His Runaway Maiden (14 page)

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Authors: June Francis

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Historical, #Fiction

BOOK: His Runaway Maiden
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‘We will tell Godmother and she will warn her,’ said Rosamund.

‘No,’ said Alex firmly. ‘We need to catch our conspirators in the act and must have definite proof. Those involved are people of position and power.’

‘So is my godmother.’

‘I would not deny it, but despite her position and her connection to the royal family, some regard Lady Elizabeth as being a little mad. She has admitted as much herself. We must be patient.’

She nodded and winced with the pain in her head. ‘Tell me—were you able to follow Edward?’

‘Aye. I saw him in conversation with Lord Bude.’

‘Lord Bude! Could you hear what they were saying?’

‘Unfortunately, no. Why do you ask?’

Rosamund felt the colour flood to her face. ‘I have just realised that it is possible that I mistook him for you in the Hanseatic church in the Steel Yard.’

‘You mean he and Ingrid were locked in an embrace?’ He laughed. ‘Now, is he being ensnared by Ingrid to work for the conspirators or is he already one of them and she has
a fancy for him? Even I would admit he is a handsome man. He also has a title, which always impresses Ingrid. I wonder what Fustian would make of it if he knew of that embrace?’

Rosamund thought he did not sound the least bit jealous of Bude. ‘Do you still want me to indulge in conversation with Lord Bude at the dress rehearsal?’

‘If you can, but don’t worry if you can’t.’

She nodded and then frowned, giving a little shiver before massaging her forehead.

Alex looked at her with concern. ‘Are you cold? Do you have a megrim?’

‘Aye. The noise and the smoke and…there is a draught.’

‘Then let us slip away before the royal family returns. I, too, have had enough of people and noise.’

A relieved Rosamund said, ‘What about Godmother?’

‘If we see her on the way out, we can explain that you are not feeling well.’

‘Do we tell her about Edward and Ingrid?’

‘Of course. But that can wait until later. Right now you need a quiet, dark room to lie down in.’

As they made their way to their bedchamber, Rosamund was aware that her husband’s hand was on his sword hilt. It was as if he was prepared for any sudden attack on them. Fortunately, they arrived at their destination without any unwelcome surprises. It was pure joy to kick off her shoes and stretch out on the bed and close her eyes.

The fire was still burning. Obviously, a servant had put more logs on it and there was a bucket of them at the side of the hearth. Not wanting Rosamund to get chilled, Alex put a couple more on the fire. Anxiety gnawed at his innards. He had never felt this worried about anyone
before. Neither his grandparents nor Harry or Ingrid. What if this megrim was a sign of a serious illness and she died? He remembered her being out in the snow without a cloak and how her teeth had chattered.

‘Are you cold still?’ he asked.

‘I do feel a little shivery.’

He hurried over to her and sat on the side of the bed and placed a hand on her forehead. He was relieved to find that it was not burning hot.

‘Perhaps you would be better sitting by the fire.’

She sat up as if he had given her an order. ‘If that is what you want me to do?’

He smoothed back her hair from her forehead. ‘I want you to do whatever makes you feel better.’

‘As long as I do not have to open my eyes.’

Alex slid an arm beneath her and lifted her up and carried her over to the chair by the fire. He sat down with her on his knee. ‘How is this?’

‘Fine.’ Rosamund rested her head against his shoulder. ‘Are you comfortable?’ she murmured.

‘Aye.’ He was aware of the soft curve of her breast beneath the velvet cloak against his arm and the silky hair brushing his chin. ‘We have been married only two days, but it seems longer,’ he murmured.

‘Is that good or bad?’

He smiled. ‘I do not believe it is a bad sign.’

‘Is it not strange that some days go by like a flash and others, like today, have so much fitted into them? Ingrid was angry when I told her you were my husband. She said a Baron would need much inducement to marry me. I should have mentioned Godmother’s dowry.’

‘I have no need of your dowry, but it would have impressed Ingrid. I would have liked to have been there when she told Edward that we were married.’

Rosamund opened her eyes to look into her husband’s face. He was grinning. She touched his cheek. ‘You have a good face.’

