Hold Me Close (5 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

BOOK: Hold Me Close
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He eased one free and rested her foot in the convenient stirrups of the medical table. Dex took his time and massaged her muscles back to life in order to minimize any cramping. By the time he'd worked her second leg free, his body had flared back to life and he was contemplating whether he wanted his dick in her mouth or her ass next. Apparently, when it came to her he was insatiable.

"Dex?" Her quiet voice drew his attention back to her face. She looked a little nervous now with her teeth nibbling on her bottom lip.

"Not yet. I need a minute." He had to get his head on straight before she asked. At the end of every scene. She always asked him to hold her close and it wasn't in him to deny her. Nor did he want to. He needed nothing more than to wrap her lush body against his and welcome the comfortable silence they always shared.

Except tonight. Dammit. He'd changed everything. Part of him wanted to take her home and keep her there. With his thoughts going a mile a minute, he slowly undid the cuffs at Bonnie's wrists and massaged the red abrasions caused by her mindless struggles. They didn't need words to communicate after a scene. When it came to this woman, he only needed to feel her touch or listen to her breathing.

Dex lifted her from the table and carried her over to the couch. He gingerly set her down, taking care not to bump anything sore before he walked away long enough to gather a cool cloth, a bottle of water and a soft blanket.

After he wiped the dried sweat from her face and arms he wrapped her in the blanket for some much needed warmth. "Here, drink this. You need it." He handed her the uncapped bottle and watched her place it against slightly swollen lips and take a few small sips. Unshed tears were shining in her eyes and they decimated him. He both wanted to know why she was about to cry and didn't. But they shredded him nonetheless.

Unable to watch her pain for another second, he gathered her into his arms and reversed their positions with him sitting on the sofa and her snuggled on his lap. Her arms immediately wrapped around his neck and she drew herself closer. As he rearranged the blanket so it covered her back, she twisted around and buried her face in his shoulder. Somehow, she'd managed to get her thighs around his hips with her breasts pushed against his chest as the quiet sobs racked through her.

He wasn't surprised at the outpouring of emotion. He'd pushed her harder than ever before in the hopes she could release some of the guilt she couldn't get past. At twenty-four, she was too damned young not to find her way past the loss of her Dom.

After a while the tears stopped and her breathing evened out. It was then he finally realized how dangerous their position was.  

Dear God. She always felt perfect in his arms. But shit, this was fucking amazing. For the first time they were both naked and attached from thighs to shoulders. She wasn't tied up and he wasn't pushing her limits of pain. This was simple flesh on flesh. His body heated and his dick thickened, until every insistent throb in his groin nudged him against her sex.

The only indication he got from her that she'd noticed were the fingers tightening around his biceps. Damn, he wanted to fuck her again. No needed to.

Before he formed a coherent thought on what to do next, Bonnie changed position in his lap, shifting her hips until he slipped half inside her.

Dex hissed. "Bonnie," he said, hoping like hell she'd heed his warning.

Still she said nothing. Instead, she lifted slightly and sank down on him again with more force until he filled her completely.

His eyes rolled to the back of his head as her heat seared through him. This woman felt even better the second time. He grabbed the sides of her face and lifted her head until their gazes met. The wet sheen of tears recently shed still clung to her skin and lashes, but the need staring back at him was unmistakable.

She might not be fully healed yet, but somewhere deep inside she'd accepted the change between them. With his gaze locked on her face he gripped her hips and lifted them a few inches before lowering her again as he thrust hard.

The scent of fresh feminine arousal assaulted his senses. She was slick, hot and so damn tight. He wanted—Dex froze.

"Oh shit. Bonnie. I don't have a fucking condom on. He spoke through teeth grit so hard, it felt like his jaw might break. He had to find the control to stop them, but he really didn’t want to.

"It's okay, Dex. We had that talk, remember?" The breathless tone of her voice threatened his resolve. There was nothing more that he liked than a woman on edge. "I have protection and no chance of disease."

Yes, they'd gone over this during their initial negotiation but that didn't mean it made breaking the rules okay. She'd just given him a gift she wasn't allowed to give or take back.

"Dammit, Bonnie." He shifted position, rolling to the side with her under him without losing their connection. Her rosy flushed face and harsh breathing turned him the hell on, as did the fact that he was inside the women he wanted more than any other bareback. A little anger washed through the pleasure starting to overtake him. Tonight was supposed to be the end. He needed to get his life back to some semblance of normal. But this sub— she was too much and not enough at the same time. Would tonight really be the end?

“Dex?” He snapped his gaze to her and saw the unspoken question. He’d gotten lost in his thoughts.

“Feeling needy, Bonnie girl?”

“Always, Sir. It’s what you do to me.”

He wasn’t so sure about the always, but he wasn’t one to ever disappoint a sub. Dex let go of the restraint holding him back and rode her hard, establishing a rhythm that both stretched and stroked her to the edge of her peak. Lost in sensation, all he could do was watch the rise and fall of her emotions as they crossed her face. She whimpered and cried and he went crazy.

“Oh God. Please, Sir.”

“I love when you beg me, my girl. Now be a good little sub and wrap your arms around my neck.”

She did as he asked and twined around him. He shifted his hips to get better traction and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. He gripped her hips so hard he felt bone and she moaned. She was again lost in the pleasure and the addition of some pain seemed to push her to another level.

“Dex.” She wrapped her legs around his hips with a cry. With every flutter of her muscles around him, he was reminded she was close.

“Hold it, baby. You can do it.”

“I can’t,” she said, whining.

