His Wedding Date (Destination Weddings #1) (4 page)

BOOK: His Wedding Date (Destination Weddings #1)
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Shit, this was a bad idea. Why had he said yes?

The guys cheered and Ash realized Bree had pulled off her nightie. Her beautiful breasts bounced as she danced, then she shimmied and sent them shaking. Her hands cupped them, kneaded a bit before sliding down over her ribs and hips. She turned her back to them and peered over her shoulder as she teased Greg by slowly lowering the thin string that held up her panties.

Ash could barely draw a breath. Her butt was so tight, two pale mounds of firm flesh begging to be squeezed. Kissed. Nipped. Man, what he wanted to do to that ass...


Bending slowly, her legs straight and slightly parted, Bree offered as much of a glance at what her thong covered as she planned to give them. Those days were in her past. That was Ash’s territory now, if he wanted it.

When she stood, she looked for Ash. He had a slightly glazed-over look, his lips parted with no expression. He looked so hot in his black V-neck sweater and dark jeans. It was hard to focus on the groom when she wanted to jump Ash’s body. She pretended it was his hands playing with her breasts, not her own. Bringing her attention back on thee groom, she lowered one breast above Greg’s mouth, keeping her nipple just out of reach. He laughed and his tongue flicked up and contacted skin.

Normally, when she danced, the attention she received never seemed to get her very excited. Tonight, with Ash watching, it was as if she danced for him alone. Her insides pulsed in time to the music. Heat pooled low inside her and threatened to flow down her thighs. Ash’s dumbstruck smile told her how pleased he was. She’d expected a bit of possessiveness from him, but if he felt it, he was doing a great job hiding it.

Turning her back to Greg, she lowered her hips to squirm on his lap. The bride would be upset if she left a wet spot, but she didn’t have much control over her body with Ash so close.

Greg jerked her down hard onto his thighs, his erection pressing against her butt cheek. Grinding and wiggling, she clenched her cheeks against him.

He yelled in her ear. “Easy, hon, we’ve got all night.”

He might have all night, but she had hopes of finishing early enough to enjoy a few hours of one-on-one with Ash. She wasn’t about to spend a weekend with him without discovering exactly what he was good at and what made him beg for more.

She needed to focus on her dance. It was time to make the rounds. With a quick kiss on Greg’s cheek, Bree moved to the next chair. That poor guy was so drunk he’d missed the exit to blitzed and the next off-ramp was bed spins. She felt almost guilty when she started humping his leg.


The moves were as routine as her workout at home these days. For her body to become involved, her heart had to be in it. Which reminded her…

Bree tossed a glance over her shoulder. Ash had that sad puppy face, when she was hoping he’d be proud. Well, she’d just have to turn up the heat a little.

The guy beneath her bellowed something she didn’t understand. She smiled and tilted her head. He yelled again but his words were so slurred she just shrugged.

He grinned and pulled her closer, clamping his lips around one of her nipples. Her initial reaction was to pull back, but Ash’s worried expression appeared in her mind, slowing her retreat. After allowing the dude to circle her nipple a few times with his tongue, she rose and moved to the next chair.

“Yeah, my turn.” The red-haired guy was all hands, so she offered him her back and sank onto his lap. Rolling her hips, she ground against him, the denim covering his legs rough on her inner thighs. Unwilling to endure much more of the abrasion, she stood.

He grabbed her waist and before she could get away, he nipped her butt. The other guys yelled, one of them pulling her out of reach.

Bree pushed her wild curls out of her face. She danced a bit, weaving in and out of the chairs, trailing a finger up a man’s arm or leg as she passed. Playing the crowd was so easy, and it kind of stroked her ego, even though she knew
was more responsible than
for the attention. Men didn’t really care what the body parts looked like as long as they could see them unclothed.

Choosing her next victim, she approached him from behind, stroking his chest and nestling his head between her breasts. She pushed against him to let her hands run up his thighs. He groaned, grabbed her hand and placed it on the hard lump in his pants.

