His Need, Her Desire

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Authors: Malia Mallory

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

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His Need, Her Desire

An Erotic Novella

by Malia Mallory

Tabitha Quinn didn't come to Hawaii to be spanked. But when vacationing businessman Marcus Granger saves her from drowning, they begin an affair that moves from the beach to the bedroom and straight into an experience Tabitha's never had before: dark-haired, blue-eyed Marcus is a dominant, and spanking is just the beginning. The sex is intense, the emotion even more so, until they both must decide if this is a holiday fling or the real thing.





Copyright 2012 by Malia Mallory

ISBN: 978-1-3012-0960-6

Cover design by Robin Ludwig Design Inc.,


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The characters and events portrayed in this book are a work of fiction or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


This story contains sexually explicit material, and is intended only for persons over the age of 18. By downloading and opening this document, you are stating that you are of legal age to access and view this work of fiction. All of the characters involved in the sexual situations in this story are intended to be 18 years of age or older, whether they are explicitly described as such or not.


This story is a work of fiction and depicts fantasy situations. Safe sex practices are not always referenced. Please always be sure to educate yourself about safe sex before engaging in physical intimacy. Please do not try any sexual practice without proper knowledge and guidance.


Table of Contents

His Need, Her Desire

About the Author

Connect with Malia Mallory

Excerpt from The ABCs of Erotica - G is for Gigolo

Other Titles by Malia Mallory

Complete List of Titles

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His Need, Her Desire


Tabitha wrestled to stake a claim on her armrest with her elbow and once again failed. Being on a plane bored her. Tabitha liked the actual flying, the sensation of being in the air and the beautiful views out the window. However, being trapped in a too tight seat with stale air was not her idea of fun. She'd prepared by bringing food, books, and music, but none of it held her attention. As a last resort, Tabitha attempted to sleep so she could arrive rested. So far, no such luck.

It wasn't noisy passengers or a child kicking her seat; it was the anticipation of her first trip to Hawaii. In addition, this was one of the longest flights she'd ever experienced. She'd changed planes in Chicago, and the Chicago to Hawaii leg was nine hours long. Even going to Europe, she hadn't been on a plane ride that lengthy with no respite.

Fidgeting in her seat, Tabitha searched for a comfortable position.
Could they make these things any smaller
? She didn't feel she was that tall at 5'9", but her knees were jammed into the back of the seat in front of her. She wasn't a twig. She considered herself average. Still, her hips touched the armrests on both sides of her.

Tabitha shifted in her seat again and the seam of her pants rubbed against her clit, sending a pleasurable zing through her body.
Wow, that felt good
. She glanced around at her fellow passengers. Some were napping and a few were still trying to watch the in-flight movie. The man next to her had his face buried in a newspaper and his elbow on the armrest.
Do I dare continue
? Perhaps the restroom would be better. Once the thought crossed her mind, she immediately rejected it. She'd been in the lavatory an hour earlier, and it had been absolutely filthy. Membership in the mile high club must be lagging. Maybe it was best if she flew solo.

The light was dim in the cabin, and Tabitha didn't think anyone noticed her movements. She tentatively shifted again. The fabric bunched in just the right spot. She couldn't resist, and frankly, she didn't intend to. She shifted her hips side to side very slowly, almost imperceptibly. Her clit swelled with arousal.
Should I do it?
At home, she’d always used a vibrator, but she hadn't brought it with her, fearful that an airport TSA agent might start waving it around. Besides, she would be sharing a room with her friend, Barbara, and didn't expect to have time for such private things.

Tabitha continued to shimmy her hips, glancing around again. No one seemed the wiser. She felt very naughty, masturbating right here on the plane in full view of all the passengers. Surprisingly, the idea heightened her arousal. She clenched inside as heat built within her.

Tabitha touched her breast with her fingertips as if sweeping away imaginary crumbs from a snack. Her nipples puckered.
I can't believe I'm doing this
. Again and again, she rubbed against the raised seam of her pants. Inside, her panties were getting wet.

Down the aisle, a very hunky surfer-type guy was heading her way. She positioned herself on the armrest in such a way that she was slightly in the aisle. As he brushed past, she leaned out a bit more and felt his warmth against her arm. His unwitting participation in her adventure pushed her over the edge. Her hands clenched as her orgasm rolled through her. She bit her lip to hold back her cries and desperately tried to keep her breathing even.

