His Stolen Bride (Chicago Sons) (12 page)

BOOK: His Stolen Bride (Chicago Sons)
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“Not really. I’m not sure of anything anymore.”

“You can be sure of this.”

He kissed her.

She instantly responded, and he wrapped her tight in his arms, slanting his lips and deepening the kiss.

She molded against him, her softness perfect against the planes of his body. Desire rushed through him, and he gave it free rein.

They’d stop in a moment. Of course they would stop. But for now nothing in the world mattered except the sweetness of Crista’s lips, the scent of her hair, and the feel of her hand in his.

Something banged in the reaches of the warehouse.

He silently cursed. Then he ended the kiss, drawing away and smoothing the pad of his thumb over her cheek.

“We have got to get alone at some point,” he said.

“I’m so confused.” Her green eyes were clouded and slightly unfocused.

“I’m not.”

“This isn’t simple.”

He understood that it wasn’t simple for her. It was perfectly simple for him. He desired her, and she definitely seemed attracted to him. It was pretty straightforward and a very nice starting point.

“We don’t have to figure it out right away,” he said.

She gave her head a small shake. “I’m not about to start dating anyone.”

He didn’t see why not, but he didn’t want to pressure her. “Okay.”

“I’m going to work out my life.”

“Where do you want to start?” He’d be happy to help.

“Cristal Creations. I need to start with the company.”

“How so?” He knew she had three locations around Chicago. From what he understood, they were doing well.

“They’re my jewelry designs, and I manage the stores. But I don’t actually own them.”

Jackson wasn’t happy to hear that. “Gerhard owns them,” he guessed.

“It’s what made sense at the time. The family already owned the shopping malls where we opened.”

“So he got his hooks into your business.” Jackson shook his head with disgust.

“It was only fair,” said Crista. “He paid for it all. I wouldn’t even have a business without Vern. He backed my designs when no one else would. Did you see the episode of
Investors Unlimited

Investors Unlimited

“It’s a TV show. The kind where you pitch an idea and the rich people on the panel can offer to invest. I was on it a year ago.”

“You pitched your jewelry designs to Vern?”

“Not to Vern. He wasn’t on the show. Nobody there was interested. But after it aired, Vern watched it and contacted me.”

“He made you an offer?”

“That’s how we met.”

The timing was right, and Jackson knew the information could be significant. The show might be a catalyst for the whole scam.

His needed to find out who knew what about Crista and when.


rista and Ellie were alone in a big, comfortable room that Jackson had called the lounge. On the fourth floor of the Rush Investigations building, it had banks of windows on two sides, soft chairs and sofa groupings scattered around, along with a kitchen area stocked with snacks and drinks. Easy-listening music filled the background from speakers recessed in the ceiling. It was night and day from the utilitarian warehouse area.

After helping themselves to sodas, they’d settled into a quiet corner with a curved sofa and a low table. Crista had kicked off her sandals and raked her hair into a quick ponytail.

It felt like a long time since she’d been home, and she was struggling for normalcy. Bouncing from place to place with a man she barely knew, desiring him, kissing him, all the while wishing she could tear off his clothes, was not a long-term plan. She needed to get herself organized. She needed to get her life in order and back on track.

“I need to find a lawyer,” she said to Ellie, zeroing in on a logical first step.

“At least you don’t have to divorce Vern.” Ellie fished a throw pillow from behind her back and tossed it to the end of the sofa, wriggling into the deep, soft cushions. “Is there something in your prenup about walking away? Wait, you didn’t marry him. The prenup won’t count.”

“We didn’t have a prenup.”

The statement obviously took Ellie by surprise. “Seriously?”

Crista took a drink as she nodded. The cola cooled her throat, making her realize she was incredibly thirsty.

“But he’s a superwealthy guy,” said Ellie.

Crista was acutely aware of Vern’s wealth. “I thought it was a show of faith. I was really quite honored.”

“That’s really quite weird.”

“I know. Now, I have to wonder if he wanted to avoid the subject of infidelity.”

“He knew your lawyer would advise a big settlement if he messed around on you. If he’d said no, you’d have been suspicious. But if he’d said yes, you’d have made a fortune.”

“Assuming he ever got caught,” said Crista.

“Maybe you should have married him without a prenup and then divorced him. You could have cleaned up.”

“I’m not that devious.” Crista wouldn’t have even wanted that windfall.

“It would have served him right.”

“The thing I’m worried about is Cristal Creations.” Crista needed a lawyer to sort out the company. She wanted out from under Gerhard Incorporated as quickly as possible.

“It’s yours,” said Ellie. “He can’t touch it since you never got married. But, hey, if he wants to split it, then he can split his business interests with you, too.”

“The jewelry designs are all that I own,” said Crista. “The stores are his. Well, his family’s, anyway.”

“The Gerhards own your stores?”

“They own the shopping malls the stores are inside. I need to get my designs out of there. I’d rather start from scratch than have to work with his family.”