“Uh-uh,” she chastised, wagging her finger at him as she walked away. “Mustn’t touch.”

Ash smiled when she caught his gaze. Butterflies kicked into action in her belly. She winked at him. One more guy and she’d go to work on her man.

Her man. Wish that were true. Maybe by the end of the weekend?

The last guest seemed to be keeping himself under control, so she took a chance. Approaching from the side, she raised one leg and ran her high heel up his thigh, then down again. Planting her foot on his leg, she pumped and ground her hips, not far from his stunned face. Her thoughts wandered as she ran through a few of her favorite moves, then stepped out of reach when he lunged for her.

It was Ash’s turn.

The look he sent her as she sauntered his way lit a torch inside her. His mouth twitched on one side, his eyelids fluttered for a moment. Then he licked his lips. Damn, he was so freakin’ sexy! She couldn’t wait to taste his lips again, to feel his hand on her, and in her.

As she drew near, he shouted over the music. “What was that?”

She grinned. “Foreplay.”

“Well it worked for me. And the guys, too, I bet.”

Bree turned and wiggled her ass at him, keeping the dance going. “So you’re satisfied?”

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far. Yet. But you definitely rocked the party.”

“The party’s not over.” Facing him, her legs straddling his, she bent forward, offering her breasts. She teased him, bringing one nipple at a time within half-an-inch of his tongue before pulling back.

Growling, he tugged her arm, drawing her close. He sucked in a mouthful of her breast, nipping with his teeth and flicking his tongue over her nipple.

It was her turn to moan. She didn’t stop him when he moved to the other breast and repeated the play. A new sensation hit her…a wish that all the other men would go away and leave her to explore Ash’s body, which was radiating heat and excitement beneath her.

Bree tried hard to keep her mind on the other men in the room. Sure, they’d love to see a stripper fucking the best man, but that wasn’t what she’d hired on for. Or offered to do, if she was being technical about the whole situation. That was something she’d never done before—had sex with an audience watching.

Stripping wasn’t sex. Dancing naked, touching herself in front of a group of men, none of that was sex. Sex involved the mind.
sex involved the heart.

But, oh, fuck, Ash’s tongue knew what it was doing. Was he born gifted that way, or had he practiced? For some reason she didn’t want to think about him with other women. Not when he was sending her desire threshold through the roof.

Her breasts were swollen and on fire, sending curling tendrils of lust down between her thighs. She shivered and ground herself on his lap, needing something to rub her in just the right spot.

“Hey, quit hogging the stripper!” Greg had come up behind her. Taking her by the waist, he lifted her off Ash’s lap. “I haven’t had my fill, although watching that ass wiggle is definitely hot.” He squeezed one of her cheeks, draped her legs over one strong arm and carried her back to his chair.

Setting her down, he dropped into his seat. “Now, dance for me, sweetheart. Make me wish I’d never decided to settle for one woman.”

Bree drew the fingers of one hand up her side and turned away, tossing him a flirty glance. “If you insist.”

She skipped in a circle in front of the group, stopping in front of Greg again. Rolling her body with the music, she tangled her hands in her hair and tossed the wild curls. She shook her ass in Greg’s face, spread her feet and slowly leaned forward. Her hands stroked up and down her thighs, each time traveling higher. Closer to the money spot. Drawing everyone’s attention to the part of her that needed Ash’s attention.

, how much she needed him.


She needed to focus. She wasn’t going to come in front of them. That’s what she kept telling herself but it was getting harder to concentrate. She’d gotten wet while sitting on Ash’s lap. So she wasn’t totally professional anymore, at least where Ash was concerned. He wasn’t complaining, from the way his eyes had heated when she wriggled on his leg.

Greg reached for the thong, slipping a finger beneath the side string. Ash jumped up rushed over and took her hand, his face masking what he was thinking. “Gentlemen, I think the lady deserves a round of applause, don’t you?”

