History of the Second World War (138 page)

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Authors: Basil Henry Liddell Hart

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Russo-Japanese War (1904), 202, 204, 206, 217-19
Ruthenia, 586-7
Ruweisat Ridge, 286-7, 291
Rybachi peninsula, 43
Ryder, Major-General Charles, 317
, the, 359
Ryukyu Islands, 222, 619, 630, 683.
See also
Rzhev, 241, 255, 483


Saar valley, U.S. forces approach, 558, 562; optimism regarding capture of, 567
Safi, 321
Saidor, 508
Saigon, 226
St Angelo, 534
St Cyprien, 428-9
St John’s, Newfoundland, 380
St Lo, 549
St Menges, 71
St Nazaire, 392, 557
St Omer, 80
St Vith, 653-4, 656
Sainte Foy de Montgommery, 553
Saipan Island, 617-20, 630, 690
Saito, Lieut.-General Y., 619
Sakhalin, 693
Sakurai Seizo, Lieut.-General, 515, 634, 687
Salamaua, 503, 505-6
Salerno, Allied landings at, 452-3, 455, 460-2, 523; a poor choice of landing site, 455, 473-474; costly check at, 456, 463-4; Germans prepared for, 456-9; number of German tanks at, 459n.; harbour of, 462; advance from, 468-9, 473
Salerno, Gulf of, 459
Salla, 44, 46
Salonika, 115, 133-4
Salsk, 478
Salween River, 234, 687
Samar Island, 625
Samoa, 344
San, River, 27, 30-1, 581-2
San Bernardino Strait, 623-5, 627
Sandford, Brigadier D. A., 125
Sandomierz, 30
Sangro River, 470-1
Sansapor, Cape, New Guinea, 616-17
Sant’ Agata, 445
Santa Cruz islands, U.S. occupation of, 357; Battle of the, 361
Santa Isabel, 501
Santerno, River, 673
U.S.S., 358-60
Sarawak, 689
Sardinia, 470; Hitler expects Allied landing on, 437-8, 444
Sarmi, New Guinea, 615
Sasaki, Major-General N., 505
Savige, Major-General S. G., 688
Savo Island, Battle of, 358
Sbeitla, 336, 405-7
Sbiba, 406-7, 409
Scapa Flow,
in, 371
the, 371, 377, 388, 391, 393, 596
Schelde (Scheldt), River, 75, 560, 565
Schlusselburg, 241, 480
Schmid, Major, of Luftwaffe’s Intelligence department, 94
Schmidt, Heinz, on German technique with tanks and anti-tank guns, 267
Schmundt, Lieut.-General R., 40
Schnee Eifel, 653
Schorner, Field-Marshal F., 148, 574, 587-8
Schweinfurt ball-bearings plant, air-raid on, 602-4
Scoglitti, 441
Scoones, General Sir Geoffry, in Burma, 515; at Imphal, 518-19
Second Front, discussion of, for 1942, 310-311; Stalin demands, 310, 314; British objections to 1943, 438.
