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Authors: Nicki Night

His Love Lesson (7 page)

BOOK: His Love Lesson
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Heck! What did she have to lose? All she needed to do was protect herself and she was sure he'd come prepared with the necessary paraphernalia. Once he got on that flight, she'd never see him again anyway. No awkward run-ins. No phone calls necessary. This was her time to explore life in a way that she'd never done before. She decided right then, if he'd have her, she'd give her all to him tonight.

Chey twisted her head, looking up at Hunter, watching the flames of the fire twinkle in his brown eyes. He looked down at her. They stayed that way for a while, locked in each other's gazes, until Hunter broke the stare, leaned in and kissed her on her lips. When his lips touched hers, she felt light, as if she were floating. The dam holding back the remnants of her cautious nature broke. Chey turned her body, wrapping her arms around his neck, and Hunter explored the deepest crevices of her with his tongue, moaning. They kissed until they ran out of breath, broke free and kissed again and yet again.

Hands roamed sacred places. Blinding desire raised hairs on arms, creating sensually rocky terrain. Clothing was carefully discarded until there was skin against skin. Hunter pulled her into him until she couldn't be pulled in any further. Warm bodies meshed, trying desperately to become one.

Hunter pulled back, searching Chey's eyes for permission to proceed. Eager pleading flashed in his brown orbs. “Do you want this?” His voice dipped low and sultry from fierce longing.

Granting him approval with a nod and another deep, sensual kiss, Chey grabbed his face and drew him to her hungry lips. Any closer and she would have passed through him if it were possible. Hunter gently laid her back on the blanket beneath them and positioned himself next to her, propped on one elbow. First he lavished her with a slow once-over, smiling. Then he touched the places he'd studied with wonder, as if he didn't believe they were real—eyes, lips, neck, shoulders, breasts, nipples. They pebbled. He continued his passionate probe. Stomach, navel, the outskirts sheltering her pearl, inner thighs, knees, toes. Replacing his finger with his tongue, he retraced that same path. Chey's skin seared from this touch.

He kissed her again, taking her nipple between his teeth and teasing it with his tongue. He then dipped said tongue into her navel, then circled her prize, marking the territory he was about to explore. Chey's back arched of its own volition. Her legs spread. It was as if her body resorted to reacting solely on instinct. Her mind was too preoccupied, being overtaken by the intense yearning for this man. Hunter parted her lower lips and tested her heat level, dipping into her carnal volcano and then gently gnawing on her bud. Chey rolled her hips, matching the rhythm he strummed. He devoured her until she shook ferociously and grabbed his ears. She shrieked his name while her juices flowed like lava.

Chey felt as though she were floating back to earth from the cosmos. Hunter excused himself quickly and returned sheathed. He kissed her kitten before entering her slowly and deliberately. Chey gasped, grabbing handfuls of her blanket when he'd filled her. Her neck stretched to its limit as her head lolled back and her back arched firmly. Together they rocked until they could hardly stand each other's fiery touches. His head rolled, as did his eyes when ecstasy took his body under siege. She wrapped her inner walls around him snugly, not wanting this to end. He exploded. Groaned. Bucked. Shuddered and finally collapsed into a panting heap.

Hunter pulled her back to his chest, covered them with the additional blanket. They held each other until her lids became too heavy to continue watching the embers dance in the fireplace.

Chapter 11

unter hadn't intended to make love to Chey, but that was exactly what had happened and he didn't regret one single second of it. He couldn't possibly consider what they had indulged in to be merely sex. Hunter had skillfully taken his time with her, checked in frequently to make sure that she experienced the satisfaction she deserved and worked to ensure that she reached euphoria. From the way her body writhed and squeezed and her vocals quivered, he was sure that he'd exceeded his intent. Her moans were music to his ears and he'd strum whatever it was that generated her uttering just so he could hear the beautiful sound. He felt the need to handle her with care and dignity, hoping to make her feel like his priority.

