His Need

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Authors: Ann King

Tags: #BDSM, #50 shades, #Erotic Romance, #submission, #series

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Ann King


Copyright 2012 by Ann King


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Dear Reader,

This is part 4 in the
31 Ways to Catch a Billionaire
series and, as such, to get the full picture of
events it is recommended you first read parts 1, 2 and 3. I hope
you enjoy reading 31 Ways to Catch a Billionaire as much as I
enjoyed writing it.


Ann King




The most sought after
, Carlos Kincade is young, rich
and devilishly handsome. He has everything he thought he could
possibly want until his grandfather’s will stipulates he must be
married by his 30th birthday to keep his inheritance. He’s suddenly
in need of a wife who can fulfill his every hot desire.


Struggling psychology
student Elsie Sherwood suddenly finds herself in need of another
job after a medical crisis in the family cost her family home.
Carlos Kincade offers her work for a
month but there are strings attached…and a diamond ring. She must
fulfill his thirty-one needs to play his wife until he fulfills his
grandfather’s will—but is the seduction too hot to


4 – the seduction




squeezed her eyes shut feeling as if she was going to die.
Her breathing became labored as she sat crouched on the floor of
the elevator, hugging her knees to her chest.

Are you okay, ma’am?” She
heard the voice of a man who must have entered the elevator after
her. She gave a deep sigh and pulled herself up with his
assistance, she had felt weak in the knees. A broken heart would
have that effect on a girl. She just could not wrap her head around
the fact that Carlos was using her for money. That was what it all
boiled down to, wasn’t it?

I’m okay,” she lied
quietly as he helped upright. She pressed the button to her floor
and leaned back into the mirrored wall of the elevator. It wasn’t
until she turned around and saw that it was one of Carlos’s
acquaintances from the event
, a tall thin
man with red hair and freckles. His eyes were dark and
unremarkable. He looked quite odd, actually. Oh, God! Had he
overheard the conversation or the argument she’d had with Carlos?
Her face heated up like an inferno. Acid burned in her throat. She
hadn’t even asked the man his name. She didn’t care to at the
moment. She was still seething at Carlos. She knew Carlos
introduced her to a million people in the ballroom but how was she
to remember all those names? When her floor came, she smiled
politely and walked out of the elevator without so much as a glance
back. It was too bad she hadn’t looked back because he was right
behind her. Before she could do anything he’d covered her mouth
with a cloth that smelled toxic. Before long she was passed

What seemed like minutes
later, she’d awoken up in another
suite on one of the high floors.

“Who…who are you?” she struggled
to talk as she pried her eyes open. The man was sitting on a chair
by the bedside with a glass of wine in his hand.

What in God’s name had she
gotten herself into? Going away to another city with the CEO of her
company, whom she knew little about outside of the company’s
brochure and what she’d Googled about him on the Internet. Was he a
dangerous man with dangerous connections? Or worse…did he have
dangerous enemies? Did he owe this man money?

“Relax, honey. I wouldn’t dare
lay a finger on you to hurt you. Carlos would have my balls for

It was funny but that statement
didn’t make Elsie feel any better.

“Oh, sorry about the smelling
sauce. I just wanted you to come quietly with me and well…I thought
this would be the best way.”

Elsie’s voice caught in
her throat. What was she to say to this man with the short cropped
red hair? He’d kidnapped her. He could be a psychopath, even if he
said he wouldn’t hurt her. She knew what he looked like. She could
identify him.

He tilted his head and

“Oh, honey, I can see the wheels
in your head turning. People saw me leave the ballroom after you.
Do you really think I’d be that crazy to kill you?”

“I…I didn’t say…”

“Relax. I’m Red Stilton, by the

How ironic, Elsie thought, since
his hair was red. She gathered it was probably a nick name.

“I’m only going to keep you for
a short time. I’m just going to deliver a message.”

“Wh-what message.” Elsie’s head
was still pounding like a bass drum. What the heck had she inhaled
in that cloth?

She propped herself up on the
bed and sat up holding her head in her hands trying to stop the

“Can I get you a drink?”

“You can get me the hell out of
here.” Where had that come from? This man was dangerous and all of
a sudden, Elsie didn’t give two shits. How dare he hold her against
her will? Suddenly, she’d felt fired up.

Red sighed and drew in a deep
breath. “Okay, we’ve got a few minutes before Carlos comes looking
for you. We both know that Carlos is using you to keep his
inheritance. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s no use.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, baby doll, your man is
not who he says he is…or who he thinks he is.”


Carlos Kincade is not the
true heir to the Kincade Empire and I have the papers to prove it.
Now all you have to do is break it off with him. Just tell him
adios. Give him his walking papers.”