See also
‘Overlord, Operation’
Sedan, 39, 65, 71
Seine, River, Germans cross, 84; Allies reach and cross, 546, 562; smashing of bridges over, 547; possible German defensive line on, 557
Seiskari Island, 43
Selangor, 227
Sele, River, 462
Senger und Etterlin, Lieut.-General von, 436, 534-5; 14th Panzer Corps of, 527-8; reinforces Cassino, 529; 14th Army of, 671
Senio, River, 542, 672
Serafimovich, 259, 263
H.M.S., 338, 320
Sereth, River, 574-5, 584
Sevastopol, 248-9, 575-6
Severn Estuary, 89
Sfax, 336, 397
Shan Hills, 636-7
Shanghai, 206
Shantung, 204-5
Shepetovka, 570, 574
‘Shingle, Operation’, 526
‘SHO-I’ plan, 621-2
the, 347
the, 346-8, 359, 361, 619, 683
Shumilov, General, 259
Shwebo, 636
Shwebo-Mandalay plain, 635
Siam, invasion of Malaya through, 224-5; preventing Japanese escape into, 687
Siauliai, 581, 588
Sicilian Narrows, tank-carrying ship lost in, 176
Sicily, invasion of, 433-46; aided by Allied initial failure in Tunisia, 342; planning of, 424, 438-40; Axis Powers deprived of battle-tested troops to block, 432; hidden causes of success of, 433; Allied slowness in embarking on, 435, 438-9; troops defending, 436, 442; command of, 439; landings on, 440-3; defenders ill-prepared for landings, 442; conquest of, 443-5; results, 445-6
Sidi Azeiz, 176
Sidi Barrani, 112, 114, 278, 306
Sidi Bou Zid, 405
Sidi Breghisc, 196
Sidi Mufta, 269, 274
Sidi Nsir, 411
Sidi Omar, 190-1, 198
Sidi Rezegh, Battle of, 186-92, 194-5
Siedlce, 581-2
Siegfried Line minefields, 32
Sierra Leone convoys, 380, 382; temporary suspension of, 386
Silesia, Upper, 664, 666-8
Silesian coalfields, 27; German loss of, 611
Simovich, General, 132-3, 151
Simpson, Lieut.-General William, 655, 678
Singapore, high priority to defence of, 182, 219; Egypt reinforced at expense of, 182, 232-3; Japanese landward approach to, 202-3; Japanese attack on Singapore Island, 228-9; surrender of, 203, 229-30; British naval base at, 205, 208, 230, 233;
Prince of Wales
at, 226; faulty defences of, 230-2; strengthening of garrison of, 230; strategic and prestige effects of loss of, 233; Japanese fleet kept at, 620, 623, 683; move to recapture, 687, 689
Singapore Island, 203, 228-9
Singora, 224, 226, 234
Sino-Japanese War (1895), 204
Sio, 508
Sittang, River, 234-6, 687
Sivash Lagoon, 575
Skaggerak, the, 59, 61-2
Skala, 574
Skorzeny, Lieut.-Colonel Otto, 644
‘Slapstick, Operation’, 466-8
‘Sledgehammer, Operation’, 311
Slessor, Air Marshal Sir John, 389
Slim, River, 227
Slim, Lieut.-General (later Field-Marshal) Sir W. J., 515; in Somaliland, 125; in Arakan, 365, 516; orders counteroffensive at Kohima, 519; Burma campaign of, 631, 638, 687; recasts plan, 635-6; mentioned, 518
Slonim, German encirclement fails near, 162
‘Slot, the’, 358-9, 503
Slovakia, breakaway of, 10-11; Russians in, 586-7; German divisions sent to Silesia from, 666
Smigly-Rydz, Marshal, 28, 31
Smith, Major-General Holland M., 510
Smolensk, German advance to, 149, 164; parachute troops at, 255; German withdrawal to line covering, 483; Russian push towards, 491; abandonment of, 493, 496
Smuts, Field-Marshal J. C., urges action in East Africa, 125; advises change of command of Eighth Army, 290; on appointment of Darlan, 332
Smyth, Major-General J. G., 234-5
‘S.N.S.’ organisation, 366
Sollum, 178, 190, 192, 273; pursuit of Rommel’s forces to, 306-7
Solomon Islands, Japanese plan to take, 344-345, 353; MacArthur’s and Nimitz’s spheres divided by, 346, 502; plan for U.S. occupation of eastern, 357; Japanese move first in, 357; Japanese commanders ordered to hold, 498; Japanese Navy gives priority to, 501; Japanese forces in, 501-2; in U.S. strategic plan, 502; Allied landings in, 503-505, 507-8; Japanese evacuate central, 505; classed non-essential to Japanese plans, 506.