Hunter had been pleasantly and pleasurably surprised when he reached his own peak. His body had convulsed violently in a way that he'd never experienced before. It was as if Chey had sparked an addiction and each time after the first, he'd yearned to reach that same core-clenching, body-quivering high from the previous romp. And he had, reaching and surpassing sensations that made his eyes roll back and left him spent.

Even now, hours after their third or fourth romp, as they lay naked under several covers in the belly of the dark night, Hunter woke up reminiscing. With his arms still wrapped snuggly around her torso, he could feel the rhythm of her breath on his arm as she slept. Remembering the sweet scent they'd created made his jewel stiffen against her backside. If he didn't rein his thoughts in, he'd become hard as a diamond. Not wanting to disturb her peaceful sleep, he adjusted himself and then got up, covering himself with one of the blankets.

As Hunter walked through the cold, dark villa, illuminated only by the light of the moon, he thought about the fact that there was a good chance that he'd never see Chey again. He couldn't understand why he was so drawn to her. Hadn't he just gotten to a point in his life where he was no longer interested in indulging in meaningless trysts? Despite how reality stacked up against this notion, he couldn't help feeling as though this was more than a tryst.

Outside, Hunter could see that the power still hadn't been restored. His eyes closed in frustration and he let the hand that he used to peek through the window fall hopelessly to his side. Maybe the outage wouldn't affect his chances of getting to the airport. He had to make that flight. Rubbing the goose bumps that now covered his arms, Hunter felt his way through the spotty darkness and threw another log in the fire. He needed to use them sparingly.

Hunter slid back under the covers, molding his body against Chey's. She stirred in his arms, found a new position and settled back into her sleep. Hunter smiled when she ruffled the quiet with her light snore.

Hunter recalled the stories about her hometown in Virginia. He'd never believed in the viability of long-distance relationships, but perhaps Chey could be worth trying one out. He needed to find a way to make this last longer than just one night.

Chey was a refreshing departure from his usual cast of eligible women. She hadn't once referred to any of her shoes or garments by their labels. Her boots were just her boots and her coat was simply her coat—none of that “my Prada shoes” or “my Louis Vuitton handbag” talk. She was unapologetically who she was. Grounded. Confident. Beautiful. Fun. In fact, he wondered if she truly realized how beautiful she was since it seemed like no big deal to her. Some of the women in his past all but added their beauty to their résumés, as if it were an accomplishment that they should continuously be praised for—should a man ever forget.

As the firsts hints of day began to peek over the mountaintops, Hunter nudged Chey. The sight of the moon yielding to the superior light of the sun was too majestic for her to miss.

Chey stirred again, finally opening her eyes at Hunter's insistence. Blinking and focusing, she looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back. Angling his head to the side, he motioned for her to look toward the window. Together they sat up and watched the day take over the night.

“Thanks.” Chey smiled. “That was beautiful.”

With Chey's body cradled in front of Hunter's, they sat watching nature's show until the chill in the room became too much to bear on their naked skin. Rather than put on clothes, Hunter threw more wood in the fire and drew their makeshift bed closer to the fireplace. Pulling her back to his chest, Hunter wrapped his arms around her once again and felt heat rise in his groin. He caressed her hardening nipples, made trails down her torso and dipped his finger into her wet, heated cave. Chey's head fell back against his chest and she maneuvered her hips, giving Hunter more access.

Hunter licked his finger and turned her around for a direct taste. Burying his face between her thighs, he took her pearl between his teeth and determined that she was as succulent as, if not more than, he remembered. He had come to know her body during his intense study hours before and quickly had her singing a melody of pleasure that ended with bravado. He pulled himself away, slipped on a condom and entered her with an urgency that nearly blinded him. She met him thrust for thrust until her second release of the morning spilled over him, making the ride a bit slicker. Hunter held her hips as if he were holding on for life.


