Holidays With the Walker Brothers (10 page)

BOOK: Holidays With the Walker Brothers
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at Braydon, he waited patiently until his brother met his gaze, which didn’t
take long. That was part of their twin connection. Surprisingly, the look in
Braydon’s eyes had worry shuddering down Brendon’s spine.


looked like Brendon wasn’t the only one with a secret.

Chapter Thirteen




you ok?” Jessie asked.

was close enough that Braydon could smell the sweet and spicy, floral scent of
her perfume – a scent he’d found himself craving for months now. And the more
he got, the more he wanted. Like a drug, addicting. But, no matter how much he
wished otherwise, Jessie was seemingly doing her best not to get too close
which meant moments like these were few and far between these days.

wanted to draw Jessie up against him. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and
hold her as close as he could. He wanted to press his nose against the soft,
silky strands of her hair and then rest his lips against the enticing hollow at
the base of her throat.

she wasn’t his. Which meant he didn’t have the luxury of touching her the way
he wanted to. A quick peek across the room, Braydon noticed his twin wasn’t
paying any attention to him or Jessie, but he knew that could change at any

this was getting harder and harder with every single second that passed, and to
know that Christmas was literally just days away was killing him. Braydon
wanted to spend Christmas with Jessie, he wanted to invite her to his parents’
house as his girl, have her sit next to him at dinner, and put his arm around
her shoulder while they watched
It’s a Wonderful Life

wanted it all, but for now he would have to settle for being the third wheel.
It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy the time he got to spend with Jessie, but until
her, Braydon had never imagined himself separating from his twin this way.

shared women, it’s just what they did. Neither of them ran solo when it came to
sex with women – never had. And until recently, he had never questioned the
reason. And hell, they shared Jessie, and he knew for a fact that Brendon had
never fucked her without Braydon present.

that was the way things worked.

needed him to be there. Needed him around. In fact, Braydon got the impression
Brendon expected him to sustain this type of relationship for the rest of their
lives. And because his twin was the most important person in his world, Braydon
wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to tell him that his idea of a relationship was
morphing into something a little less… threesome based.

even he knew that most of their relationships were based on sex and pleasure. 
But with Jessie, what had taken up residence in the center of Braydon’s chest
had so much more to do with deeper emotions and less about physical

didn’t make it right though.

glanced back at Jessie as she spoke softly.

do you want to do when we leave here?”

why did it sound like she was actually talking directly to him? Almost as
though the “we” in her statement was just the two of them. But that wasn’t the
case. The “we” she referred to included Brendon.

matter,” he said gruffly, suddenly irritated with himself. He needed to back
the fuck off and get his shit together before he did something incredibly

Lord knew he’d done enough stupid things during the course of his life. No
reason to rack up more points.





had spent the better part of the night bullshitting with Kaleb and Gage about
the Dallas Cowboys, talking to Sawyer about his latest adventure at the animal
shelter, and ultimately wasting time until he could get a minute alone with

Blake wasn’t around – yes, miracles did happen – he was hoping for just a
chance to talk to Ethan. Not that he expected anything to happen, but quite
frankly, Beau missed their weekly chats over a beer right here in this very
same bar. Whether he was the one who had fallen into sync with Ethan’s
schedule, or vice versa, they always seemed to meet up. Not that either of them
would take responsibility for it being more than just a coincidence.

they hadn’t said two words to one another since the afternoon he stumbled upon
Ethan receiving a blow job from Blake. And tonight wasn’t looking good for him

was putting a noticeable amount of space between them, and Beau was honestly
tired of this cat and mouse bullshit. He should’ve taken the hint. Should’ve
let Ethan’s blatant reaction to his being a witness to his sexual satisfaction
send him in the opposite direction. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been pissed. Or
insanely jealous.

for some reason, after seeing Ethan and Blake together at the mechanic shop,
he’d had more than his fair share of fantasies which absolutely did not include
Blake Henley. Nope, you could cut Blake right out of those images and paste
Beau right over that empty space, and you’d get a front row seat through the
portal into Beau’s deepest, darkest fantasies.

knew that before long, he was going to have to do something about his complete
and total obsession with Ethan Walker. Either he was going to have to approach
him, or he was going to have to walk away. It was obvious that Ethan wasn’t
going to be making the first move.

Beau had just come to terms with the fact that he was gay, but it seemed a man
who had never been with a woman in his life still had trouble admitting the

only Beau could figure out a way to help Ethan over that hurdle and prove to
him that the world would continue to turn, even if he did finally come out.





could feel Beau’s eyes as they tracked him through the bar. He’d felt them
since the moment he walked in the door. And, like a true asshole, he’d fought
every urge to turn around and make eye contact with the man.

watching Beau fly out of the parking lot of Walker Demo’s mechanic shop, Ethan
knew he’d succeeded in driving him away. Making eye contact with Beau while
Blake had been sucking him off probably hadn’t been the best idea, but he did
what he had to do. And the memory still assaulted him.

did what happened after that.

afternoon, he had physically been with Blake, his cock lodged deep in his ass,
the friction blowing his mind. But mentally, he’d been with Beau. It had been
Beau whom he’d told to grab hold of the rolling toolbox. It had been Beau whom
he’d all but ripped his clothes off of. It had been Beau he’d knelt down behind
and reamed his ass with his tongue until he was begging, pleading for him to
fuck him. And it had been Beau he’d rammed his cock inside and thrust in
earnest until they were both covered in sweat.

