His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (29 page)

Read His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) Online

Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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Emily cried out when his fingers sank
into her. So intent on waiting for that pleasure, she hadn’t been
aware of what else Dillon was planning until he shifted and nudged
her thighs apart. This was it, she thought. He would enter her now.
As educated as she was in these matters, she wasn’t prepared for
his lips and tongue to kiss her there. She almost came off the rug
with the bolt of pure pleasure like lightening that coursed through
her, but Dillon held her in place. Slowly, he lifted her so he
could feast. Emily thought she would die from pleasure as he
kissed, licked and sucked while his fingers rhythmically moved
within her. Her climax grew and she was without the will to stop


* * *


She was more passionate and responsive
than before and Dillon couldn’t believe his luck in finding her. As
she tensed around his fingers Dillon increased the rhythm of his
tongue until Emily was crying and spasming beneath him. Slowly, he
lowered her to the rug and lifted himself from her. She laid on her
back, drained, eyes closed and breaths labored. He slid up her body
until he was nestled between her thighs once more. Emily opened her
eyes and smiled. He thrust against her once more, she groaned and
pressed against him.

He could no longer wait, but he wasn’t
going to take her on the floor. Rolling over, he bent and scooped
her in his arms and carried her to the bed where he deposited her
before quickly relieving himself of his britches. At least he
didn’t have to hide himself for fear of scarring her. She was
already well acquainted with his cock. Emily lifted her arms to
welcome him as he came down on the bed. They rolled into each
other. Dillon kissed her madly as he rolled on top. There, he
nestled himself again, but no barriers lay between them. Lifting
her buttocks he probed for her entrance and slowly entered the
tight, moist sheath. He groaned with the pleasure of it.

Emily lifted and allowed him further
access. Dillon tried to go slow, but it was killing him. He
couldn’t lose his seed and leave her a virgin. He wasn’t a green
schoolboy anymore.

She tilted, bringing him further in.
Dillon could not hold back and plunged forward, tearing through her
thin bearer.

Emily stiffened at the pain. Dillon
held still and looked down at her. She grinned back. This was the
most incredible experience of her life.

Dillon took her lips once again in a
deep, passionate kiss as he began to move in the age-old rhythm.
Emily met his thrusts equally. Dillon didn’t think he could hold
out for her but her pleasure peaked quickly and as she tightened
around him, his cry met hers as his seed pumped into her



Chapter 18


The sun was high in the sky when Emily
felt the feather kisses on her neck and shoulder. One hand caressed
her breast. It took a moment to wake and then she relaxed and
allowed Dillon to do as he wished. The moment he touched her,
pleasure spiraled and in a matter of moments she was climaxing.
Dillon didn’t wait for her to recover and was soon pressing himself
into her. Emily opened, welcoming him. In just a few thrusts, she
climaxed again, taking Dillon with her. Her earlier release had
been slow to build. These were quick and intense.

Dillon rose from the bed and tucked the
blankets around her. “Get some more sleep, love. This is a big day
for you and I want you refreshed.” He kissed the tip of her nose
and went into the bathing chamber and closed the door behind

Emily willed sleep to claim her so she
could put off thinking about what was to come, but sleep would not
come. In the comforts of the warm bed she listened as he bathed and
prepared for the day. He was humming a tune. She didn’t know he
hummed nor had she been aware he snored. Dillon emerged still damp,
with a towel around his waist and grinned at her. That smile almost
made her heart stop. Why did their relationship have to be so
difficult and rewarding at the same time? Her heart ached to be
with him but in the light of day and in the face of reality, she
knew it was not possible.

He dressed quickly, preparing for their
wedding while Emily silently watched. She blinked the tears

Once he had every article in place,
Dillon sat on the bed and kissed her. “I didn’t dare approach you
until I was fully clothed. The temptation to climb back under the
covers would have been too much for me.”

Emily smiled up at him. “I should get
up and bathe.” She started to rise.

But Dillon pushed her back against the
pillows. “Don’t get out of this bed until I am gone. A mere glimpse
of your flesh will have me disrobing and we have important matters
to attend to.”

Very well.” Emily sighed,
relaxing against the pillows as she watched Dillon take his leave.
As soon as the door clicked, Emily pulled herself from the bed and
prepared her bath, prolonging each moment before she had to appear
downstairs. She’d been thankful for the pumped in water last night,
now she would welcome the extended time it would take to heat water
in the kitchen and bring it up to the chamber. Last night had been
the most beautiful night of her life. Today would most likely be
the worst.

Coffee, tea and biscuits awaited Emily
as she entered the kitchen. Dillon was seated at the table while he
reviewed the morning post from Pevensey. At her entrance, he
glanced up and smiled.

Emily paused momentarily before walking
to the table and to take her seat. This was going to be difficult,
but she prayed he would understand. After taking a sip of the
bitter coffee, she leveled her eyes on him and set her cup aside.
It was now or never.

I cannot marry you,

He sat and stared at her.

I said, I cannot marry

Dillon laid the paper on the table and
his cup on the saucer. “May I ask why?”

It’s unfair to you and

No. You are wrong. This is
the best decision I’ve made in my life.”

