Read Home Is Where the Heat Is Online

Authors: Amelia James

Tags: #sexual situations, #amelia james, #adult literature, #evolved publishing, #Fiction, #Romance, #erotic, #erotic romance, #sex, #home is where the heat is, #Contemporary Romance

Home Is Where the Heat Is (3 page)

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“In here.” She stepped aside as the bailiff shoved a rather indignant offender through the door. “I can handle him.”

The guard locked the cell and left them alone.

The prisoner—the impudent Juror Number Four—spun and smiled at her. “I’d like to see that.”

“You will. But first, I have to conduct a search to make sure you’re not hiding any dangerous weapons.” Her gaze slid to the bulge in his crotch.

“Do it at your own risk.” With his hands cuffed behind his back, he could do nothing to stop her.

“I intend to.” She reached for his belt buckle.

He leaned back against the wall and surrendered.

“Objection!” Alex jumped up beside Claire and snapped her back to reality. “Counsel is badgering the witness.”

“Sustained.” The judge rapped her gavel.

Claire buried her nose in her notes, hoping no one noticed the heat on her face, especially the certain someone in the jury box who’d caused it. She focused on the testimony again, no matter how boring it got, and at the end of the day, she handed her observations to Alex… minus the scandalous sex fantasy.

“Good work, very thorough.” He studied the diagram. “Why the circle around four?”

“Huh?” She scrambled for a plausible excuse. “He’s the one the judge warned about
ex parte
And he’s freaking gorgeous.

“Right.” Alex tucked her notes in his file. “Be at the office at eight tomorrow morning.” He smiled and patted her shoulder. “Thanks for your help today.”

“My pleasure.”

“Pleasure?” His eyebrow arched.

Claire hugged her notes to her chest and brushed by him—out the door and down the hall. The line for the elevators was backed up to the courtroom, so she ducked into the stairwell. The crown thinned out before she got to the parking garage, so when her name echoed through the empty space, she froze and the hairs on her neck tingled.

“Hey, O’Connor. Step over here.”

She turned slowly, daring to peek over her shoulder, and spotted Juror Number Four standing in a dim alcove beside the stairwell exit. He smiled and beckoned her. She nearly had an orgasm on the spot.

Ignore him.
Merely acknowledging his presence would violate the judge’s orders and put the trial at risk. She glanced around the deserted garage. After five o’clock hit, the courthouse emptied in a hurry.
Just find out what he wants. No one will see you.

Claire chewed her lip.
What if he wants me?
She had to know. After one more quick scan of her surroundings, she scooted into the dark with him. “What do you think you’re doing? We can’t talk to each other! Did anyone see you?”

He grinned and cradled her elbow, pulling her deeper into the shadows—and closer to himself. “Probably everyone in the building. Lots of people, including other jurors and lawyers, took the stairs. I could’ve been following anyone.”

Her heart raced. Walking through a parking garage alone scared the living daylights out of her even in daylight. Panicked thoughts of being stalked by a strange man lurking in hidden corners occupied her mind at every step. “But you followed me.” Being trapped by
man however….

“With evil intent.”

“So you were listening to Alex’s opening argument.”

“Every damn word.” The mischief in his eyes fled and a troubled look crept over his face. “Did the case creep you out as much as it did me? If that girl’s parents had just paid attention to her, cared about her enough to know where she was supposed to be….” A violent shiver shook him and he crossed his arms, rubbing his shoulders as if to calm himself.

“Yes.” She whispered.

His jaw twitched as if her answer had triggered an unpleasant memory. He’d been a victim of neglect, or at the very least, suffered his parent’s indifference just as she had.

“We can
talk about the trial!”

“Got it.” His eyes crinkled as his unruly smile reappeared, seeming to chasing away old fears. “I have to confess to lusting over you whenever a lawyer wasn’t talking.” He leaned back against the concrete wall, a casual pose to anyone who might be looking, but Claire saw the raw sex that smoldered underneath.

Way too many lawyers talking.
“So apparently you ignored the judge.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time I disregarded the law.”