at the same time, it
been Beau.

that’s what sucked.

that encounter with Blake, they’d gone back to work, pretended that all was
normal in their world while Ethan had spent the afternoon imagining what it
would be like to fuck Beau senseless.

he couldn’t look him in the eyes. And it had nothing to do with the wandering
thoughts, and everything to do with giving himself away. No matter how much he
wanted Beau, he couldn’t have him.

deserved a nice guy. One who would put him first, help him to explore his most
recently discovered desires. He damn sure didn’t need a man who wasn’t kidding
anyone but himself when it came to his lifestyle. Everyone knew. He knew they
did. But still, Ethan wasn’t yet ready to admit to the world that he was gay.
He wasn’t willing to do that to his family. He didn’t doubt that they’d be
accepting of him, hell, they accepted Travis with no problem, but that didn’t
mean others wouldn’t look down on his family.

wasn’t something he was willing to risk.

until he was – if that day ever came – then Beau did not deserve the hell Ethan
would surely put him through.





knew she’d show up. She always did, and tonight wasn’t an exception. Didn’t
mean he had been sitting around waiting for her.

hell, who the fuck was he kidding? He’d been downing beers like he was
dehydrated while watching the front door. He’d even counted the number of
people who had come in before her.


two left.

of that mattered now that Kennedy was there though. Nothing had changed except
for the fact that he had something appealing to watch as he drank his beer,
listened to his brothers rattle on about this and that while the women who
loved these guys filled the rest of any potential silence with their
discussions about their last couple of excursions out and about.

was tempted to fucking drink himself stupid.

that wouldn’t do a damn bit of good, and he’d still wake up in the morning,
alone in his bed with his dick in his hand. But he’d also have a headache to go
along with an insatiable hard on and frankly, that didn’t sound like fun.

watched as Kennedy moved across the room after retrieving her drink from the
bar. She purposely avoided looking his way, but if he had to guess, she knew he
was looking at her. How could she not. Hell, he was almost finished undressing
and redressing her with his eyes… for the third time.

Kennedy went to a table with a group of women, he had to send up a silent
prayer that the only seat available was one that would give her an unobstructed
view of where he stood across the room. Not that she would look at him. At
least not on purpose.

she would look at him. She always did.

thinking about the way her eyes heated even though she tried to pretend
indifference where he was concerned made his cock lengthen. Damn good thing he
had gone casual with his jeans and his untucked shirt.

that he gave a shit if she saw what she did to him. If he had his way, she’d be
naked, and he didn’t even give a fuck where they were. He’d be happy to sneak
off to the bathroom or even out to his truck. Didn’t matter. Just as long as he
could slide his dick inside of her, he’d be a happy man. And at that point,
maybe, just maybe, he’d be able to fuck her out of his system.

knew he’d waited long enough.

grinned the instant Kennedy’s eyes landed on his. This was just what he’d been
waiting for…


thoughts were interrupted by the sweet voice beside him. Glancing over, he
grinned out of habit. “Hey.”

were two smiles beaming back at him, and the fact that neither of them were
hard on the eyes had Sawyer turning his full attention to both of them.

Tara. This is my friend Liz.”

I’m speechless,” he teased, giving both of them his signature grin.

giggled. Just what he’d expected. They always giggled.

we get you a beer?”

No, he wasn’t thinking beer right then. “How ‘bout I get you two beautiful
ladies a beer.”

round of giggles and Sawyer found himself glancing across the room, pretending
to be checking out the bar when he was actually trying to see if Kennedy was
paying any attention to him.


was glaring his way, but when their eyes met, she turned away quickly.

Maybe his night was looking better already.

the blonde’s arm slid into the crook of his, Sawyer glanced down at her, trying
to remember her name. He couldn’t, but that didn’t stop him from pulling her up
close and letting her lead the way across the room. And when her friend’s hand
gently gripped his bicep on his other side, he smiled down at her too.

a beer would work for him. Then maybe a quick trip to the bathroom down the
hall with the giggle twins to relieve the ache in his balls. He played up his
attraction to the women, laughing when one giggled at the other, his stomach
churning painfully at the disappointment he suddenly felt.

most of his life, Sawyer hadn’t been particular about the women he was with.
Didn’t give a shit if he saw them again and these two would be added to that
long list of conquests. But, as he gazed across the room, wishing like hell
that Kennedy would give him even a remote indication of interest, he knew this
was getting old fast.

wasn’t supposed to want anything more than a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am. He
didn’t have time for anything more than that, and he knew from experience he’d
be satisfied for a little while once he got off.

was the story of his life.

ordering three Corona’s from Mack, Sawyer turned to see Greyson strolling his
way, a satisfied smirk on his face. Instead of watching his friend swoop in and
invite himself to their little trio, he found himself watching Kennedy again.

frowned at him, and there was a sudden sharp ache in his chest that he’d never
felt before. Guilt? Nah. Sawyer didn’t feel guilty. If Kennedy didn’t want a
damn thing to do with him, he was going to take what he could get. And he
didn’t give a fuck if she signed up to watch.

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