“What are you talking about?
Carlos is a Kincade heir.”

No, he isn’t, honey.
Sorry to disappoint you. I know he promised you the

How do you...” Elsie
stopped herself before she revealed too much of Carlos`s plan in
case it was a trap.

How do I know?”
he smirked as if he’d caught on. “Well let’s
just say that I know a lot more than anyone else at the Kincade
Corporation. Anyway, darling, don’t waste your time with this man.
He won’t be worth two pennies next week when the news gets out
about who he really is. Save yourself while you can. That’s all I’m
saying. And by the way…I wouldn’t mention this little meeting of
ours with Carlos if I were you.” He winked with a cold

She narrowed her eyes as
she glared at Red. “Do you think I would marry Carlos because of
his money?”

Well of course. Isn`t
that what whores do?”

I am
a whore!” she
gritted her teeth. “I don’t give a shit what he owns, it’s who he
is not what he has that makes him a real man.” Where had that come

oh, it looks as if Carlos found himself a real warrior
princess here. Well you can save the act sweetheart all women are
the same. You all want a man with a big dick and an even bigger

She was seething inside,
aware of her chest heaving. She wanted to rip this man to shreds if
only she could.

Like I said,” he
continued ignoring her body language, “I wouldn’t mention this
meeting to Carlos. Just make sure that you do as I say. And by the
way, I know where you live and where your little cousin Dee hangs
out so no funny business okay? This meeting never happened.
Now…you’re free to go.” He took another swig of his drink and put
the glass down on the table not looking at her. His face seemed as
if he was burning up inside. Was this all part of some elaborate
scheme to overthrow Carlos?

Elsie was stumped. Her
breathing became laboured. Had he threatened her cousin`s life? The
nerve of him. How did he know so much about her? This game of the
rich and the powerful was getting more dangerous by the minute.
Elsie felt sick to her stomach.

Elsie jumped out of the
bed before he changed his mind, grabbed her bag and slipped on her
shoes and ran for the door, her heart still pounding hard in her
chest. She thought her knees would give out on her and she’d faint
to the floor but thankfully, she was out of that suite and in the
hallway. She recognized it was the same floor as Carlos’s suite and
ran for his door. She swiped the key card and entered and closed
the door behind her and slid to the floor.

God, she was in so much
trouble. This romantic fantasy had turned into a nightmare in one
catastrophic moment.


Red had laid one finger on you, I would have had him killed
before he knew what hit him.”

Elsie jolted up. She
lifted her head to see Carlos standing over her in the room
looking delicious and sexy as always. She was
relieved to see him. His steps must have been quiet because she
hadn’t heard him walk over to her. The scent of his sweet cologne
wafted past her nostrils and brought her senses back to life. He
must have been somewhere else in the enormous suite when she came

W-what? You kn-knew I was
kidnapped?” What was going on here?

Not quite, my dear. Your
panties are quite sophisticated. Not
only do I have a wired remote to play with you when I desire but I
can hear what you’re saying and who you are conversing with.” He
cocked a sexy brow in a James-Bond style pose.

What? You planted a bug
on me?
Is that what you do to all your
women, Carlos? Who are you? This is crazy. What`s going on?” Her
head was spinning like the spin cycle of a clothes drying

Relax. No, I
t place surveillance on everyone I
date—though I should. When you left, I saw Red leave behind you and
had my men follow both of you.” His hand was coolly in one pocket
while he held a glass of wine to his lips with the other

“But I didn’t see anyone.”

When you’re being
followed by professionals, you’re not supposed to…
They took the express elevator and got up to the
floor fast to Red’s suite. I know he’s working with my brother
John. I don’t fuck around when it comes on to my enemies, Ms
Sherwood.” He gave her a deadly stare and a cool glance. “Care to
have a glass?” he offered her a drink to which she shook her head
and squeezed her eyes shut before opening them again.

I’m always one step ahead
of the game,” Carlos continued. “I know there would be those who
despise me at the event tonight. I’m just surprised you just walked
off without first hearing my explanation.”

His eyes grew dark and
dangerous. The color of his skin tone seemed darker. His body
appeared more tense. She could see a muscle twitch in his

What are you going to do
about Red?”

crazy son-of-a-bitch made the worst mistake of his life. He
just touched my woman and held her against her will. Not smart. His
just reward is coming. Don`t worry about him.” He gave a wicked

Elsie was dazed.
Carlos just refer to her as
Oh, God! And this man gorgeous sophisticated man before her who’d
given so much to help disadvantaged youth from every background and
donated so much of his time and money to helping the
unfortunate…could he have a heart of stone as well as a heart of

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