Chey's body shook. Hunter's thrusts grew more intense. She encouraged him not to stop in a sweet whisper that took Hunter over the edge. That delicious shudder racked his body. He pumped harder, trying not to be overtaken by the immense pleasure. He was determined to love on her until the last possible second. Losing control of his ability to maneuver, Hunter's body convulsed hard. Spasms shot through his muscles. His back stiffened like a board. A groan started in his core, rumbled through his chest and released from his mouth, and at the same time, he pulled away and released life in spurts, stretching his erection to its limit before melting into a sated pile on top of Chey. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. Being in her arms felt good.

They lay for a while, holding each other as the sun slowly continued its ascent.

“I hope you have no regrets.” Hunter spoke first, rising on his elbow. He traced triangles between her breasts and navel.

“None.” Chey took a deep breath before continuing. “You're going home today...hopefully, right?”

A solemn moment passed.

Another beat thumped in the silence before Hunter responded. “Yeah.”

“We shouldn't sound so excited about this,” she teased.

Hunter chuckled. The moment labored on, heavy with things that were left unsaid.

“I guess I need to get my stuff together and work on getting to the airport before that plane takes off without me.”

“Yeah.” Chey avoided his eyes.

The fire crackled. Hunter's fingers still traced shapes on her torso. It seemed that neither of them wanted to break up what they'd started, but no one wanted to say too much.

“We should definitely exchange—”

Chey put her fingers to his lips. “Don't!” Hunter blinked a few times. “I'm a big girl,” Chey continued. “I knew what I was doing. I enjoyed it and will remember you for the rest of my life. Please don't ruin this by making promises you won't keep. All I want you to know is that I'm not the kind of girl that does things like this all of the time. You may not believe it but this is my first one-night stand ever and although being with you was amazing, I'm pretty sure it will be my last.”

This was a first. No woman had ever shut him down this way before. Hunter couldn't think of a reply that wouldn't sound like an empty promise, so he kept his mouth closed. For several moments, they sat in awkward silence. Hunter looked down upon Chey, who avoided his direct gaze. With a soft touch, he turned her face toward him. They stared at each other, pondering but not speaking until Hunter closed his eyes and kissed her soft and slow as if he was trying to embed the feel of her lips into his long-term memory.

Chey wrapped her arms around his neck. Hunter held his body over hers and desire sizzled between them. Taking his time, Hunter kissed her and then pulled himself up. He reached for protection, sheathed himself and entered her slowly. His thrusts were sensually rhythmic and intentional, almost desperate, like a sultry blues bass line. Her moans were like crooning, complementing that bass.

As he went deeper, she groped at him as if he were in jeopardy of falling out of her reach. She gripped him, not wanting to let go. He didn't want to be let go of. Neither wanted to reach an end. He savored every second, almost wishing he could slow down time. He made love to her, wanting to leave an imprint on her soul—make it impossible for him to ever be forgotten. When he could no longer stand the delicious, almost torturous pleasure, both burst through the heights of their peaks like rockets shooting through the ozone. Screams erupted throughout the villa, neither of them caring what their neighbors heard. Grappling for each other, they held on tight, riding the wave of delight until they floated back down to earth and reality.

Hardly any words were spoken as Hunter took a cold shower, dressed and got his belongings together for his trip back home. It almost felt unfortunate when the concierge confirmed his ride to the airport. Now that guests were finally able to leave, Hunter also made sure that Chey had been relocated to a villa on the side where the power was working and then paid for her entire stay.

After exchanging reluctant goodbyes and one last dire kiss, Hunter was on his way, hoping she'd hold on to the paper he'd left on the coffee table with his email address and telephone number. In a matter of a few short days, in the midst of an unfortunate circumstance, Chey had managed to stimulate his mind, satisfy his body and stir his emotions. Hunter knew he had to find a way to see her again.