See also
Solomons, Battle of Eastern, 359-60
Somaliland Camel Corps, 124
Somerville, Admiral Sir James, Indian Ocean force of, 237; Force H of, 379; in South-East Asia Command, 515
Somme, River, 77, 84-5
Sommerfeld, 668
Sorrento peninsula, 460
the, 351
Sosnkowski, General, 31
Souk Ahras, 334
Souk el Arba, 335
Sousse, 336, 422
South Africa, convoys sent round, to Egypt and East, 109, 178n., 438; U-boat sinkings off, 386, 390
South America, U-boat sinkings off, 386
South Dakota
, U.S.S., 361
South-East Asia Command, 515; projected amphibious move of, 687
South-west Pacific area, 346; campaigns in, 353-62, 364, 502-9, 613-18; as route for attacking Japan, 499-500; apparent stalemate in, 500-1; divided command in, 502; Allied forces in, 502-3; slow progress in, leads to ‘by-passing’ plan, 504-5; Japanese forces in, 507
Southampton, air raids on, 107-8
Soviet-German Pact, 13-14, 206
Spa, U.S. First Army H.Q., 642, 654
Spaatz, General Karl, 604, 606
Spadafora, 445
Spain, Germany gets iron and mercury from, 24; drive to Gibraltar planned through, 145; danger of entry of Germans into, 297; fears of hostility of, to landings on Moroccan coast, 313; no intervention from, at ‘Torch’ landings, 333
Spanish Civil War, 6, 23, 92
‘Special Force’.
‘Special Night Squads’, 366
Speer, Albert, Hitler’s Minister of War Production, 243, 605, 608, 610-11; shaken out of loyalty to Hitler, 679
Sperrle, Field-Marshal Hugo, 98; and Battle of Britain, 90, 104, 107
Spezia, 453, 465
Spitfire, Supermarine, in Battle of Britain, 91-2, 94-5, 103, 592; in Italy, 466; in Burma, 517; in ‘Circus’ operations, 598; as bomber escort, 608
Spitzbergen, raid on, 391
Sponeck, General Graf, 68
Spruance, Admiral Raymond A., at Midway battle, 352; Central Pacific forces under, 510-12, 613; attacks Marianas, 617-618; 5th Fleet of, 621; captures Iwo Jima, 630-1
Stalin, Marshal, and Polish Guarantee, 12; makes pact with Hitler, 13-14, 143; seeks safeguards against German attack, 43-4, 143; moderate in terms to Finland, 46; Cripps visits, 144; Hitler’s opinion of, 147; seeks to avoid war with Germany, 154; demands ‘Second Front’, 310, 314; on German losses, 494; unwilling to take on Japan, 499; stimulates move from Rumania, 577; terms of, to Finns (1944), 578; pleased by Berlin raids, 602; January offensive of, 663-4; at Potsdam Conference, 691; Japan’s peace approaches to, 692-4; determined on entering war with Japan, 693, 695; benefits from ‘unconditional surrender’ demand, 713
Stalingrad, German advance to, 247, 251, 255-6; plan to capture, 247-8; escaping Russian troops accumulate near, 252; struggle for, 252, 256-63, 710; reinforcements to, hamper Caucasus drive, 254; Russian counteroffensive at, 255, 258, 260-265, 478; street fighting in, 259-60; encircled, 261, 263, 710; German morale declining in, 260, 478; German surrender at, 264, 479, 483; Russian forces investing, spared to cut off retreat from Caucasus, 478-9; German prisoners taken at, 479; sacrifice of army at, saves Manstein’s and Kleist’s forces, 479; airborne stroke suggested at, 484
Stalino, 492
Stanislav, 581
Stanley, Oliver, 10
Staraya Russa, 576-7
Stark, Colonel A. N., 407
Station de Sened, 415
Stavanger, British plan to land at, 57; German air base at, 100, 371
Stavelot, 642, 650, 654-5; fuel dump near, 658
Steinau, 668
Stemmermann, General, 570
Steppes, railway built over, 251, 254
Stilwell, General Joseph, 236, 364, 515, 517-518; replacement of, 633, 635
Stimson, Henry L., 316, 692, 695-6

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