Oh how I’d love to hear that story.
But any conversation with a juror during the trial put Alex’s case at risk. “We can
be seen together! There are security cameras everywhere.”

He shook his head. “Except in this one overlooked corner. It’s the only blind spot in the building.”

Dear God, is he a stalker?
“How do you know that?”

“Because I helped build it.”

She remembered seeing “construction” listed as his occupation. “Does that mean I’m safe with you?” Did she want him to answer that? If so, how?

His blue eyes sparkled in the dim light, and his grin spread wide, revealing the evil intent he’d confessed to earlier. He slid his hand into her hair and stepped close, his lips just a hot breath from hers. “Never.”

Shivers ran down her spine, and she hugged her notes to her chest like a shield. With a few words, this man had become a danger to Alex, their case, and the entire justice system. He may have presented no threat to her life or valuables, but talking with him could mean the end of her legal career. And yet, she lowered her defenses and put her uncorrupted soul in peril by lingering in that secret spot. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to deliver the invitation on her lips.

The errant juror had no such reservations. “Have dinner with me.”

In any other circumstances, she’d be free to accept. The laws of the State of Colorado, and possibly the United States—she’d have to research that—forbade her to talk to him. Technically, just saying no could get her thrown in jail. “I can’t.”

“That’s exactly why you should.”

Grr… why did he have to get selected?
“Mr. Luck, we need to end this conversation.”


“JT, thank you for your invitation, but I can’t go out with you.” She slid her files between them again and walked away.

He remained hidden in the shadows, but his words pursued her. “But you want to, Rebel.”

Her pumps scraped the concrete floor as she stopped and turned. “Excuse me? My name is Claire.”

A smile lit the dark. “Hmm… no. Too ordinary for you. You’re a rebel in your screaming red blouse, and heels that have to violate the dress-code.”

Claire gasped. “I never violated anything.”

“You will.” The unmistakable promise in his eyes heated their private space. “You did the moment you spoke to me. Take a chance.
Dinner with me
.” He emphasized the last three words as if offering a lottery jackpot.

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!
The man’s arrogant invitation demanded acceptance, not because he’d said so, but because she’d lacked male companionship too long. But no, she’d taken a chance on a wild fling before, and ended up the loser… again. “I’m not a gambler.”

He stepped into the light. “I am.”

“Are you willing to risk this trial? Throw justice right out the window?” If he said yes, if he cared so little….

“No.” He dropped back into the shadows.

Her fear of being caught disappeared, replaced by a more sickening dread that churned her stomach. JT had committed to the spirit of the law, if not the letter, but would he show the same devotion to her?

She’d misjudged men before. Will had seemed like a dependable man, but as a couple, they’d burned out fast. Could a guy who flaunted the law give her the stability she wanted? Michael had been secure… with his work. JT appeared to be both dependable and secure, but someone who tossed aside a judge’s orders like yesterday’s sandwich should be avoided at all costs.

“What if…?”
Cheese and rice! What are you thinking?
“I live on the west side, far away from the courthouse. We can’t go out in public, so what if you came over to my place?” The invitation escaped her before she could change her mind. “Tomorrow night. I’ll order dinner. We could stay inside, close all the blinds….” What other precautions should she take?

“Can’t do it.”

“Oh.” Of course, now that she’d reminded him of his legal obligation, he had to say no. She stared at the floor, frowning at the scuff on her shoe.


That promising word lifted her spirit. She looked up and blinked until her eyes adjusted. Dangerous merriment lit his face, and a mental list of all the obstacles to tonight raced through her brain. She hadn’t done the breakfast dishes, her half-folded laundry still lay on her coffee table.
Did I make my bed?

“I’m not ready.”

“Get ready.”

Oh and that pesky thing called the
. “But we just met.”
That’s your excuse?

Laughter echoed through the garage, and Claire darted into the corner, cowering against JT’s quaking chest and searching for the source.

He gasped and inhaled. “That’s the worst brush-off I’ve ever heard.”

“You’re the one laughing?”

“Good joke, Reb. Tell me another one.”

She pushed off him and smoothed her rumpled blouse. “I’m leaving.”

“I’ll follow.”