Chapter 12

hey wondered if she had done the right thing by pushing Hunter away. After seeing him off, she longed for his company. She chided herself for hushing him because she was too scared to hear what he had to say. It was better for her to just agree to the fact that nothing could possibly develop between them. This, she convinced herself, was just an adventure that she would cherish, and soon enough, she'd forget all about Hunter—maybe.

Chey had settled in her new villa on the other side of the resort. Now she was ready for the ski lesson that she was supposed to take days ago. Chey had planned with the intention of enjoying this excursion alone, but now without Hunter, she felt lonely.

“It's time for some action!” She pumped up her attitude. “I didn't come here to mope around. I came for an adventure.”

Chey threw on her gear and headed for the slopes. The frigid mountain air had frosted her fingers by the time she reached the lodge. She went straight for the gift shop to purchase a new pair of gloves, some that were better equipped to shield her hands from the bitter cold of the Utah mountains. She stuffed the cute but useless gloves that she'd come with inside her bag and met up with her instructor—an older gentleman with messy salt-and-pepper hair that hung over his eyes and skin that suggested he'd spent much more time on the sand than in the snow.

After being with her instructor, Casper, for an hour and a half, she'd been called a cute little snow bunny too many times to remember, ridden the magic carpet, face-planted a time or two and had at least one yard sale. Becoming familiar with the lingo, she didn't mind being called a snow bunny, the name she'd earned because her outfit was cute and not necessarily effective for ski attire. And she wasn't ashamed to admit that she had more fun riding the magic carpet, or ski lift—especially after face-planting a few times, which meant falling on her face. Her grand finale was the yard sale, or rather, the fall that sent her skis, poles and one of her boots flying in different directions.

Chey returned to the villa sore from her lesson, limping and laughing at herself and Casper's wild sense of humor. After peeling off her cold wet clothes, she stepped into the hot shower, and along with the water, thoughts of Hunter came raining down on her. She wondered if he'd made it home. Where was home, exactly? As much as they'd talked, they hadn't shared much personal information. She'd shied away from that as much as possible. All she really knew about Hunter besides the fact that he was a skillful lover was that he was also a lawyer and he had brothers. Chey had kept the exchange of personal information to a strategic minimum. She'd seen the note he'd left with his number and email address on it. Without reading thoroughly, she'd tossed it in her suitcase but had also thought about tossing it in the trash.

Chey stepped out of the shower and her stomach rumbled. She dressed quickly and headed to the concierge to find a restaurant off the grounds for a good meal and maybe a little shopping. The concierge called her a taxi, which took her to a small downtown area with shops and restaurants owned by locals. After filling her belly with one of the best burgers she'd ever tasted from what looked like a sketchy dive but had come highly recommended, she filled a few bags with souvenirs for herself, her sister and her parents.

Chey's trip was finally turning into the one she'd intended, until nightfall, when memories of her time with Hunter met her in front of the fireplace. She closed her eyes and felt his presence, smelled his masculine scent and remembered the sound of his husky whisper as he checked in to make sure he was loving her right. She didn't miss just his physical presence; she missed him, period.

A moan escaped Chey's throat. A shiver radiated from her core. She sat straight up and looked around. Despite being alone, she cleared her throat and repositioned herself in the chair.

“Damn you, Hunter!”

Chey got up, found her cell phone and went to the bedroom for her suitcase. Flipping the top back, she rummaged through her clothes but stopped, huffed and rolled her eyes before slapping it closed. Chey plopped on the bed with her arms folded in front of her and clucked her tongue. She couldn't be the first to call, but she hadn't given him her information.

“Ugh!” Chey flopped back on the bed. If she called him, she had to have a reason. That made sense to her. When she couldn't come up with a reason that sounded sane, she marched back to the living room and folded herself comfortably on the couch and dialed Deanna.

“Hey, snowbird! How's the trip going?”

“It's snow bunny, and it's going fine.” Chey laughed. “I went skiing today,” she sang.

“Oh my goodness! How was it?”

“Painful!” Chey had Deanna laughing hard as she recounted her first attempt and many blunders.

