Read Home Is Where the Heat Is Online

Authors: Amelia James

Tags: #sexual situations, #amelia james, #adult literature, #evolved publishing, #Fiction, #Romance, #erotic, #erotic romance, #sex, #home is where the heat is, #Contemporary Romance

Home Is Where the Heat Is (11 page)

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“Are you okay?” JT rubbed her back, circling his hand between her stiff shoulder blades.

His gentle massage worked magic on her body, so she let him touch her despite the danger. “I’m so tired of worrying that someone is going to see us.”

“So stop worrying.” He sat beside her, kneading her taut flesh with talented fingers.

The tension in her neck eased and her head rolled to one side. “Just like that?”

“Yep. Forget about ‘what if’ and enjoy the moment.”

A smile soothed her lips. “That sounds like a fortune cookie.”

His hands wandered down her back to her hips. “Hey, if you’d like to add ‘in bed’ to that statement, I’m more than happy to help.”

She let him massage her thigh, his fingers teasing along the hem of her skirt. “But we’d have to leave the building to accomplish that.”

“Not necessarily.” JT eyed the dim hallway near the restrooms. Then he grinned at her and leaned close, brushing his lips on her ear as she stiffened again. “I’ll bet you like having sex in public.”

Her heart did a somersault at the thought of him dragging her down that hall, lifting her skirt, watching someone watch them as he stroked her exposed skin. “I’ve never tried it.”

“No time like the present.” He slipped off his chair and grabbed her hand.

“Whoa.” She pulled back and planted her feet. “The DA’s office is right outside, remember?”

He turned back and retook his seat. “All right. I’ll find a better place to explore your exhibitionist side.” He leaned back and perused her ass. “Your backside, too.”

I’m counting on it.
She cupped his chin in her hand and redirected his gaze. “Let’s play pool. That’s harmless enough.”

He followed her to the deserted table. “You play?”

She pulled a couple of quarters from her pocket and let the porcelain balls tumble. “Yes, I do. My grandpa taught me when I was a little girl.”

“Are you screwing with me?”

“Not yet.” She winked and racked up the balls. “Come on. Afraid to lose again?”

“Fuck, no.” He ripped a cue stick off the wall and joined her. “Ladies first.”

“You’re going to regret that.” She sank three balls off the break.

JT slapped his palm over his face. “Fuck me with an honest woman.” But he got to take a few shots before she beat him. “Best two out of three?”

“Let’s go.”

He managed to win the next game, then their challenge became three of five, four of seven, five of whatever. By the time sunset cast long shadows on the gleaming office windows threatening them, they’d lost track of who’d won or lost.

Claire glanced at her watch and then across the street. Five o’clock. Her colleagues would start leaving the building any minute now, gathering at the pub, asking her to join them—noticing her with JT, asking questions she couldn’t answer. “Let’s go out and have some fun.”

His wicked blue eyes widened as a smug smile twisted his lips. “Say that again?”

She crossed her arms under her breasts to keep from smacking him upside the head, and in the process, drew his gaze to her uplifted chest. “Fun. You know what that is, right?”

“I’m familiar with the concept. The part that boggled my mind is going
. When Kurt walked in, I had to pin you down.” He winked. “Not that I’m complaining. What changed?”

Nothing’s changed, but this time I’m taking you with me.
“I’ve been restraining myself all week. I need to blow off some steam.”

He tossed his cue stick on the table and threaded his fingers through her hair. “Oh hell, sweet thing, if that was you restrained, I can’t wait to turn you loose.”

“Neither can I.” The stress of hiding and running had wound her up tighter than her first training bra. She uncrossed her arms and pressed her breasts into him, but the door jingled and in walked an attorney who’d been in court this week. Claire stomped on her impulse to duck and run, and slid back slowly so as not to draw attention to them.

JT glanced over his shoulder at the woman in a suit similar to Claire’s. “A lawyer?”

She bent over the table and nodded while pretending to line up a shot.

He reached for her elbow, but when she snatched her arm away, he held up his hands. “Let’s slip out the door quietly so she won’t notice.”

She watched the lawyer take a seat at the bar with her back to them. “I need to go home and get out of my work clothes.”

