Read Hollywood Princess Online

Authors: Dana Aynn Levin

Hollywood Princess (22 page)

BOOK: Hollywood Princess
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The sound of spraying water greeted me when I woke. Crackling wood and the scent of pine permeated my senses.  Someone had lit the fireplace. It was cozy under the comforter and my limbs felt heavy. I didn’t want to move. So I didn’t.

shower ceased leaving the sound of the fire. I wouldn’t be alone much longer and that made me smile.

Moments later,
Danny emerged from the bathroom wearing a bath sheet wrapped around his waist. Droplets of water glistened on his sculpted chest. I sighed. His damp, shaggy hair was tousled and something about its wetness and the way it fell, was so arousing. I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. May I never grow bored with this view.

Danny rewarded me with his shy smile.
“What?” he laughed.

I decided to feed him back the line he had use
d on me this morning. “Have you looked in the mirror today?” I asked.

Danny climbed onto the bed behind me
tickling my neck with my hair. Droplets of water fell on my face and I giggled. “Not since I got dressed this morning,” he said.

Now facing him,
I ran my fingers from his cheekbone to his chin and back up the other side. All smooth. “Liar!” I laughed. “If you hadn’t looked in the mirror since this morning your face would be a bleeding, scabby mess.”

turned to my side. Danny leaned over my shoulder, his fingers gently moving my shirt collar aside. The wetness from his hair as it brushed my neck, and his breath touching my ear, caused me to gasp. 

“You’ve got me on that,” he

slowness of his enunciation against my ear caused uncontrollable tremors. I squirmed, but I wanted to stop. My back and legs were already sore from skiing. 

“My muscles hurt,” I complained.

“Here. Let me,” he answered. 

Danny rolled me onto my stomach. He tried massaging my back but the fabric of the shirt was bunching up. He yanked it over my head.

“That’s better,” he declared.

Danny was right. What did I have to be modest about anyway? Danny’s fingers adroitly kneaded my back, pressing all the right places. I hoped he would go on forever.

Then Danny’s skillful hands moved down to my thighs that he expertly administered to. When Danny reached my inner thigh, shivers coursed through me. Soon this would stop being therapeutic.

Cold droplets of water fell on my lower back. Danny’s hair was dripping. The coldness made me startle. Reflexively I rolled onto my back, bucking Danny who was on his knees leaning over me ready to continue the massage.

“You’re dripping on me,” I complained.

A mischievous grin played across his lips. Danny whipped off his towel and rubbed his hair with it.


I stared at his magnificence. I was mesmerized. There, Danny was, his perfect body naked. Danny grinned as a dare to take him. He expected me to reach out and pull him into my embrace. Painful to resist, but I had to.

Instead, I smiled and kissed his shoulder. Danny smirked and pulled me into his arms, pressing his lips against mine for the kisses Danny knew I’d be powerless to resist.

!” I squealed, and he grinned.

Danny kiss
ed me again, urgently this time. His power pushed us into the pillows. Our hearts beat rapidly together as one. My head spun as we kept our lips locked together. His kisses, and his touch, drove me to an unparalleled frenzy. Danny wanted me so badly and I wanted him as much. I lost all control when he entered me, and I didn’t care.              

time,” Danny murmured to me a while later. We had been lying peacefully in each other’s arms. He was gently playing with my hair and I was absent-mindedly tracing abstract patterns on his chest with my finger.

sure know how to ruin a girl’s good time,” I pouted. I clasped my hands around his neck and delicately kissed his lips.

Danny smiled
, his eyes twinkling. “I love you, Miss Eli.”

His gentle hands held my cheeks as he kissed my impatient lips.


a long noisy dinner, Danny and I hung out downstairs watching the 84-inch 3D television Dad had installed earlier in the fall. Peace, quiet and the hot tub awaited as the perfect antidote.

Danny and I waited
impatiently to see if anyone else planned to use the hot tub tonight. Fingers crossed – nobody would want to. Meanwhile, we watched an old romcom while listening to the rhythm of the house.

“I keep expecting Teddy,” I whispered to Danny.

“Don’t sweat it. Teddy’s not going to bother us,” Danny said with certainty.

“How do you know?”

“Because I threatened him. If Teddy dares to come down here without my permission he’ll be skiing alone tomorrow.”

Tomorrow. I was dreading it already.
I had serious reservations about my ability to get out of bed in the morning. Usually it was the day after when being charley-horsed set in. If I was this bad tonight, I didn’t want to think about tomorrow.

Danny wouldn’t allow me to sulk in bed. Danny would twinkle those sapphire eyes I couldn’t resist. Then Danny would smile that special smile he reserved for me, the one that lit his face and sent my head swirling. The pain would be unbearable, but those eyes and that smile. The promise of a day with them would motivate me past the agony.

I didn’t want to
listen to the comings and goings of our household members any longer. I wanted my evening to begin. 

“Help me up?” I aske
d Danny. “I want to change.”

Danny, graceful as
a gazelle, stood, reached out his hand and pulled me up.

“Ow, ow, ow,” I grimaced.

“Eli, you’re not playing. You really do hurt.”

“Yes,” I hissed.
“Finally he believes me!”

was waiting by the time I changed into my new bikini. Silver-colored rings held the navy swirl confection together. More revealing than my usual, it was intended for the most private of parties. 

sauntered over to Danny and confidently tilted my chin toward him. His mouth was agape, his eyes popping. To get this reaction, the bikini was worth every penny it had cost and then some.

I ran my fingernail across his lower lip and smiled.
“Glad you approve.” 

