Read Home Is Where the Heat Is Online

Authors: Amelia James

Tags: #sexual situations, #amelia james, #adult literature, #evolved publishing, #Fiction, #Romance, #erotic, #erotic romance, #sex, #home is where the heat is, #Contemporary Romance

Home Is Where the Heat Is (20 page)

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“Thanks for inviting me. I had a great time.”

“Me too. Next time we’ll include Claire.” JT grinned as his friend lit up.

Kurt nodded, then turned his attention back to the game as a whistle screeched. “What? Are you fucking blind, ref?”

JT shook his head and pushed his way through the screaming crowd. The rebuild had demanded too much of his time, but if his luck held, he’d be finished with it soon, and then he could give Claire all the attention she wanted. He wrapped his fist around the arrowhead and hoped her patience didn’t run out.


Chapter 14

Claire’s porch light flickered on as JT knocked on her front door. He shivered and waited, then knocked again.
Is she asleep?
Or is she ignoring me?
He could see the lamp in the living room through a gap in the curtains, and the kitchen lights blazed too. He shoved up his sleeve and read his watch. Barely past ten.

“Claire!” His voice echoed down the quiet street.

Scrambling footsteps approached and locks released, then Claire pulled the door open and peeked outside. “Hi. Sorry, I uh….”

Appeared to be stalling. “Are you punishing me?”

“For what?”

“For working overtime all week, cancelling last Friday.”


And? Fuck me with a question mark.
“Can I come in? It’s freezing out here.”

She stepped back and let him in, clutching a towel around herself. Damp hair curled on her bare shoulders, and the scent of warm soap wafted from her skin. “You said makeup sex, so you must’ve done something worth making up.”

Her dewy skin begged to be touched, but JT stopped short of stroking her shoulder. “I missed you. Isn’t that enough?”

A tiny smile lifted the corner of her mouth. “It’s a start.”

“Well shit, sweet thing, if you’d tell me what I need to atone for, I’d drop to my knees and kiss your fine ass until I’m forgiven.”

Her eyes lit up. “That could take a while.”

He tugged on the towel, and she let it drop, revealing her naked body underneath. She shoved his jacket off as he pulled her close and brushed his lips on her neck. “Then I’ll lick every sweet spot I can find until you thank me for fucking up.”

She maneuvered him down the hall to her bedroom, pulling his belt open and sliding his zipper down while he fondled her warm breasts. He backed her up against the bed, then he tripped her and they fell onto the soft mattress. JT kissed Claire’s neck and shoulders while she ripped his shirt off.


Claire couldn’t have timed that shower better if she tried. A car door had slammed, alerting her to his presence as she’d towel-dried her hair. She’d had no time to get dressed, but that had made getting to the bedroom easy.

Much too easy.

Why’d she cave so quickly? She’d intended to have it out with him—to explain why she’d delayed answering his text, discuss her concerns about his work schedule—but as soon as he’d gotten her naked, her good intentions had melted under his magic touch.

And now they lay tangled on her fresh sheets, wrestling his pants off.

JT crawled over her, parting her thighs with his knees while he kissed up her body to her mouth, but she pushed him back.
Damn it, the bastard needs to earn this.

“Nope. You have some ass-kissing to do.” She yelped as he grabbed her ankles and flipped her over.

“Mmm….” He massaged a fleshy mound in each hand, then he bent over and nipped her.

“Ow! That’s not kissing.”

“Sorry.” He pressed his lips to the stinging spot. “I’m so, so sorry.”

She moaned into a pillow as he fondled her butt with his mouth, slipping his tongue out to tease, using his lips to caress.

“I need to fuck up more often,” he whispered in the crease above her thigh.

“Uh-huh.” She wiggled as his tongue flicked from one cheek to the next.

He planted a sloppy kiss in the middle of her left mound. “Am I off the hook yet?”

“Fuck no.”

“Good.” He nudged her thighs apart with his nose, licking down toward her wet flesh.

She bent her knees slightly, raising her hips off the bed to give him access to her hungry clit, and he slipped a hand under her stomach and slid his fingers into her folds, spreading them, holding her captive while he licked.

“Fuck me.” She moaned and bit the pillow.