The man to her right lowered his paper. "Are you all right, Miss?"

"Yes, yes I'm fine," Tabitha gasped.

"Are you sure? You're not having an asthma attack are you?"

"No, I'm fine, really." She gave him a reassuring smile and he went back to reading his paper.

Tabitha stifled her erupting laughter with a cough, astounded by her audacity. This type of daring behavior was unusual for her, but she had her moments. She was on vacation, right? Why not kick things off with a bang?


As Tabitha deplaned in Oahu, the first thing she noticed was the air. It wasn't like the thick, heavy air in New York. An indistinct floral fragrance tinged with faint saltiness from the ocean filled the space. It reminded her of the candles she had in her apartment bathroom.

Restraining herself from doing an impromptu two-step into the terminal, she tamped down her excitement. She'd been planning this trip with Barbara for months. They were childhood friends, but Tabitha hadn't seen Barb in at least five years. Between jobs and commitments, they'd had infrequent contact. There had been a phone call here and there and exchanged holiday cards, but they had drifted apart. Barbara had proposed they take a trip. They'd take a vacation together and get all caught up. It would be just like old times.

When Barb had first suggested Hawaii, Tabitha had been resistant. She didn't think she could afford the cost, but they had gotten a good deal by planning ahead. Barb's plane from Houston landed twenty minutes before Tabitha's, and they planned to meet at the coffee shop in the airport terminal.

After exiting the jetway, Tabitha turned on her phone and almost immediately, it signaled that she had a voicemail. To her horror, it was from Barbara. She was not coming. There was an unspecified "family emergency" and she hoped Tabitha understood. Tabitha sank into a nearby seat, stunned. She'd never expected to spend a week in Hawaii by herself. She had imagined the two of them going to the beach, sightseeing and even learning to surf. Now Tabitha faced a week of solitary meals and loneliness. Not only that, she would probably have to pay the entire hotel bill herself.

Tabitha did a quick mental calculation trying to determine if she could cover it. Things would be very tight financially when she returned home. For an instant, she experienced a mixture of irritation and mild anger, but it quickly passed and her normal good mood reasserted itself. Barbara would not have canceled without an extremely good reason. Both of them had changed over time, but surely Barb had not changed that much.

As her negativity dissipated, Tabitha began to worry.
What am I doing thinking about my vacation when Barbara has an emergency?
Tabitha dialed Barb's number but the call went directly to voicemail. She left a message telling Barb not to worry and that she hoped everything was okay.

Tabitha returned to her feet, making her way via the posted signs. She exited the secured area and headed toward the baggage claim. When she arrived, some of the bags were already traveling around on the belt. She felt relief at not having to wait, yet what was the point now? She wasn't in any hurry.

As she waited, she studied the people congregating in the baggage area. People watching was a favorite pastime of hers. In New York, there was an endless supply of interesting characters to observe. It wasn't long before her eyes settled on an attractive, dark-haired man. He appeared to be in his mid-30s and held himself with an air of self-confidence that indicated wealth, position or both. She mentally speculated on the reason for his visit. Was he a doctor here for medical conference? Gorgeous Guy did have that look about him.

Tabitha’s thoughts shifted to an elderly couple. She wondered if they were moving to Hawaii for retirement or if it was a special trip for a milestone anniversary? Her bag arrived and she pulled it off the belt. With a leisurely gait, she headed toward the taxi stand.


As the taxi traveled toward Waikiki, Tabitha considered her options: stay and make the best of it or go home early. Changing the ticket might cost a hundred dollars or more, and she would lose the deposit at the hotel. She would miss her long-planned Hawaiian vacation to boot.

Tabitha stared out at the bright sky and saw clouds reflected on the side of a mirrored building. The vast blue ocean beckoned her from the right and the green-covered mountains drew her from the left. Diamondhead glittered in the distance.

No, she didn't want to leave. She would stay and make the best of it. She could still have a good time, couldn't she? She was not the traveling-alone type. It made her feel self-conscious. She knew a woman at the office who did it often. Kim traveled alone all the time and raved about it, saying how great it was she didn't have to conform to anyone else's schedule or see anything that she didn't choose to see. Tabitha pondered that attitude for a moment.

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