HisBootsUnderHerBed (24 page)

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Clay cleared his throat, “All right, a toast.” He raised his glass and Colt and Garth followed suit.

“To the newlyweds, Garth and Rory. I can’t think of a more sincere wish for their marriage and future, than the hope that they’ll know the happiness Colt and I have found with Cassie and Becky.”

“We all got far more than we deserve,” Colt said, after they downed their drinks.

“I agree wholeheartedly, Brother Colt,” Garth said. “So now, one last toast: the most important one. Do us the honors, Clay.”

Colt refilled their glasses and Clay raised his in the air. “To the incredible women who have honored us by becoming our wives, and given us the richness and blessing of their love. May we never betray that trust.”

The Fraser brothers clinked their glasses together in accord.


he rising sun barely streaked the sky as Father Chavez watched the Fraser party, his beloved nephew among them, ride away. When they disappeared from sight, he turned away with a heavy heart. He would miss them all.

And now, due to the honesty and generosity of Garth Fraser, not only would Rico be able to afford to attend the university in Sacramento, but the mission would be solvent far beyond his own remaining years.

He went into the sanctuary and knelt at the altar. After finishing the morning breviary, he said a special prayer that the newlyweds would know a long and happy life, blessed with many children.

On this day there was much for which to give thanks. He thanked the Lord for bringing Garth Fraser to their humble mission, and for the happiness it had brought to his sister and nephew, and the many others who would benefit from that generosity.

And he thanked his Maker for bestowing the opportunity for this son of a humble sheepherder to have served Him through the years.

When he finished he rose from the altar, and as he walked to the door his attention was drawn to the wooden box set on a carved base in the corner.

He drew closer, and stared in puzzlement at the two green pouches that lay on the top of the box for donations to the poor.

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