He understood how she felt. The idea of coming inside her was making him crazy. He had a feeling he was in waters no man had ever chartered with her before. He’d mark her so completely from the inside out, she’d never forget him. She was his.

He made them both wait for a few more excruciating minutes as every sensation escalated beyond belief.

Gritting his teeth he tried to hold it and couldn’t. “Fuck, Bonnie. Come for me now.” He lifted on his knees and shoved their bodies together as they exploded. He pounded through the never-ending climax while Bonnie shredded his back with her small but fierce nails. Finally.

Her body shook underneath him and Dex wanted to howl at the fucking moon. He shifted his hands from her hips to her shoulders and pulled her tighter with the full weight of his body pressing her into the sofa. If she wanted him to hold her this is how he’d do it. With his dick buried inside her and her beautiful body marked as thoroughly as any man can mark a woman.

Chapter Four

Bonnie tried to take a deep breath and couldn’t. The crushing weight of Dex pinned her to the couch. Yet somehow, those limitations made something in her brain click. This had been no ordinary scene between a Dom and a sub. He’d asked her for so much more and she’d given it in more ways than one. In a way, this surrender felt more complete than anything she’d ever experienced. Dex had pushed and pushed and pushed some more until finally she let go of all the restrictions she’d put on herself and—her heart skipped a beat.

Oh God. He’d asked for her total and complete submission and for the first time in her life, she’d given it. No hesitation, no holding back and no cautious baby steps marred by the past. She’d jumped off the ledge for him, not even questioning whether he’d catch her or not.

Dex lifted onto his arms, removing some of the weight crushing down on her, although as far as her heart and mind were concerned, there was no less pressure. He swiped the hair from her face. Their bodies were still slick with cooling sweat and her breathing had yet to return to full normal.

“We should get out of here and go home,” he said.

She nodded. He was—
Wait? What?

The knot of nerves already settling in her stomach turned to cold, hard stone as the full realization of what he meant hit her mind. She’d let her guard down enough to entertain fancy thoughts of their relationship becoming more than a once a month stand. The one thing she swore she’d never do with him.

He pulled from the clasp of her body and disappeared into the adjoining bathroom. Now he was extricating himself in more ways than one. That stone in her gut turned to nausea. Her promise to be less naive and savvier about future relationships had been an idiotic ideal crafted by a stupid girl. When exactly would she ever grow up?

She sat up and wrapped the blanket around her chilled body. It would be so easy to break down and cry right now. He’d think it was the normal emotional response from a girl like her and he’d be right. But she didn’t want to be that girl anymore. If she’d learned nothing else from her time with Dex, she was confident she’d changed. What she had with Jim was over and she never wanted that kind of relationship again. It had been the right thing at the right time, but no longer.

Submission meant so many different things and her life was finally evolving. If Dex wasn’t the right man for her, it didn’t mean anything. There were many others.

The moment the water turned off, Bonnie made her decision. She stood and secured the blanket around her shoulders, stiffened her spine and walked out the door, leaving everything behind. She had plenty of clothes stashed in the employee lounge.

She hurried down the corridor before Dex could come after her. He was a bit of a stickler on aftercare, so he’d be pissed to find her gone. Rather than force some weird and uncomfortable confrontation, she chose escape. And as quickly as possible.


She squeezed her eyes at the sound of her boss’s voice. More than anything she didn’t want to talk to him, but if she tried to ignore him there’d be more at stake than her job. Coming to an abrupt halt, she compromised and kept her back to his too intuitive gaze.

“Gabe. Sir.” Protocol required she address him formally when in this area of the club. He was technically not her boss here, but he was a Dom and she was a submissive. Insubordinate subs who knew better were dealt with harshly.

“Are you all right?”

His voice had softened with sympathy and her stomach twisted tighter. She needed no pity. “Yes, Sir. The scene with Dex just ended and I’m heading home now.” She tried valiantly to keep the quiver from her voice and only hoped he wouldn’t pry deeper. She couldn’t take the third-degree tonight.

“There will be a car waiting out front for you. Take it.”

Everything in her wanted to refuse. But she needed to get the hell out of here now and arguing with the head Dom wasn’t going to help her cause. Dex would be on her any second.

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” She offered a small curtsy and took off at a speed just shy of a run. She had to get out now before she changed her mind and ran back into the private room to throw herself at the mercy of a man who didn’t really want her.

She rushed into the ladies only employee room, threw on the first outfit she found and then headed out the side door where she had no doubt a driver waited to take her home. He would already have been given her home address and there would be no need for small talk with a stranger. Her boss had a knack for those kinds of details.

She burst from the door, and sure enough, the black town car service Gabe always used sat at the curb with a driver standing next to the door waiting for her. With practiced ease, he opened the door and ushered her inside.

Immediately the heated leather seats enveloping her in warmth and safety. Bonnie sighed. She turned back to see Dex had not pursued her. That thrilled her. Right?

Bonnie turned away from the window and snuggled in for the thirty-minute commute to her apartment. If she fell asleep now she’d arrive home and be wide awake. But she needed something to drown out thoughts of Dex. She reached for the radio and that’s when she saw it. A thick gold envelope lying in a tray with her name written on it in a beautiful handwritten scrawl.

Curious, she snatched it from the tray and opened it, pulling a lone embossed card out of the envelope with the word “Eden” printed at the top.

Sit back and relax, Bonnie. Although things aren’t exactly as they seem, you are in good hands. This car is not taking you home but instead to the airport, where you will board a flight to an island paradise named Eden for an all-expenses paid and much needed vacation.

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