History Lessons (13 page)

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Authors: Fiona Wilde

BOOK: History Lessons
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"I don't want to lose you!" she said.

He looked down at her bottom, pondering whether to give her another half dozen for the statement.

"You won't," he said. "You're a great person."

"No!" she said, shaking her head and began to cry, this time from deep emotional hurt. "I'm a bad person!"

Warren Ellis felt alarmed at her words, and at the intensity with which she delivered them. Gently he raised her up until she was sitting in his lap. She whimpered and winced as her bare bottom made contact with the denim of his pants.

"Sweet, Lucy," he said. "Why would you say something like that?"

She began to cry harder. "Oh, Warren," she said. "I feel horrible. Today I...I was embarrassed by being a mom. Every time we went into a situation where kids were screaming or carrying on - like the toy store - I thought, 'This is it! He's not going to want anything to do with us after this.' And then for the first time I felt regret at having had a kid before I found someone I wanted to be with. Not regret over Keegan, just regret for my stupidity. Does that make sense?"

He smiled sadly and kissed her head, closing his eyes. Poor thing, he thought. Poor thing.

"Yes, I do," he said. "And I don't think that what you're feeling makes you a bad person. But I do think you need to be made to understand that you can't think every man is deep down like Keegan's dad, that every man out there is going to bolt as soon as he sees the nitty gritty of parenting."

He turned her face to his. It was flushed and wet with tears, but even so Warren Ellis thought it was the prettiest face he'd ever seen.

"Do you understand, Lucy Primm?"

She nodded, swallowing hard. Her breathing had slowed and was almost under control now.

"You have to give up some of your power if you're going to be with me, young lady. I believe that is going to be harder than you think and there are times, Lucy, when I will made decisions for you, times when I will not give you an option or even discuss the matter with you. Are you prepared to accept this?"

Lucy wanted to say 'yes,' for she trusted Warren Ellis and wanted to keep him in her life. But she hesitated and made herself think about it. She'd been on her own for so long, all her life really. She'd made her own rules - first for herself and then for Keegan. She'd paid her own way, scrimping and scraping by on nothing more than hard work and luck. She managed to maintain decent credit, a working car and a job without ever having to ask for a handout. And now this man who'd come into her life suddenly and with a strength that frightened her, was telling her that being with him meant relinquishing some of the freedom she had. Was it worth the trade-off?

"Lucy?" he asked. "Are you prepared to accept this?"

She looked at him, looked into his eyes. Her bottom burned against his pants lets; the arms around her were strong.

"Yes," she whispered. "I'm not saying it will be easy for me, but yes."

He kissed her gently then, his lips amazingly soft and careful when she considered how sternly he'd been punishing her just moments before. Lucy turned, straddling him and ignoring the pain.

The kiss deepened, took on a life of its own, and bloomed into something fierce and beyond control of them both.

"Make love to me," she said, surprising herself. "I know your notions of chivalry and courtly rules are telling you not to, but Warren I need this!"

The words coming from her mouth sounded like they were coming from another woman. Never had she heard her voice sound so husky, so wanton.

She knew Warren was fighting the inner dictates of his own set of standards. But it was clear as his hands worked their way underneath her shirt that he was losing. Lucy's nipples hardened beneath the hard palms that found their way under her bra and she wondered how hands that brought such pain could now bring such pleasure. She threw back her head and moaned and heard the sound of clinking as the buttons of her shirt hit the floor when he tore it open. Her breasts fell free as he deftly unclasped her bra and she shrugged out of it and a guttural moan forced itself from between her lips as his hot, wet mouth closed on her left nipple in a sucking bite that sent a wave of pleasure through her body.

"Oh god!" she cried, grasping his head and holding him to her chest like a suckling infant. Her pants were already down and she'd kicked her shoes off and he lifted her now, both hands beneath her buttocks to carry her the short distance to the sofa, where he lay her on her back and pulled her pants and panties the rest of the way off.