“You should definitely call a lawyer.”

Crista gave a mock toast of agreement with her soft drink bottle. “Now that it’s actually over, I realize how much of my life is wrapped up in Vern. How does that happen in only a year?”

Before Ellie could respond, Crista’s mind galloped ahead. “I had six bridesmaids. Only one of them, you, was my friend. Five of them were from Vern’s family.”

“He does have a very big family.”

“And I don’t have any family at all. But five out of six? You’d think I’d have more friends.”

“You do have more friends.”

It was true. Crista did have other friends, some that she’d have loved to have as her bridesmaids. But Vern, and particularly his mother, Delores, had been insistent on including their family in the wedding party. Crista couldn’t help but wonder if she’d made a mistake by giving in so easily.

“Good thing you had me,” said Ellie.

“Good thing I still have you. All the people I socialize with now seem to be his friends, or his family—mostly his family.”

Ellie frowned. “Count me out of that list.”

“I know.”

“I’m not his friend. I think he’s a jerk.”

“I wish you’d said something sooner.”

“No, you don’t.”

Crista reconsidered her words. “You’re right. I don’t. I wouldn’t have believed you.”

“And I wasn’t sure. I could have been wrong. He could have been a perfectly nice guy.”

“Not so much.” Crista took another drink. She was hungry, too. When was the last time she’d eaten?

She glanced at her watch.

“It’s nearly three,” said Ellie.

“I’m starving. Are you hungry?”

Ellie’s glance went to the kitchen area. “We can probably grab a snack. This is quite the place.”

“Isn’t it?” Crista took another look around. The room was fresh, clean, with sleek styling and designer touches.

Ellie leaned closer and lowered her voice. “I get more and more curious about those two guys.”

“Why are we whispering?”

“I think this place is probably bugged.”

“Your secret agent phone?” It suddenly occurred to Crista that they might still be broadcasting.

“It’s turned off now, but this is all very cloak-and-dagger.”

“Very,” Crista agreed, glancing around for surveillance cameras. “They seem frighteningly good at it.”

“Do you think we can trust them?”

“Part of me wants to say no, but they’ve done nothing but help me so far.”

“They came out of nowhere.”

“True,” said Crista. “But whatever this is, Jackson isn’t in it for himself. He’s been a gentleman. He didn’t take advantage, even when I—” Crista stopped herself.

Ellie sat up straight. “Even when you what?”

Crista wasn’t sure why she was hesitating. She was an adult, and Vern was now completely out of the picture. “When I kissed him back.”

Ellie’s brow rose. “Back? So he kissed you first?”

“Yes.” It was silly not to have told Ellie. Keeping it a secret made it seem like more than it was. And it was nothing. “Yes, he did.”

“When? Where? How?”

“On the boat. And in the hotel. And, well, in the warehouse, too.” Crista didn’t think she needed to add that it was on the mouth.

“It was mutual?” Ellie seemed rather energized by the news.

“It was very mutual. He’s a really sexy guy.”

“Good to hear,” Jackson drawled from the doorway.

Ellie looked his way, her eyes crinkling with amusement. Crista felt her face heat.

“Don’t let that go to your head,” she warned him.

“I’ll try my best.” His footsteps sounded on the floor.

She forcibly shook off her embarrassment and turned to face him. “You shouldn’t eavesdrop.”

His mocha eyes glowed with amusement. “Occupational hazard.”

“That’s no excuse.”

“I wasn’t making an excuse.” He sauntered farther into the room, followed closely by Mac.

She refused to stay embarrassed. If Jackson didn’t already know she was attracted to him, well, he hadn’t been paying attention. And he’d probably long since bragged to Mac about what had happened between them. Crista was going to hold her head high.

“I’ve got to get home,” she said, coming to her feet. “Or to work. I should probably go into work and start figuring out the future.”

“You’d planned to be away for three weeks on your honeymoon,” said Ellie, rising herself. “Surely you can take a few days off.”

“You can’t go home,” said Jackson.

“Come to my place,” said Ellie.

“That’s the second place he’ll look,” said Mac.

“So what if he does?” Crista had no intention of hiding from Vern any longer.

“Take a vacation,” said Jackson. “Get out of the city for a few days.”

“That’s not practical,” said Crista. Never mind that she had her business to worry about. She didn’t have any extra money to spend on a vacation.

“It’s better if you’re not here,” he said.

“It’s better if I figure out what happens with Cristal Creations.”

“She needs a lawyer,” said Ellie.

“We have lawyers,” said Mac.

“Down the hall,” Jackson added with a tilt of his head.

“There are lawyers down the hall?” Crista couldn’t keep the amazement from her tone.

“Rush Investigations lawyers,” said Jackson. “Good ones. I’ll introduce you.”

She hesitated. The solution seemed too simple. Could she trust Jackson’s lawyers? On the other hand, she knew she couldn’t trust Vern’s lawyers. And she sure didn’t have any of her own. It seemed likely that anyone who worked for Jackson would be squarely opposed to Vern.