He took her hand and brushed her knuckles with his lips. ‘You have a lovely face.’

She smiled and lowered her eyelids again. ‘Edward will not like it that I am a Baroness.’

‘The new Baron and Baroness Dalsland. I can hear us being introduced at a masque in Stockholm.’

‘Were the old ones happy?’ asked Rosamund.

‘They respected each other and seemed content,’ he replied. ‘Although it was a grief to them that only my mother survived infancy. Sadly she must have been a disappointment to them.’

‘Why do you believe that?’ She yawned and closed her eyes. ‘Did they say so?’

‘No. But she presented them with only one grandchild and he was the illegitimate son of a foreigner.’ Alex’s voice sounded sad.

Rosamund’s eyelids fluttered open and she stared at him. ‘What are you saying?’

‘I should have told you before we were wed, but there were others present and I did not want them to know that I was a bastard,’ he said in bitter tones. ‘Neither could I risk them knowing the name of my father.’

‘Is this the secret you would not tell me?’

‘Aye. My father is a Scottish earl, but I did not know of his existence until six months ago.’ Alex found it easier
to say than he had ever imagined. ‘My mother was his mistress for several years and I was the result of their union. She died soon after my birth and I was sent with a wet nurse to my grandparents’ home in Sweden. I grew up believing my father was a Swedish hero who had been killed in battle. It was his name I used most of my life. My grandmother did not tell me the truth until she was on her deathbed.’

Rosamund was moved almost to tears. ‘How terrible for you to believe yourself one person and then discover you are someone else altogether.’

Her sympathy warmed his heart and he hugged her close and covered her mouth with his and gave her an enthusiastic kiss.

Rosamund felt her megrim ebbing away as she returned his kiss. She was aware of a tide of pleasure creeping over her. Of their own volition her arms wound themselves around his neck.

He lifted her off her feet and carried her over to the bed, where he placed her down without breaking off the kiss. He lay beside her and when he did bring the kiss to an end, it was so he could press kisses down the line of her throat. His fingers undid the fastenings on the front of her gown. She stilled, but when he proceeded to kiss her lips once more and he made no move to remove her gown then she relaxed. He nibbled her ear. A tiny giggle escaped her and he flicked his tongue around its shell-like rim whilst undoing the ribbons at the neck of her undergown. He eased the garment from her shoulders. Aware of his arousal, Alex prayed she was not. He must keep himself under control and concentrate firmly on giving his wife pleasure.
He had to make certain that she was unable to think of anything else but the sensations she was experiencing.

He kissed her again and darted his tongue along the inside of her lower lip. Immediately he sensed their mouths had all her attention and took the opportunity of lightly caressing her upper left breast before circling its centre with a single finger. He felt her breath catch and chose that moment to lower his head and nuzzle her nipple. She gasped, but did not pull away. He was glad, for he was receiving as much pleasure as she appeared to be. For a while his mouth lingered in this area that caused so much gratification for them both whilst he removed her clothing.

Rosamund was in a daze of delight by the time she realised she was stark naked and her husband’s tawny head was pressed against her belly. The words
what are you doing?
died on her lips as he kissed her hip bone and she felt his fingers penetrate that part of her that she had been determined once not to surrender to any man. She protested, but he reached up and silenced her with a kiss as his caresses began to work a subtle magic within. Her breath came fast as she felt a gradual build up of pleasure. Her body was still thrumming when he moved away.

She reached out to him in silent protest and watched him remove his clothes. She had never seen a man naked before and she told herself it was to be expected that her gaze would fix on that part of him that proclaimed his manhood. But he did not allow her time to wonder at its size because he returned to her, but this time he slowly and carefully eased that part of him inside her. She gasped, but the pain of his entry was not as great as she had expected. This time there was little gradual build up as he gained possession
of her and she heard him groan as he seemed to explode inside her, creating a pleasure so exquisite that she thought her body would not be able to contain it.

Chapter Fourteen

fterwards Alex and Rosamund lay in a tangle of arms and legs, reluctant to move. He knew now for certain that she had told the truth about the woodcutter not having touched her; also, his fear that Fustian might have raped her was completely allayed. Whilst riding astride on horseback might have stretched her a little, her maidenhood had been intact.