“Yes, you do.” His fingers twitched as if itching to assist.

“And into something less legal.” The desire to wear something scandalous bolstered her urge to flee. “Where should we meet?”

“I’m going with you.”

“You are
. Don’t you trust me?”

JT laughed. “Not at all.”

Claire shuddered as heads turned in their direction. “Cheese and… damn it!” She whacked his leg with the pool cue and ran out the door.


“Woman!” JT’s shin throbbed as scrambled after her.
Another chase? When will she learn I’ll always go after her?
He jumped into his truck and guessed she was heading straight for home, so he took an alternate route, sped through a couple of yellow lights, and beat her there.

She pulled into her garage and marched toward him as he ducked under the closing door. “Cheese and crackers! What if someone had seen us? You found my house without help. They’d think we’d been fooling around the whole time!”

“Haven’t we?”

“That’s not the point!” She sputtered and flung her purse at the interior door. “We still have to be careful. I know people in this neighborhood. Someone might—”

He snatched her shoulders and clamped his mouth down on hers, plunging his tongue between her lips as he trapped her against the car.

Claire whimpered and went silent as he dragged his hands down her back and cupped her ass, lifting her body into his rigid crotch. She gasped when he came up for air.

He panted into her hair. “You worry too much.”

“You talk too much.” She grabbed the back of his neck and yanked him down for more kissing. He melted into her, limb by limb, molding into her body like it was meant for him. Thick molten heat enveloped them, lighting a slow fuse that sparked at a leisurely pace.

He leaned back and sank his hands into her silky hair. “Is this what you meant by fun?”

She ran her fingertips down his chest. “Eventually, but I still want to go out.”

Her patience is gonna kill me.
“I thought we had to be careful.”

A daring smile colored her cheeks. “People will be less likely to recognize me in the outfit I have in mind.”

JT’s blood boiled. “I’d like to see that.”

“Come on.” She collected her purse and unlocked the door into a dim hallway.

“Do you ever turn the lights on?”

She laughed and flipped a switch, but led him out of the light and directed him to the couch. “Wait here.”

He sat down but got up again as soon as she slipped out of sight. Half-melted candles still decorated the living room. A few dirty dishes sat on the kitchen counter, but he ignored them and gazed out the sliding glass doors to the backyard. Couldn’t see much of anything in the dark other than a few short trees lining the fence and light coming from the neighbor’s dining room. They’d have plenty of privacy with the blinds closed… or open. He laid his hand on the cold glass.
Wonder how she’d like her bare ass mashed up against that?

A closet door slammed shut, and he heard something zip as he hurried back to the living room. Claire strolled down the hall wearing badass boots buckled up to her knees, a short-short skirt and a tight top he could see straight through, revealing a black bra that barely contained her awesome breasts. A low whistle slipped through his teeth. “You think I’m gonna let you out of the house in

She stood up straight and steady on her mile-high heels. “You don’t have a choice.”

“Hmm….” JT moved close and traced the top of her bra with his finger. “We could stay in and….” He let his hand slip under her skirt and finish that thought.

She shivered. “I bought this top months ago, but I’ve never had a chance to wear it. I want to be seen in it.”

He stepped back and surveyed her. “There’s plenty to see.”

“I know.”

He fondled the cup. “Plenty to feel.”

“Mmm… you’ll get to feel all you want, especially after we go out and I get to show off a little.” Her breast caressed his palm as her breathing deepened and her eyes sparkled.

“You want an audience.” That little fact had been obvious from the moment she walked into the courtroom in her flaming red blouse.

She bit her lip and nodded.

“You like to be shared and appreciated, the center of attention.” He could easily give her what she wanted, or he could keep her all to himself. For once, the choice made itself easy.

“Oh yes.” The words escaped her in a sigh, and her body heated as she pressed close to him.

He slid his hand into her hair and caressed the back of her neck. “All right. I’ll indulge you.”

She arched and purred. “And I’ll return the favor.”

A furious tingle uncurled in his pants and sought satisfaction between her thighs. “Mmm… yeah.” He nudged his stiff crotch against her skirt and slipped his tongue into her hot mouth.