They all cheered and clapped, tossing raunchy compliments at her like dollar bills. Nevertheless, her attention was on Ash. What was he feeling? At that moment she really needed to know if things were okay between them. That she hadn’t fucked up any shot at a future with him by letting his friends have their fun with her body. It meant nothing to her, but she wasn’t sure Ash could let it go that easily.

He pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arm around her and tucking her into his side. As he led her to the door, he picked up her coat and helped her pull it on. “Be back in a minute,” he called to Greg.

“Take your time, dude. Don’t rush back on my account.”

Ash waved and led Bree out the door.

Chapter Five

With shaking hands, Ash slid the key card through the slot next to the door. He’d never imagined how fucking hot Bree could be. His hard on was painful beneath his jeans. He’d imagined all sorts of scenarios over the course of their working relationship, and all sorts of positions, but he hadn’t come close to the reality of seeing her perform as she just had.

He pressed his hand against Bree’s coat-covered ass. “Come inside before you freeze to death.”

She tugged at the belt holding her coat closed. “I’m still burning inside. I didn’t notice the cold.”

He ripped off his jacket and tossed it on the upholstered chair. “Is that so?” Turning on a lamp, he caught her reflection in the mirror above the dresser. Her pale skin looked ethereal in the light. He’d been so hungry for release last weekend, but now he could take his time learning her body. Her full breasts stood firm and round, the nipples rock hard. Her waist was tiny, so small his hands itched to see if they would touch around it. Her hips…damn those hips were curvy. Not fat, but fleshy enough to let you hang on when you pumped into her.

Or so he’d pictured more than once since she’d come to work at BA Games.

“You are so fucking sexy.” He knew it was not what a woman longed to hear by any stretch, but his tongue was twisting with the thought of tasting her. Forget poetry. He wasn’t good with words. He just wanted to
her what he felt.

She glanced away, not meeting his eyes. “I, um, want you to know I didn’t plan on all that happening.”

When she drew in a breath, his gaze locked on her ripe cherry nipples, and he reached to pluck one. “All what?”

Her breast swelled at his touch. That and the scent of her personal juices had to be the sexiest signs she wanted him. His erection twitched. He had on too many clothes. Pulling at the buttons on his shirt without worrying if he ripped one off, he stripped.

“I don’t usually let men touch me when I dance.”

Ash danced on one leg while he worked his boot free. Why was he wearing so many clothes? He hadn’t planned to play strip poker. Shit, he wanted to be naked five minutes ago. “I didn’t hear anyone complaining.”

Her lashes lowered. “It wasn’t ‘anyone’ I was worried about. Did it bother you?”

Finally naked, he closed the inches between them and touched one of the tangled curls resting on her shoulder. It was so soft, like her skin. “Did what bother me? That my friends think you’re hot? Are you crazy?”

She shrugged. “Just checking. Some guys get jealous of other men seeing me naked.” Her lower lip, with the deep red gloss still clinging to the edges somehow, dropped a bit.

She was afraid he was jealous. Or possessive. Did she want him to be? He didn’t want to play games, not the emotional kind. Not after finally working up the nerve to ask her to come to the wedding. He tugged the string of her thong, bringing her still closer. “If you’d had taken this off, I’d have been insanely jealous. Or, if you’d let them do what I plan to do to you tonight…”

Bree grinned.

The weight fell off his shoulders. Thank God, he’d found the right response. That was a relief. “To tell the truth, I was really turned on seeing them try to touch you.” His index finger glided down her arm and he took her hand, then led her to the bed.

Turning back the covers, he sat on the edge and pulled Bree to stand between his knees. Slowly lowering the last piece of her clothing, he let his gaze roam over the pale curves bared to him. “You look even hotter than I imagined.”

“You pictured me naked?”

Tearing his gaze from her ripe, flushed skin, he gave her a lopsided grin. “I’m a guy, aren’t I?”

She reached up and cupped her hands in his hair. “Good to know, ‘cause I fantasized about you a few times, too.”

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