“No, no, no, no, no.” She shushed him and drove him back. “It’s too dangerous. Give me an hour.”

“Give me your address.”

She searched for a pen, but decided against writing anything down. “It’s 3321 Aspen Drive, Wheat Ridge. Remember it. No paper trail, no texts, nothing that could be used as evidence.” Alex had taught her well.

“I know that neighborhood.”

She’d interrogate him later. “Good, then you won’t get lost.”

He put his hands on her shoulders and slid them down her arms, pulling her close. “Afraid of losing me, Rebel?” His body brushed hers, and the friction between them warmed that cold, dark corner.

Afraid of missing the opportunity to explore the smoldering sexuality underneath his laid-back charm? “Not at all.”

“One hour.” His gaze drifted over her shoulder, and they both froze as an SUV rounded the corner and headed toward the exit. “Go.”

She nodded and ran to her car.
What have I done?
Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of available men in the city, and she made a date with the one specifically forbidden to her.
Maybe I should just sleep with him tonight and get him out of my system.
No longer off-limits, he’d no longer be mysterious. That might do the trick.

She climbed in her car and slammed the door tight. The engine hummed too quietly, so she turned the radio up until her ears hurt, but her troubled thoughts roared louder. She never had sex on the first date. “Oh screw it. I’ve broken dozens of rules today. I might as well break that one, too.”


JT shoved his sleeve back and studied his watch. It wouldn’t take an hour to get to Claire’s place, so he drove home for a quick shower. He put on a clean shirt, found a pair of jeans without too much dirt on them, and ditched his work boots for comfortable but presentable shoes. He Googled her address to refresh his memory, then checked the time again and headed out the door.

Fuck me on the interstate.
Guilt stopped him in his tracks. If he got caught, he’d get kicked off the jury, maybe thrown in jail for a few days, or fined. He could handle all that. But what would happen to Claire? She’d lose her job, no doubt. Probably have to find a new career, maybe even leave the city.

Without thinking, he pulled out his phone and called his sister, Kaylee. Two rings and then a young boy’s voice carried through the earpiece. “Hey, Uncle JT. What’s up?”

“What are you doing answering your mom’s phone, Malcolm?”

“She went out to get groceries and forgot to bring it with her. I thought she might be calling to….” The boy’s words trailed off as he realized the problem with his statement.

JT laughed. The ten-year-old had inherited his father’s book smarts, but his mother’s air-headed tendencies sometimes got the best of him. “Okay, tell her I called.”

“Do you want her to call you back?”

He glanced at the exit sign and calculated the time and distance left to his destination. He’d arrive at Claire’s before his sister got home, and he needed to talk to her before that—before he had to make the choice on his own.

Kaylee would roll her eyes and tell him to be a man or some bullshit like that. After cuffing him upside the head, she’d settle down and listen. He trusted her advice, but as he passed another exit, he realized he’d have to make a decision—and quick. “No, I’ll call her back later.”

“Okay. Dad’s yelling at me to do my homework. Bye!” The kid would probably forget to give his mom the message anyway.

“Later, Mal.” JT ended the call and mentally reviewed his contact list. No one else on his phone could help him wrestle his demons. Sure, he had a lot of friends and talked to strangers like they were family, but he only trusted Kaylee. She’d suffered through the same crap, so she understood.
So does Claire.

He couldn’t talk to her. They’d only shared one illegal conversation, and besides,
was the demon who had him by the balls.
I should cancel.

But how? He had no way to contact her other than going to her house, and that in itself put her at risk. Why this woman? He didn’t need a date tonight. He’d said no to dinner tomorrow because he had plans with another woman—third date plans. Why jeopardize that potential score?

Because Claire appealed to him on more levels than he’d known he possessed. Physically: her silky hair and lush curves just begged to be touched. Sexually: that red blouse demanded to be ripped off. He hoped she’d wear it tonight. If not, he’d do her in those heels. Intellectually: Not many women he’d known turned his brain on, too.

Why pursue a legal career when she obviously loved to break rules? That conversation presented fascinating possibilities.

BOOK: Home Is Where the Heat Is
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