Rosamund stirred beneath him and he lifted his head from her shoulder and gazed down at her as she opened her eyes. He waited for her to speak, but she seemed only able to stare at him and he did not doubt that he had pleasured her. He smiled wryly, guessing she would not know how to thank him for it. No doubt she might be feeling a little discomforted by finding such delight in carnal behaviour. He was tempted to thank her because it had been as good as he had hoped and would be even better next time. His eyes searched for the washstand and drying cloth and he removed himself.

Rosamund watched surreptitiously as her husband washed that part of him that now lay limp. She marvelled
at the wonders of the human body. How was it that a child could grow from the act that they had just performed? A child! Lady Elizabeth might get her way after all. Now she was tied to the Baron for fairer or fouler until death parted them. She could not wait to repeat what they had just done. She had not expected to be swept away on such a tide of—of carnal pleasure, and she was certain he must have enjoyed it, too.

There was something about this Swedish baron husband of hers that called to something inside her and it had overcome any resistance that might have lingered from knowing that they had both been tricked into marriage. She felt that she had reached a oneness with him that almost convinced her that she would never feel lonely again. It was only as she was drifting off to sleep that it occurred to her that he had not told her the name of his Scottish father.


The following morning, they were roused by Lady Elizabeth. ‘Come on, lie-abeds,’ she wheezed. ‘I wish I could sleep the way you two do. You’ll need to put on your costumes for the dress rehearsal. Not that I’m expecting everyone to turn up.’

‘Why not, Godmother?’ asked Rosamund, wishing she could share with her the pleasure she had felt in having the Baron make love to her for the first time.

‘I shall tell you over breakfast. It will be on the table in my parlour within half an hour. I also wish to know what happened yesterday that caused you to disappear without a word to me. And, Baron, a message has been delivered for you.’

Alex drew Rosamund close and kissed her before reluc
tantly releasing her and getting out of bed. He wished there was time to make love to his wife again, but other matters demanded his attention. He wrapped the bedcover around him and delayed long enough to go over to the window, draw back the curtains and gaze out.

‘What can you see?’ asked Rosamund, reaching for her undergown and slipping it on.

‘I can see little at the moment due to the mist. Hopefully it will lift.’ He turned and faced her. ‘You have not forgotten I wish you to try to draw Lord Bude out to talk about your stepbrother?’ His expression was sombre.

‘I have not forgotten.’ Rosamund had not expected to suffer that sinking feeling whenever Edward was mentioned again. Somehow she had believed that what had happened last night between her and her husband had completely destroyed her fear. ‘I meant to ask you…’ She paused, watching him sluice his face in cold water.

‘What is it, Rosamund?’ He looked at her.

‘You did not tell me the name of your father.’

Alex stilled. ‘Can you not guess?’

The question prevented her from asking him again and instead set her thinking about who could his father possibly be.

Alex turned away and began to put on the black-and-silver costume. ‘I never wanted to meet him. I only did so because my grandmother insisted on my doing so before she died. It is he who asked me to find out what I could about those whom he suspected of plotting to destroy the peace pact. In return, I am to have the house and land on the Scottish coast that he gave to my mother.’

‘That is indeed generous of him,’ she said drily. ‘I
presume if I am in a position to be able to guess his name that it has been mentioned?’

He smiled. ‘Clever Rosamund.’

Rosamund was pleased by the compliment and reached for the black-and-silver gown and pulled it on over her cream linen undergown. ‘I presume your natural father was already married when he had an affair with your mother.’

‘Aye. To my shame.’

‘Why your shame? It was not your sin,’ said Rosamund firmly. ‘I suppose one could say that at least he was being considerate of his wife if you weren’t there as a constant reminder to her of his adultery.’

‘I have never viewed my rejection in that light before,’ said Alex, staring at her with dawning comprehension. ‘Do you really believe that was his reason for sending me away?’