Lucy felt flushed and tingly and overtaken by feelings no longer within her control. Warren Ellis grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him, roughly and then he was on top of her, his mouth claiming hers in a demanding kiss that frightened and delighted her.

When their lips parted his moved down her neck, her chest, dallying to lap each luscious breast before moving downward.


Modesty compelled her to clutch at his hair and hold it, to stop the leonine head's downward trajectory. But he grasped her hand and continued on, lapping at her navel and lower until his tongue found its way between her legs and began to lick the very secret core of her.

Lucy moaned and bucked, reddening as her modesty was licked away and her inner cunny lips swelled and opened like a delicate bloom to welcome him. She came hard against his mouth, unable to stop herself and he gently fastened his mouth to her throbbing clit as she did, absorbing her spasms of pleasure.

She was still in the throes of her orgasm when he raised himself over her and pushed his way inside. It had been years since she'd had sex, and Lucy was tight. She cried out in pleasure pain as his large cock forced his way inside her slickened tunnel. His mouth closed over hers and as he swallowed her cry she tasted her own juices on his lips.

She tore her head away, excited, and began to move with him, matching him thrust for thrust. Lucy wrapped her legs around him and threw her head back as he pushed her up another wave which crested and brought both of them to a mindless pleasure before breaking in a crashing fulfillment.

He collapsed on her and then gently lifted off, looking down into her eyes.

"Oh, God, Lucy. I'm so..."

"No," she said, taking his face between her small hands. "Don't you apologize, Warren Ellis. Don't you dare apologize! If I thought for one moment that you regretted this..."

He shook his head. "No," he said. "I'll never regret this. Ever. I just don't want you to think..."

"What? That you took advantage of me? You didn't, Warren. I promise. Nothing just happened that I didn't want to happen."

He smoothed the hair away from her face.

"You know, Lucy Primm, you are an amazing young lady."

He kissed her again then, gently and carefully and then held her in his arms until they had to leave to pick up her son.

* * *

Could people tell she'd just been fucked? Lucy wondered. Even though she'd showered she felt the aura of sex still clung to her. Was it her imagination or did Dr. Nook's smile seem a little knowing, and linger longer than usual when she came to the door to collect Keegan. Lucy felt she likely imagined it, but it did not help that she felt different somehow, more awake, more worldly.

It was especially hard to say goodbye that evening. She wanted him to stay, and the wanting which had just been emotion was now also physical. She could tell he wanted it too, by the way he held her at the door.

"So I'll see you at work," she said.

"Where I will still be your boss," he reminded her.

"I thought you were the boss here, too," she said wickedly.

Warren looked over to see whether Keegan was still preoccupied with his party favors and - when satisfied that he was - he squeezed Lucy's bottom.

"I am," he said. "But at work, well, let's just say our relationship may need to be a little more discreet. And it's not because I'm ashamed of you or anything like..."

"I know that," she said, nodding her head. "I've already been on the receiving end of the suspicions, remember?"

He nodded. "Your co-workers are already looking for special treatment.."

"You could rescind my promotion," she said.

He shook his head. "You earned that promotion, Lucy. You're the most qualified employee Hartford house has...."

"Thanks." She blushed a little at the words. His praise felt good, especially since she believe it. Lucy knew she had worked hard. He was right; she deserved the promotion.

"I just wish you could stay," she said.

"You know I can't."

"I know."

He tipped her face up to his.

"Soon," he said. "Very soon I want us to be together, Lucy Primm. You. Me. Keegan."

Her eyes welled with grateful tears. "Are you sure?"

"Sure as anything," he said. "I want you both under my protection."

She laughed at this, even though she found it charming.

"Under your protection?" she teased. "Are we going to be besieged?"

But he was not laughing.

"The world is full of peril, Lucy. Even in this age. You are a young woman with a child. You and Keegan would be safer with me. You know that. And I'll rest better when we're finally all under one roof."

The intensity of his words touched her.

"I will too," she admitted.

He kissed her.

"Good night, my dear," he said.

