His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (7 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

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If only he could find a way to learn
more about her background, then he would know if he was free to
court her. Since he could remember his duty had been very clear in
the type of marriage or title he would marry. Emily had to have a
high connection. He couldn’t imagine she didn’t, not given who her
guardian was.

He did manage to learn a few more
interesting facts the previous day when he’d gone to his parent’s
estate to see the gardener. According to Simms, Emily’s mother had
married a titled gentleman, but he couldn’t recall who. The aunt
had heard from her sister only occasionally before she died.
Apparently they’d lived in Scotland, but Simms couldn’t offer
anything further because Emily’s mother hadn’t been raised here.
Aunt Beatrice had only taken up residence in Pevensey upon her own

One daughter married a lord and the
other, a country gentleman who made his earnings in trade. Had
Emily’s mother married higher than her station or Beatrice lower?
Dillon shrugged mentally as Emily returned, carrying a tray. He
would have his answers eventually.


* * *

Three days of rain plagued them after
the front yard had been planted and Dillon grew irritated as each
day passed as he was unable to see Emily. Today, the sun shined
brightly and Dillon sat on a bench beneath one of the trees, facing
his newly landscaped yard waiting as Emily arrived.

It is simply lovely.” She
sighed with a dreamy smile.

Dillon couldn’t agree with her more and
brought her hand to his lips, though he wasn’t looking at the

Now that the outside is
complete, would you mind giving your opinion on the

What would Chambers think?
Shouldn’t he be directing the decorating?”

I believe he would
appreciate the opinion of a lady to make this place more

Why?” she asked with a
laugh. “He doesn’t even live here.”

Dillon lifted an eyebrow. “Perhaps he
plans on bringing a lady here.”

Emily’s eyes opened in shock and she
whispered, “A trysting place, you mean?”

Dillon chuckled at her innocent
question. “I’d hope he would have more honorable

Emily straightened. “I should hope so,”
she stated indignantly.


* * *

Emily offered a few suggestions and
only minor ones as Dillon gave her a tour of the house. The final
room was Chamber’s bedroom. “So, this is Chamber’s chamber.” She
giggled. Dillon rolled his eyes at her.

The room was at the corner of the house
and graced with two windows on each corner wall. Emily went to the
side first and gasped at the view. Not far way she could see the
lake where they’d fished. At the moment, ducks frolicked in the
water. Even when the trees were in full foliage one would be able
to see the peaceful water. The view from the back windows actually
looked down on the front yard. There she could see the beds
recently planted with nothing obstructing her view. It was a
pleasant sight indeed and she tried to imagine how it would be on a
warm, summer evening with the windows open. A summer breeze would
bring the sweet fragrance into the room. There was nothing to
change here.

Finally she turned and smiled. “This
room and its location are perfect. Whomever Chambers brings here
will be very pleased indeed.”

I am glad you like

It is not I who needs to
like it.”

Dillon drew up to her side. “Still, I’m
glad you do like it.” He pulled her closer until their bodies

Emily knew he was going to kiss her.
She had waited through three days of rain to be kissed again.
Without thought, she lifted her hands and placed them on his
shoulders as he bent his head towards hers. It was the first time
she realized how much taller he was than her. The first time they
had kissed they had both been seated. The other times he had waited
until she was on her horse. This was her first kiss


* * *


His lips feathered across hers gently
at first before becoming forceful. When he touched his tongue to
her lips, Emily opened for him. Soon they were drowning in each
other. Dillon brought his hand behind her head for leverage as he
plundered. Emily’s hand went behind his neck and into his hair,
holding him close. Her breasts flattened against his chest.
Dillon’s hand slid down her back and to her hips, gently pushing
her closer, bringing her stomach in contact with his aroused state.
His other hand left the back of her head and slid down her arm and
to her waist. From there he caressed her waist, ribs and soon his
hand found her breast. Emily moaned. Their mouths remained fused.
He was on fire for her. Beneath her dress he could fill her nipples
tighten and he stroked, bringing her pleasure and himself pain. He
knew he was only torturing himself but he couldn’t stop from
awakening her passions.

His mouth left hers and trailed down
her jaw, behind her ear and to her neck. Dillon stopped his kissing
trail when he reached the top of her bodice. He wanted nothing more
than to slip a few buttons free and continue, but he didn’t trust
himself. He knew that if he gave himself permission for two
buttons, he would eventfully reason away her dress and that could
not, under any circumstances, happen now. It was up to him to bring
this to an end because Emily was beyond protesting. She clung to
him for support and her breath now came in passionate pants. He
could easily take her now and she would be too lost in waves of
physical pleasure that she wouldn’t be aware of what he was about
until he pierced her innocence. That thought alone had him pulling
away. Despite her passionate response, he couldn’t forget that she
was an innocent and hadn’t even been kissed until a week

Emily appeared dazed when Dillon
finally focused on her face. Her eyes were heavy lidded, her lips
swollen and a pleasant, rosy color formed on her cheeks. He had
never seen a lovelier, more desirable woman in his life. Groaning,
he completely disengaged his body from hers. “We should return
outside.” He sounded strangled even to his own ears.

Slowly, Emily’s eyes seemed to focus on
him and she smiled. “Yes. I suppose.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her from
the room. He was very close to losing his resolve to keep her
innocent, despite his honorable intentions. His gut and heart knew
where he was proceeding but, he was a bachelor, thirty years of
age, and this particular path needed to be traveled slowly and

Emily sighed as she settled back on the
bench once they were again outside. “Do you think Chambers would
sell this property?”