Claire moaned and wobbled, clinging to him as their tongues tangled. He stumbled and crushed her against the wall, hitching her up to ride his hips. The top of her head hit a picture frame and knocked it down.

“Shit, sorry.” He set her feet on the floor.

She adjusted her skirt and bent over to pick up the photo. “That’s okay.”

He jammed his hands in his pockets to keep from fondling her fine ass. “We should go before I yank that skirt off.”

She laughed and wiggled her butt against his straining zipper as she hung the picture back on the wall.

“Unless you want to go out in your underwear. I’m sure that would get lots of attention.”

“Come on.” She grabbed his hand and led him back to the garage.

But he changed direction and dragged her out the front door. “Let’s take my truck. We don’t need to drive separate vehicles.”

“Oh. Right. No one will see us at night.”

He rolled his eyes and opened the door for her. “Scoot all the way over.” He watched her slide across, then got into the driver’s side and started it up. “I want to grope you at stop lights.”

Claire giggled and slipped her hand down his thigh.

“Where are we going?” JT asked at the top of the street.

“Downtown. There’s a club I like that has different rooms for 70s music, 80s music, and current stuff.”

He gritted his teeth and shifted gears. “I hate 70s music.”

“But it’s easy to dance to. I’m not a natural so I need all the help I can get.”

“If I get you drunk enough, you won’t care.”

“That helps, too.”

He slowed for a yellow light, and as soon as it turned red, he stepped on the brakes and kissed her. She squeezed his thigh, and he rubbed hers until the light changed and the idiot behind them honked.

“Just wait, asshole,” she hissed out the back window.

Hmm… excited.

Most of the traffic headed in the opposite direction, and finding a place to park took no time at all. They left their coats in the truck and shivered all the way down the street. JT wrapped Claire in his arms until the hot, throbbing dance music penetrated their chilly skin. Every man and a few women they passed turned to gawk at her. He wanted to pull his shirt off and throw it over her, but her smile brightened the darkened club, and she walked with pride in her step. He’d made the right choice bringing her here, and he refused to let anything crush her infectious spirit.

She guided him to the 70s room where a life-size statue of Darth Vader with a glowing red lightsaber greeted them. Groovy colors splattered the walls, and a sparkling disco ball scattered light across the dance floor.

JT spotted the bar real quick. “I need a drink.”

Claire danced next to him while he ordered a couple of beers. “See?” She wiggled her hips and bounced her breasts slightly off the beat. “Easy.”

He laughed and handed her the bottle. “Drink up, Rebel.”

They downed their beers, and then she pulled him onto the dance floor. He watched her move until he caught the rhythm, but he stayed back and let her perform while several other dancers circled around her, drawn either by her carefree dancing or her daring clothes. JT couldn’t tell, but Claire didn’t seem to care why she gathered a crowd as long as they were focused on her. Her magnetic smile attracted him, an irresistible force that neutralized any choice he might’ve had. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her close. “You’re beautiful.”

Her eyes sparkled under the spinning lights, and she slid her hands up his chest and locked them behind his neck. “Kiss me.”

A bold move for his cautious paralegal, but JT obeyed without question. He swept her mouth with his tongue, tightening his grip as she swooned against him. Heat swirled between them, and the violent rush that nearly consumed him earlier returned with greater force. Their moves mimicked the pounding music, driving their bodies against each other and pushing the limits of public decency.

He grabbed her hair and jerked her head back, taking a few deep breaths to return oxygen to his sizzling brain. “The next time we dance, we need to do it someplace private so I can appreciate your body without getting arrested.”

Her swollen lips curved in a trembling smile. “I’ve had enough performing for one night. Take me home.” She leaned forward and nibbled the base of his throat. “Now.”

JT groaned and closed his eyes as her tongue tickled his burning skin. “If we make it that far.”

“Good point.” She gasped for breath and ground on his rigid cock. “Wait.”

“Can’t.” He grabbed her ass and held her tight against him.

“Me neither. There’s a restroom downstairs.” She peered through the crowd toward the back wall. “Come with me.” She led him to a stairwell lit in day-glo colors, and the chorus of
blared from the speakers.

“This must be the 80s room.”

“We’re not staying.”

BOOK: Home Is Where the Heat Is
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