“Sounds like you're done with that.”

“Not at all!”

“Really, Chey?”

“Despite the fact that my hip feels like it displaced itself, I had fun. I want to get better at it.”

“If you insist. How's Hunter?” Deanna teased.

“Hunter should be home.”

“Aw. He left?”

“Wait! Deanna. What happened to ‘I can't believe you let that stranger sleep in your villa'? And when did we get to being sad about him leaving?”

“I was enjoying the updates. You know I'm living my adventures vicariously through you right now. What a disappointment!” She laughed. “Do you miss him?”


“Oh! Do you like him? He

“Deanna, why do you sound like a twelve-year-old?” Chey shook her head.

“Ha! I kind of feel like one. Now, tell me, did you start liking him once you got to know him a little? I don't know if I could have stayed in that room with a man as fine as him without getting into at least a little bit of trouble.”

Chey cleared her throat.


Chey swallowed.


She pursed her lips and looked around as if she were avoiding eye contact with Deanna via the phone.

“Oh. My. Goodness! Chey! You did it with that man!” Deanna's scream pierced Chey's ears and her laugh filled the line. “Say it!”

“Um...” Chey tried her best to suppress her smile, knowing it would burst into full laughter.

“You can't lie to me.” Deanna spoke the truth. Chey never could lie to her older sister.

Instead of answering, Chey burst out laughing. “Okay! Okay!”

Deanna screamed again. Chey pulled the phone from her ear and shook her head.

“Just tell me...was it good?” Deanna shrieked. Chey imagined her standing with her fist to her mouth in eager anticipation of her response. She made her wait a beat.

“Mind-blowing and body-shuddering good!”

“Whoo! I can't believe it, sis. Who knew that when you set out on an adventure, it would turn out like this? I couldn't have called it. I can't believe it!”

“Neither could I.” Chey laughed and then fell silent for a moment as she contemplated asking her sister if she should call to make sure he'd gotten in. “I was thinking...”

After a long bout of silence, Deanna nudged Chey. “About...”

“It's just that I was wondering if he'd gotten in safely.”

“Did you guys exchange contact information?”

“Not really...”


“He left his information. I didn't give him mine. I feel a little funny about calling.”

“Text him!” Deanna said as if it were the most obvious solution.

Chey drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I'll think about it.”

Chey got off the phone and thought about texting him for the next few hours. Later she sat before her computer and started working on her novel. She opened her email program and stared at the word
She figured, if anything, email was less personal than texting and it would keep Hunter from having her cell phone number.

Chey remembered the refined yet sultry masculine manner in which Hunter carried himself and again imagined the type of woman he was probably used to. Surely they were as gorgeous as he was, with judges, doctors or lawyers as parents—like him. They were clearly not the offspring of struggling small-town shop owners. Todd's family had done well, but they were country folk, not big-city savvy at all. Hunter was experienced in a way that differed from the way she'd grown up.

Somewhere between working on a new chapter and getting another cup of hot cocoa, she mustered up enough courage to open up a new-message template on her computer. With fingers hovering over the keys, she deliberated over what she should write.
Keep it simple.
Chey lifted her hands from the keys and let them fall in her lap. Blinking toward the ceiling, she deliberated some more.

“Okay!” she said to the air as her fingers raced across the keyboard, tapping out an almost formal memo. She deleted that and tried again, repeating this action several times. Finally, she settled on something a little less formal but certainly not personal enough to reflect how intimately they had come to know each other.

Dear Hunter,

It was great meeting you. I just wanted to check in and make sure you made it back safely. Take care.


Swirling her finger over the laptop's mouse pad, she took several moments before finally clicking Send. Then she sat back and exhaled.

Deciding that she'd had enough adventure for one day, Chey fired up her iPad, pulled up a movie on Netflix and watched until her eyes were too heavy to stay open. In her dreams, Hunter met her at the fireplace.

BOOK: His Love Lesson
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