Hollywood Hellraisers (50 page)

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Authors: Robert Sellers

BOOK: Hollywood Hellraisers
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Gable, Clark

Gabor, Zsa Zsa

Ganz, Bruno

Gardner, Ava

Garey, Norman

Garfield, John

Garfunkel, Art

Garner, Jim


Gibson, John

Gilmore, John

Gittes, Harry

Gittes, Jake

Glen, John

Glory Stompers, The

Goddard, Caleb

Godfather, The

Godfather, The

Goin’ South

Gone with the Wind

Good Life, The


Gothard, Michael

Gourin, Jenine

Graduate, The

Grant, Cary

Grant, Lee

Grant, Sandra

Great Gatsby, The

Griffiths, Trevor

Guber, Peter

Guns n’ Roses

(TV series)

Guys and Dolls

Gyllenhaal, Stephen

Hackman, Gene

Hall, Arsenio

Hall, Jerry

Hall, (Sir) Peter


Halprin, Daria

Hang ’Em High

Hanks, Tom

Hanna, William

Harrington, Curtis

Harris, Ed

Harris, Julie

Hart, Gary

Hartford, Huntington


Hathaway, Henry

Hawn, Goldie

Hayward, Bill

Hayward, Brooke

Hayward, Leland


Headly, Glenne

Heart of Darkness, The

Hearts of Darkness

Heaven Can Wait

Hefner, Hugh

Hell Ride

Hellman, Lillian

Hellman, Monte

Hello Dolly

Hells Angels on Wheels

Hendrix, Jimi

Henry, Buck


Herrmann, Edward

Hershey, Barbara

Hickenlooper, George

Hickman, Dwayne

Hill, George Roy

Hilton, Paris

Hitchcock, Alfred

Hitler, Adolf

Hoffman, Dustin

Hollmann, Honey

Hollmann, Winnie

Hollywood Squares
(TV game show)

Hooper, Tobe


Hopper, David

Hopper, Dennis

background and youth




early sexual conquests

relationship with Natalie Wood

passion for art


marriage to Brooke Hayward

meets Charles Manson

marriage to Michelle Phillips

marriage to Daria Halprin

explosives episode

in rehab

lives in a gated, guarded compound

marriage to Katherine LaNasa

marriage to Victoria Duffy

Hopper, Hedda

Hopper, Henry

Hopper, Jay

Hopper, Marin

Hopper, Marjorie

Hoskins, Bob

Hot Spot, The

Howard, Trevor

Hudson, Rock

Hughes, Howard

Human Highway

Humphrey, Hubert

Hunt, Susan
Burton, Susan

Hustler, The

Huston, Anjelica

Huston, John

Hutton, Lauren

Hyman, Eliot

Hyser, Joyce

I Remember Mama

Ice Cube

Indian Runner, The

Inge, William

Ingles, Marty

Ipcress File, The

Irons, Jeremy


Island of Dr Moreau, The

It Happened One Night

Jackson, Kate

Jackson, Michael

Jaffe, Leo

Jaffe, Stanley

Jagger, Mick

Jaglom, Henry

James, Henry


Jean, Wyclef

Johns, Jasper

Johnson, Diane

Johnson, Don

Johnson, Lyndon

Jones, Shirley

Joplin, Janis

Julius Caesar

Jungle Warriors

Jurassic Park

Kael, Pauline


Kane, Bob

Kanter, Jay

Karloff, Boris

Kashfi, Anna

Kastner, Elliott

Katzenberg, Jeffrey

Kazan, Elia

Kazickas, Jurate

Kean, Edmund

Keaton, Diane

Keaton, Michael

Keitel, Harvey

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Robert

Kenney, Gil

Kesey, Ken

Kid Blue

Kidman, Nicole

Kill Bill: Vol.2

Kilmer, Val

King, Graham

King, Martin Luther

King, Stephen

King Kong

King of Marvin Gardens, The

Kingsley, (Sir) Ben

Kirkland, Sally

Knight, Sandra

Kosinski, Jerzy

Kranze, Don

Kristel, Sylvia

Kristofferson, Kris

Kubrick, Stanley

La Motta, Jake

Ladd, Diane

Lake, Michael

Lake, Veronika

Lamarr, Hedy

LaNasa, Katherine

Lancaster, Burt

Land of the Dead

Landau, Jon

Lange, Jessica

Langston, Charles

Last Detail, The

Last Movie, The

Last Tango in Paris

Lawrence, D.H.