"Good night," she replied.

Then Lucy watched as he gently kissed her son before leaving.

* * *

Lucy arrive early at work the next morning. She wanted to get there before Warren Ellis, so that she could prepare herself for any change in his demeanor.

He'd told her he wanted to be discreet; did that mean he'd be more distant to her in front of other employees, more critical perhaps? She'd not pressed him on the matter and did not know, but she wanted to be sure that whatever happened she would not take it personally.

Lucy handed out assignments to the workers, feeling less of a need now to take their impression of her into account. Before Warren, she realized, she felt very alone. Her co-workers had been her only human connection besides that of her son. She was forever afraid of offending or alienating them. Now that Warren was in her life, she did not feel quite as fearful of making them angry. That wasn't to say she didn't care how they felt, but she no longer felt the need to walk on eggshells.

"Do I have to help with the dying?" A new part timer objected. "That indigo ruins my nails!"

Lucy offered a patient smile, but her tone was firm as she answered.

"Yes," she said. "We all had to work with the hand-dying. I know it leaves your hands blue, but it's not forever. And it's a lot more fun than it looks. Trust me."

The girl scowled but then smiled and moved off with the others, leaving Lucy feeling very satisfied and more confident than ever.

She was going through the list of groups expected to visit Hartford House when she heard the phone ring. She waited for the receptionist to pick up, but when no one did she went into the front office. The receptionist was not in the office.

Lucy picked up.

"Hartford House," she said. "May I help you?"

The voice on the other other end was curt.

"Is Warren Ellis there?"

"No ma'am," Lucy replied. "He's out at the moment. May I take a message?"

Lucy reached down and began looking for a message pad. She found it in a small basket on the other side of the desk.

"Yes, you certainly may take a message," the woman said. "This is Ellen McCreevey and I need Mr. Ellis to call me at once about a very important matter."

"May I tell him what it concerns?" Lucy asked.

"No, you may not," the woman replied. "Just tell him that it is extremely important that he contact me if he values his job."

The woman gave Lucy her number and she jotted it down, repeating it back to double-check it for accuracy before hanging up the phone.

Lucy stared down at the message she'd taken. The woman's name sounded familiar but she couldn't place it any more than she could understand the threatening tone she'd used.

An older woman walked in. Lucy instantly recognized her as the receptionist who filled in for the regular one when she was sick. Any hopes of determining who Ellen McCreevey might be vanished.

Lucy held onto the message and decided to give it to Warren when he arrived. She did not have to wait long. He appeared as she was helping the replacement receptionist get settled in.

"Good morning, Miss Primm," he said cordially.

"Mr. Ellis."

The receptionist nodded.

"Could I have a word with you, sir?" she asked.

"Certainly, Miss Primm. We can speak in my office.

He ushered her in.

"How are you?" he asked when the door closed.

"Great," she said, finding it hard to resist the urge to kiss him. But while I was waiting for the receptionist I got a call from a woman who sounded really irritable. Her name is familiar, but I can't place it.

She handed him the message and he looked at it, worry suddenly etched on his handsome face.


"Ellen McCreevey," he said. "Dr. Nook's mother-in-law, remember?"

Now Lucy realized why the name had sounded so familiar.

"What did she say, Lucy?"

"She said you needed to call her if..."

He looked up at her over the spectacles he'd donned to read the message.

"If what?"

"If..." Lucy took a deep breath. "If you valued your job."

He removed the spectacles. "She said that exactly?"

Lucy nodded and they looked at one another, neither willing to voice the fears that simultaneously shook them. Just the day before they'd been at Dr. Nook's house, an obvious couple. Dr. Nook had recognized them at once, had connected the fact that they worked together at Hartford House, with Warren as Lucy's superior. There was a strict moral's clause in the contract. Fraternization meant they could both lose their jobs.

"Do you think...?" she began.

"Lucy, there's no need to jump to conclusions..."

"I know," she said. "But if we were questioned. Would we lie?"

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