Emily got up from her chair and began
to pace. She couldn’t simply sit at the table and discuss this
calmly. Her nerves would not allow it. “If you marry someone your
parents approve of, you won’t have to be employed,” she

He stood and planted his hands on the
table. “I enjoy working for Ellings. It’s fulfilling in ways I’d
never imagined.”

Emily whipped around to face him. “How
long have you worked for him?”

Two weeks.” Dillon sounded
proud of his accomplishment.

A very short time for a
gentleman who has not ever had to serve another in his life.” She
resumed her pacing. “How soon before you become tired of answering
to others and traveling to various estates you can never own while
your friends carry on with their lives?”

I don’t know if I will grow
weary of the position, but I’ll do what I must,” he

You won’t be received in
society as you have been before.”

That doesn’t matter to me.
My friends will never turn us away.”

She faced him again. Why didn’t he
understand this was for the best? “They are only a handful of
people among hundreds. When you grow tired of being in the shadows
and no longer openly acceptable, you’ll grow to resent

I would never.” He walked
around the table toward her. “Do you have so little faith in me and
my love for you?”

Emily stepped to the side, and put the
table between them again. It wasn’t that she feared Dillon in his
anger she simply couldn’t bear to have him touch her when she had
so much to say. His simple touch would crumble her resolve and she
couldn’t afford to let that happen for both of their

I don’t doubt that you feel
this way now and this is more difficult for me than you can
imagine. I never knew it was possible to love someone so completely
as I do you. But it’s because of my love that I can’t let you ruin
your life. Neither one of us can predict how you’ll feel in the
future when you begin to miss your old life.”

I have no use for that life
if you are not my wife. And, I don’t believe I will be shunned from

You have been in society
much longer than I and even I know that you’ll commit an
unforgivable act in marrying a nobody and taking a position not
much higher than a servant.”

Dillon began to walk around
the table. “That
does not
matter to me.”

Emily scooted around the table to keep
her distance. “It should. Not only does it affect your future but
Celia’s as well.”

Dillon stopped. “The duke and duchess
will sponsor her when the time comes”

She will still be the
daughter of the man who shunned societal rules and married a
professor’s daughter.”

She is the granddaughter of
a magistrate,” Dillon reminded her.

Which convinces me further
that her stepmother needs to be someone in society. It will be the
only chance she has of an advantageous marriage.”

My mother’s plans
advantageous marriage only brought pain and heartache. I will
not do that to my daughter.”

Her plans and position also
allow you to move in society. At least you had the opportunity to
meet ladies of quality because of the wealth behind your name.
Ellings can put Celia in that same society, but everyone will
already judge her by your actions and how many gentlemen will
consider her seriously?”

They will if they care
about her.”

They won’t ever allow
themselves the chance to meet her, let alone come to care for her.
The dye would have already been cast.”

Dillon stood silently for a moment.
“When did you decide all this? Yesterday you were willing to marry

Emily looked away from him. “I never
said yes to your proposal.”

Dillon stilled. “You never had any
intention of marrying me.” His voice was soft in cold anger. It
chilled Emily, but she had expected as much. When she looked up at
him, his eyes were hard and angry. It was just what she’d

I did have misgivings last
night but I couldn’t think rationally at the time. This morning I
realized what a mistake it would be.”

Yet, you let me make love
to you thought there was a probability we would not

I wanted that between us.
If I had voiced my concerns, last night you would have never stayed
with me.”

On that you are correct.”
He slammed his fist on the table.

Think of your future. Think
of Celia. Think of your family. She may not appreciate you marrying
a stranger. One who could ruin any chance she could have of a
brighter future.”

Dillon stilled, his face relaxed. “My
daughter and her opinion means that much to you.”

Of course. You are the only
parent she has and you have already missed out on so much. What if
she resented me? Hated me? Then what would you do?”

He took a step forward and reached for

Emily backed away. “Don’t. I know what
it is like to grow up without a mother, but I believe I was closer
to my father because of it. Don’t take that away from her.” Tears
streamed down her face and she wiped them away with the sleeve of
her dress.

You are right.”

Her heart constricted. She knew he
would agree with her, but it hurt still the same.

I will leave the deed and
be gone.”

Dillon chuckled. “Yes, you will be
leaving. You are coming back to London with me.”

No. I already planned to go
to one of Ellings estates. I’ve had my fill of London.”

But, London is where Celia

And you should be with
her.” Her heartbeat increased.

I will, and so will you.”
He pulled her into his arms. “You are right. I should have never
considered marrying you without Celia first meeting

It still doesn’t change
anything. Whether she likes me or not, you would still have to work
for my guardian.”

Oh, Emily. Do be quiet.” He
tilted her chin up and brushed his lips across hers. “I will take
you to meet Celia. I promise to make no plans until she has offered
an opinion.”



Chapter 19


A note has been sent and
Celia should arrive here shortly with my uncle.” Dillon settled in
the chair across from her.

Emily jumped up and began to pace the
yellow sitting room of the Ellings townhouse. Dillon was so sure
and she just wished she could be. He lounged in a chair before the
fire and watched her, completely calm. It irritated her to know
end. How could she even think about marrying him? Was she being
selfish in wanting to be his wife?

I can’t bear the thought of
your needing to work. You wouldn’t have to if you didn’t marry

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