“Mmm… nope. Gotta finish my penance.” The longest finger on his free hand dipped inside her pussy, stroking and twisting while his tongue flirted with her clit.

“Don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop!” She rocked against his hands and face, possessing him while he owned her demanding flesh.

She let go of the pillow and grabbed her nipple, pinching shock waves down to her occupied bottom half. Ripples cascaded the full length of her body. Her toes curled and her roots tingled. “Ah shit! Not yet! I don’t want it yet.”

But she couldn’t stop the orgasm from ripping her apart no matter how much she cursed it.

Claire quivered on the damp sheets while JT kissed his apology all over her tender parts.

“Ass-kissing is done.” He sat back on his knees and grabbed her thighs, yanking her back as he rammed his cock into her.

“Oh!” She writhed on his lap. “What the fuck are you doing to me?”

“Punishing you.”

Deliberate thrusts rocked her. “Why?”

“Because you need it.” He fell over her, pinning her thighs between his while they fucked. “You need to be reminded that you can’t always have what you want.” He grabbed her hair and fucked her full-length, grinding his hard body on her soft skin. “But I’ll do my Goddamn fucking best to make sure you get what you need.”

“You bastard.”

“That’s right.” He nipped her neck and growled in her ear. “If you think
can keep me away from this pussy, then I’ve got to prove you wrong.”

Mere words meant little to Claire—she’d heard them before—but when coupled with his compelling acts, his confession convinced her. A tear slipped down her cheek as he forced hard evidence on her, over and over again.

He pulled her up on her knees, driving inside her as she slid against him. He turned her head and they shared a desperate, slippery kiss. His cock throbbed, pushing her over the edge.

“JT!” She reached behind them and grabbed his ass, digging into his hot flesh while he came, groaning into her mouth.

They fell on the bed, still tangled and sweating. His heart pounded against her back, and her breath came in short gasps as his weight crushed her into the mattress.

“Thank you.” She sighed and he laughed. “Now I can’t remember why I was mad at you.”

“That’s the idea.” He nibbled her neck, sending tiny waves of pleasure rippling down her spine.

God, I missed this.
“Oh wait.”

“Damn it.” He rolled onto his side and swept clinging hair from her cheek. “Tell me.”

Would he listen? Michael never wanted to. “I’m afraid… I tend to….” How could she tell him she felt threatened by another guy? “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too.” He hugged her close and flipped the blankets over them, wrapping her in a cocoon of his warmth and security.

Apparently he’d settled in for the night, and that lightened her heart, but she skirted around the truth. “I didn’t realize you worked so much. I guess the trial was kind of a vacation for you.”

“Jury duty was a picnic compared to this project, especially since I got to enjoy you.” The tip of his nose brushed hers as he kissed her. “But my work schedule is overloaded right now because of the fire. My job is pretty much nine to five, Monday through Friday. And in the winter, I have lots of down time when the weather is bad.”

She smiled and tucked his wayward bangs behind his ear. “Then I’ll hope for a blizzard.”

“Ha. Wicked Rebel.” He slid his hands down her back, massaging as if to lessen the burden of his words. “Summer can get pretty busy, but even then I only have to work overtime when something unexpected happens.”

It all made perfect sense. Even she spent more time at the office when Alex was preparing for a case. She couldn’t fault JT for dedicating extra hours to his business. “I know.” She pressed her face into his shoulder, breathing in his warm, masculine scent and letting it replenish her strength.

His fingers curled in her hair, and he pulled her head back so she had to face him. “Then what are you afraid of?”

She closed her eyes, unable to put off the real issue any longer. “Losing this contest.”

“What contest?

“You worked all week, and I understand that, but when you finally got some free time, you spent it with Kurt.” She didn’t mean to whine, but she’d gotten so tired of playing this old game—and losing. “I feel like I’m competing with him… and I don’t know how.”

A goofy smile danced in his eyes, but lucky for him, the tightly wrapped blanket prevented her from smacking it right off his stupid face.
Why did I think he’d take me seriously?

He caught her flailing fingers and pressed them to his lips. “Trust me, Rebel, you aren’t even on the same playing field with Genius. You don’t have the same equipment, and I prefer yours.” He cupped her breast and flicked her nipple with his thumb.

