pink and white bikini, her mind buzzing with thoughts of the hot Irishman she’d slammed into coming out of the bathroom. There had been a moment when their eyes locked, when they’d kind of been in each other’s arms that had been positively electric. She’d felt the jolt, anyway. She wondered if he had too, or it was just wishful thinking on her part. Those brilliant blue eyes of his… the deep, sure voice, with that Irish accent… God, they drew her in.

Maybe she should stay away from him.

This sudden but very real pull she felt was unnerving. She’d just met him. He was only there for a few weeks, then he’d go back to Ireland. Best to leave him be as much as possible and just be friendly, but detached… if she could.

She could. Sure she could, dammit. With new determination, she all but stomped down the stairs.

The only one in the kitchen was Anna, sitting at the table and sipping from a mug the size of a soup bowl. “Mornin’,” she smiled.

“You’re never up before noon on a weekend,” Toni said. “You feeling okay?”

Anna chuckled. “You’re not wrong. But with Gavin here, and it’s his first full day and all, I wanted to be around.” She lifted the huge mug with both hands and took another sip. “Besides, this coffee is helpin’ quite a bit. I’m feeling it already.”

“Did someone say coffee?” Gavin asked as he entered the kitchen with a smile.

Toni’s stomach did that little flip again. Whenever she looked at him, the butterflies started to dance. His dark blond hair was a shade darker, still damp from his shower. Noticing he’d shaved, she wanted to run her fingertips along his smooth, handsome face, trace around his sensual mouth. His tall, lean body appealed to her, even clad in just blue board shorts and a simple white T-shirt. Since he’d just showered, she bet if she got closer, he’d smell so good…

BOOK: His Love
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