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I hated watching what it did to mother. I always believed that my father loved us enough to stay strong, but I don’t know who he loved more, his wife and children or himself.”

She sighed, stopping when the reached their bedchamber.

“Is that what you really believe?” Hart asked her in a soft voice.

“If he really loved mother, why did he cause her pain by turning into a wraith of a man? I mean they were supposed to have a grand love affair for their time, when they were courting they were known as the two lovebirds—why did he abandon her when she needed him most? Why did he abandon us? Didn’t he think we were hurting?

Especially after we heard of Andrew’s death, and for a time, we were told that Mallory had gone missing .… I didn’t like to see mother so shattered. She was literally sitting on pins and needless, hoping and praying for something that was already set in stone. For many months, she railed against Andrew being dead, and then within the course of a year, dear old father lost everything and died of shame and heartbreak, and yet, my mother was expected to keep a stiff upper British lip, and keep on going. War rips apart families, Hart. Napoleon had to be stopped, he did, but I still can’t keep wishing that things had turned out differently. Then, to top it off after everything that happened, my bloody stupid brother decides to go and become a Privateer verging on the cusp of being a Pirate! Just so he could make enough money for us to survive and so he could amass HIS LADY’S KEEPER Marly Mathews 125

enough power to gain his revenge against Geoffrey Caulfield, never giving one iota of a thought to us. Mother says she understands why Mallory became Captain Rafe Morgan, but I know deep down inside, she wishes he’d gone into another moneymaking scheme.

Believe me, he had several speculating options, but he didn’t want to take any of them, because he craved adventure.”

“He’s home now that should count for something.”

“Mallory came home for Elizabeth, and we can all tell that it’s suffocating the life out of him. He’s getting the wanderlust. The restless energy burning inside of him just oozes out and fills whatever room he happens to be in. Mallory isn’t made to live on the land—he’s got the sea in his blood and in his soul. The sooner Elizabeth realizes that, the better off we’ll all be.”

“She doesn’t need to realize that now. I’m sure with the past events of the last few days, she already knows. It must be hard to grapple with the thought that your husband loves something more than he loves you. I wouldn’t wish that realization on anyone.”

“What do you mean?” She snapped her head to attention. “As for Mallory not loving Elizabeth, that’s poppycock. He does love her … that is plainly visible by the way he looks at her, if only he didn’t have another obsession to battle with his one with Elizabeth. Life would be much easier that way. Regardless, I’m getting off topic, what did you mean, Elizabeth is realizing that now? What have you heard, Hart?”

“I’ve had word that your dear brother is getting ready to set sail—no doubt headed for this very island. I’m not going to let him have you, Gemma.”

Hart pulled her into his arms, and she flattened herself to him, drinking in his essence. A thrill raced through her. She didn’t want to ever be under Mallory’s constant watchdog eye again. She loved her brother—but her life was separate from his now, seeing Margaret with Charles had hit that one home for her. Her mother could come and live with them, and leave Mallory to his own devices.

“You’d better not let him have me … and if you did, I’d never forgive you.”

He drew back, looking at her suspiciously. “What are you talking about? What has encouraged this startling transformation?”

“Oh, come on, Hart. You kept telling me what I already knew, though my own stubborn pride, wouldn’t allow me to actually verbalize it. I have loved you since the first time we met. No questions about that. Love at first sight really does exist. I know that now. I only became a hellcat with you because I didn’t like your way of taking me from Mallory Hall. I didn’t like the betrayal, if only you’d just asked me. Seriously. If you’d asked me and proposed to me, I would have run away with you without a second glance at Mallory. I can’t abandon the rest of my family, and you shouldn’t expect me to.”

“I don’t,” he murmured, kissing her ear, then trailing down to her cheek, and finally searching for and finding her mouth. She gave way to the glorious feelings he inspired within her.

“Just a moment.” He let go of her and walked back toward the door, shutting it firmly, he secured the lock. “We wouldn’t want any untimely interruptions.”