Dillon looked down at her, surprised by
the question. His lips quirked into a smile. “I’m not sure. He is
rather fond of the place”

I do have a small, very
small inheritance from my father. I suppose it has been earning
interest over the years.”

I thought you said you had
nothing to offer in the marriage mart.”

The amount is not enough
incentive for anyone in society to seriously consider

Dillon had to wonder if Emily ever
looked in a mirror. Her face and form were incentive

I know it wouldn’t be
enough for a place like this but I believe His Grace would loan me
the extra.”

Dillon was intrigued with how her mind
worked and was curious to see how she would proceed. “How would you
pay him back, even if he allowed you to leave his

Emily easily dismissed his questions.
“Claresta will be married in a year or two and no longer in need of
a companion. Given my age, the duke will no longer need to feel
responsible for me. I shouldn’t really remain in his household much

Dillon seriously doubted that Ellings
would agree.

Paying him back would be
simple enough. I had planned on finding a position as a governess.
Perhaps I should consider teaching instead. I’m sure I could find a
position with the school in the village.”

He couldn’t believe she thought to
work. Regardless of who her father was, Emily was still the ward of
a duke and wards of such powerful men did not earn that own way in
the world. He knew enough of Ellings to be positive he would never
let Emily take a position.

Or, a number of families
are placed well enough for their daughters to have a season. I
could instruct the young ladies in etiquette and all manners of
polite society to prepare them for a debut. My earnings should be
quite enough to support me and pay Ellings back his

Dillon was stunned. Emily shouldn’t be
teaching anyone but her own children. Though it wasn’t uncommon for
an impoverished noblewoman to become a governess, he didn’t plan on
Emily facing that fate. “You seem to have thought this through,

Oh, I have.” She turned
toward him. “I’ve been planning for the past two years.”

Now you wish to live here?”
he asked quietly.

I’ve never seen a more
perfect place in my life.” Emily sighed, returning her eyes to the

His heart raced at the thought of her
living here with him. “You’ll return after the season?” he

Yes. I would like

Can I hope that you will
wish to continue spending time with me?” He searched her eyes. He
knew all too well how much simplicity could be erased once in the
grander town of London. Especially at the height of the season. He
was also becoming increasingly uncomfortable for not having told
her who he really was. He knew that she would probably be angry at
first. Hopefully she would remember how they felt at this very

Emily continued to smile. “Yes. I’ll be
looking forward to my return.”

I’ll be waiting for you, on
this bench, the first day of July. If you don’t return, I will know
you had a change of heart.”

Emily smiled and placed her hand on his
cheek. “I’ll be here.”

At her assurance, Dillon leaned over
and kissed her gently. Emily sighed as he pulled away.


* * *


Today was sunny, bright and unusual for
an English day in April As they lived in a country plagued with
more rain and dreariness than anyone should have to face, days like
today were all the more appreciated. Neither wanted to be inside
and Dillon had set up a picnic area near the lake before she had
arrived. These past days that he had spent with Emily were becoming
more precious and special than a sunny day in an English spring. He
couldn’t remember the last time he had looked so forward to seeing
a woman and so anxious to spend time with her, simply talking. Of
course he wanted to do more than just talk. He had been very
careful not to let their physical desires get out of hand since the
day they had toured the cottage. Dillon feared his own control at
stopping his passion where Emily was concerned.

It had never been a problem before.
Yes, he loved women, always had. He’d had many lovers in his past,
but none had ever caused him to fear losing control or being too
caught up in his passion to stop anything before it was too late
and there was a permanent reminder of their time together.
Additionally, Emily wasn’t a lover or mistress. She was his friend
and an innocent. She had been raised by a gentleman and now was the
ward of the Duke of Ellings. A gentleman did not take liberties
with that type of woman without appreciating the duty he would be
required to fulfill in marrying her if he let his passions gain
control. Not that marrying Emily would be any hardship. Hardly
that. His concern was they hadn’t told each other everything about
themselves. Yes, they had fascinating discussions and knew of each
other’s favorite pastimes. Neither knew the other’s last name or
from which family they came from. Such minor details were very
important in the world in which they live.

He didn’t doubt that her
connections were high, but a part of him wondered at that as well.
If her connections were so high, why was she spending so much time
with a laborer, a commoner? That one little concern stayed at the
back of his mind and helped cool his ardor. It could simply be that
she wasn’t pretentious as so many others or it could be that
something truly horrible had happened that kept her from the
If so, how terrible
and would his parents have an apoplexy if he pursued her? There was
too much Dillon still needed to learn about his Emily before taking
the final path that he believed they were destined upon.

At least he now understood his friends’
obsessions with their own wives. Until he’d met Emily, Dillon
hadn’t understood. Now he knew what it felt like to be in love, to
finally meet that one person you wanted to spend every moment with.
It was dangerous thinking, that he knew, but Dillon freely admitted
that he could very well be falling in love with Emily. He
recognized his own symptoms from the same signs he had seen in
Marius, Taylor, Martin and Richard, when they had finally given in
and acknowledged their emotions. They’d acted not unlike he was
feeling now. To think he had feared never finding what they had
been blessed with. Dillon had often worried that his opportunity
for such joy had died years ago with Rose, when they had both been
too young to appreciate how rare their bond had been. Now, he was
almost sure he was being given another chance. Still, there were
too many unanswered questions between them.

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