Danny swept m
e into his arms and kissed me. His warm touch against my exposed skin threatened to cloud my mind. I didn’t want that, so I pulled away and took Danny’s hand. “Hot tub,” I commanded.

“That can wait,” he answered
with a sly smile.

I thought you understood. I am in serious pain. I need bubble therapy.”

“Elizabeth, you’re
killing me, love.” I gave him a flirty shrug. “Did you ask your stylist to only choose clothes to torture me with?” Danny laughed.

“Of course not.
I pick my own clothes to torture you with. Let’s go.”

Danny picked up two thick white terry robes from
the bed and tossed one to me. “Eli, you’ll want this. We’re not in Malibu,” he said while putting on the other.

.” And I dramatically blew Danny a kiss. 

Danny was right. We needed the robes. While t
he hot tub was only a few steps from the door, the air temperature had to be down to the teens.

Bubbly steam
rose from the ground in front of us. I let my robe slip off my shoulders to the heated floor tiles.

watched my every move. For his benefit, I vamped it up. I smiled at him and then winked while shimmying my shoulders. I hadn’t been thinking. This was not the weather for flirting while wearing a bikini. I dashed for the hot tub. It was sooooo cold out! 

lowered myself into the welcoming bubbles and settled on the tiled seat by a jet. Danny joined me. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed the side of my neck. I smiled and removed his hands. Danny frowned, disappointed by this rebuff.

“Daniel, you don’t get it.
I am in pain.” I emphasized the word ‘pain.’ 

“Where do you hurt the most?” he asked tenderly.

“Everywhere but here.” I indicated my heart.

eyed me skeptically. 

Mostly my shoulders, back, butt and thighs.”

don’t understand,” he laughed “For a girl who’s always exercising, how can you be so out of shape?”

“I am not out of shape!” I protested.

“Wrong word. E, your shape looks great. It’s your muscles that suck.”

“Thanks a lot, Daniel. Must I remind you, I was in a cast for a month

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

I didn’t want to bring up my ankle. An argument would be counterproductive.

sighed and softened his voice. “Let me take a look.”

I turned my back toward Danny and he began to knead my shoulders and back.

“Baby, you are really tight. Your knots have knots.”

Danny kissed my neck, sending
shivers through me despite the heat of the water. Then he swept my hair around to one shoulder and again began expertly massaging my neck and shoulders. Danny’s strong hands knew exactly what they were doing. Soon the tension left my body.  This was great!

“Where did you learn this?” I purred.
I was practically in a trance.

“I have to
keep some secrets from you, babe.”

“This should not be one of them.”

Danny kissed my neck again which unleashed a new round of shivers.

“They don’t do that at the spa,” I

“They better not.”

Danny untied the bow at my neck. The small fabric triangles fell forward. My massage continued for another few minutes. Total, heavenly bliss.

“I’ll do better
when we go in,” Danny said as he stopped. I couldn’t imagine it being any better, but if he said so.

Then Danny effortlessly lifted me onto his lap. In the hot tub, I was weightless. He
cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. My breath was taken away.

My arms
laced around Danny’s neck and his wrapped around my shoulders and back as I sat sideways, my feet playing in the wake of the nearby jet. Our eyes locked on each other’s with unmatched intensity.

“I love you, Elizabeth. More than anything,” Danny whispered.

“I love you too, Daniel. Always.”

Danny and I
pressed closer and closer like two magnets that couldn’t defy the laws of physics. Our lips never separated. We were oblivious to everything but each other as the jets created a hot, pulsating swirl that enveloped us.

Soon I felt Danny’s hardness probing, wanting to enter me. We exchanged knowing smiles, and I nodded. Danny peeled back the fabric of his swim trunks, freeing himself from its confines. My insides clenched in anticipation.

Then he lifted me, my back against his chest. As he did so, he moved the fabric of my bikini bottom aside and settled me on top of him. I gasped at his entrance and moaned. With his hands on my breasts and his lips feathery on my neck, the fullness was exquisite. My hands pressed on his thighs and I began to move rhythmically, losing myself in his love. 

“Ahem,” a throat cleared from behind us. Shit!

“Dad!” Danny exclaimed.

Danny and I abruptly stopped, looking at each other in panicked fear. His hardness wilted and slipped out. Danny pulled me into his chest, shielding me from view while he re-tied my bikini top.

Had Steve seen
us? Had he recognized our movements and heard our moans?  Thankfully our backs were toward him. Neither Danny nor Steve could see the shade of crimson I had turned. I wanted to drown myself out of embarrassment. 

I kept
my face buried against Danny. This was so much worse than Teddy’s interruption. 

“Sorry. I didn’t see…
The landscaping…” Steve stammered.

It’s okay,” Danny cut him off. 

It was
painful. Steve was as uncomfortable, and nothing shocked Steve.

I shyly turned around.
“Hi,” I said tentatively.

“Red looks good on you, Elizabeth,” he said sternly
, having regained his composure.

“Dad, we’re sorry,” Danny apologized. “
We weren’t really doing anything.”

felt myself blush worse than before, knowing what a lie that was.

Really? Then I’m glad I didn’t show up when nothing became something.” Steve said pointedly, seeing through Danny’s lie.

thought everyone was sleeping,” Danny explained, further putting his sizeable foot in his mouth.

“That’s why
it’s called a common area. Anyone can use it. Any time.”  Danny and I fell silent, chastened like naughty children being disciplined. “You have a bedroom. Use it.”

BOOK: Hollywood Princess
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