“That’s not what I meant.” But his persistent hand completely rebuffed her argument. She struggled as he rolled on top of her, binding their bodies closer together while he teased her mouth with his tongue. “Damn it, stop distracting me.”

He pinched her nipple and wedged his knee between her parting thighs. “Do you want me to be serious now?”

“Mmm… maybe.” Hot shivers rattled her composure as he ground against her, but she held on to one last shred of sanity and grabbed the back of his neck, forcing him to focus on her words. “I just want to know that I don’t have to fight for your attention. I know I can’t be your entire life, but….” She left that sentence unfinished as his jaw tightened.
Holy hell, where am I going with this?
Her fingers uncurled and she released him.

Forever passed into oblivion, and her heart stopped.

His gaze pierced her soul. “But you want to be the center of my world.”

She shook her head even as her heart screamed
. “I couldn’t ask for that much.”

“You just did.”

She tried to read him, but the gambler revealed no tells. “It’s not reasonable.”

The corner of his mouth lifted, cracking his poker face. “Who says you have to be reasonable? We’re not in court anymore, Rebel. Take off your legal panties and grab what you want with both hands—”

His firm ass tightened as she clamped down on it.

He laughed on her lips. “And don’t let go.” He kissed her, hard and deep, sweeping his tongue into her mouth with commanding force.


I can’t be your entire life.

Well, why the hell not?
Claire’s words made JT’s stomach quiver. Getting so serious so soon freaked the hell out of him, but only until he realized that Claire
to be his. She wanted
. He’d never been surprised when his relationships ended—he’d expected them to. True love did
wait for him despite what some cheap fortune cookie said, and never would. Her concerns about his work schedule could’ve been a deal-breaker, but they’d worked through it, and she wanted him right where she had him.

Her death grip on his ass left little doubt about that.

How could she have thought she had to compete with Kurt? He’d gladly ditch the geek for a night in her bed. “Why didn’t you come to the game with us?”

She squirmed, realizing he’d called her bluff. “I didn’t want to intrude.”

“You’re not much of a competitor. Ow.” He’d forgotten about her hand on his ass.

Her lips made a pretty pout. “And I had plans.”

Plans that obviously kept her at home near her phone. “Is that right? Did you enjoy them?” He leaned down and nibbled the pulsing skin under her ear.

“Yes, I did.” She sighed indulgently. “I was having a wonderful evening until you took over.”

I took over?
He recalled being made to kiss her ass. “I didn’t hear any complaining.” JT propped himself up on his elbow and played with her hair as she wound his chain around her finger.

“The only reason I responded to your booty call was to burn off dinner.”

So he’d interrupted her plans and forced his agenda on her with his text. “That was kinda rude, huh?”

But a sparkle played in her eyes as she rolled him over. “And oddly appealing.”

He caught her hips and pulled her across his lap, making note of her satisfied smile as she arched her back, displaying her beautiful breasts. “I’ll make it up to you.”

“I thought you just did.”

“No, this was just for fun.” He palmed a breast and drew circles over her nipple with his thumb. “I blew you off all week and then went out with a buddy.” Taking Kurt to the game had allowed him to unwind and refocus his energy on Claire. “Making up for that is going to require days of rude but appealing sex.”

Her face lit up. “Oh, I like that idea.”

Collecting his thoughts proved to be difficult with her wiggling on his lap, but he managed to ignore his stiffening dick for the moment. “I gotta work this weekend to get the project back on schedule, but next weekend I’ll take you away from all of this—no work, no distractions, just us.”

She purred and cuddled on his chest. “Keep talking.”

He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair while mulling over their options. “Let’s go someplace close, but where no one knows us, where you can dress as slutty as you want, and we can play some risky games.” A couple of choices immediately occurred to him. “Maybe Blackhawk or Cripple Creek.”

Her head popped up. “A gambling getaway?”

“Yeah, unless you want to do something else.” He smoothed her hair.
Have I forced my agenda on her again?
He’d be perfectly willing to do whatever she wanted.

She smiled and pressed her lips to his chest. “No, that sounds like fun. I’ve never been to Cripple Creek.”

BOOK: Home Is Where the Heat Is
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