‘It does not matter what I believe. What is important is what can make you feel better about yourself and your father,’ said Rosamund, searching for a comb to tidy her hair. ‘If you are to spend time in the house he has handed over to you, then surely it would be more pleasant if you could accept your father for what he is. After all, he must have been very fond of your mother to have given her a house and land and she must have been fond of him to have not requested of the Queen to return to her own home.’

‘I never thought I would hear anyone say such words to me,’ said Alex. ‘My grandmother only thought of what he might give me.’

‘Did he give you the name Alexander?’

‘I believe it is one of his baptismal names.’

‘There you are, then,’ said Rosamund cheerfully. ‘He must have accepted that you had a right to it.’

‘I believe he is a doughty fighter, as was his father before him. I suppose it’s possible he was named after the great Alexander of Macedon who conquered a large part of the known world in his day.’ He glanced at Rosamund as he picked up his mask. ‘He travelled as far as India in Asia. Harry thought that a great adventure.’

Rosamund looked at her husband in dismay. ‘You do not think that he has gone to India?’

Alex looked taken aback. ‘The thought had not occurred to me.’

‘Then I pray that it did not occur to him either.’

‘Aye. Now we
go. I am not accustomed to such long discussions before breakfast.’ He softened the words with a smile.

‘Neither am I,’ she said.

They entered her godmother’s parlour where Lady Elizabeth confessed to feeling a little groggy that morning. She handed Alex a missive.

‘Are you certain you are well enough to dance, Godmother?’ asked Rosamund, watching her husband move over to the window to read his message out of the corner of her eye. ‘After all, you already know the steps and I suspect it is only for my sake that this rehearsal is necessary.’

‘You could well be right, my dear,’ said Elizabeth, adjusting her wig. ‘Do you know there is to be the first of many tournaments this morning? No doubt our young lords and ladies will wish to watch the jousts.’

‘I find no amusement in watching men seeking to maim or to kill each other for a purse or to prove their manhood,’ said Rosamund, spreading honey on bread.

‘I am glad we agree on that,’ said Lady Elizabeth.

She turned to Alex. ‘So, what news do you have for me?’

He placed the missive in a pocket and told Lady Elizabeth about Ingrid and Edward and Lord Bude. The old woman listened carefully, wheezing an exclamation every now and again. When he had finished she was silent for what seemed a long time. Eventually, she said, ‘I will speak to my kinsman later today about what you have told me. I will leave it to him to decide whether the King should be informed. A watch will be kept on those we suspect. I doubt this Ingrid will have been able to win Margaret’s confidence so swiftly that she would attempt to persuade the King to have you cast into a dungeon.’


Soon after that decision was made they left the apartment, wearing their masks. Her ladyship had said that it would spoil the air of mystery and the dance if anyone were to recognise them beforehand. Despite her conviction, several people wished Lady Elizabeth a good morn. She ignored them. Obviously it took much to disguise such a well-known personage. But Rosamund was of the opinion that the mask made her almost invisible.

They reached the rehearsal chamber and, although the musicians had arrived and a few people had drifted in dressed in costume, it was as Lady Elizabeth had foretold and several members of the troupe were absent. Lord Bude was one of them.

Lady Elizabeth said, ‘I wonder what has delayed him this time! Rosamund, you will dance with the Baron and I will save my strength.’

Rosamund was glad that Lord Bude had failed to make an appearance because she had not amassed that much
confidence that she felt at ease attempting to glean information out of a young English lord. Still, she experienced pleasure dancing with Alex.


It was as the group was dispersing, having arranged where to meet for their part in the pageant later, that Lord Bude arrived with Edward. Rosamund was taken unawares. She was a girl again, wanting somewhere to hide from her stepbrother.

Alex reached out a hand and caught hold of Rosamund and drew her to his side. She felt strength flow into her and switched her gaze from her stepbrother’s arrogant features to Lord Bude’s face.

‘Damn you for keeping me up so late, Fustian,’ he said loudly. ‘I have missed the dress rehearsal.’

Rosamund wondered if his annoyance was a pretence. She noted that he was not in costume and his ordinary clothes were rumpled as if he had slept in them.

‘Why have you brought this man here, Lord Bude?’ demanded Lady Elizabeth. ‘These rehearsals are private.’