Her eyes widened, and she laughed. “You actually think you’re going to have your way with me? Are you certain that you’re up for it?” she teased, good-naturedly.

“I assure you, my lady, I am quite up for the task of seducing you. As long as you HIS LADY’S KEEPER Marly Mathews 126

aren’t too worn out.” He stalked toward her slowly, like he was hunting prey.

“I thought I was the one that was going to be seducing you,” she murmured

walking toward him.

“Perhaps, we shall call it a mutual seduction.” A shiver went up her spine, he wasn’t even touching her and she was anticipating the feeling of his hands and his mouth roaming across her body.

Her nipples puckered with her sensual thoughts. She’d never been with a man before but a primal urge to couple with him drove her senses. They’d always said that a grand sized libido ran in her family—she’d heard it murmured to Mallory on more than one occasion when she’d been eavesdropping. Now, she realized why his friends had taunted him with that—she could feel the urges of desire stirring inside of her, turning her into a wanton hussy.

Her eyes lingered on his face. She studied every nook and cranny. He had a classical jaw line. His eyes sparkled like jewels and his mouth made her want to kiss him again and again.

She started to feel increasingly hot. Untying her dressing gown, she threw it toward the nearest chair. He feasted his eyes hungrily on her.

“You look good enough to devour.”

“Well, then, we’ve played a merry chase long enough—I think it’s time for you to completely ruin me. Ravish me, my lord.”

He laughed. “Hearing those words out of any other woman’s mouth would just sound silly—and yet, you have a knack for pulling it off.”

She smiled. “I’ve waited long enough, Hart. I think I’ve stayed a maiden well past my prime—why don’t you relieve me of my honor?”

“You will always have an honorable heart, Gemma. Even without your maidenly virtue—which, I have no compunction about taking, as long as you want me to.”

“You are my husband, Hart, it is your right.”

“Dash my conjugal rights, Gemma, darling! I want you to come willingly to my bed—I don’t want you reviling me in the morning—I have to admit, I did maneuver you into marrying me. If you really don’t want to spend the rest of your life as my wife—you need only say so now, and leave my bedroom. I don’t want to always be wondering if you only stayed with me because you thought you were obligated. I promise you, Gemma, should you walk away from me now, I will do nothing to stop you, and I will do nothing to punish Mallory or his wife and child.”

“I know. You never would have hurt Elizabeth or Susan. You just don’t have a mean streak in your body, Hart. You are the most admirable man I’ve ever met. Even when you were masquerading as a horse thief, I still instinctively sensed that you were not going to hurt me. You have the kindest eyes I’ve ever seen on a man. You are good through and through.”

He cleared his throat. “You have humbled me, Gemma. If I wasn’t so aroused right now, I might just have to clear my head with a drink.”

“Don’t. Clear your head by touching me. I am your wife—I am the woman that will love you for the rest of your days. We are a united force, Hart. Together, we can face any obstacle life throws in our path. I don’t want to be alone anymore … I don’t want to sleep in a bed only warmed by a bed warmer. I want you. I want you for the rest of my natural life, and even then, I still think I’ll want you in heaven.”

HIS LADY’S KEEPER Marly Mathews 127

He closed the short distance between them, and swept her up into his embrace.

She drank in his woody scent, inhaling the sensual smelling cologne he wore.

His lips met hers. The kiss was enough to make her toes curl in her slippers. She shook her slippers off as he laid her onto the bed. She sat up, watching him as he stared at her.

“Do I have something on my face or in my hair?” Self-consciously, she touched her face and hair.

He grinned at her, she loved that cheeky grin of his, it never failed to make her throat constrict in a good way.

“My angel,” he murmured, hungrily raking his eyes over her from head to toe.

Hart cupped her face with her hands, kissing her softly on the lips, forehead and chin. She kissed him back hungrily and felt his tongue swirling to meet hers. She softly moaned, reaching for him, she splayed her hands through his glorious black hair. He felt so good … so much better than anything else she’d ever experienced. He cupped her breasts, gently kneading them with his fingers, his gentle touch sent tremors throughout her body. Every single one of her nerves seemed to be on fire.