And it would be fast. Fast seemed like it would be good in this situation.

“They won’t mind?” she asked, tempted.

“Why would they mind?”

“Because they have real work to do.”

“This is real work.”

She made her way toward him, watching his expression closely, trying to gauge what he was thinking. “Are you up to something?”


His easy admission surprised her.

“I knew it,” she lied.

“What I’m up to is providing you with legal advice.”

“Funny.” She leaned closer, keeping her expression serious. “Why are you doing it?”

“Because your ex-fiancé ticked me off.”

“And that’s what you do when you’re angry? Provide strangers with legal advice?”

“No.” His jaw tightened. An edge came into his voice. “That’s not even close to what I do when I’m angry.”

He was intimidating, and it unnerved her. But her attraction to him was also back in full force.

He seemed to realize he’d unsettled her. “I’m not angry at you.”

“Maybe not right now.”

“Not ever.”

But she could picture it. She could easily picture it.

He gave the barest shake of his head. “Don’t even think about it. It’s never going to happen.”

* * *

Two days later, Jackson held his temper in check.

He stared across the prison table at Trent Corday. “So I sliced and diced and dissected everyone involved in
Investors Unlimited
looking for a connection to Gerhard.”

He stopped speaking and waited, giving Trent a chance to react to the information he’d just tossed out. The more he’d uncovered, the more suspicious he’d become of Trent’s involvement. He might not be certain how it had all unfolded, but he was certain Trent was somehow operating behind the scenes.

Trent returned his gaze evenly, his features perfectly neutral. “Why did you expect there to be a connection?”

Jackson mentally awarded the man points for composure. “Because the two events happened suspiciously close together.”

“Vern Gerhard must have watched the show,” said Trent.

“Seeing the show didn’t tell Vern Gerhard about the mine.”

“The show could have tweaked his interest in Crista.”

“Interest alone wouldn’t lead him to the mine.”

“I don’t see how it matters,” said Trent.

“It matters,” said Jackson.

For the barest of seconds, Trent’s left eye twitched, and Jackson knew he’d found a crack. He could almost hear the wheels turning inside the man’s head. Trent desperately wanted to know how much Jackson knew.

Jackson didn’t know much. But he pretended he did, putting a smug expression on his face, hoping to draw out something more. “It wasn’t somebody inside the show,” he said, lacing his voice with confidence and conviction. “It was somebody who already knew about the mine.”

“No telling who all knew about the mine.”

“No telling,” Jackson agreed. “But we both know one person who did.”

“Who’s that?”

“You.” Jackson tossed a copy of a call list on the table in front of Trent.

Trent’s gaze narrowed in wariness. “What’s this?”

“It’s a record of calls incoming to Manfred Gerhard’s private line.”

Trent didn’t respond.

“It’s from three days before
Investors Unlimited
aired the episode with Crista.”

Jackson hoped Trent would react, but he didn’t.

Instead, Trent calmly turned the list to face him. He stared at it for a long moment. Then he sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. “You seem to be making some kind of point.”

Jackson indicated a line on the statement. “My point is that call, right there. It’s from a prison pay phone,
prison’s pay phone. You called Gerhard before the show.”

Trent pretended to be affronted. “I most certainly did not.”

“They record those calls,” Jackson reminded him. “I can easily pull the recording.”

“The call was made at ten forty-five on a Tuesday,” said Trent. “I work in the laundry until noon. I couldn’t have made the call.”

“This was a year ago.”

“I’ve been working in the laundry for two years. Ask anyone.”

Jackson studied the confidence in Trent’s expression. He reluctantly concluded Trent hadn’t made the call. But he was definitely hiding something.

Jackson leaned forward. “What aren’t you telling me?”


The exchange was getting him nowhere. What Jackson needed was leverage, but he didn’t have any.

“You want me to protect Crista?” He played his only card.

He gambled that Trent cared at least a little bit about his daughter. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have contacted Jackson in the first place.

“Crista’s fine,” said Trent. “The wedding’s been called off.”

“The wedding might be off,” said Jackson. “But Gerhard’s not dead. He still wants what he wants.”

“You don’t know anything about it.”

“But you do?”

Trent’s face twitched a second time.

Jackson pressed his advantage. “I can walk right now, or I can watch her awhile longer. You screw with me, I walk.”

Trent stilled, obviously weighing his options.

“Stop trying to play me,” said Jackson. “The truth is your only option.”

“I didn’t call the Gerhards,” said Trent.

“Then tell me what you did. Tell me what I need to know, or I’m out of here and Crista’s on her own.”

To punctuate his threat, Jackson started to rise.

“Fine,” Trent snapped. “It was me. I told a guy about the mine. But I had no choice. I had to.”

Jackson felt his blood pressure rise, while his tone went cold. “There’s always a choice.” He couldn’t believe Trent would endanger his own daughter.

BOOK: His Stolen Bride (Chicago Sons)
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