‘I am also interested in your answer,’ drawled Alex.

His lordship flushed. ‘I beg pardon, Lady Elizabeth, but we played dice well into the night and Fustian would insist on accompanying me here.’

‘That is because you were a little worse for drink, your lordship.’ Edward’s smiling dark eyes embraced the company, lingering on Rosamund. ‘My dear Rosie, how lovely to see you. How pale you look. I have been concerned for you, my dear. I heard that you have married this—this foreigner,’ he said disdainfully. ‘Your father would not have approved. I really should have taken you in hand after he died.’

Rosamund felt the words of protest stick in her throat and then Alex squeezed her hand. ‘Tell me, Edward, was it my stepmother who taught you which plants to use if you wished to be rid of someone, such as my father?’

Her stepbrother’s smile vanished and he looked furious. ‘How dare you besmirch my mother’s good character! Here is another sign of your madness. You really are not safe to be let out alone. You should not have run off in that foolish way to marry a man who is a liar, a pirate and a spy.’

‘Really, Master Fustian, you are a fool, as I told my goddaughter and her husband two nights ago, to insult my goddaughter and the Baron in such a way,’ said Lady Elizabeth.

‘Aye,’ said Alex icily. ‘You will pay for your insults and lack of gallantry towards my wife.’

‘You had no right to marry her without my permission,’ said Edward hotly.

‘I did not need your permission,’ said Rosamund, her voice quivering. ‘If I needed anyone’s, then it would be that of my brother, Harry, whose inheritance you and your mother stole.’

Edward stiffened. ‘You really are crazed. Your brother Harry is dead.’

‘You know very well that is untrue. As a boy Harry was abducted and smuggled aboard a ship.’

‘Where is your proof?’ he snapped.

‘Six months ago my father caught sight of him in London and thought he recognised him. He spoke of this to my husband and what happens next? Alex is attacked and left for dead and my brother vanishes. I have no doubt you were responsible for these deeds.’

‘Is that what your husband told you and you believed
him?’ said Edward pityingly. ‘You should have listened to Sister Birgetta. She would have told you the truth—that your husband was jealous of any man who looked at his lover, Ingrid Wrangel. I know the mariner whom you refer to and I’ll admit that he bears a certain likeness to your brother, Harry, but he is not Harry. Both he and Ingrid disappeared around the same time.’

Rosamund paled. ‘I don’t believe you. My husband has been searching for Harry and that is why he wished to see my father at Appleby Manor, not knowing that he was already dead.’

Edward shook his head. ‘The Baron deceived you. He looks for this other man so that he can kill him, just like he killed his lover.’

The next moment Alex had Edward by the throat and was lifting him off the ground. ‘It is you that is a deceiver and are crazed. Ingrid and Sister Birgetta are one and the same. Admit it!’

‘You will die for this,’ croaked Edward.

‘I don’t think you are in a position to issue threats,’ said Rosamund jubilantly. ‘We know things about you and—’ She stopped abruptly.

Lady Elizabeth tapped Alex’s arm and gave him a warning look. ‘Release him.’

Alex opened his hand and Edward dropped to the floor. ‘Proof! Where is your proof?’ he gasped, rubbing his throat. ‘Unless you produce Harry, you have none. You will regret this, Baron!’ He stumbled from the chamber.

His parting words were greeted by silence. Alex and Rosamund realised they were the focus of the attention of the dancers who had lingered in the doorway.

‘Are you really a spy, Baron?’ asked one of the ladies.

Alex’s mouth curled up at the corners below the mask. ‘I am a wealthy man in my own country, so why should I risk my life as a spy?’ He sounded amused. ‘Besides, Lady Elizabeth will vouch for my good character.’ He paused. ‘I add only that my wife’s stepbrother and stepmother have been stealing what was rightfully hers and that of her brother after their father died. Is it any wonder Master Fustian resents her having a husband who is going to delve into these matters?’

There were murmurs of agreement and then Lady Elizabeth clapped her hands. ‘Come, my lords and ladies. We must go our separate ways. I have messages to send before we meet again.’

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