Tenderly, he kissed her neck, fixing his eyes on her heaving bosoms. He’d

already taken off his shirt and now only wore the loose fitting trousers that he’d put on before they’d set off for the kitchen. She wanted him naked. The scandalous thought made her giggle.

She was supposed to be an upright young woman and yet, here she was giving

into the lustful thoughts crowding her sensibilities. She had to be crazy.

“What?” he murmured huskily, still caressing her arms, as he continued to nibble at her earlobe, while rubbing his hand over her one of her breasts.

“I just thought that this would be so much better if we could actually feel our skin against skin. The clothing is truly becoming such a nuisance, it is in fact impairing your ability to touch me in all of the places I yearn to be touched.”

His eyes bored into hers. “Well, hells bells, I don’t think you’re as aloof as you’d have people believe, Gemma. You’re a little candle just waiting to burn.”

“That would be me. The impressions that people first have of me are usually right of the mark.”

“You can say that again, my sweet.” He cupped her face, tenderly stroking her cheek. She leaned into his hand, turning to kiss his palm. Heat was starting to coil in the pit of her belly down near her private place. She moved uncomfortably between him, trying to shimmy herself more onto the mattress. He was so close to her, and yet, she still wanted more.

“If you aren’t going to help me out of this thing, then, kindly allow me to get it off,” she demanded. She finally rid herself of the warm but constricting muffler he’d given her to wear earlier.

Next, she tugged at her nightgown trying to get a hold of the bottom of it, so she could lift it up over her head.

“Ask no more,” he whispered, helping her to pull it off. He inhaled sharply as his eyes drank in her nudity. “The time you flashed me on the ship was nothing compared to this moment.”

“Well, I was as naked there as I am here.”

“Aye, but you weren’t underneath me, asking me to ravish you until we are both HIS LADY’S KEEPER Marly Mathews 128

thoroughly satisfied.” His eyes glittered happily at her, causing butterflies to quiver in her belly. She swallowed thickly. There was no stopping them now. Soon, he’d have her and she would know exactly what it felt like to be taken by Hart.

His hands found her breasts again, massaging them gently. He caused her nipples to tighten once more. “Fresh red berries, ripe for the taking,” he murmured, teasing her nipple and then gently circling her areola making her flesh tingle, before kissing one breast and taking the nipple into his mouth. She arched on the bed, as hot scalding fire rippled through her. She had to have more.

Hart watched her reaction to his foreplay … so far, she was responding beyond his wildest dreams. She had been a hellcat when she’d been trying to fight his advances, and now, she’d turned that energy into the sexual kind, that nearly robbed him of his breath. Making love to her hadn’t been a battle on his part. He was simply trying to control himself so she could experience the sensations that she needed to know before he took her.

Already, he could feel the blood rushing to his nether regions. His cock was growing harder by the minute, and he couldn’t contain himself much longer. He promised to make the first time for her as painless as possible, but the second time, he’d draw it out longer for her sake, he just knew the last vestiges of his control were waning.

Soon, they’d slip away altogether. He suspected she wouldn’t mind, she was almost to the point of impaling herself on him. His eyes widened at the thought … yes, he would have to experience that soon, he wanted to watch her ride him and milk him for everything he had.

She reached for him, but he would not be dissuaded, he was working his way

down her body.

He stopped at the sight of her slightly damp curls. He touched her mound,

watching her wriggle beneath him at he stroked her there. Already, she was wet, meaning she was at the peak of her arousal. He slid one finger inside of her, feeling her muscles clench around him.

“Hart,” she gasped, trembling, not with fear but with need. He moved his finger within her core, finding her pearl, he stroked it tenderly. Her body quaked. Obviously, he’d found just the right spot.

Her body was ready, she was welcoming his touch, inside of her, and he knew she’d feel pain but as little as possible considering how wet and wanting she was. She reached for the tie to his pants, with her help; he rid himself of the constricting material.

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