Lawrence of Arabia

Lean, (Sir) David

Lee, Jennifer (later Mrs Richard Pryor)

Lee, Spike

Leewood, Jack

Leguizamo, John

Leigh, Vivien

Letterman, David

Levinson, Barry

Libbert, Robert

Lichtenstein, Roy


Little Shop of Horrors

Lloyd, Kathleen

Logan, Joshua

Lopez, Jennifer

Lorre, Peter

Loss of Roses, A

Love, Courtney

Love Affair

Love Me Tender

Lowe, Rob

LSD (acid)

Lucas, George

Luck of the Draw
(crime movie)

Lured Innocence

Lynch, David

(TV series)

McCabe and Mrs Miller

McCarthy, Joseph

McGovern, George

McGraw, Ali

McGuire, Dorothy

Machu, Mimi

MacLaine, Shirley

McMahon, Ed

McQueen, Steve

Mad Dog Morgan

Mad Max


Magritte, René

Maher, Bill

Mako, Jaid

Malden, Karl

Mallory, Carole

Maltese Falcon, The

Mamas and the Papas

Man for All Seasons, A

Man Trouble

Mankiewicz, Joseph

Mankiewicz, Tom

Mansfield, Jayne

Manson, Charles

Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, The
(TV comedy)

Marchak, Alice

Marcos, President

Margaret, HRH Princess

marijuana (cannabis, grass; pot, weed)

Martin, Dean

Martin, Steve



Matthau, Walter

May, Elaine

May, Ethel

Mayo-Chandler, Karen

(TV hospital-drama series)

Men, The


Meyers, Nancy

Miami Vice
(TV series)

Mickey One

Milestone, Lewis

Miller, George

Mineards, Richard

Minty, Barbara

Missouri Breaks, The

Mister Roberts

Moby Dick

Modine, Matthew

Monkees, The

Monkees, The
(TV show)

Monroe, Marilyn

Montana, Lenny

Moore, Mary Tyler

Moore, Susanna

The Saboreur
) (film)

Morrison, Jim

Moss, Kate

Motta, Dick

Murdoch, Rupert

Mussolini, Benito

Mutiny on the Bounty


Nelson, Willie

Newman, Paul

Nichols, Mike

Nicholson, Ethel May

Nicholson, Jack

background and youth


marriage to Sandra Knight


the famous Jack smile

relationship with Mimi Machu

art collection


relationship with Michelle Phillips


relationship with Anjelica Huston

relationship with Diane Keaton

importance of loyalty in his life

relationship with Rebecca Broussard

prostitute’s allegation

Nicholson, Jennifer

Nicholson, John J.

Nicholson, June

Nicholson, Lorraine

Nicholson, Raymond

Night of the Following Day, The

Night Tide

Nightcomers, The

Niven, David

Nixon, Richard

Novak, Kim

Nurmi, Maila (aka Vampira)

O.C. and Stiggs

Odets, Clifford


Ol’ Dirty Bastard

Oldman, Gary

Olivier, Laurence, Baron

On the Waterfront

Onassis, Aristotle

Onassis, Jackie Kennedy

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

One-Eyed Jacks

O’Neal, Ryan

O’Neal, Tatum

O’Neill, Eugene

Only Game in Town, The


Osterman Weekend, The

O’Toole, Peter

Out of the Blue

Oz, Frank

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